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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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[000:01:16;00] we present these beautiful pictures from the different provinces of our country, which in any case are full of goodness, purity, purity, and intimacy , at different intervals of this special program. on the 22nd day of bahman, allow us to go to lorestan province , my good colleagues in the khorramabad center of radio and broadcasting, mr. dalband and my other colleagues are ready , just as they have been trying to portray beautiful pictures since this morning, they are also
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preparing reports. mr. dalo, i salute you, god thank you very much, in the name of god, the most gracious, the most merciful. i am from lorestan, the land of abundant springs and roaring waterfalls, the land of mehr fergh , and the song of acorn, and the capital of iran's historical bridges and the home of wonderful caves. i say hello. i congratulate all of you dear ones on the arrival of the 45th anniversary of the victory of the glorious islamic revolution and the beginning of the spring of the 46th revolution
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. yes, just like you saw in my pictures
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, once again loyal people, revolutionary people, zealous people and always on the stage of lorestan during the revolution celebration ceremony. islamic epic was created by the visionary people of the province and always on the scene of khorramabad at the same time as the whole country with their wide and passionate presence in the celebration ceremony of the 45th anniversary of the glorious islamic revolution and the creation of a great epic in the 22 bahman march once again with the ideals of the holy system of the islamic republic and the
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precious martyrs renewed their covenant. the reason for your presence in today's march is to defend the authority of iran, to defend the authority of my country. i came to participate in this march to support the religious authority of the leader . allegiance to agha khamenei and may god's blessings be upon such a nation whose presence in defense of the system's revolution increases year by year. why the photo of haj qasim? because we owe our peace and security to haj qasim. if
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we participate in this march peacefully and we are safe, we owe it to the bravery of haj qasim, that we are with our revolution until the end of our lives. in any situation , if you participate in the march of 22 bahman, we will be able to preserve this revolution for the sake of our leader and the revolution. . the people of khore abad came to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution of iran and once again renew with the ideals of imam rahal. make a pact this enthusiastic, cohesive and unifying presence of the people of lorestan hamgam and other compatriots will once again be a lesson for the always defeated enemies of islamic iran. i brought the picture of the martyr with me because i want to continue their path.
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we pray that god will not let mahdi, the owner of the time of power , where the enemy is, and i call for a grand march on the 22nd of bahman.
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but the revolutionary people of other cities and villages of lorestan showed off their loyalty to the regime and the revolution by forming large gatherings and shouting allahu akbar in the march of allah on 22 bahman. and with ideals the holy revolution of the nizam and the martyrs renewed their agreement. death to america, death to america. death to america, death to america. down with england. death to america, death to america. we came to love the leader. we came for the love of our country. to show the enemy that we are
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always in i congratulate the people of iran, and god willing, we will slap you in the mouth of america, a criminal, death to america, death to america , i came to love the leader, death to america, death to america. death to israel death to israel death to the hypocrite death to the hypocrite death to the hypocrite death to bashi
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death for the reason that we came today to declare our support for the leader of the revolution. the ideals of imam and martyrs. let us announce that we are continuing the way of martyrs and supporting the province. death to england . death to england
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. 22 bahman has stopped the enemy in his place and forced him to retreat, or malad or mulat. 22 allahu akbar, allahu akbar, allahu akbar, o free leader , be ready, o free leader, god be great,
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god be great. yes, i can say that just like the name of the union of raindrops is the glory of all iranian peoples and today we all witnessed the show and epic of pride all over dear iran and the pictures you saw the only part of the show of authority and zeal of the people of lorestan was in the yamullah march on 22 bahman in bahman 1402, which was presented to the kind eyes of your dear ones and respected viewers of the khabar network. thank you for
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your time. thank you mr. dalvand. god bless you and all my colleagues in khorramabad tv news broadcasting center of khorramabad , lorestan province. we send greetings to all the good iranian people, wherever they are, all the good provinces of our country, who are very happy today, and my colleagues in the center of the provinces from this morning, only a small part of your presence, the honorable and noble nation of islamic iran the way in the month of bahman, many of these pictures will not be presented to your kind eyes in the frame of the national media, but it will definitely be recorded and recorded . to the province of khuzestan, my good colleagues in the center of south ahvaz radio and television. dear and warm-hearted people
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appeared in different cities today and very beautifully chanted the slogan of supporting the ideals of the islamic revolution. my colleague mr. gulabond is in the picture. i greet you mr. glabon. thank you very much for being available for a few minutes to accompany the news network. in the name of god . i am also at your service, dear colleagues and other viewers. greetings and politeness and respect from khabar network , i congratulate you on the glorious victory day of islamic iran at the beginning of the new year. the enthusiastic presence of khuzestan people in the celebration of the victory of the revolution. the people of ahvaz left the final stone today and came to the stage with their epic presence on the glorious victory anniversary of the islamic revolution of iran to
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honor the memory of the rosy martyrs of the revolution by renewing their allegiance to the ideals of the islamic revolution. his thought they didn't think that in the cloudy weather today, dawn of the 20th of bahman, we and our children will end this flow of people. until the last drop of our blood , we will give our flag to the lord of time, god willing , wherever it is necessary, the bakhtiari tribes, the arab tribes, will be on
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the stage to support this revolution. this is the 4th and 5th covenant of people. it is with iran's islamic revolution , with our medical advances, our military, we proved to the world that we can do it, we are the people of imam hossein and we are not afraid of anything. let's hit on the path of the march today, the first generation of the revolution is also papaei. generation they were present on the fourth day and reviewed the lesson of standing against oppression and the revolution is alive for many years, god willing, especially on the 22nd of bahman , the future of our country
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will definitely be victorious and successful with the support and unity of our people with the religious authority. the 22nd of bahman reminds us that it doesn't matter if you are an arab or a bakhtiari, a turk , a kurdish or a baloch, all ethnic groups are one voice, heart and step under the tricolor flag of our country, you came and created an epic glory that the eyes a world mehran nikandish of ahvaz tv news agency stared at it. today, more than 70 points in khuzestan it was forbidden from the crowd that participated in the yom allah march on 22 bahman with the flag of the islamic republic of iran in their hands and
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displayed the greatness and glory of islamic iran to the global arrogance. we have come to prove to the world that our revolutionary generation cannot be destroyed. today i came to the march on 22 bahman to say that regardless of any belief, dress and belief , we will stand by our country. we know that it is our duty to the entire nation of iran and this national pride to participate on 22 bahman . for the enemy, it is that we, young and old, men and women
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we are waiting for this system and revolution, may god
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bless you.
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dear viewers , i would like to inform you that this is only a part of the presence of the intelligent people of khuzestan in the glorious march of 22 bahman. thank you and all my dear colleagues who are visiting the center of khuzestan. if you have any questions, i am at your service. otherwise, i am with you. and dear viewers , i say goodbye, thank you very much, mr. glavand from the beautiful south and from the province of khobustan and dear ahvaz, allow us to go to the north of the beautiful country of mazandaran with good and loving people and say hello to my good colleagues in the center of mazandaran radio and television. dear mr. behrouz panah and our other colleagues, who from the morning very energetically and diligently recorded the images , my colleagues, my correspondents in this province , went among the people and created and recorded what you are seeing right now, mr. behrouz panah , we are with you.
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yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, from the land of the alavi descendants of the mazandaran region, the hero, to you, my dear colleague ms. emami, and to all iranians, i salute you. on the 22nd of bahman this year, with the arrival of the month of shaban, the sweet celebration of the 45th anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution for us iranians, especially mazandani . believers and guardians doubled. today, everyone saw the glory of the presence and the epic roar of the mazandarani on the day of allah, 22 bahman. today, mazandaran was the scene of the loyalty of the people of alevi land to the islamic system. the people of wilayat madar in this vast province and laleh khiziz
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showed exemplary results today in the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the islamic revolution. yes, mazandaran, the largest province of the caspian sea , today was filled with insight from shamim, and the alevi descendants, with unity and empathy , turned this great day into a symbol of stability against the enemies. we are witnessing the 45th spring of the revolution with the enthusiastic and magnificent presence of people from the land of alawites expressing unity, cohesion, honor and authority. may all of us mazandarans continue to work and lead on
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the 22nd of bahman . we have come with the next generation to learn their names and see how the people began to show up with enthusiasm. on the 22nd of bahman this year, they all came together for iran to say that the color of our thoughts, opinions, and appearance is the same under the national flag. they all came for iran. we are behind our revolution, so long as we are alive, for my country, for my leader , what can be remembered more than this. enthusiastic participation of people in the march on 22 bahman, then attendance
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at the foot of ray's ballot boxes on march 11 is a symbol of the people's work base for the islamic revolution . it is our unity and vote that will keep this nation standing and stable. as long as we are alive, we are flourishing. there is another enthusiastic presence on the way, a presence of authority. and we will show it in less than 20 days. i came because of the martyrs. compared to previous years, it seems that our semester has become more enthusiastic to support the revolution of the leader's regime. we participated in this march, imam khomeini square in sari today became a camp for the health of this border and to be an ally for the epic of 11th of march for the love of hajj. for the love of my people, for the love of the ideals
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of the revolution , the path of hajj qassem soleimani continues. for 45 years of empathy and honorable standing, these people have passed through difficult times and brought them to the grain . the high insight of these people , the loyalty of the people, the hostility of the people, the love and interest of the people for the province, the path of the dear martyrs, the threats of the enemy. and some internal problems and issues cannot change people's view of the basic strategy they have towards the islamic revolution and the islamic republic, the presence of the enemy, the presence of the strength of the foundations of security and peace.
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and the freedom of the country, the strength of the foundations of the country's independence, the enthusiasm and the presence , i felt and saw more than in the past years. this is a sign of the insight of the revolutionary, velayat-oriented and martyr-loving people of mazandaran province. this enthusiastic presence is sending a great message to the whole world that these people and this nation are at the foot of their revolution. the warring countries in the region have set up and by killing the oppressed people like the palestinian people , they seek power. this kind of togetherness is useful because it is a strong manifestation of national unity and solidarity.
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we should all stay with shurgh hosseini. villagers are always in the heart of the province, and today, like a strong mountain in the 45th islamic revolution, they stand by other compatriots. they came to the field in support of the islamic revolution and joined the ocean of the iranian nation. death to england. a celebration for the revolution, a celebration for a choice. it doesn't matter if


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