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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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we are assigned a series of duties and responsibilities towards us . it is the same in the field of social and political activities. when we reach an age where we can participate better and more , like elections, we actually enter a range that we have more tasks and responsibilities. we are actually holding this ceremony today in a happy and fun environment with cheers for the university. students are going to celebrate their political duty. this celebration of political duty is actually the beginning of entering a new phase of the discussion of socialization, that's why today, along with this the fun and happy atmosphere of a series of topics and issues related to the elections . we have a choice and
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we have the discussion of responsibility in the social atmosphere of the society, and also the discussion of seeking participation, god willing, today we raise it symbolically for these 12 thousand people, but at the level of the 19 educational districts of tehran, we have many conferences and programs and we have had and continue to have the first vote for the students in various ways. along with the students, the first vote of our target society is the majority of the students, because today we we believe that our students have a great influence in the home and family environment, and that's why we consider all students as our target audience, and for some time we have been discussing the maximum participation of all members of the society, we are working for our cultural colleagues as well as for knowledge. our students are even the number of students who have not reached voting age.
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we asked them to promote and encourage their families in their surroundings for maximum participation in the elections. you mentioned a social responsibility that you have. be able to teach them this social responsibility. well, now our twelfth graders are the first vote this term, and our tenth graders will be considered our first vote in the next period when the presidential election will be held . can you tell me more details about the plans for all this?
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for more than a month, we have focused on the issue of maximum participation and participation of members of the society in the elections, for this reason, in all our activities, whether it is educational activities , sports activities, or physical education, we had an election attachment with in fact , our approach is all students and educators and even the parents if the parent-teacher association had an activity. in addition, we had an election annex and we used all the different capacities and formats that were available to us for this important issue, including artistic, cultural and sports activities . are you considering or for the social responsibility that you have in mind in education and training on a continuous basis for students and so on. during it, for
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their families, for their coaches and teachers , they will be responsible, socialize and participate there are components that we have to have continuously for our target community, which are students, and there are various programs, but during the election days, we focus on the issue of elections with these three components. all of these authors that i mentioned are in the heart and text of our educational programs. thank you very much, mr. dr. karimian , director general of education in tehran, for coming to the studio of the sabgahi program. hello reporter. thank you for being with us.
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our connection with the glass news hall has been cut off, but dear and respected compatriots, let me tell you this that the twelfth election period of the islamic council and the sixth election period of the assembly of leadership experts are scheduled to be held on march 11, 1402, and on this occasion. later, and on the eve of the grand elections today, the meeting of 12,000 students of the first vote of tehran will be held in tehran and azadi stadium
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. for us and you dear and respected viewers , about 70,000. the students of the first grade who are in the city of tehran are hosted by azadi complex there are 12,000 of these dear people , and the rest can be informed and informed about this process and the election process through their schools and provincial educational institutions . to you, dear viewers, good morning , iyad shabaniyeh, and happy milad new year. i congratulate imam hussain, peace be upon him, for serving each of you, god willing , you have a good day and we are at your service, and thank you for following the journalist. subjects that have entered our grammar for some time
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and we constantly use it in our speech is the subject of artificial intelligence, a science that is supposed to develop computers and computers in a way to perform tasks that have been assigned to humans, such as discourse analysis, such as speaking. like thinking and now in a limited area, actually deliver the texts to these computers. well, many countries are aligning themselves with this new science that has entered human life. many countries have established ministries for this issue. in our country , there is also a high council for the development of this science and intelligence artificial. launched today, a new event is going to happen in this area. mr. vaezy from the editorial office of the media and television news agency , we are at your service to explain more. good morning and have a good day to you and our dear viewers.
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the cooperation of the national elite foundation organizes a competition under the title of artificial intelligence development in farsi language . this event has two team and technical sections. it will be held with a focus on identifying the best talents in this field, and thousands of activists and programmers of our country will register in this event, mr. shayan. the artificial intelligence tools that are being used until now have been designed and developed by technology giants and different countries . artificial intelligence in farsi means that the first artificial intelligence tool in farsi is going to be designed and developed by these selected teams. then mr. vaizey, tell us very briefly what kind of help or service this tool is going to give us . see all the services that in this
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foreign artificial intelligence tool, they are also going to do these things , i.e. content creation, design, and everything else foreigners are doing it. thank you very much. i hope that this happens at the same time as actually progressing. let there be a science in the world that we will not be left behind to say now, for example, look for an iranian search engine or something like this, yes , god willing, god willing, ms. shepour, thank you very much for the opportunity you have given us, god willing, in the next section with another colleague. we will be at your service , god willing, thank you very much, mr. shai mehr, and also my colleague, mr. vaezi, together with you , dear and respected viewers, let's go to the plan to control social harms, helpers of social peace, which it is going to start from today, we are in the studio hosted by sardar. we are the deputy of farajah cultural and social vice-chancellor to explain more about the details of this project for us and you, dear and respected viewers. sardar hamid, good morning. you are very welcome. hello , i say good morning to you too. well, today is the birthday of imam hussain, peace be upon him.
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i would like to congratulate you today and on shabaniyeh, the noble people of iran and all my dear colleagues in the police of the islamic republic of iran. well, the police have been working for more than two decades with a social and community -oriented approach in the field of preventing social harm in it really works and this field. it is a positive field, along with the negative and disciplinary measures that the police have, with the percentage of criminals who are in the society, with the aim of empowering the society , it has put social prevention plans from harm and crimes on its agenda, yes, since the same two decades ago and more. a vice-chancellor under the title of social vice-chancellor, which has now become cultural and social vice-chancellor, was formed . you can expect that in this vice-chancellor, public education will be given face-to-face to people, psychological services
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, counseling, social work with the socially disadvantaged and clients with psychological problems and problems. social and interpersonal and family conflicts and these refer to it. well, the discussion of the savior of the art of informing, filmmaking, serialization, which you have seen on tv, is also broadcasted on the topics of injury prevention. in fact, social issues are of particular importance to the police. one of these issues is family issues. excuse me , the family is the main pillar of the society , it is the most important social institution, but it seems that the institution of the family has not been given much attention, it should be given more attention. it was brought up because it is really necessary for an
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organization to manage the family , now divorces are happening in families, there are educational issues , there are problems like this, social problems of neighbors and those who are commuting in the city, those who are in social relations with each other. they all need skills to prevent damage and issues that arise in the social sphere. starting today, you will present in two or three last year, after some harms such as addiction, divorce, living on the sidelines, and other such issues became widespread, the supreme leader personally entered into this issue, and following his input, the country's social organization was formed in the ministry of interior. we are carrying out the plan in cooperation with the social organization of the ministry of interior. yes, this
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is happening, and today, god willing, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., the program will be carried out on a location-based basis at narmak police station 127 and at samangan community mosque. that it will spread in several neighborhoods, our effort is that, god willing, at the level of the country and in all police stations, with the police stations as the center, we can implement this plan in the time frame that it has started, and god willing, as long as the ministry of interior and other institutions are on the job and support. inshallah, the control of social harms will happen in the country, in the program that is happening today , counseling services are provided, public education services are provided, and health and treatment services are provided , because all the institutions that
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are present in the protection area of ​​the police station. from the general department of education who is present there, from my welfare , from the relief committee, from the public institutions , from the ministry of health and other places, we also have medical services there with good doctors who will be present, god willing, they will be there and provide services. . even benevolent measures such as providing dowry and reduction in order to reduce harm are meant to be able to support and guide young people who are now getting married and have problems like this in their lives with the help of benefactors and those who have a fund in the neighborhood, god willing. young people and in fact this plan place-oriented face. from every neighborhood, the elites of that area, the elites of that social area who are present in the neighborhood
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, god willing, gather around each other and with the focus of police stations, control the reduction of social harms such as divorce, addiction, marginalization, things like this , god willing, you mentioned sardar in a word, your plan will start in tehran, the capital, when will it be completed ? today, god willing, we will start . but in an organized way that we can use the capacity of all social institutions that are present and organizations in fact, the documentary film that will be prepared will be presented to all the provinces of the country, so that by using this documentary film , they can take a similar action at the level of their own police stations and at the level of it's their own province, we
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don't have common social problems in all provinces, so yes, they have already been assessed and determined. that we actually have a criminological and pathological map of every city, every region, every neighborhood, because we have mentioned your service in the field of cultural, social, and social studies. we have a general office that is particularly specific about what the priority of damage is in each region, in each neighborhood, in each city, and it is clear that the basis of the same is the same in the social damage plan, and usually every year we identify 5 damaged priorities. before this plan is done, with the prioritization that was done at the level of the country, at the level of the city and the provinces , it is very good that you did not give a specific plan for the mani area, and ask all the provinces of the country to implement it. everything has been studied and it is based on what happened in those parts. thank you very much, sardar hamidifar
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faraja's vice-president of cultural and social affairs, who came to the studio of the morning program, hello reporter , please be with us, fellow countrymen. because of this, monitoring the market becomes even more necessary. today, the trade association of home appliance manufacturers has held a meeting to discuss the solutions for monitoring the home appliance market at the end of the year. mr. anari from the specialized market group is at your service. alaykum, have a good time and our dear colleagues in broadcasting the news network
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and also dear viewers. hello reporter. today , there was a meeting that you mentioned with the tawheed trade association as you mentioned, one of the issues related to home appliances is the supply of some smuggled and counterfeit goods in the market, for which there is a solution in article 13 of the law on combating diseases and smuggling of goods. there, he explicitly mentions the issue of identifying household appliances, which happened in five groups. today it is supposed to be discussed in order to organize and support the practice of product planning. well, one of the inherent duties of the monitoring devices is to be present in the market have their own supervision. a part also goes back to the trade association
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of home appliance manufacturers who are implementing this plan and monitoring up to the market level to see these products that are now identified. with the same quality and originality , it is being offered in the market and it is being sold, that is, it is only very short. these five categories of products that started last year were car spare parts, household appliances, and tobacco products . since the beginning of this year, i have added clothes. recently, both cosmetics and cosmetics have joined this plan when people buy these products they should definitely pay attention to the identification code so that they are not deceived and are not sold counterfeit or smuggled goods . star four stars 77 77 square can be inquired. stay alive , thank you, mr. anari, mrs. hajipour, we are at your service . thank you very much, mr. shabmeh, and together with you, dear viewers, let's go to sistan baluchistan, where the third national festival of animation and puppet shows of iran is going to be held. to be held
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, we will hear more details from my colleague mr. rastgo, mr. rastgo, hello reporter. with greetings to you and also to the dear viewers of the program. hello, i am a reporter from zahedan. i am at your service . sistan baluchistan province will host the third festival of animation productions and puppet shows for the first time at this level today, and this festival will continue for 3 days in this festival of teachers. famous people and prominent people from 30 provinces of the country are present in the form of 20 guests. of course, opening today. this festival is at 18:00 in the ferdowsi hall of sistan baluchistan university in zahedan, but since yesterday puppet groups
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from different provinces in the three cities of zahedan, zabel and iranshahr in the cultural places of the park and the squares performed puppet shows that were welcomed by the presence of different classes and also families . 44 works selected by the jury are also appreciated . thank you, mr. rasko, journalist of sed and sima news agency. we say goodbye to you. it's the end of the program, let's quickly go to the main topic. today, something
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is going to happen in the media sector. please explain more about this issue . greetings to you, dear colleague, may god give strength and greetings . greetings to the viewers who are correspondents with salam program, on the birthday of agha hussein bin ali , peace be upon him. congratulations, well , something is about to happen in the field of information today. there is a consensus meeting in the field of information. the public relations of the whole country and the press of the governorates are supposed to gather at the national migration organization today. this meeting will last 10 minutes. from now on, a detailed notification will take place in the field of press and the foreign press of each province those who are residents, these notifications should be accurate for them, so they don't get confused, and these notifications should be done through one channel, which is the national migration organization. now we will have this report in the news section of 23 atba, which we have announced here that now, god willing, we will see what
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happens in that news section . it is a good idea to announce our opinion because there are a lot of rumors in particular, and usually these are also from unofficial news channels. they are following up. i think this is a good thing. yes , there are a number of channels that are not allowed at all, which are in the field of the press, announcing a series of the issues will be announced and these will be sent to the police custody offices. they go to many different places, even the governorates, and they are confused. this event can be a positive effect in the field of organizing foreign nationals. thank you very much thank you thank you madam, i think there will be no more opportunity for us to serve you again, along with our other colleagues , i say goodbye to all of you and all the dear viewers , have a good day ahead. thank you very much , mr. shahramhar, to your excellency and to my colleagues at sada and sima news agency, to you, my dear and respected compatriots, for being with us for 30 minutes of the show. i am very grateful to tell you that we are on the eve of the elections on march 11, 1402
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, the twelfth term of the islamic council and the sixth term of the assembly of leadership experts today, and on this occasion, a very important event will take place in azadi stadium and the 12,000-seat hall of the stadium. this means that 12,000 of 70,000 students voted first in tehran. today they gather together to learn about the election process in a happy environment. other students can also learn about this process in their own schools and educational institutions in their own regions . thank you very much. see you tomorrow may god protect you.
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one of the important axes during this period that has given this country its glory is the axis of dealing with foreigners. dealing with foreigners, especially america and the zionist regime, which imam believed that all the troubles of the islamic world are from america , is a very important point. if someone the enemy. he does not recognize himself and sometimes takes an enemy instead of a friend and takes a friend instead of an enemy. this is a strategy error in the path of the nation.
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will cause deviation. the price of this market is expertise, trust and respect. these are ambassadors of joy and glad tidings. the dowry of nawarusan is completed. here difficulties are easy. it is good
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and blessed for the people. came to decorate your home with iranian carpets. her beauty does not fit me. look and choose your house synth. we go to kindergarten. iran is the cradle of fersht. tonight's schedule of mahd farsh stores all over iran. the special sale of air conditioners in a large iranian house began with exceptional conditions. sale without advance payment, without guarantor , we will host you in iran's large palace until 2:00 in the morning in tehran. this is iran, the cradle of carpets. due to your welcome, dear compatriots, the free carpet design of mahd farsh has been extended. in the plan to sell carpets free of charge. at
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all over iran, become a carpet owner with respect. iran is the cradle of carpets. it must have happened to you that cockroaches and banana insects disturb your peaceful life, or the unpleasant smell of a well has bothered you . the old methods no longer work. but don't worry, with the ricanthus isolation cap , cockroaches and insects are prevented from entering the house and the unpleasant smell of the well is not emitted. this cover works one-way and easily allows water to pass through itself and at the same time prevents the entry of unpleasant smelling insects into the house. it is enough to order this functional product with free shipping number 7 facing number 1006 95. send a text message congratulation
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8:00 am
welcome to eight morning news, the beginning of the festival. the 39th fajr music with the performance of an iranian piece, a five -day competition of ava nova owners in tehran and 14 provinces to attract the attention of the public and judges. announcement of the final opinion of the council the guardian about the re-protest of some candidates for the islamic council elections against the non-confirmation of their qualification as the minister of interior. candidates have until tomorrow to request a change.


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