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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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get a free vacuum cleaner for a limited time in all tehran, isfahan and savi branches. i will not be a candidate in the next election because i do not consider myself a worthy representative of the people. we expect from someone who was a representative. now , i did not expect that our peace and war.
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they ignore, maybe they get orders from a coach and coordinate from one place between the one who votes and the one who doesn't vote, the difference is from the earth to the sky, the one who votes and announces his wishes and to reach they can achieve their goals. bismillah rahman raheem. hello dear listeners and viewers. interested in phil majlis program tonight, in the phil majlis program , we will talk with mr. seyed sharif hosseini, the representative of ahvaz constituency in the 8th and 9th periods of the islamic council . by manipulating his birth certificate, he has finally managed
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to get himself to the front, and now i think we should start from here, how did he get injured , and tell us the story of my father's martyrdom ? rahman al-rahim, greetings, respect and courtesy to all of your dear viewers and those who are suffering from this program . how many years ago was he martyred? my father was martyred when he was 48 years old. god forgive me, how did he become? at ahvaz pipe rolling company, exactly 8/15/1364 64 , how old were you at that time? i was in the second grade of high school. i was in class when they came and said that you should go home. when they came home, the discussion was that the father's testimony was actually brought up and then the issues that came up later. and then you decided to go to another front
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. yes, i was actually 13 years old when i decided to go to khuzestan and ahvaz. it was the atmosphere of the front and the war. we tried several times . they sent us back. a friend told us that we went to the front like this. we were born in 47. we were allowed to do so in 44. we went to the front and i tampered with the birth certificate at that time and i went to the front and became a veteran in the badr operation and among the honors of life, what wounds did you get harizm in your service ? the doctors were also wearing military uniforms. he came and said that if john's son was a little taller
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, you wouldn't be alive now. yes, i told him that mr. doctor is somebody when he goes to the front , he doesn't go, he becomes a martyr . how many kids do you have? i have three children , how old is the eldest? he is 28 years old. boy or girl? i have a son and a grandson who is two years old. i have a daughter and another son. these two boys and one girl. seyyed sharif hosseini, after representing the parliament in the eighth and ninth periods, mostly in the ministry of oil and the ministry, with the title of director general of inspection and accountancy, and now. worked as an advisor to the minister of oil
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therefore, i think it is better to ask him about issues related to the industry, especially the oil industry, and see what you think about it. at present , what can the representatives who go to the parliament do in the field of the ministry of industries and the ministry of oil, that is, what useful things can they do that you , as a person who spent two terms in the parliament , are still cooperating with the ministry of state. and you had the ministry of oil, now you know that it can be done. yes, well , after the representation , i had various responsibilities in implementation and maybe experience. my agency, in addition to my executive work experience, helps us to be able to provide some kind of help let's ask the dear ones who, god willing , will appear in the next parliament , what do you have for them from different constituencies? yes, one of
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the important issues is to see that in the 9th parliament, for example , we had 3,500 questions from ministers, 86 of them are enough. that the commissions are present during 4 years, that means if we divide 3500 by 258, we have 6 to 7 questions per day in the commissions , 7 ministers have to speak per day, that is, in a week . a duplicate minister, of course you don't have 21 ministers , you have to express and answer questions from executive work , this is a request that we have from the dear representatives. this is the same way that the political parties sit down and come to an agreement on some issues in the meetings
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and resolve their differences. i believe that the ministers give time to the representatives to sit in the ministers' offices or even in the parliament to solve some issues. and don't criticize and warn, because in the industry in the country, peace and policy-making are important, that is, the minister must be able to make policies and lay rails so that , considering the existing sanctions, we can make the most and optimal use of this space and this matter. since you were the representative of ahvazam constituency, that means the naftiye fekar region at all regarding oil, whether as a member of the parliament or as someone who later cooperated a lot with the ministry of oil, what plan can be given to improve the
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current situation? the specialization of the oil energy commission , unfortunately, we have to state here that the oil commission is a specialized commission, but the forces that enter this commission may be simply because their region is rich in oil, but they themselves have less expertise in oil , or maybe they don't have it. even now, there are discussions that everyone gets his commission according to his expertise he has to choose. one of the reasons why i chose the sanato commission during my first and second term as a representative was that on the day when the energy commission was discussed, i saw that 11 of the 18 representatives of khuzestan had registered in the energy commission and wanted to go there. the specialized commission
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does not help the region much, as a result, i believe that in order for us to be able to meet the current conditions of the ministry of oil and then in a region like ahvaz, slaviye bush. or help other regions. i believe that we should appoint experts to the parliament, that is, experts in any field should actually work and in the commission. specialists can help the ministry of housing, which , according to hazrat agha, says that the main executive burden of the country rests with the executive branch, so the parliament should help. with their laws and policies , the executive branch can carry out this heavy burden faster and better, mr. hosseini. i mean mostly this plan to make the so-called oil money that
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was used by mr. ahmadinejad come to the table during his time. people, at least the oil money, at least the part that is used inside , should be removed from the table of the rich, or it was planned later in the elections, and i think that from that later, the fever set in, and mr. ahmadinejad , who carried out this plan during his second term as president , of course, at that time , his purchasing power of 50,000 tomans was less than half compared to the period we planned in one of the channels. eighth or ninth, there is a plan to sell gasoline at the price above the persian gulf, 90% fob persian gulf, which according to the 10% value added tax that is going
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to be approved now, will be the same 100, which means normalizing the price of gasoline according to the global price, which according to my accounts i think now it is possible to pay 4 million tomans per month to every iranian. why is this plan in the parliament? it was approved and why was it not implemented, mr. afkhami? it was in the eighth parliament that the issue of subsidies was raised and approved. at that time, i made a study of all the countries that give aid. i saw that the countries that discussed subsidies for several years were the successful ones that did not pay cash subsidies. those who won the subsidies were successful in terms of treatment and education. it means that the discussion of treatment and education up to bachelor's level to university level
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was actually provided to their people for free and a heavy burden was removed from their shoulders, as you know and we know about treatment in old age. in fact, it is the main concern of the country's retirees . well , let's leave aside the issue of how to spend, that is, how to spend , that is , whether direct subsidies should be paid to the people or in other ways. the subsidy that is being allocated to only the wealthy classes , that is, the price of gasoline, which is around 2 cents to 3 cents, is one tenth or less than one tenth of the real price, which means that it is now about one/fifteenth of the real price of gasoline.
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a large amount of gasoline is smuggled from balochistan from different places in other aspects, it also causes fragmentation, that is , in reality, a large amount of this subsidy does not go to the people, almost all of it goes to those who have big cars and don't have cars. half of the people don't have a car at all , which means, in fact, we have, for example , a 100-liter car with every gas tank, every time the bank of baku fills up, one of these cars is expensive. for example, one million tomans means that if we say that the price of gasoline should be 50,000 tomans, now it should be 60,000 tomans according to taxes or equal make the price 10 liters costs 600,000 tomans, 100 liters costs 6 million tomans, if we say
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that it is 50 liters, for example, it costs 3 million tomans, every time a person who pours 50 liters of gasoline into his tank receives 3 million tomans in subsidies from the government, while there are people who even as long as they can buy a metro ticket and go here and there with the metro , they don't get a subsidy. this is the main point. there is a government that has caused it to be extremely scared about the changes that are necessary, how long does it want to continue this situation, i.e. selling gasoline at a free price to the richest people? see analysis and philosophy. in this field, what you are doing , the same analysis was correct for the assistants, but when we paid the money to those who hired the assistants. it didn't help, mr. afghani, the increase in prices
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, the subsidy paid to the people , goes into the pockets of the same people that the market actually forgives, see how you think this discussion is a control issue, we see the price that is being sold in the market is not the price that is on the market. the label that you think the market should be controlled, i believe, we mean that the prices should be applied. the prices are not the same as the prices, the prices are increasing the price is announced by the government and we give customs , of course, we have to order the rest of the prices as well , that is, the country should be a coupon, that means it should be communist, it doesn't make any difference to the communist debate, no, see, i 'm saying that you put a price on an approved product and put a label on it. you put it, when it is sold at a higher price in the market , what is this? well, it is known that due to the lack of supervision , the trader has calculated how he should make a profit, at least he can take the profit, he can
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buy the item he sold again at the price that has probably been increased, he can be a business. go on, don't ask any business it doesn't go up because it has a lot of competitors in the market and it knows that every decision for one product has its effects on other products . if you were to go to parliament, this plan would raise the price of gasoline to international prices so that smuggling is no longer possible. not to pakistan, not to turkey, because you know the price in turkey is one of the highest prices in the world, something around 200,000 tomans per liter, and in europe, two euro means turkey, sorry, i think it is about 150 thousand tomans now, but for two euros or a meal
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more than two euros , it would be about 130 thousand tomans, if we were to go to the parliament for such a plan. do you support or not? in 1397, when i was the deputy and deputy minister , i made two proposals in the council of deputies, i suggested that an agreement be made and in fact a resolution should be passed to those who work in fuel smuggling to express the same price from one place . obviously, we will give them fuel to smuggle what now, but there was one condition, we told them what goods to bring back to the country according to the sanctions existing means to bring us the goods needed by our country and even koleb for the possibility of corruption, threats and manipulation in the first periods, which was not there almost
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in the periods before your period, for example, from the sixth parliament. it was an extremely political parliament, and the issues related to extortion, threats and security were not prominent in it yet, that is, most of the political issues were prominent, but from that period on, it seems that it has finally become clear that these pressures were not proposed to you in the parliament. or, for example, be threatened to approve a layer or plan that would cause large rounds to move in relation to the plan. he saw that in our country , i know it is very, very unlikely that someone will be able to threaten the representative in this field , because you were a warrior and were a front, and this is unlikely to go to the number, but about the large rents of this incident in the parliament. you could have seen that i was the presiding committee, and i actually knew what
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was happening in the parliament . but look at the fact that hazrat agha has a statement saying that the representatives should really be people and remain people. importantly, we are distancing our representatives from this sentence. i believe if today jovani is coming on the radio and television saying why should i vote if i did not explain what the duty of a representative is
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? especially those representatives who come from small places, yes, small places, yes, the representative goes there and says, "i'm your child, they're hiring , they tell others, they tell others, you know, i know that hiring is not the duty of the representative, but it's a vicious cycle to keep the manager talking." the representative should be accepted, he should take 100 people to work more , he can't be beaten in your course. the period of the 6th parliament was beaten. yes , there were many bitter days . the 8th and 9th parliament . in fact , during our period, there were mass fights, yes, the worst day of the parliament was sunday, a saturday, when even
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my representatives were upset, and what should not happen , these are big issues. our work may not be accidental or create internal problems for us, but external problems for the system of critical discredit do you remember in the parliament, on the 8th or 9th parliament , there was a day of crisis, the day of the jcpoa , the day of the jcpoa was actually a critical day, but in general, i think that both sides , those who were against the jcpoa and those who were in favor of the jcpoa from
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their own point of view and in their own opinion, the issue of the system and service to the country and the people, whether you are in favor or against, the tears that were shed there , god, do you now think that the cooperation and companionship of the parliament was right or should have resisted the approval of the jcpoa, see the jcpoa what was agreed upon was perhaps in the interest of the people, but one sentence from hazrat agha i remember them saying that america has no end , give the missiles to the military base. it continues like this. as a result, we all saw that even though the agreement was awarded and all the excuses were made,
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both domestic and foreign opponents saw it. although the jcpoa was approved, it was withdrawn by the united states itself. but what is your opinion if america is supposed to return to the jcpoa? should iran accept or not? sometimes you sit down and negotiate with someone, his position is from top to bottom. you should bring that person first , make him your equal, then sit down and negotiate, even lower than your equal, then negotiate do you think this is 10 years old? yes, i believe that if they sit down and talk now, the talks will be from the same level, not from the top to the bottom . america did all that it could do , the sanctions, the pressure, the banking, non-banking sanctions, the sanctions are the result. it has not been long and the internal system has been affected by some iranians, this duality
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has increased. as a result, we, in our position of authority, must create conditions that these tensions will be with neighboring countries, where many good things were done in the 13th government, and with other countries. both europe and america, this is actually a positive view of the country we are the ones who announced and told the world that we are not at war with anyone . what advice do you have for your children to vote for the majlis? what explanation do you have for your children to vote? yes, children, when they want to vote, what do you say about the majlis ? i don't just tell my children to vote, i want to tell my people, especially the people of all our people, our people, in their hearts, the fight against corruption and the officials who like to distance themselves, should actually
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be dealt with. we didn't vote for many colors and photos , which means they are voting for this and this, this is the beginning of the work i say how many people. by taking a copy of their photo, you can become a member of the parliament without any fees. people, the salary that a member of parliament receives during his 4 years is not a tenth of the money he is spending for elections. the agent who does this, the agent who does this is not looking for service, he has a bad idea, he has a bad idea , he is not really looking for service. my advice to people. the ones who spend less are the ones who are healthier . we should not send healthy people who are fighting against corruption
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. promises that are not in your power don't make promises to the people , dear ones , you are one of 200 members of parliament, you cannot make decisions alone. i went to the parliament to solve your livelihood . it is not at all possible to solve your livelihood by one person. let's not be pessimistic , people, the great work that was supposed to be done in the 8th and 9th parliament was done and it was not. what do you think, i will tell you the reason, then i will tell you what to do. dear mr. abghami, we have reached a place where the parliament is bill-oriented instead
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project oriented. it means that our plan is twice as much as our bill. the government will work on the bill and examine it with its capacity and with the budget it has . we see that a member of parliament comes up with a plan , puts it on paper, gets 15 signatures. let us say that our situation in the country is such that we have 222 projects, 480, excuse me, 22 bills , 480 more than 480 more, 14% of them are approved . what does it mean that the time of the parliament is taken for big things? it's time for the assembly to do big things.
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what i mean is that we could do it, and god willing, in the future, the issue of employment is the main concern of our society . it happened now, it shouldn't have happened more. you see, we have traveled a path in the country and that was the private sector, then the transformation, in fact, reducing the volume of government entrepreneurship , eliminating this and bringing many people to the government's basket, did not help the country, that is, it went out
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of the window, exactly this again. it happened and it continued, even now that it is almost disappearing, this private sector is becoming a government again , the body has become very big. now, finally, in the coming term of the parliament, when we are facing new situations, especially in terms of economy, what should the parliament do? what should be done in the field of economy , you, the commissioners, well, you yourself were a representative and got involved in this issue. our commissions are economic commissions, there are a number of cultural commissions , some of them are political and some of them are supervisory, like the principle 90 commission, and in fact , our specialized commissions must include experts in order to do something. because i don't want to actually bring up issues that election days and mentalities are on individuals, but
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really our specialized commissions are not as specialized as they are, my request is that the first thing they do in the 12th parliament, god willing, is expert people in specialized commissions. they should use it to become a legislative advisory arm for the executive branch. if this happens in this country , there is a lot of work to be done. my other point is. i want to tell you a memory, perhaps the best memory of my time as a representative , representatives should also note that serving these people is very important, mr. afkhami, on fridays. i was sitting in a public meeting. in one of the public meetings , a person came from another city. when i talked to him , he said that i have two children, a 7-year-old girl and a
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