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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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banning abbas ali mirhosseini, the head coach of ifa saram , cannot accompany his team for even one meeting , while two clubs face financial and spectator bans. thank you for your company. today is tuesday the 24th of bahman, the 3rd of sha'ban and the 13th of february in tehran, sunset at 17:43, maghrib call to prayer. dear and respected compatriots, i invite you to continue watching the special program of the election program , please install it with the performance of my colleague, mr. bozor , please, in the name of god , thank you, mr. zorian. especially the higher election program with another debate. we are
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at your service regarding the issue of whether or not we should allocate a half width or the same width of 28 and 500 for the import of agricultural inputs , specifically fertilizers and fertilizers. channel 1 has ended, i invite all viewers , if you are interested in this discussion , watch us on news channel, thank you, the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament, the key is in the hands of the people, iranian coach sharaf iran telegrami he is playing across the country, why is your question about pricing this month? it is an interesting question . we do not want to be a football manager . we do not agree with any type of treatment.
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you are special about the election program. the leader of the revolution in his recent meetings called the real competition one of the important pillars of the election , which means that the field is open for the presence of different political, economic and cultural viewpoints so that all currents can do the same. the difference of their views in the big election race to form a real competition and to register an active presence in this field is one of the issues that the activists of the agricultural sector there is a difference of opinion on whether or not we should allocate 28,500 currency for the import of agricultural inputs, specifically poisons and fertilizers. power and you if
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we are going to import, do we have to import the finished product with a width of 28 to 500, like the import that is for the primary institutions of samakud producers , should we go to them with a width of 28 to 500? that is, they say the importers of agricultural institutions that the production quality of domestic products is not good. and naturally, imports should be supported so that we can have more food security than what they say. all these questions will be answered in the debate of this part of the program. thank you for being with us. well, in the special studio of the higher program, mr. malekzadeh, the executive director of the iranian chamber of agriculture, is present as a supporter
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of imports and the allocation of width 2850 to imports. also, mr. jahani, a member of the board of directors of the association of poisons manufacturers of the country, is present as an opponent of the issue that we are serving you in our other studio. mr. moradi the deputy pest control officer of the country's plant protection organization is also present, and in addition to that, greetings and god's strength to all the guests of the program, i would like to start with mr. jahani, who is against imports , why does this opposition basically come from and why do you oppose it? width allocation. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, with greetings to the dear and unique people of iran, see that we are not against competition, but iran is the only country in the world that pays a subsidy to a product in an unfavorable horizontal situation and in a situation where its production units need support. special and for the subsidy for the import of that ka
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it is between 2 and 3 times the subsidy they give for domestic production, that is, i say, sir, if the government says this pen, if you produce this pen , i will give you one dollar, but if you bring it from abroad , i will give you a subsidy of 3 dollars. this is an illogical and unequal method that is really showing the production of agricultural poisons in the country as black soil. that's why you are against it. what is your opinion, mr. malekzadeh? do you agree with mr. javantighi? your excellency's service, dear colleagues, dear guests and all dear viewers. especially in iran hardworking farmers and ranchers. you see, mr. bozor, our family, of course, as a farmer and a farmer's representative
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, i present my content in the chamber of agricultural guilds, and i hope that no one will ever think that i am an importer of poisons or fertilizers. god forbid, in this context, i want to speak as a supporter to tell you that we first hope that we will not create a monopoly in any case in the country in production and other matters, and secondly , if we are really thinking about production , we are thinking about the weapons of the country and the issues that it is considered as a rule we must look at the quality. the fact is that we agree with the allocation of width, but with regard to these things that i am presenting to you , we have been producing for several decades, both domestically and importing from other countries, but
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unfortunately, because in that way it was expected that it should be managed. i would like to submit to you that there should be a discussion of monitoring and control, and this did not happen . the smoke of this issue has gone to the eyes of our producer and on the other hand, the consumer who is consuming agricultural products, but this is our belief. if the width allocation is to be done to the products high quality to the brands that exist in the world and we can import products that tomorrow the farmer wants to pay less and also that we do not want to use chemicals more than the required standard or light. yes, we can use the poison, but if it is necessary , we will face companies that do not have the necessary quality. now , we are sometimes faced with companies in china. i
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am at your service. they are india, jordan, iraq, many of these countries there are products that are really of the required quality. they have the lowest limit it causes the farmer to suffer, but i would like to say that the allocation of width must be done to help the quality of the input, whether it is related to poison or fertilizer, which, god willing, will help in healthy production and lower the cost of the product of mechkarm, mr. globally, you agree with mr. malekzadeh. mr. malekzadeh mentions a problem. it is very nice to offer a cheap width so that the quality goes up. by the way, i say that this cheap width is an obstacle to improving the quality because it destroys the competition , and you lose your share of the market. the quality of the goods does not depend on the amount you can get from this rent take 28 and 500 from this rent . it will determine your market share. once you get
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it, you have no motivation to pursue its quality. one of the biggest harms to the competition for its quality is that it is 28 and 5d . jantikh, i want to tell you that you must do what you were doing in the right way regarding supervision and control. look at the method. we have been doing this work for decades through the public sector or the private sector, which has nothing to do with the production itself. there is no producer, the producer is very large and many cooperative companies wide cooperative unions. at your service , there are organizations in which all agricultural sector operators are members in all activities in all these companies and unions. if this happens through these companies, you can be sure that they are doing their work correctly.
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they import healthy products and healthy inputs, and if something happens in relation to the currency you mentioned, the profit will go to the pockets of the farmers and the members of those unions. today, it can be used for monitoring device now, on this union and private sector organizations, do a good job of monitoring it, along with the trustee, which is the plant protection organization, and we will finally have a good output that will only help our producers inside, according to the conditions that are created. they should try to consider the necessary quality of the product they are producing and not to talk about quantity and income and economy so that, god willing
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, there will be a good competition between the domestic producers and the imports that happen, and this will make the products we in the country are more responsive than me the farmer and the producer should consider me to use the domestic product, but i think mr. jahan tighi basically you have a problem with the principle of the matter , i am right, i say look at the points that the taboni union wants to monitor , then it will cost you four million k. the farmer's vector
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cannot be monitored at all. this has been proven all over the world . it cannot be controlled with a police system or a punishment system. supply and demand . we support a system we are competitive in all conditions. compete with each other, unfortunately in iran it is the other way around, that is, they help imports 3 times , they see the production as lower , it is not possible for us to compete at all, 160 million dollars is a good offer , 285 days. for a product that could be produced domestically and produced with good quality, you see, we have a problem in this country . we go to invent a wheel once every four years, and the wheel
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we invent is square. since the time of mr. adeli during mr. hashemi rafsanjani's time, i remember that this two-rate system started, and then they said it didn't work, it was done again at 3,500 tomans, at 18,000 tomans , at 20, until now, at 28 and 500. it's interesting, all the country's officials also say that it's not a good thing. well, sir , it's a good thing. there is no cut. you are a brave person . look at this. i said that we agree, but according to the conditions that i said. now, when these legal organizations take responsibility for this work, we
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have come several dozen in different ways through the same people who are now doing this work in any way to get this import license. there is no monitoring method , it will cause a round of other problems, now we have to come and change the system , there must be a solution , otherwise, under these conditions, we will only think about domestic production and not support the importer who wants to. if he imports high-quality foreign poisons, nothing will happen. you see, i am a farmer, but i am an agricultural expert. my field is also herbal medicine, and i have been working for many years in the distribution of agricultural institutions , but sometimes with farmers because i am in contact with them and myself. i am familiar with the products many times it happened that there was a lot of dissatisfaction among the farmers for the products that
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were imported, not for the products that were not imported, for the unbranded and low quality products that also happened at the expense of foreign companies, but if we don't want to have a correct solution that this let it happen and help this matter that the quality is taken into consideration. well, for sure, as long as we go forward, we have this problem that our farmer today has to consume a low-quality product because the working method is not correct. finally used several times. you can see i don't get any answer, it will damage me and my cost will be doubled . we say that we should support that foreign product with the support that is happening. it didn't happen. well, the farmer
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has to buy the imported foreign product at several times the price, but if there is a regulation, instead of creating a rent, the importer will get multiple times the income , which is known as the half width or the preferred width. import the product, then it will come with free width our consumers, farmers and producers should be monitored, and the only way is to leave it to the organizations and unions that know how to manage for their members and the institutions, tools, facilities, and all these things that they need. buy in your opinion, what should be the ratio of support for imports and support for domestic production, sir, we do not want support at all , we do not want support at all, we want equal conditions, who said that we want support, we are exporting to countries far away from us, there is europe, there is turkey, there is india. there is china, they buy snakes, nothing
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there is no support for us, we have problems inside our own country, which means that inside the country, we are happy now. mr. engineer, in all the circles of explanation, you can see that they say that the farmer should be supported. yes , it looks like we have 160 million dollars , we give 28.500 dollars to the farmer. first of all , this belongs to the whole nation, not just to the agricultural group. how much will this 160 million dollars get to the farmer who is producing wheat? how much will he get for the pepper that goes to russia? they get more instead of coming, give this subsidy to sam, buy the farmer's product at the real price , allow him to export some strange methods, when did this subsidy end up benefiting the farmer, you see, this 160 million dollars is 20%, the farmer does not get a portion of it, i eat it, i produce it. the producer eats some of it, the distribution chain eats some
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of it, the agriculture, which is not except the agricultural group that we want to support, well, the powerful farmer , the big farmer is an export product , there is not much support for that businessman, but what happens behind this case if unseen , we have to see this. we have to fix this let's do it, but let's clear the problem and not create a situation where that quality product is imported by that quality institution . well, it will definitely create a problem. yes, you say that the subsidy should increase the price of the farmer's product. well, because of this , we have a problem. the legislators and
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decision-makers of our statesmen do not allow the farmer's crop to grow. i mean, we are in trouble from that side as well from this side. i am a farmer. now i use a high-quality product. let 's say a poison, for example, from bayer, germany. i conclude that it is very good for me, but sometimes i don't say that the domestic products are not of high quality, but we have to accept this, mr. jantiq, that many of our domestic companies' products are of the required quality. and many importers and many importers and many importers, i am telling you now that most of our imports go to these chinese companies in india and other places that do not have the necessary quality, but this is my point. when the farmer goes three times, four times, he takes the bifito poison, consumes it, does not get an answer , causes damage to him, then calculates it and sees it equal.
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those foreign poisons that were more expensive cost us, mr. malekzadeh, this is the dollar rent that allows that low-quality poison to come, if the market was competitive, someone would go and bring poor-quality poison, he couldn't sell it, he couldn't sell it , he wouldn't do that anymore. we formed the islamic council, its main task is to monitor the functioning of the executive bodies, this parliament should help to have a solution to form this supervision so that this does not happen. look, we cannot take the responsibility of others who are not working today. get hit inside as a farmer and a consumer who produces your inputs, i will face these problems and losses tomorrow.
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people like it, it doesn't really matter what is happening behind this, or they don't know, or they say, well , let's reject it for now, see what you are saying . to be able to see this volume of points, about 400 importers and producers, 10,000, more than 10,000 points, 4 million, which system, how much does it cost? we are the only institutions that do not have this problem, even in the product unfortunately, the production of farmers is also in iran , so i will give you an example. now in
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our country, our farmers are producing rice . there are two or three limited provinces that are allowed to do this, considering the water situation they have, maybe at most 10 20% of our rice needs must be imported, but unfortunately we have to register orders for more than seven. according to you, rent is created, well, we have to control and manage this, but can we say that for the same 10% that we need, the import is not supported, the importer is not supported , the consumer is not supported, that rent is created. we have to look for the rent so that somehow a solution can be found for it to solve the problem , mr. moradi. our other studios are present, mr. moradi, we talk a lot about quality , how do you see and evaluate the balance between quality in domestic and foreign products, and how much do you agree that in order to
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increase the quality, we will come and talk to you. importer of the 28th and 50th of badim, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, with the greetings of his highness, dear guests, and congratulations. on the days of shabaniyah holidays, especially mr. aba abdullah al-hussein, god bless the farmers dear and hard-working, who through suffering and hard work to provide the country with self-sufficiency in basic products , here is my opportunity . the percentage of temperature has caused pests to attack our fields prematurely, and the farmers must
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protect their products from pests by monitoring and informing them in advance and referring to agricultural jihad service centers and herbal medicine clinics. mr. moradi's plant protection organization, i apologize for answering, and now i will present this to you. the friends who are here agree with the plant protection organization to protect the crop from pests and increase production . well, here, friends, talk a lot and repeatedly. what mr. jahani said is not statistically correct. we are actually in the year 402 until today. 75% of our poisons are produced domestically, 25% are ready-to-use poisons, so
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this article is not three times as accurate. this is the first article of yours, the second article that we are saying. look at the second article that we are telling you. mr. moradi , you say that you also have the dollars, tell me i will tell you the dollar now, in fact, at all the discussion that is going on now is not as friends say , we have a single policy and a proper approach to both domestic poisons and ready-to-use poisons . look at the quality, we have the highest efficiency. there are 16 effective factors, one is quality , there are 15 other factors, now we are all back to quality
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. let me tell you a few things so that you can see that in the country now, the statistics that i have presented to you are technical poisons or effective substances that have been imported. none of our friends are producers of fertilizers. we import it from other countries , we formulate it and synthesize it and sell it here, so that technical material took the same width of 28 and it was taken at the rate of 30 thousand tons in the year 402 . they have the same width of 28,500, so if we compare the ratio of the amount of land given to the technical material in the formula inside, it is more.
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this article is the second article about our quality . in fact, they are mistaking the quality in three parts. they are giving the same statistics that they say, sir, so many dollars went, half of us got 51. you said their statistics about my fight. i would like to tell you this about the technology . you say that we are entering the technical discussion that we are having and most of our producers are using and producing this technology . does that technology not qualify for this subsidy and width? why does it belong? well, it is not possible to create rent. let's see, how many times did you say that the plant protection organization should have a supervisory discussion with the organizations? well, this is good, but the plant protection organization is based on its inherent duties, article 17 , law 31, regulations and other orders. the action and laws of the upstream heavy and strict supervision. a little bit
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bremolatora is ready for use, i will explain briefly, later i will explain more, just one point , because we did not reject, mr. jahani , i had one point about the category of currency. according to your statistics, the association of poisons manufacturers has allocated about 160 million dollars in subsidies. 51 means giving 80 million dollars to the producers and 49 million dollars to the importers. if mr. engineer's figure is more than 160
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, it is not for the producers. just this year, 163 of them believe that we will not see dollars, so that part aside. mr. engineer, i am ashamed to see you as a producer , i allocated 10% of the width i got for import. i am really ashamed. but more shameful than me should be the system that scared the producer on the import side. mr. nikbakht, my dear fellow citizen. see, we discuss this because in fact , the number of companies that enter the technical matter.
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it was the company that the number of items that import the effective substance was, in fact, 116 items of poison , 139 items of ready-to-use poisons, this is an injustice to the plant protection organization and the government, that we do not support domestic production in a process of less than 10 years. how much are these two statistics you mentioned? internally how much does it cost to use the final product ? now, let 's skip it now. i'll tell you later. no, we won't skip it . mr. mardi, why should we skip it? i have the statistics . it was possible to produce it inside, you as the trustee as the one who explained


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