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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the 17th tehran international tourism exhibition started with the participation of domestic and foreign activists. this exhibition will host experts and people at the permanent location of tehran exhibitions until 26th of february from 9:00 to 17:00. the 17th tehran international tourism exhibition with the presence of tourism activists, including tourist service offices, accommodation centers, etc.
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the largest and most diverse tourism exhibition in the history of iran was opened for domestic and foreign experts and investors. 20 halls with 60,000 square meters are at the disposal of our tourism facilities and all the subjects that it can be a source of tourism work and related to the field of tourism in this exhibition. we have a high level and very good foreigner because of the position that iranian tourism has found, participating in the highest summit of the head of the world tourism organization, mr. zurab, and organizations such as icd8, ecoha , cina, in the highest level . iran's tourism officials say.
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the islamic republic of iran was inaugurated at the new delhi book fair. books for iranian children and teenagers in english, books by imam khomeini and supreme leader of the revolution in urdu, translation of books by resistance literature. and the translation of aziz soleimani's book
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is presented in the iran booth. all this and the voices of book lovers at the delhi international book fair, which is being held with the participation of 50 countries. with 24,000 publishers, india is the sixth largest book market in the world and the second largest book market in the world in terms of english books. the study population in this country is high and its book population is about 450 million people. one of the priorities of the islamic culture ministry is to support the translation of works into different languages , especially those languages ​​that have a wider audience and the publishers of that language are interested in publishing works. they are persian and iranian. paying attention to regional markets due to cultural affinities causes more presence of iranian publishers. in the last few years
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, it has become that it should be in urdu, hindi , and english, whichever language it is , now there are buyers here, now there are customers , there is a hot market, the field of persian literature, philosophy and mysticism is very attractive for indian book readers. my hafiz diwan kalliat of sheikh saadi to prepare the diwan of hafiz kalliat of sheikh saadi and the diwan of famous persian poets here.
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the unveiling of abdul maliki of the new delhi broadcasting news agency, your head is the second leading cause of death in the world according to the director general of the office of traditional medicine of the ministry of cancer, common treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy have side effects that reduce the quality of life in cancer patients. dry mouth, sores and inflammation. gastrointestinal problems , such as severe and unbearable diarrhea or constipation , may arise for patients, the issue of weakness and fatigue and possibly anemia that occurs in cancer patients, along with common treatments, traditional medicine
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has come to the aid of patients to prevent complications. reduce the disease and increase their quality of life . our traditional iranian doctor is serving our patients alongside our oncologist our diet, our lifestyle, and the drug that we concluded based on joint research that can work are helping this patient. clinical trials have proven the effectiveness of drugs and traditional medicine methods in reducing the complications of cancer patients. for now, the parts that we entered now are the support parts for patients. we had a research project on, for example, jar royal, which had a very good result and led to the creation of a product that is now sold in pharmacies to reduce fatigue and weakness caused by treatment in cancer patients with traditional medicine methods.
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it is used to improve their quality of life without interfering with common cancer treatment methods . patients who need treatment must come to us through the referral system. some of the interventions in the name of, for example, plants. both specialists should know this issue and choose the treatments that are going to be suggested for them with sufficient knowledge of drug and laboratory interactions . lifestyle modification and attention to. it is one of the things that traditional medicine recommends to them to prevent diseases like cancer . soltanian of radio and television news agency. with failure pakistan's political parties
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have become more serious in their efforts to form a coalition government in this country by winning half of the seats in the national assembly. the leaders of pakistan's political parties are trying to create a political coalition through consultation and attracting independent representatives. after the announcement of the results of the general elections in pakistan and the failure of the political parties in this country to win half of the seats in the national assembly, the political efforts to form a coalition government in this country continue. for this purpose, the leaders of different political parties are trying to create a political coalition through consultation and attracting free representatives. non of political parties could not get the necessary seats to form the government. for this reason, our party is trying to reach an agreement with other parties on the formation of a coalition government. in the meantime, the tehreek -e-insaf party claims that other parties are trying to put pressure on the victorious representatives of this party and even buy their votes. on election night, i
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had more than 14,000 votes and my opponent less than 51,000 votes. all the media published this number. now they are trying to buy their votes, but the people will never allow such an action. due to the. the verdict of the election commission of pakistan non-holding of inter-party elections , tehreek-e-insaf candidates have appeared in the current elections under the title of independents. tehreek-e-insaf claims that fraud has taken place in more than 60 electoral districts and
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will go to court to protest these results . majid hashemi, islamabad radio and television news agency . the next part of the hour's news, hello to the dear viewers of the phil majlis program , he said, "what are you doing?" he said, "i am making a slogan for the merchants of the majlis in the world. it means the lobby, but the lobby has the rules of the game. in the middle of mr. hashemi's work , pulling the brakes badly, you were not threatened because of the seventh round." to vote or not to vote is not his. the period
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majlis talks with former representatives every day at 1930 on khabar network. hello and good time, i say to the respected viewers of national media channel one tv and news network, who are accompanying us tonight as in previous nights in this conversation on the subject of tourism, as you saw and heard in the news, the 17th international tourism exhibition. tehran started working with the participation of domestic and foreign activists
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, the president spoke in this section and in this ceremony , counting tourism as one of the driving sectors and of course the accelerator of the country's economy and pointing out that tourism is a sector for prosperity. decision several plans and arrangements have been made, including the fact that the visas of 33 countries have been canceled in a special news conference. tonight we want to talk about the state of tourism in the country . they introduced the entire tourism development of the ministry of home affairs to us . i hope that they will be fully present in our program. in tonight's program
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, we are going to talk about different topics. as mentioned i did. mr. fatemi is the general director of domestic tourism development of the ministry of cultural heritage in our guest studio. along with vahid reza parhizkar, the correspondent of sada vasima news agency's macroeconomic desk, during the conversation , regarding the discussion of pilgrimage tourism and health tourism, other guests joined our group. they will be added mr. fatemi. i greet you . you are very welcome. i hope that our tourism sector will not have enough changes in the guests to introduce you . the excitement caused by the holding the exhibition and the presence of the honorable president at the end of the exhibition was created to provide the whole society and have a new spirit. welcome mr persai. in the name of god
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. greetings and respect. i am at your service. ok. we want to talk about pilgrimage tourism. now , what are the numbers and figures of pilgrimage tourism in our country and what plans have been made. the president emphasized and talked a lot about it in today's conference. well, a large number of our people are subject to their travels. they do pilgrimage in their travel plans in most of our trips , even the provinces that are not very pilgrimages , we devote a part of them to pilgrimages. the razavi khorasan provinces, which is quite evident, along with qom and fars provinces , are the three most important pilgrimage centers of the country because of the tombs of the imams. reza, hazrat masoumeh , and shah chirag, it is not very possible to separate pilgrimage from tourism
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, because both sometimes happen together or happen side by side . it is almost impossible in our country to separate a long trip, a trip with zero pilgrimage or zero tourism. we believe that travel is happening in a way that includes both according to the existing definitions , we consider any trip as tourism , it takes place in the form of tourism, but after separating tourism from the field of pilgrimage and tourism from the field of
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greetings, we need several aspects, some of which are in the field of transportation and some of which are in the field of accommodation. how well do these infrastructures meet the needs? i can say that according to the trips that our people take in our country and the travel approach that exists, many of the infrastructures in our country are insufficient, just like in the speech of my president this morning, which was one of the needs. our main transport journey is in the transport discussion what air transport? and what a land we are facing with obstacles and problems, which is a basic prerequisite for travel for tourism, in the field of accommodation , anyway, especially with the different price ranges that should exist , we are facing shortages in different parts of our country. our types of trips
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also happen in travel rushes and a limited amount of travel happens in a rush. the past we had in the month of february and the high volume of trips happened in the southern provinces of the country and in the northern provinces of the country. we were facing serious shortages. you mentioned the inadequacy of the infrastructure and the needs that we have . we have a principle called the matching of chairs and beds , which means that as much as we have accommodation beds in one place, the possibility of transportation should also be available for them . we are facing serious shortages in various areas that we have to fix so that we can have a peaceful trip
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. we have added mr. khushgu. i greet you . have a good time. these needs and these infrastructures should match and match . how will it go now? some people believe that it is too late in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful.
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it's not like it's going slowly, we now know what our plans are for our needs in different parts of the country. on the same basis, a strong expert work has also been done in different parts, so why are you again making it public that the needs, planning and infrastructure it's not appropriate. look, for example , the country's transportation sector is facing problems not now , it has faced many problems in different years and this will have a direct effect on travel. you can assume, for example, a destination like kish, where the majority of pilgrims are , for example, you want to travel to mashhad, and now we are facing a problem to get the ticket. this means lack , which means we cannot provide it for everyone , even though it was decided by the president's order that
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the number of rail routes should increase. rams of the train that was supposed to be there, but since the work of the ministry of transport and road and urban development is in the field of the ministry of tourism, what the hell are we going to do with you now? from our side, if you want to talk, it is better to tell from the outside what our shortcomings are , you pathologists should definitely see that there are shortcomings in our field. one of the serious issues we have is the number of accommodation complexes. in the discussion about the organization of these or the tours that are organized in this way, you mentioned the traveler, mr. parizkari. it is supposed to be in the field of permits and the issue of entry permits
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. now there is the issue of the travelers' house and the problems that the ministry of tourism is raising in the meantime. follows up. i hope you are present. the story of the passenger house license was like this that because the licenses of the ministry of heritage to the national license portal. it was not yet that the port itself started to issue this type of license and i think about 8,400 licenses were issued based on registration and the conditions were very simple . please give permission in a certain period of time. why are the permits in the ministry of cultural heritage special because we have the guest house? why is the guest house gone?
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it has been difficult, i mean, we have this, well, in all permits, an inquiry is supposed to be taken and this was also difficult, that's why what happened happened , one part was correct, but one part after another, which is a large volume of passenger houses that anyway being an applicant and coming to give to. it happened without our supervision, he found a problem, we see that the passenger houses are very good accommodation complexes and you could have supervised mr. fatemeh in the first section, and given permission in a certain period of time. mr. prizkari, it was your problem. it was that at all the port was not connected, which means it was a stage before it was even checked and the port itself started to issue it . which is not connected or delayed , the port itself is obliged to issue this license . the issue of mrs. masafir means that there is some kind
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of organization to the fog of those who were operating in this market. it finally became clear that there are a number of people operating in this market and now their names and licenses have been taken. regarding supervision , now what we say legally , the law did not say that supervision should not be done. after that, the ministry of heritage will enter here. if there is a violation, all of this is the responsibility of the ministry of heritage and it must take care of them . now, the issue of my passenger's house was recently registered. what the friends of the ministry of heritage are saying is being issued in the same way , which is the problem here. the statistics of issuing permits from the ministry of heritage, which we are checking, are about 22. no, in the case of the passenger house, let's close the case. now
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they have a series of problems . what does it mean? i don't agree, and now we have reported it ourselves, that is , he sent us a video saying that i got this permission, and then they are closing my house in the middle of this. my passenger, we do not accept the permit. where did you get the permit from? the problem is, now we have nothing to do with the one who wants to get a new one, but those who already have a problem according to the law, mr. fatemi. see, we are dealing with the passenger house, these are the people who are operating. we agree, by the way , we don't have any problem with those who are operating, but they should go through a legal process , get their permits, and see if there is a way to monitor. if the people who are using it are being monitored, then we must have this and we must be able to monitor them, which means that they must go through the necessary process
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in order to be able to get a license. it has not been completed and we inform them that they should go through this process, that is , how long is that opinion, what is the time frame, it was three days, but it is not possible for it to be 3 days. for example, you think that you want to take, for example, the police force , how long will it take for this request to happen? it should be sent later , things will also happen in the same system, it is not that we want to work outside of it, but this time of three days is a very limited time . issuing permits and has tried a lot to advance this structure in such a way that the speed of issuing permits increases, now the speeds have increased , you can stay at home because mr. khushko wants to, they are behind our communication line. let's
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raise the issues. the issue of the passenger house used to be faster because it was issued in the form of meter registration and my supervision was posterior, now it has changed that it is issued in the form of confirmation, and its supervision is also prior, and as a rule , it has made the procedure less difficult. there are 8, 8,400 people, some of them are still more difficult to spread, and 8,400 people whose status is still unclear. many of these have been issued in the provinces. at first, we did not know at all, then we realized that it will take some time to monitor this number of guest houses, so that we can go through the process. they have to go through until their licenses are completed, mr khushkho are behind our communication line . i greet you again, mr. khushkho. what are the current status of our pilgrimage tourism, the infrastructure that needs to be provided , the challenges that are being raised.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you, dear guests and all the viewers, there is no problem with my voice now . no , we can hear your voice in mechkar studio. please allow me to say two or three sentences very quickly. look, when we say pilgrimage tourism, partial pilgrimage tourism. it is from religious tourism and i would like to point out that these designations that mr. fatemi said are the goals.
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why us when it's just another month or birthday hazrat imam reza (a.s.), despite the fact that they work hand in hand , all the institutions are still lagging behind the services that should be provided to pilgrims . i will make a comparison. you have pilgrimage and religious tourism in my vatican, and many people go there, but everything is in place . let us organize a very large crowd in mr. fatemi's speech , look at these two or three days. during the year, people
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don't even have a day off. i said in the classes two or three months ago, i also said in this assembly that we should be very worried about nowruz, two weeks off, when two days are like this two or three days ago, what should be done for two weeks now? pilgrimage is very important for our people. although they agree that the difficulty of the pilgrimage is more acceptable, but we should not make ourselves comfortable like this, we have to do something. astan qutb razavi is now in mashhad in his own qom. the ministry of heritage, which i thank dear ones, is working hard, but these responses are to they do not meet the needs of pilgrims or pilgrims in our country. in the name of allah
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, light. in the name of god, the light . in the name of god, the light of the light . in the name of god , the light of god.


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