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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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i will not be a volunteer in the upcoming elections because i do not consider myself a worthy representative for the people .
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it is from the earth to the sky. a person who votes and declares his wishes and steps to achieve them can achieve his goals. in the name of allah, the merciful. greetings and respect to dear listeners and viewers who are interested in filmjales program. we are talking with dr. ali akbar karimi in the phil majlis program tonight. agent majlis in the 10th and 11th periods of iraq's khanda and kammijan constituencies, born in 1347 and has a doctorate in strategic management. apart from working in the parliament and representing the parliament in the 10th and 11th periods, he also worked in the government and worked in consulting fields for various ministries and responsibilities. they have various positions in the work of the government, which
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we will mention now, because i think that their responsibilities are more , for example, in the parliament , they were the chairman of the economic commission, in the 11th term , they were the vice-chairman of the industry and trade commission, and anyway , their responsibilities were more to economic issues are related, i think we should ask them first of all, why are you not a candidate in this period, and then they think that the work in the economic field should be done in the parliament, which has not been done until now . because you, the representative
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, are actually very decision-makers and you were probably influential in the economic fields of economic commissions and so-called economic decisions, they must count on you a lot, that is, on your vote. unprecedented things that should happen in the 12th parliament, yes, i will stop allahu rahman al-rahim said, chairman , i was not the chairman , i was a member and the vice chairman of the commission , the vice chairman. the representatives of the province were not in this commission, i came to the industry and mining commission, so that i can follow the issues of my constituency more in this regard . meanwhile, i was always persistent with the economic field of the parliament . i will be in iraq from the morning we arrive until the night did you have an office? yes, mother. we have contacts there
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, we had people who were obviously there for people's reference, and that's why i didn't want to this term, and anyway , we cleared the arena for the youth and such, and in the last term of the parliament, we also amended the election law for three terms. we put the ceiling on the representation and this was approved in the parliament , and i remember at that time about 34 representatives, including the speaker of the parliament and others , were subject to this ruling, which means that if it was passed, they should not come to the next round, it should be for three terms, and this went away, but unfortunately, the council the guard denied that of course i myself believe that the relevant article in the constitution, which is article 62 of the constitution , mentions that the conditions of the electors and the elected are determined by the law, so the law had set these conditions. that people who have served two
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terms, three terms, and now come another time means that it was not against the law. in my opinion, it was not because the parliament also voted for this. it is not a constitutional law, but anyway, the honorable council of negahan had a different opinion , and i believe that this should be the case in other countries, usually the party mechanism does this filter. it gives people who, anyway , go between these courses and then these, at another time, and the party will introduce new faces to the society, but we are here because people are not appointed to parties and stand up to their own person in the scene among themselves. recognize that we have a record, for example, in this. after the revolution, we had a representative who came from the same constituency for 7 consecutive terms, and with the knowledge i have of that person in the constituency , if he really didn't want to now, maybe he could have continued like this. mr. dua'i was our six term
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we didn't have seven terms, mr. abdallahi is the representative of mahneshan and it was something that if they really wanted, they could have continued my term . well, this is really withdrawing, but basically, in my opinion , these two terms are enough for three terms, and the field should be opened for people's new thoughts. it is better for the society to see new faces anyway, and god willing , the parliament will become more vibrant and dynamic . well, look at the issue of dealing with the credentials of the representatives which is clearly provided in the constitution and it is right that it is provided for the self-monitoring mechanism of the parliament , that is, the collective parliament exercises this supervision over itself
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, that if for any reason some people rise up and enter the parliament during the election process, and at the same time the competence they do not have the necessary skills to be nominated for this position , they will be deprived of this position based on the collective decision of the representatives. in his will, hazrat imam has clearly stated that if people with him are able to gain the votes of the people and succeed in the elections to the parliament, the representatives are obliged to state these things. in the issue of credentials, prevent them from entering and debar them and not allow even a single deviant element to come into the parliament . this will of imamah is the ruling of the constitution
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. during the courses, we discussed the rejection of credentials. in total, during these 11 courses, 19 of the applicants had their credentials rejected and were banned from attending the parliament. do you think that in the 10th and 11th parliaments, what important work was done separately , that is, what important and influential decision was passed, the effects of which were big, for example, and the effects have been so far. this remains a question. the next question is what should have been done and what you wanted to do that did not reach the end. basically, how many factors are the parliaments subject to? the first factor is the composition of the representatives who are from what political spectrum and what coordination with the government in each period of time, i.e. are they coordinated or not? and let me tell you that it is
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a very important discussion that the people who come together are all representatives in terms of so-called power. specialization and also coordination, because in my opinion this coordination is more important than expertise, many times there are people who are so-called experts in the parliament , but the internal mechanism of the parliament is like this. which does not necessarily respect meritocracy. i will give you an interesting example. in the 10th period , there were two people to oversee the money and credit council. usually, one person comes from the economic commission, one person from the budget program commission, and two people in sahan , one of these two people is selected, four people come in sahan, two of them are fully professional economists who are well versed in the subject of banks and money, and the academic faculty
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of the university. in the field of economics, two of them are completely political elements without any expertise in the field of banking. because why, because anyway, the atmosphere of the 10th parliament , its political orientation was towards those two political people and to in any case, with the lobbying that they did, it is necessary that the parliament may not consider meritocracy at some point of time, and this will cause damage to the parliament, but in general, we in the 10th parliament were in a situation where every now there are 3 factions in the parliament. there was the faction of reformists, known as the list of hope, and
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the faction of provincial representatives and independents , of course, the independents actually tend to the spectrum of reformers, and there were actually two factions , and i was one of the representatives of the provincial faction, and you could almost say that we were a minority faction. minority and space the country's politics was also affected by the situation. after the jcpoa and the events that took place in the coming and going of foreign delegations , negotiations, issues and such, and the bad promises that happened, and finally, the departure of trump and his subsequent stories, especially the discussion of the four bills related to fatf , and there was a lot of controversy in the parliament. he created and we approved part of those bills , we disagreed with part of them, we did not approve them and sent them to the assembly for diagnosis. and in the end, most of the 10th parliament was involved in political challenges
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, and there were some beatings. in their parliament, there was a gathering , yes, it was very intense, but in any case, i have both bitter and sweet memories of the 10th parliament. well, the bitter incident was the terrorist incident on june 17, 1996, and these elements are some of our colleagues now. members of the majlis were martyred from the bodyguards of the revolutionary guards, which was a tragic incident and of course it was memorable because at the same moment they attacked and shot. there was a conflict, we were working in sahan, the parliament was doing its work, and this also
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had a message that the parliament is still fulfilling its duty in this situation. the sweet incident was that there was a meeting in sahan , yes, yes, and you were approving the law . to this assembly at around 9 o'clock. no, there is no sound in the hall. one of the representatives who came from outside came right behind these terrorists . he came in first , that is, after a minute or two. he had picked it up, and after that, of course, he had a military acquaintance. yes, he had come, and in short. after this, it was a mistake to go to the offices of this in sahan, let him know, then he came and informed that
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they had already put guards in the sahan, and they were fighting, and we were also in the sahan, and we stayed in the sahan until almost noon . but there was a sweet incident that i remember in the 10th parliament, after the announcement of placing the revolutionary guards on the terrorist list of the united states. well, some friends suggested an idea to come to support the revolutionary guards , for example, to come in the uniforms of the revolutionary guards. first, the idea was to do this for a limited number of people then, once he found a solution for everyone, well, that day , the entire parliament except for the ladies, who are now silent, and
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this was a special and interesting event in my opinion, and that when the discussion is about national security and it is an issue that is of interest it is our nation , we really have to put aside all the differences of tastes and internal political fights and be united and united against the enemy, anyway, the army was and is the pillar of the protection of the revolution, and we all have always seen that the interpretation of the imam that if there was no army, there would be no country, everyone would take care of this issue, and that day he attended that meeting until noon the clothes and uniform were my souvenir photos. now , many photos were taken and published later. i think it was a very good memory and it was a manifestation of the national unity and cohesion
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of the mining industry commission. what was the biggest problem in the 10th and 11th grades? i was the 10th of economics. i am the head of the commission . in any case , we have problems in the field of economy in the country, which affects production, industry and mining, etc. in terms of economics, in any case, different sectors of the economy or economic systems, for example like the banking system, like the tax system. customs system, subsidy system, insurance system anyway social pension funds, many of them are facing crises that must be decided for these crises and we can create changes in these. in the past governments, there was a
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social program for transformation in the economic system in seven of mr. ahmadi's eras. nejad was prepared and some of them were worked on, but many of them remained in the 10th parliament, in the economic commission, one of the good things we started was the discussion of transformation in the banking system , considering that it is one of the most important challenges of our economy. the situation of the banks is the same, but unfortunately, despite the efforts made, it did not come to an end work was done and the plan to reform the banking system was prepared in the 11th parliament. considering the scope of this work and of course the views of the central bank officials, both in the previous government and in the current government , there are two parts in this matter, one is the amendment of the law, the so-called approval of the law system of the central bank, which came and anyway in the parliament was completed and
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its problems were removed. thank god, it was able to create a new foundation for the administration of the central bank, the supervision of the central bank over other banks. recently too we signed to give priority to the so-called brash law and we hope that after the elections and within a few months left of the 11th majlis, this issue will be brought up and in the parliament's favor. a very good track record for the 11th parliament in this area. do you think that the banking system should be reformed in what direction and how ? look, we are like some iranians. when
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discussing theoretically, we speculate. theoretically, we have a banking system, which is not rational anyway, because in in the framework of islamic contracts, all loans and educations are defined, but in practice , some banks or financial institutions act in such a way that this becomes halal and haram. that is why we have this type of system for reforming the banking system. the next point is the issue of effective and active supervision of banks, which unfortunately, the central bank did not have the possibility to do such a thing with its previous laws, that is, we could not deal with a private bank that violated and prevent it, but with this new law, this is possible.
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now it is ready. since when was the new law approved , it was finalized this year? it is now finalized, which means it has not been implemented yet. in any case, the preparations for its implementation are still being prepared, god willing, the structure of the central bank will undergo serious changes , and of course the discussion of the jurisprudence council of the central bank of rome. a process where the selection of members has conditions, they supervise the whole process. banking, in terms of guaranteeing the so-called non-existence of banking activities, and in any case, this issue, god willing, their activity is permanent, that is, yes, yes.
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all the types of contracts that exist in the banking system, all of you should see them, because all the so-called instructions are filtered and processed in the jurisprudence council . and that's why, in our opinion, it was a good thing that can solve this concern of the religious authorities and the people. well, now it didn't work, that is, what you tried to do in the 10th and 11th period didn't work. yes, look at one of the things that i think it should be decided as soon as possible. it is about the subsidy system, which, in any case , despite the fact that we consume 200 to 250 million liters of gasoline and diesel per day, and at the same time,
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if we calculate about gas , it will be equivalent to several millions. now, i don't have this gas equation in my mind, but in any case, the amount of hidden subsidies that are given in the country and the obvious ones that are given to the field of energy, electricity, gas and fuel products. it is very much that more than 5 to 10% of people do not receive it. there are several general opinions regarding the management of the assistants. one opinion says, sir , continue the same, use this people. well, this is not a problem, but it is not possible to continue. that means we can't import gasoline until we have twice the standard. well, another point of view we have to correct this process. well, some people say increase the price. it's not because we want all the direct pressure on the people, because people who are not at fault are given high consumption cars, people who
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are not at fault are being built houses that do not save energy. you were a minority in the 10th government. you were a minority in the 10th parliament. a strong majority, yes, well, the parliament, or considering your majority, is one of the good things that now, of course, well, look at the image of the seventh plan and the rulings that came out of it, many things were good. it was not that because now our seventh parliament, of course, expectations i say myself that it was much more than the 11th parliament
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, although the 11th parliament really took good steps in many areas, the laws of the land, such as the law on the youth population, such as the law on the youth of the population, such as the same law that was discussed in the nuclear issue of the year. first, our parliament approved and we had good laws in various areas, but in my opinion , it could have been much better and more complete , especially since in the last two years, the parliament has been working with a government that is politically consistent and convergent. it was accompanied by more, but in my opinion, these are the problems that exist for the structure of the parliament. it does not allow the important and fundamental tasks of the parliament to take shape. one of the most important factors is the dispersion
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of the representatives, the lack of coherence of the representatives. i believe that in the country's political environment, there is no prohibition to create parties and party activities. anyone who says that is making excuses in my opinion. but there is a problem in my opinion. politicians have come to the conclusion that it is easier without a party. now, political figures at the national level organize among themselves, gather people , support them , send them to the parliament, and use them later, but none of these people are responsible. they do not accept the society does not respond by saying, sir, finally, you came here one by one from city to city, gave a speech and said that this gentleman is very good, vote for him. then you brought the parliament , so what happened, now answer us, these decisions, when should this meeting be taken , because of this, it is apparently better to
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take responsibility. political organization is the result of this fragmentation and irresponsibility of politicians in the field of work and internal resources of the parliament, and this is a loss in my opinion and people need politics.
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why are you on your own? now that you have come out of the parliament, we want to go back to the government. i mean, your card was in the presidential institution. i was a staff member. i was in the presidential institution, and of course i was in all the governments after the revolution except seyed rajaei's government, from the government of engineer mousavi at the end of his term as the ministry of interior, for a short period during the time of the late mr. mohtashmi , then the governments of the first and second governments of mr. hashemi, and then other governments. i was present.
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or the family, you mean that the family does not agree, well, the representative of the parliament is one side , if someone really wants to devote himself to this position , it is almost 24/7 , that is, how far is the distance from tehran to iraq? four five until friday, for example, i am at home. these and sometimes the representatives say that when we come here, we rest in the courtyard , where we go, anyway, the hardest work in the city is really
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a lot of work. now the representatives of tehran and these are really comfortable because of this, but the representatives of the city , now some people may finally go to the city less, but in general, the representatives spend a lot of time with us , who all go without their families. beren or events like this are hard and stressful work anyway. well you still your age requires that you will be a candidate again after the twelfth term . god willing, we do not intend to do that in the future. i would like to tell you one more thing that i think is important for the parliament and the representatives are the concerns in the field. they have their choice. well , consider every representative. for example
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, representatives usually have specific concerns for each term, depending on the conditions of their constituency. come on, the representatives of the north always talk about rice, for example, about tea, and these are the issues we are dealing with, for example, one of our serious concerns there is air pollution in iraq and its surrounding villages and towns, where we are one of the most polluted cities in the country , and unfortunately, the diesel fuel they use is under severe pressure, and we are really
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ashamed of the people who


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