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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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[000:00:35;00] in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate. greetings and good morning . dear viewers of khabar, welcome to the news segment at
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6:00 am. the whole of gas in the area of ​​halveh pass. borujen city became the governor of borujen city announced that the fire in this gas transmission line will be fully contained by the next hour. kerami stated that the situation is under control and added: the volume of the fire has decreased drastically and only the remaining gas in the pipe is spreading. on the occasion of the birth anniversary of imam hussain (peace be upon him). guard day of the revolutionary guards. islami unveiled ballistic missile launcher systems from the shahid mahdavi ship and new fuel missiles from maye emaad. these missiles successfully destroyed their defined targets from sea and land at a distance of 1700 km. the commander-in-chief of the irgc said: this ability
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has increased the irgc's deterrence capability against threats against iran. this is the sea of ​​oman and irgc's shahid mahdavi ship stationed in this area is armed with two ballistic missiles from the fateh family , targeting somewhere in the central desert of iran . ballistic missiles are equipped with a range of at least 1,700 km with container launchers that make the missile disappear and remain undetected until the moment of launch. our ocean liners can appear anywhere in the oceans. there is no safe place for a power that wants to create insecurity for us. after the rockets are fired, these two targets with a side of about two meters are hit like this. but at the same time, in two other parts of iran
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, the irgc's new missiles are being prepared to attack this target. these missiles, like imad and qat , increase the range and accuracy by changing the body and structure of the warhead they have been hit. if we do not make ourselves strong , as we saw around us , different countries will trample them. the zionist regime is very weak today. in these situations, you have to be careful and we are doing this necessary care. the target of these missiles is the simulator of the palmakhim air base, the main location of the fighter. not long ago, netanyahu again used the word attack on iran at this base and said, "who said we will not attack iran? palmachim base is about 15 kilometers long, between 5 and 6 kilometers wide, but the target of irgc missiles is a third of this scale. and the fighter hangar and now, in less than 7 minutes , the simulator of the largest air base
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of the zionist regime in the occupied territories will be under the rain of irgc point missiles. in this operation, emad missiles reach targets with an accuracy of less than 4 meters with reinforced explosive warheads. and this is a situation of what the revolutionary guards can do against any target in the event of an invasion of iranian territory in a combined sea and land operation. the commanders of the irgc say: the purpose of these missiles is to protect these people so that no more missiles will hit them like 36 years ago.
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red alert. no one can take a left look at us because of the zealous and zealous iranian youth, we see a missile that, by god's grace , is fired from the farthest part of iran to a place where those who have superpowers and technology are running away. they are surprised how these missiles were made. well , yunus shadlo of the sda news agency , the dimensions of the victories of the palestinian resistance movements in the gaza war became more apparent. on this point, tel aviv and washington said that from at first, jang emphasized the destruction of hamas: now they recognize this movement as a party to political negotiations and admit its irreplaceable role and position. mr. amir abdullahian emphasized that americans and westerners have come to the conclusion that
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the zionist regime will not win this war despite the widespread killing of people and unprecedented crimes . therefore, they all emphasize the ceasefire. the foreign minister of our country also said in a conversation with ismail haniyeh: the islamic republic emphasizes the decision and solution of the palestinian authority for the management of palestinian affairs in the post-war phase and believes that the community the world should support this solution. more news, the ministry of energy announced that the world's largest dry water desalination system will be put into operation in sistan baluchistan in a month after installing the equipment. sistan baluchistan province, the problem of sustainable
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water supply for the villages of kanarak region of this province has been solved , this is what the minister of energy says, we store water in the source, then we pump it with a dynamo , we use it for bathing in our house , thank god, there is a problem in this connection. not in another plan is being implemented to supply water to the south of sistan baluchistan. we have a hundred mashkids and their parents it is in charge of supplying water to the baluchistan region , the zabli hidoj areas, we have the ker shahr dam, and god willing, during the visit of mr. president, this dam will reach the water intake and opening stage. we have shakid sefala, which was dormant for years and is currently running at a very good speed. the minister of energy says that the most important problem of the ministry of energy for the water supply of this province is related to the zahedan region in the north of this province, and so that this
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region no longer depends on water supply from the neighboring country, the ministry of energy is implementing three plans. the long-term plan is to transfer water from the sea of ​​oman. over from 12%, we have progressed over the past year and the medium-term plan of transferring water from the eastern reservoir. there are several groups of us, each group from a different province . we are excavating the collector part . there is also a water catchment structure behind us. the emergency plan also includes two wells to complete the second line of water transmission and desalination of sea water . the place we have placed now is the hamun hirmand plain, where 40 rings of these shafts have been prepared and , god willing, it will soon be put into operation . we went and did the same thing in the shileh plain. in fact, we will bring 130 million cubic meters of water to zahedan and sistan region through abkhan transfer project eastern, fortunately, we had a visit today , a significant part of this implemented project , the world's largest dry water desalination plant is under construction, according to
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the ministry of energy, the sistan baluchistan desalination system will be put into operation in a month. dear viewers, at the beginning of this news section, there is a fire in the national gas transmission line. in halvai district in brujn. we have presented news to you. to know the details of this news, we are now talking with mr. aqli, the head of the country's gas transmission efficiency, mr. aqli. hello, please explain to us the details of this incident. i am at your service hello, dear viewers. good morning , god willing, have a good morning. around one o'clock in the morning today according to actions. explosive vandalism happened in several points of the country's gas pipeline, fortunately , no one was injured in the explosions, and our colleagues at all levels and with the cooperation of all the agents
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we had managed the issue and repaired the pipeline and restored the pipeline of the service schools in the program is placed under the control of consumption management with the actions taken, and they are currently in the supply of gas to cities and villages , and they are in this favorable situation. thank you mr. aqli , we will definitely use you again in the next parts of the news. dear viewers, we have reached the end of this news section.
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be proud and victorious. the construction of this house by the hands of a foreign chinese , for the first article, a grocery license is to be issued, to create competition and to justify this action , we can remove the golden signature in the country . the streets of the capital and conversations with single -child families always say, "mom, look when you're in your heart." he picks up or, for example, you have something to say, and you call
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do you talk to your aunts or, for example , do you send messages together? you go to each other's house. she says, "i am an adult , what should i do? that day, mother 's words became an excuse for these uncontrollable tears. you know that now the age gap between you is so big that you cannot talk to her ." i have a brother, there were not a few only children , and the reasons for their being alone were many, because life is not difficult, housing is not difficult, and now the expenses are too high . the concerns that the first parliament that supports the family and the population is on the agenda, report their explanations to the jamiat jamiat and taalah spokesperson. incentives were compiled in the cultural commission of the family seen for women who are working for housewives who are during work or housework
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or discussion. a few months later, the general plan was approved. the 9th parliament ended and the comprehensive plan of population and family excellence did not come to fruition. thank you, your time is up. during the 4 years of the 10th parliament, this plan remained silent. just in the days when iran's premature aging was reported as a crisis, the 11th family parliament began, marriage and childbearing became more frequent words. to take care of. the youth of the population and family support were activated. 9 of the parliamentary commissions and the existing challenges on the way to birthdays were recognized. 21 we identified the challenges that families had in the way of having children. in order to solve these challenges , a 73-article plan was prepared and approved under the name of the family and youth protection law. the family and youth protection law, which
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is one of those vital laws, your law is different from what we say , what we say is like an advice . your law is enforceable and must be implemented . monitoring meetings, the performance of the devices, went under the microscope . their own reports were sent to the meeting. public presentation of our orders , we created jamiat youth camp under the responsibility of the university president and support these groups who are active in the field. the population at the national and provincial levels is now on our serious agenda, and the parliament has not been provided with resources for the kordon entry law , not a single riyal has been allocated from the budget of this law for the implementation of this law . they say that we spent 3 thousand billion. the role of coordination became the headquarters with the entry of the jamiat youth law assembly, under no circumstances should the work be delayed any longer. i will implement this. i see the law as good if it is implemented. first,
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we must solve the housing problem of the people. those families with 3 or more children they are getting a car without a lottery. with the entry of the parliament , the implementation of the legal promises of the institutions sped up. we took over all the energy of the ministry of home affairs for this work. the pieces of land considered will be delivered to these loved ones. as a result of the implementation of article 4 of the law, 32,000 free plots of land were given to families with three children. being delivered to the top has an effect on our life process, one feels supported , it helps a lot in our life with three
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children and with the implementation of article 12, 194 thousand devices. not a regret or wish remained. if you don't follow
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, you won't get a chance to fly, if you don't, you won't be able to fly. imam of my time, love of my life, imam of my time, love of my life, imam
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of my time, love of my life, the world has no meaning without you , the love of the times. when you are my world, my world is spring , the world has no meaning without you, the love of my time, when
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you are my world, our world is precious. first of all, i will be your commander. hello, commander. hello, from this generation of beaver jamande. hello, commander seyyed ali has called dahan nash. it was the last day of the spring of 1969 and the heat of the 1990 world cup games in italy, when iranian football friends
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stayed up to watch this game, the game started, but some others could not see brazil's goal in the 81st minute. earthquake haft sahem richter manjil rudbar tarem and
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the villages and functions of these cities shake. 40 thousand people were killed and more than 500 thousand people lost their homes. but this incident was not the first and the last natural incident that happened in iran. iran is one of the 10 poorest countries in the world. out of 64 natural and
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man-made disasters that have occurred in the world so far. it has brought a lot. in the past, governments used to provide unnecessary aid to these affected people . which, of course, did not meet their needs. i felt an earthquake and the lady became a tent. a house that was built with many loans and selling gold and cars. with the ruins of his conversion, he did not give the power to build it to the great god.
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presented the natural disaster insurance fund to the parliament. the law establishing this fund was approved in 99 and this fund was established in early 1401. based on this law, it was decided that all residential houses in the country will be covered by the natural disaster insurance fund. all urban and rural residential houses. they will be covered by compulsory accident insurance , the insurance premium will be paid partly by the government and partly by the people. the insurance premium of the building natural accident insurance fund is currently 100,000 tomans, of which 24,000 tomans is paid in electricity bills by the owner. and 76,000 tomans of the government's contribution to stop paying damages for this year and last year, 31 million tomans were finally considered for this right. the insurance will lead to the payment of damages of up to 31 million tomans . is this thing
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sufficient for your construction costs or not? i swear, no, if you want to calculate , i won't get any money. we believe that nothing has been spent, the officials of the fund also believed that this amount is small and should be increased . see, as a proposal, we can according to the law. this side. let's submit to the government that this insurance premium and the limit of damage payment, which are related to each other , are measured according to the rules of insurance calculations . the people pay 24 thousand tomans of this 100 thousand tomans, which means 2 thousand tomans a month , the government has to pay the rest
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. it is better than 30 million tomans and the bridge. pele kekani according to the law is also this he predicts that this number will increase to a point where people will not have to worry about natural disasters. the proposal that was rejected for 1402 , the managers of the fund proposed it again for the next year. our proposal for the next year is an insurance premium of 300,000 tomans, 30% of which is the responsibility of the owner and the rest is the responsibility of the government. 30% of the owners will be 90 thousand tomans on each bill. this insurance premium leads to the payment of 95 million tomans to foreigners . this time the mps also voted for it and now next year the situation will be somewhat better. fortunately, with the approval of the budget law of the year 1403 paragraphs related to the fund, we were able
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to increase our payment commitment to 95 million tomans. and in case of damage , we can pay up to 95 million tomans. well, according to the ceiling of the relevant obligation, the insurance premium included in the electricity bills has increased to 7500 tomans. of course, i must mention that in rural areas, 80% of this amount is 6 thousand tomans. people covered by welfare relief committee who are unable to pay are exempted from paying insurance premiums. it has been said for a long time that accidents do not make news, but you can prepare yourself for it. natural disaster insurance fund for better future years as well will be. of course, it should be noted that 95 million tomans is not the level of damage that we can compensate
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for the damages of the residents and owners of the building, but we hope so. in good years, we can change our risk factor in such a way that we can increase our payment, and the insurance premium can be made in such a way that we can
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