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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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various political and economic contests in the elections. the importance of elections in choosing a strong parliament. the key is in the hands of the people. what prevents your competitors? prescriptive pricing. it is impossible to fix the land price by order. naftabadan are paying him to watch football . yes, and your words are more behind the window and to the pain of these known media, the press . do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran ? you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital. tendencies debate on the eve of the elections every day at 15:00 on khabar today wherever we are.
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bismillah rahman raheem hello, welcome to the capital market news, the economic spokesperson of the government about the allocation of the department's shares. he told the participants that there is a dispute over the inclusion of the names of some companies in the portfolio of equity shares. referring to the remaining four and a half million equity shares, mr. khandozi promised: by the end of the year, the obstacles to the transfer of shares will be removed. three times in the last year and in 1402 , the proposal related to the new beneficiaries of equity shares, which according to the law. the government had this authority in its case
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make a new decision from the ministry of economy in the economic commission of the government. it was brought up until today because of the opposition of some ministries that they should provide the shares of their own subsidiaries to the equity shares . regarding the list of equity shares , we are insisting that it should be valuable and usable stocks because it is increasing the capital of the weakest sections of the society. can be high do. the indicators of the glass hall continue to fluctuate in the negative direction. they took steps in the trading
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of the stock market on tuesday, and the outflow of money continued. about 70% were traded in the negative range. the indicators of the glass hall of trading on tuesday left behind a decrease. on this day, the total index took the saudi trend in the first 30 minutes of trading, but could not maintain it until the end and finally reached the level of 2 million 90 units with a decrease of 1,593 units. the equal weight index was more negative on this day and with a decrease of 224 units, it reached the level of 73259 units, compared to the general trend of the company's price. small and medium enterprises with a negative return of 3% . glass hall witnessed more than 3 billion eight hundred million stocks and financial bonds change hands in 300 thousand transactions with a value of 6 thousand billion tomans. in this day. the symbols of kechat, kegel, akhabar, and shabandar
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had the greatest impact on the red color of the total index , and compared to the symbols of fars, shepna, shasta, and beh mellat, they prevented further reduction of the total index. the stock market had a fluctuating trend like the previous days. experts believe that in the current situation, the demand for capital increase and exchange rate changes will continue for investors have been attractive. and it can stimulate the growth of the market. the next issue is the discussion of capital increase from the revaluation of assets , which is an internal market event . it is one of the most important factors at present. in the last week
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, there was a relative stability of the land price, but still the difference between the semi-market and the open market is between 39 and 4% , which is higher than the average of previous years, and if it is in the range of 25-30%, this difference if it declines or decreases , export-oriented companies will have better incomes from the exchange rate, and their profitability will increase, and ultimately investors will be more likely to go to the market to buy their shares. kerman motor car remained without customers in the commodity exchange during tuesday's sale of kmc cars in the commodity exchange
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. the market price was announced. a person who promises to invest in the market oil 30 billion tomans. he had cheated, he was arrested, this news and more in today's news , the minister of economic affairs and finance, ehsan khandozi, the production stations of semnan province, which can use the capacities of the capital market , provide financing quickly and in the shortest time . seyyed ali rouhani, deputy minister of economic affairs and finance, is expected . with the formation of a specialized committee to facilitate the financing of projects , we can see the improvement of the financing of economic actors by using the capacities of the capital market and the development and deepening of the capital market. omid arbabzadeh the security manager of the central depository of securities and
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settlement of funds, the discovery of the prized bug is the basis for increasing the security factor of the systems in the capital market. iran capital market news base. the ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of north khorasan investment company was held with the presence of 52% of the shareholders. sardar jalil mowkofai , the police chief of semnan province, who defrauded 40 plaintiffs in shahrood city by promising to invest 300 billion rials in the oil market , was arrested. paying unconventional profits under the title of investment is one of the common ways of the whole. however, uncertainty about the possibility of
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a us interest rate cut and its impact on fuel demand limited further price growth. the iran energy exchange is hosting the 15th issue today. exports include raw gas and raffinate, and 500 thousand tomans is the product of tuesday in the iran commodity exchange. the value of these transactions was more than 9800 billion tomans. 2370 tons of all kinds of goods were sold in the mineral industrial products hall. 95 thousand tons and kiambatum were traded in the open auction hall. the petrochemical and petroleum products hall also
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experienced the transaction of 89,500 tons of polymeric and chemical materials. 3830 tons of cement in the trading system it was sold. all the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key, it is in the hands of the people. iranian coach
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sharaf iran is playing with the whole country. why is your question an interesting question in these six months ? you are special about the election program . in recent meetings, the leader of the revolution called the real competition one of the important pillars of the election , which means that the field is open for the presence of different political, economic and cultural viewpoints, so that all currents can participate in the competition with this difference in their views. great election is a competition. get in shape and register an active presence in this field. one of the issues that the activists of the agricultural sector
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disagree on is whether or not we should allocate 28,500 currency for the import of agricultural inputs, especially poisons and fertilizers. basically, here are a few questions. the issue between the different spectrums that are active in this field is how much the supply of fertilizer should be based on capacity and domestic production . do we have to import the finished product with a width of 28 to 500, like the import used for the primary input of samakud producers? yes, let's look at them from 28 to 500. naturally , the producers are against this issue, on the other hand, the importers, that is, the importers of the agricultural institutions, say that the quality of domestic products is not good, and naturally , imports should be supported so that we can the more we have. all these questions will be answered in the debate of this part of the program.
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thank you for being with us. well, in the special studio of the higher program, mr. malekzadeh, the executive director of iran's chamber of agriculture, is present as a supporter of imports and the allocation of width 28 and 500 to imports. also. mr. jahani, a member of the board of directors of the association of poisons producers of the country , is present as an opponent of the issue that we are serving you. in our other studio, mr. moradi, the vice president of pest control of the country's plant protection organization, is also present . i want to start with mr. jahani who opposes imports , why basically where does this opposition come from and why are you against the allocation of 28,500 for the import of agricultural institutions. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, with greetings to the dear and unique people of iran
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, see that we are not against competition, but iran is it is the only country in the world that pays a subsidy to a specific product in a situation where its production units need support, and the subsidy it gives for importing that product is two to three times the subsidy they give for domestic production, that is me. i say, sir, if the government tells you to produce this automatic machine , i will give you one dollar, but if you go and bring it from abroad, i will give you a subsidy of $3 . this is why you are against it, mr. malek what is your opinion, do you agree with mr. javantiqi , in the name and memory of the merciful god, i offer my greetings and courtesy to your excellency, dear colleagues, dear guests, and all our dear viewers in iran
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, especially the hardworking farmers and ranchers. i have a farmer and a representative of the farmer in the room of the agricultural guilds, i will present my content and i hope that no one will ever allow this mentality to think that i am an importer of poison or fertilizer or, god forbid, i want to agree in this regard. let me speak to you so that we can speak first we hope that in no case in the country will we create a monopoly in production and other matters, and secondly , if we are really thinking about production , we are thinking about the weapons of the country, and the issues that are considered
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, we should look at the quality. the fact is that we agree with the allocation of width, but with regard to these things that i am presenting to you , we have been producing for several decades, both domestically and importing from other countries, but unfortunately, because in that way . it was expected that it should be managed. i would like to submit to you that there should be a discussion of supervision and control, and this did not happen the smoke of this issue has gone to the eyes of our producer and on the other side of the consumer. a producer who is consuming agricultural products, but our belief is that if the distribution is going to be done , it should be given to high-quality products to brands that exist in the world , and we can import products that the farmer wants to pay less for tomorrow. do it and
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also that we don't want to use chemicals more than the limit of the standard. or the light that is necessary, we can use the poison, but if it is possible, it will be given to a company that does not have the necessary quality, sometimes outside of us. we are faced with the fact that there are companies in china , i am at your service, they are in india, there are jordan, there are iraq , there are many of these countries whose products come , they really have the lowest level in terms of the required quality. allocation of width must be done to help the quality of the input, whether it is related to poison or fertilizer, which, god willing , will help to produce healthy and lower the cost of the mechkarm product, mr. jahani, do you agree with mr. malekzadeh, mr. malekzadeh, one way?
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they call it a very beautiful issue that our currency let's make it cheap so that the quality is high. by the way, i say that this width is cheap. it is an obstacle to improving the quality because it destroys the competition. your share of the market does not depend on the quality of the goods. you can get 28 and 500 from this rent. it determines your market share. once you get it, you have no motivation to go and look for its quality. one of the biggest damages to the competition for its quality is that it is 28 and 50. no, look, mr. jantikh, i am telling you this. you should do what you were doing. for several decades , we have been doing this through the public sector or the private sector, which has nothing to do with the producer itself, the producer himself, very large cooperative companies and many
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cooperative unions . exploitation of agricultural sector in all activities in all these companies and unions are members. if this happens through these companies, you can be sure that they are doing their work correctly. they import the healthy product, the healthy input, and if something happens in relation to the currency that you mentioned, the profit of this currency will be pocketed. the farmers themselves and the members of those unions go and say, sir, 28 and 5 days is good for help. it is nice for a farmer to help his farmer, but helping a farmer for 28 and 500 is not such a thing , mr. malekzadeh, this is a rent, well, first of all, i am the recipient of the first line of rent, i will benefit from it. 300,400 importing and producing companies want this government he can monitor these 400 and then go to 10,000 points of explanation. yes, another
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rent. who wants to monitor those 10,000 points ? farmer exploiter at all it cannot be monitored, this has been proven all over the world , it cannot be controlled with a police system, with a penal system, supply and demand , i think you are in favor of an open economy, supply and demand in one system is the best controller, the best quality enhancer, we are supporters we are a competitive system where everyone competes on equal terms , unfortunately in iran it is the opposite. the picture means that coming to import will help 3 times , they see the production as lower, it is not possible for us to compete at all. 160 million dollars is a good offer, 285 days. for a product that could
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be produced domestically and produced with good quality, we have a problem in this country once every four years. square, we will see later, not cycle, we will go again. from the beginning, from the time of mr. adeli, the time of mr. hashemi rafsanjani, i remember that this two-rate system started, and then they said it didn't work. up to 500, it is interesting. all the officials of the country also say that it is not a good thing. well, sir, it is not a good thing . you have a problem with it. they say that contrary to your order, you are saying that i am competing in this and that and nothing. i do not accept that rent is not created, problems do not arise. yes, we have these issues . you say that monitoring is not possible at all. it's correct, it's not in this amount , no, see, i said that we agree, but according to the conditions that i mentioned, now when these legal organizations
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take responsibility for this work, we have come several dozen in different ways through the same people who are now in every there is no way to get this import license, to do the monitoring , it will cause a round of other problems. now , let's change the system. must be one if there is a solution, otherwise , under these conditions, we will only think about domestic production and not support the importer who wants to import high-quality foreign poisons, nothing will happen. look, i am a farmer , but i am an agricultural expert. my field is herbal medicine and i have been working in the distribution of agricultural institutions for many years, but sometimes with farmers , because i am in contact and i am familiar with the products, it has happened many times that there has been a lot of dissatisfaction among the farmers
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for the products that were inside, not for the products. we have not been abroad for unbranded and low -quality products that have happened to foreign companies, but if we don't want to , we have a correct solution for this to happen and help. regarding the issue of quality being taken into consideration, we definitely have this problem as long as we go forward , that today our farmer is forced to consume a product that is of poor quality because it is not properly processed, and eventually several times . he uses it, he sees that he doesn't get any answer, i will damage him, how much will my cost be, we say that we should use that foreign product with support that happens. yes, this support should be provided for domestic products as well, but instead of saying that there should be no support at all, if this does not happen, then the foreign product
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that they import, the farmer must buy at several times the price, but if there is a supervision, he will import it. instead of creating a rent and having several times the income for him , he should import the product with half width or preferred width, and then come and sell it to our consumer, farmer and producer with free width. this should be monitored and only my way is this leave it to the organizations and unions that know how to manage for their members and buy institutions, tools, facilities and all these things that they need. in your opinion, what should be the ratio of import support and domestic production support?
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we have a problem, that is, inside the country. now, fortunately , mr. engineer was in all the distribution circles . you can see that they say that the farmer should be supported. yes, it looks like we have 160 million dollars, 20 dollars. first of all, this belongs to the whole nation , not only to the agricultural group, then the nation wants to give this to the farmer who is producing wheat. how much will this 160 million dollars go to our wheat ? give him or strange methods, who said this subsidy is in favor of the farmer? you see, 20% of this 160 million dollars does not go to the farmer, i eat some of it , i eat the producer, some of
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it is eaten by the distribution chain, and some of it is eaten by agriculture, which is not the agricultural group that we want to support. the powerful farmer, the big farmer, the export product is very expensive, he gets it, i want to see how much it gets for the target group, and this is not controllable , we cannot control the monitoring system, the legislator and the person who came took this plan into consideration, and the politician who came mentioned this issue. it was definitely to support the farmer, to support the importer who is not, to support the businessman who is not, but what happens behind this case , if it is not seen, we must see this, we must correct this, but let's clear the issue. and don't create a situation that he a high-quality product should be brought in by a high-quality institution. it definitely creates a problem. yes, you say that the subsidy should increase the price of the farmer's product. well , we have a problem with this swelling. now, there is no
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law. the decision-makers and decision-makers of our government men do not allow the farmer's product to go up because he says that his back is swollen, which means that we are in trouble from that side as well as from this side. the quality is excellent, it's true , i pay more money, i use it once , i get results forever, it's great for me, but sometimes i am not saying that domestic products are not of high quality. but mr. jantiq, we have to accept that many of our domestic companies' products do not have the required quality , why are the importers and many importers and many importers ? india and other places that do not have the required quality, but my point is that the farmer goes three times, four times , gets that bifito poison, consumes it, does not get an answer
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, and causes damage to him. its main task is to monitor the performance of executive bodies, this parliament should help. work let this supervision be formed so that this does not happen. look, we cannot assume the responsibility of others who are not doing anything today . you as a producer will be hit inside. tomorrow these problems and losses will plague me, then i will look and see that my expenses will not match my production, i will lose my job because of that, the consumer should deal with this parliament and
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expert decisions, instead of expressing a so-called long-term policy that will benefit the country, so-called policies aminash says populist should say something sir, for example, the people like it now, the future is not a concern, the laws they approve, the instructions they give, the future is not a concern, just today and we will turn today, for example, in 285, let the people like it now, what happens behind this is not very important, or they don't know or they say well, let's reject this later for now . look at what you are saying. i will say one thing. 10,000 more than 10,000 points, 4 million which system, how much does it cost? we are the only institutions that do not have this problem, even in the farmer's products, unfortunately, this is rent, why am i giving you an example?
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in our country, our farmers are producing rice, there are two or three limited provinces that are allowed to do this, considering the water situation they have , maybe 10 to 20% of our rice needs are imported, but unfortunately, we have to register orders for more than 70% for imports. it is given, well , as you said, it creates rent, mr. moradi , we talk a lot about quality quality. how do you evaluate the domestic and foreign products and how much do you agree that in order to increase the quality , we should come and offer for the importer the offer of 28 and 50 days in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. and congratulations on the days of shabaniyah, especially aba abdullah al-hussein.
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god bless the dear and hard-working farmers who, with extra suffering and effort , provided the country with self-sufficiency in basic products. here is my opportunity, i am asking the dear farmers to take into account the 40% decrease in rainfall and the increase of 2.5%. the temperature has caused pests to attack our fields prematurely. breshen and farmer friends should definitely protect their products from pests by monitoring and forewarning and referring to agricultural jihad service centers and herbal medicine clinics. the main task of the organization is to protect mr. moradi's plants, i apologize because our time is limited


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