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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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in order to be sure that the international court of justice rule is being implemented, so i don't know every member state is the owner of his foreign policy, but it is a little bit contradictory to continue saying that there are too many people being killed , too many people being killed, please take care of people, please don't kill so many, stop saying please and doing something, the same thing that you said was in joseph berlem's speech , we see it in the media, especially the american media . that the white house is pursuing amid differences they highlight biden and netanyahu and say that they don't think alike, but the european union's foreign policy coordinator also comes and says that if you really say this, then stop sending weapons
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. the reason for the war and the truth of this enemy, the zionist regime , everyone understands together, they know the truth and the reality of the war crimes committed by the zionist regime against the palestinians , they all know the need for a reaction, which we don't have now, that is, today after these words. western leaders from the united nations all together emphasize and the international court of justice emphasized that if war crimes happen there, where we have genocide against the palestinian people, children are being martyred by the zionist regime .
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now we must first know that no one should ask us why we started the storm. we have seen that we are facing war crimes , the same as the zionist regime . we are in gaza, lifting the siege , opening the rafah office, the arrival of humanitarian aid , this is absolutely no need for understanding. no, this is not the right of the people on the battlefield according to international laws to open border checkpoints for the arrival of humanitarian aid . thank you. now we are talking about
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humanitarian conditions. what? do they want to score points in the negotiations or does he follow the mandatory alley plan? we have several points. first , until today, netanyahu and the military level of the zionist regime have not achieved any outstanding goals to present to their society, which today's zionist society has hundreds of thousands of people on the streets against netanyahu's policies. ministry of war the suyuni regime is present, so even today , with the assumption that it is gaining time to achieve goals such as assassinating leaders or something else that they think is the second and more important issue , i mentioned the american green light yesterday. mr. biden was something else, and today in a press conference with mr. badshah abdullah, the king of jordan
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, they said that if they said what they said yesterday that if israel goes to the snow, a humanitarian disaster will happen, what are they saying today, today they say that if they want to go to rafah it must provide for the city and its citizens and the civilians. what does it mean to go to rafah? do mass killings and we will fight today, what do they say? today, kirby emphasizes that no civilian damage has been done by the zionist regime , which is a very interesting claim. some time ago, john kirby said that no human damage happened to civilians . he doesn't even have respect for logic, respect for the intellect of others, which is something that everyone agrees with. they also know what joseph berel is saying, please.
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he will stop this work, please , you must stop. today, you must push this zionist baby regime, but what do we say to the americans? we must say to the arabs. governments of countries islamic, we have 56 countries, more than half of the world , we can cut off oil, cut off economic aid with the zionist regime, these arteries cut off the lifeline . thank you, i want to ask you about the status of my negotiations. what is the state of the zionist regime's team returning from egypt and so far we have not received anything from our dear friends, the egyptians or the qataris, that the response to our response
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against the meeting held today has also returned from the zionist side, but there is still no news . yes, we still have no news. this announcement by biden is worrying for entering rafah. therefore, as i said, the american sinister owl often issues news and statements , which means, unfortunately, more pressure is put on the negotiations , more pressure is done in the way of bloodshed and bloodshed, but until today, for example , resistance has three conditions: the red line, the red line, tawaq. any agreement should improve the daily lives of the people of gaza, lift the blockade, then we will go to the political solution and the exchange of evenings, and this is what these dogmatic issues should
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be in terms of any understanding and any agreement . thank you very much. we had an incident a few days ago, of course. a month ago, the grandson of mr. haniyeh and the result their martyrdom is not unique to them. several leaders of hamas lost their lives and their families in the attacks of the zionist regime . what effect do these martyrdoms have on the morale of hamas leaders?
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it is part of our people, but it is the same story as it is for the people of gaza, for the leaders, yes, we are the leaders who serve, we are in the front, but this news , god forbid mr. hazem, is not accurate, and to this day we cannot say whether he was martyred or not , and we we don't have correct information today and this is not only about hazem, there are dozens of our friends our brothers and sisters. yamesh said that we have no news, we cannot emphasize the testimony of god, may god have mercy on him, may he live or be martyred, so we request that we should not emphasize or reject these news, so far we
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have no definite information. thank you for your favor and finally i wanted to let me ask you about the situation of those people, a real aspect. in your opinion, the international organization that provides aid to the palestinian people after four months of war has now targeted that organization and made accusations and wants to make the un unable to provide aid inside gaza anymore. what happened that the zionists reached this point , unfortunately, they even said on suspicion that nine of the employees of onorova are active in the activities of the 7th of october, and that this report is not valid at all, they are not valid at all, and the first announcement from the zionist regime against this accusation
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the only accusation we have seen is that it came from germany, france, britain, america, that we helped with onorova. it kills humanitarian aid . it means that it is ready. yes , it is the only international emergency that can deal with the palestinian refugees. it helps to see now that more than 65% of the people of gaza have been transferred to a place where they are responsible for onorova, i want to say that if 9 employees are like this, according to onorova, the employees of onorova, then remove them, but because onorova herself is being prosecuted and sanctioned, this means it was already under compromise and planning that this emergency and the international emergencies that
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have been helping the palestinians until today, that now this aid should be stopped . our people are criminals and predators of the zionist regime who want to put pressure on our people be it for example, for these people to pretend or do something against the resistance . i saw an interesting thing yesterday in an interview that one of the international news agencies had in gaza, and we broadcast it to the world today . there was an interview with a palestinian woman in the south of gaza. he said about the possibility of the zionist attack on rafah, he said that he hoped that egypt would not open the maze, anywhere else in the world, it might have been imagined that someone would be in that place. say that i am requesting egypt to open its borders so that we can get out of this situation, but what happened that the
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palestinian people, despite all these hardships, this war genocide, they themselves say, we don't want to open egypt's borders . you see, this is absolutely what that dear lady said, because i can't really check the reaction of my dear friends in egypt, which is absolutely right. the people in the battlefield according to the international laws of opening the border checkpoints for the exit of the wounded and others, i tell you that even the humanin paz, which was a 7-day humanitarian stop , a month ago, the people who entered egypt, the people of gaza, that is, the people of gaza's families, came to egypt. to gaza means to return to gaza. on the contrary, you can see that this spirit of the people of gaza has one characteristic, first of all, faith in justice
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his goal is faith in god, and now the israelis do not include any other way for the palestinians to resist. today, after more than 30,000 martyrs, 70 % of them are women and children. in your opinion or in the opinion of the elites of the world , is it possible for the two countries to coexist or hate or solve each other? after all, dear friends, this is not blood , this is water, for example, the earth absorbs it, it remains blood. which became more and more after this sacrifice. our people are not ready to return to a humiliating life with shortages under the conditions of the 6th of october
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under the siege, our children are martyred in the bedroom due to the lack of water, electricity and humiliating life . therefore, today this story is a heroic story and a story of faith and freedom, god willing, thank you very much , sir. in the end, if there is anything left , we are at your service . i just want to thank you. i really want to say that with the honorable people of iran and the people of the world, you should not be silent . we will continue. today, american people , african people, non-muslim people are in the streets against the war crimes of the zionist regime because of their speech positive things because of the information because of the narrative of the same
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narrative, therefore , please, we must continue these people's activities until, god willing, we see that this zionist regime has changed, with a moral burden against its creators, the regime of the arrogant forces that this regime is facing the existence of this regime today is moral. thank you very much, mr. qadoumi. i wish you the best for the people of palestine and the fighters of the arzom resistance. thank you very much. russia warned the united states and the european union about the consequences of taking over foreign assets of this country. eu law to expropriate profits from the frozen assets of the central bank of russia approved . the spokesperson of the us state department also announced a vote with other members of the group of seven to confiscate the main assets of russia. the spokesman of the russian foreign ministry
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has warned that moscow's response to the thieves will be very harsh and severe. moscow arrival 18. british authorities banned russia. russia has announced these bans as a policy of reciprocation against london. among these officials are james carsellage, the british government minister for defense procurement and charles rowland, the deputy chief of staff of the british defense forces. a shooting in the new york subway killed one person and 5 others were injured. this incident happened after a fight between two groups in the subway. one of the victims was a 34-year-old man. he died due to shooting. in america, approximately 118 people die every day due to armed violence. google allocated 27 million dollars to promote artificial intelligence in europe . the company announced that it will implement its plan with the help of messenger and social networks.
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the head of chat maker jpt warned about the dangers of overusing artificial intelligence. samuel altman said the increase in dissonance deviations social problems will be the consequences of the high use of artificial intelligence. a group of astronomers came across a phenomenon in neptune's atmosphere called diamond rain while studying space. carbon in giant gas and ice planets like neptune turns into diamond due to temperature and pressure . these diamonds fall like rain towards the core of the planet. venezuela described the transfer of the country's boeing 747 cargo plane to american soil as a shameful and looting act. this plane was impounded in argentina last summer. 747 cargo plane seized by emtrasor company
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venezuela was transferred to florida, usa. according to american officials, the plane was seized in argentina two years ago without any violations in its cargo and only on the pretext that it belongs to the iranian company mahan air and by order of the united states. america claims that the sale of airplanes to venezuela is a violation of sanctions against iran. with the announcement of the seizure of the plane, the streets of venezuelan cities witnessed anti- american protests in recent months. we are here to protest this decision of argentina. we want this. this is a collusion by the governments of the united states and argentina venezuela is taking all the necessary measures for the talent of the plane. a plane carrying a humanitarian mission to venezuela was
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hijacked by argentina. they ordered the us imperial court to take the plane. condemned and this is not at all approved by international organizations, especially icao, such actions are one-sided and one-sided actions that safety and security. the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs also condemned the seizure and transfer of the cargo plane and called it an illegal seizure and the result of the unilateral coercive measures of the united states and a violation of the fundamental principles of the united nations charter and international law. he emphasized that iran
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firmly supports venezuela's efforts and legal and diplomatic measures to restore ownership and access to the country's property and assets . and we see the end of tonight's jahan program according to the picture.
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this production line is a product that plays an effective role in both beauty and temperature control of the building. with a cursory look at the facade of apartments and office and commercial complexes, this example can be seen in abundance in doors and windows . on average, 200 pieces of up windows we have vc and aluminum production and 300 pieces of glass and 10,000 units of windows per day. we can produce windows and glass in one shift. if we want to consider 300 days , we can deliver nearly 3 million windows per year with the same capacity.
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let's take an average of 100 production units, for example , we can produce 10 million to 15 million windows per year, which is a kind of country's market. if it reaches the market of 1 million per year, we can easily cover the window market in terms of quality. well, we can do much better even than foreigners we can be much higher, and we are now . the production capacity of this industry is such that it is easily available to mass builders and architects for the reconstruction and renovation of buildings . half. there is no share at all in imports in this market. their installed production capacity
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is over 300,000 tons. that is, 5 to 6 times the domestic consumption, despite the domestic excess capacity , many manufacturers export their products to the countries of afghanistan, oman and iraq. in fact , our export destinations in the past few years were our middle east we were able to have a penetration in countries like iraq, afghanistan and oman, and export speed in the country of oman, iraq, afghanistan, azerbaijan, and recently with guljastan, the machinery of this industry has been domesticated and even exported. most of our industry is in terms of machinery and technology. they have the most advanced technology in the world, and training specialists in transferring technology and training specialists has cost a lot
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. we are coming in terms of quality, we can say that it is very simple and we can say that it is equal in terms of power. in terms of price, it has greatly hindered the offer. in addition , it has something around 50% to 70% of its foreign counterparts inside iran. it is produced and reaches the consumer. the double-glazed window and door industry is one of the industries that quickly took off in the country with domestic raw materials, and the production units took over the market and imports were minimized. now this industry can take over international markets.
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11:30 pm
hello, dear viewers of the football magazine, tonight's program discussion is a bit too inclined to the blue color of esteghlaliya, stay with us, and we are also talking about it with football fans and persepolis. the end of the spaniards' work in foolad. the spanish head coach martinez and his two assistants by agreement.


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