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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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and all of them have participated in all fields so far and had an impressive presence. when it comes to brave baloch men and proud turkmen , it means that golestan province and shirang village have both shiites and sunnis, shiites and sunnis side by side. rang and together are still present in all fields , like today, when they want to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the islamic revolution , they will show their presence in the march on the 22nd of bahman, 1402. as i said, effort is one of the main axes of this village
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. most of the residents of this village are engaged in agricultural work, as usual. you see, the beautiful rapeseed flowers are behind me and it is pleasing to the eye . let them say once again that we still stand by our commitments and the orders of the supreme leader and let everyone know that the enemy will be destroyed again . . niaraq in ardabil province
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is one of these villages that will be a manifestation of glory today in the 22nd bahman march. month. the revolutionary march of the people of niargh village on the 18th of december 1957 was a turning point in the political and revolutionary movements of russians. like at the same time , we are behind the leadership and the province with all our strength. thanks to the islamic revolution
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of iran, many villages in the province, including niarakh , have been skinned and developed, the construction of a sports hall , a rural health community service center, a library, a health house , a telecommunication center, and all educational schools in this village have been put into operation. he is in the field with the same warmth and zeal. until now, they have stood by their revolution and will continue to do so we will be nomads and villagers who gave blood and martyrs so that the tree of the revolution will remain upright. the joy of the epic presence in the march scene in the hearts of the people of thousands of villages of ardabil province, in the excitement of the duty of the islamic religion.
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and we will definitely march with the family , god willing, the people of ganjgah village will definitely participate in the march, god willing, we will participate in the march in jaghnab village. they will participate in february.
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foreign horses living in iran are also present in this procession they will be glorious. we will be with my colleague , mr. khademi, reporter of sed and radio agency . mr. khademi, good morning. hello , dear colleague , ms. hajipour, and good morning to the viewers who are watching the program "salaam correspondent " . how are they present? because we were present last year , we saw the foreign press on this route of the march, and in the virtual space that i was observing, they gave calls that came from the square. ferdowsi, some people from vasal intersection were supposed to start the march and be present . for this example, i would like to give you an example. many of the families of the martyrs of deir ezzor, who
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were martyred in the last few days due to the american airstrikes in the deir ezzor region of syria, said that our martyrs were present last year. but this year we will be present with the photo of our beloved martyrs and in memory of hajj. qasim martyr and in memory of all the martyrs of fatemiyoun army , we will be present and where will he be stationed for you ? i will be present at the intersection of kar street at the beginning of north kargar street, if the foreign press who are with us are currently there with the salam program of my reporter. i have and we will be happy if they come to us and talk with them along with our colleagues. inshallah and god willing, in the atbaa news section that will be broadcast for 20 and 30 minutes on this channel, you can
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see beautiful scenes of the glorious presence of all iranian people throughout the country, as well as foreign nationals living in iran today with photos of the martyrs. yes, today. with the photo of the martyrs , as we mentioned this issue. appointment it is in memory of the martyrs who were present in the fatemiyoun army last year, they were fighters that year, but this year they will join the other martyrs of fatemiyoun to be present . we honor the memory of all the martyrs of our country, the martyrs of the holy defense, the martyrs who defended the shrine, and we thank mr. khademi for let's go and see a report. come on, tell me that tomorrow will open a window to watch
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, or tell me that tomorrow will open a window to watch , sing with me to magdeh about that spring that is not there. from the hope of saying a kiss to its flag , iran's heart is beating. pure name i imagine my language is iran, i am heartbroken, my soul
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is iran, the name is pure, my language is in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am the servant of fata hatami, i am mohammad reza barani, i am khambari , 1365, i was cut off, i was gone. i became deaf after all these interruptions, i am reza mahloufi and i am 42 years old . it is accepted
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, it is a natural thing after every revolution, well, the previous people and the next opposition people, well, the reactions shown by the enemies see that after 40 years, 45 years are still the people support their revolution. see, the people do not have a problem with the principle of the system. in short, the nature of god has created the general public in a way. their hearts are open to what the message is right now. in my opinion, our people are much wiser than listening to the words of the enemy , but with this is the message of the revolution, the message of the islamic revolution and that approach of imam and authority. the supreme leader is a kind of person who willfully or unwillingly
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sits in the heart of a person's soul. in my opinion, today's youth is much better than the youth of that time. really, the test that martyr arman ali vardi took and i think it left a message , he passed away like arman alivardi. there are loved ones whose martyrdom was really oppressed. i could not have done it myself . maybe they beat me a bit. now it has become a taqiyyah. for example, what i want to say is to let go of my life. for example, a 21-year-old man stood firm on his beliefs and his words. on
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his own beliefs. we witnessed a lot of issues that we saw people
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sleep in family from small to big, not from old to young, it is our duty to take the march , it is our duty to defend the revolution, because i love the revolution, i love my nation, i love our homeland, i love it because nizam i like i have to go if they want the system. i invite the dear people of the noble nation of iran to participate in the march with bayan's family, which will be a strong blow to the mouths of iran's enemies.
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well, the march on the 22nd day of bahman in 1,400 districts of the city and 35,000 villages of the country is scheduled to be held today. one of these cities is razan in hamedan. let's go to my fellow reporter , mr. eskandari. hello, mr. eskandari. greetings and good morning, i am at your service, dear colleagues and viewers of the program. i am at your service. hello, the reporter . be healthy, mr. eskandari. please tell me about the ceremony on the 22nd of bahman, which is scheduled to be held in the city of rozen. yes, this is rozen city, a city in the north of hamadan province with a population of 76 thousand people . be it from the beginning of the revolution, in the 8-year war of holy defense, or even now, always
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being at the forefront of the revolution in all fields, here is the city of rozneh, a city that has dedicated more than 320 proud martyrs to the islamic revolution of iran, and today is going to be a 45-year celebration march. the victory of the islamic revolution in rezen city from 10 o'clock. from in front of jamia mosque to education , the people of rozen city should be held in all scenes, whether in elections or in marches. always supportive system and revolution. rezen city in the election debate. it had the highest number of participants in the elections for the consecutive years, and this year , the rozanis have also sworn to keep this record for themselves. today, the 22nd of bahman march
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is going to be held in two big cities and villages of rozan city, god willing. in the city of demaq , from 10:30 in front of the municipality to the community mosque in the newly established part of bakrati in the village of baba nazar , this ceremony is going to be held, god willing, with the enthusiastic presence of the people. radio reporter.
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let's go to an important cultural and artistic event in the blessed decade of fajr che. let's go to the second farsh film festival and join ms. alizadeh, sada vasima news agency reporter , to tell us good morning ms. alizadeh from the last day of this event . i say hello and i also congratulate you on the anniversary of the revolution. we are asking ms. alizadeh from 4l of the second fasht film festival, what's up with the 4l 2nd film festival , the closing ceremony will be held today at milad tower, and today the assignment will be determined that the 42-year-old simorghs. the morning of execution and parviz khan's film. more details from the ceremony will be held tonight. well, usually , both the documentary and the short film section, the routine was such
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that the chosen ones were determined in the closing ceremony. but because this year, after some time, we have the opening ceremony of jeshwara. in the opening ceremony of these two sections, the awards were presented. tonight , we will present the awards for the international section and the national section for 22 of my films, which is the voice of simorgh, and it is going to be awarded in different sections for the best scene design, sound, filming, screenplay , actor, all of these awards will be given tonight. also, if there is anything left about the 42nd festival, the 42nd festival is, fortunately, according to this year the talks we had with the critics and media people in a festival house were much more magnificent than the previous ones, that is, after last year, this year a new procedure had happened in jashara. be with us on the 22nd day of bahman, the national celebration of the passionate movement.
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a bright future showing the hope and national unity of the presence of the old iran, the stand of a revolutionary nation, renewed with the ideals of imam khomeini, may god bless him and grant him peace. pledge of allegiance to imam khamenei maddaleh of the great celebration of the iranian nation in the march on the 22nd of bahman, a saturday at 93 minutes in the morning
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at the same time, i would like to say hello and good morning to my dear viewers , and i would also like to congratulate you on the occasion of the 22nd of bahman, but we have the continuation of the foreign minister's trip to the region . lebanon's hezbollah and islamic jihad officials and hamas and palestinian officials actually met, and now we are continuing the trip , we will have the news if possible , we will come back to this news again, but about pakistan. we know that pakistan's elections were held, but the results have not been announced yet, and that's why some parties, including the leaders of the tehreek-e-insaf party, which we know imran
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khan is from this party and is now in prison , announced that today they are actually sitting in different areas because they claim that the election results were rigged, and we actually have the news from pakistan wants to cooperate with mr. hashemi in this regard. who are from islamabad, let me talk to you, mr. hashemi, hello, good morning , please tell me the latest news about pakistan's elections . poems of pakistan's elections, out of a total of 266 seats in the parliament, 257 seats have been cleared so far, and the candidates affiliated to imran khan's party, who are due to be suspended. this party participated in the elections independently and succeeded in winning 102 seats for nationalization, and muslim nawaz and people
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's parties have won 73 and 54 seats in the parliament so far. there are 134 seats , and it will be a coalition government, the performance of the independent candidates supported by imran khan was far beyond expectations and the leaders of tehreek-e-insaf announced in the election districts and circles that according to their claim, the results have been changed by fraud , and they will protest and hold a safe sit-in. in a statement, the commander of the pakistani army congratulated the people and political parties on the successful holding of the national elections in this country and said that pakistan needs stable hands, bilawal, to get out of anarchy and bipolar politics. zardari has said that the political situation of pakistan is not clear until the role of independent representatives is determined. you know that independent representatives must
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join one of the official parties of pakistan in order to be present in the parliament. he also said that without the people's party, the government will be formed the center and the two states of punjab and balochistan are impossible. this party has won the most votes and seats in these two states. a number of independent representatives supporting imran khan are also with the party. people are calling for a possible coalition. it can also be said that the senior leaders of the pakistan tehreek-e-insaf party underestimate the possibility of joining the muslim unity party, which is a shiite party, and say that it is because this party does not have the quota of women's seats in the national parliament yet. mr. hashemi not making a decision to unite with this party. you talked to us about the latest news from pakistan's elections, but a hint oh, i will do the same to the crime this morning in rafah, south of gaza, when the zionists
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attacked and bombed, and now the latest news is that dozens of palestinians, palestinian civilians who lived there, were actually martyred and resisted. it continues its operations in response to the crimes of the zionists. thank you very much for the help of mrs. moazzami, the reporter of sed and sima news agency, and from you , the viewers. thank you very much. once again , i congratulate you on the 22nd of bahman. our colleagues at sed and sima news agency , god bless you until tomorrow. together with one flag , we tied the heart to the homeland, this world is not ours when
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we are together. o white morning, o morning tulip, you are my faith, my old love, my beauty, my homeland, my passion. i read your words 22. allahu akbar.
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be a reporter with us on rahimai on the 22nd of bahman this year. this is asheri chabasha neighborhood. by sending videos and photos and narrating the scenes that are captured by our reporters' cameras, it is higher and higher. for this, it is enough to take a video and photo horizontally using a mobile phone and send it to our address in yes messengers. send sorush ita and rubika, god, wherever we are today, we will be higher tomorrow.
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8:00 am
good morning, the start of the national celebration of iranians across the country from another hour, 7,300 domestic and foreign journalists will cover the 22 bahman march.


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