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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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dear and hardworking, who are doing their best to provide the country's self-sufficiency in basic products. here is my opportunity , i would like to ask the dear farmers that due to the 40% decrease in rainfall and the 2.5% increase in temperature, this has caused pests to attack our fields prematurely, and the farmer friends must be careful in these stages. advance awareness and refer to agricultural jihad service centers and herbal medicine clinics to protect their plants from pests. the main task of mr. moradi's plant protection organization. i apologize because our time is limited. i am at your service. the friends who are here
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are in agreement with the plant protection organization to protect the crop from pests and increase production. well, here, friends , there are a lot of different and miscellaneous talks and repeating what mr. jahani said is actually not statistically correct . in fact, in 402 until today, when it is february. let me tell you about our service: 75% of our poisons are domestically produced, 25% of our poisons are ready-to-use. mr. moradi says that you have the dollar, tell us the dollar. now, in fact, we have spent a million euros, how much is 200 million euros? so friends they say. we do not have a single policy and a proper approach
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to both domestic poisons and ready-to-use poisons. look at the quality. we have the efficiency of poisons. the efficiency of poisons is 16 effective factors. one is quality, and there are 15 other factors. now we all return to quality. i will explain more in the following , but only on the topics that friends. i would like to say a few things so that you can see that in the country now, the statistics that i have presented to you are technical poisons or effective substances that have been imported. none of our friends are producers of fertilizers . we import a technical substance from other countries. we synthesize it and sell it here, so that technical material is the same width.
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it took 30,000 tons in the year 402. the same importers of ready-to-use poisons, mr. engineer , imported 7,630 tons of poison, and they also took 2,805 tons . more. importers, if the statistics of mr. mohenders are more than 160, there is a question about when to give them to the producers, i don't know, but now we are talking about dollars.
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see me regarding quality control. one minute, if
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you allow me, yes, only that statistic, if you give the details , please see mr. jahani's question, how much of this supply is allocated to imports, how much is allocated to domestics, thank you. the discussion is because in reality , the number of companies that imported the technical substance was 39 companies ready for our consumption, and 78 companies, the number of items that imported the effective substance was actually 116 poisons , 139 poisons ready for consumption. and the government is there to support us. we do not enter you as a trustee as someone who explained mr. moradi, this was on loan. you took a product that could have been produced domestically for 2 dollars. you went and imported it ready for 4 dollars . you see
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, we agree with part of malekzadeh's words. we must give our farmers the right. let's give the right to choose, let's give the right to compete. now, after a few decades, the issue of competition has come up again in the automobile industry. in fact, if this is not a matter of competition and the choice of the farmer, we cannot have quality and healthy products in the basket of households . this is another matter . we support both parts in the whole process. a pen of domestically produced poisons that is produced in sufficient quantity and with high quality. we gave a list of the nature of imports and recently gave the manufacturers' association, and that list was also given to other authorities to make a decision other than you in support of domestic production . there is a discussion of definition, despite the prohibition of article 16 and
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the note of the law on increasing productivity in several countries. last year , the definition between ready-to-consume and production poisons. it has been done internally to establish a balance and proportionality . we have a 5% difference in tariffs. we have a 5% difference in tariffs. in the subsidy you are giving to imports of domestic production, let me give you an example. please understand that they call me a producer, if you produce this automatic machine in the country, we will give you a subsidy of one dollar, but if you import it from abroad , from china, india or anywhere else , we will give you a subsidy of 3 dollars. this is not true. is this true or not? this is not true , sir, you are subsidizing it for its technology. if i go and import it all, you will tell me, i will give it to you. i will
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give it to you. the article is not true, look at the story that way did you get a subsidy for all of them or not? how many products do you have, friends, that is, width 28 to 500 for domestic production, which part do you have, or width 285, you see, we, mr. engineer, actually have a large number of domestic production companies, formulators and the number of companies that import poisons according to your opinion. provinces
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, this survey can be done in the headquarters, its components are analyzed based on the type of crop, pests, diseases, and amulets. in fact, one year's production of poisons in the country is obtained. when it is obtained , it is the responsibility of these companies to provide and explain it. on a monthly basis, we will send a list of this company and register their orders to the honorable vice president of agriculture, and all of that currency will be paid monthly. this offer is being paid to friends on a monthly basis . if it is produced in the country , how much would you subsidize it if we import it, if you don't answer, let me answer. give an example of poison
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if i produce it, they give me a subsidy only for the technical material. for 30, the average value of the raw material is 30. yes, for the effective material , they give a subsidy for 30%. you have to go to nima. i can buy it or buy it in the free market, but if i go and import it, they say that we will subsidize it all, that is, instead of one dollar, i have to produce it domestically for $1 , but if i go and import it , they will give me a subsidy of $3. i appreciate that i only put 10% of my work into importing, sir, it doesn't hurt me, but i'm ashamed for the same 10%, but i'll say it again, mr. moradi, your government system and mr. engineer are lucky. they should be more ashamed than me that i pushed the producer to import. you really have an evocation, your excellency. the basket of poisons in our country is 230 items of consumable poisons. 230 pen i will answer each and every word you said slowly. 30%
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or 30 items of these poisons are 70% of the country's poison basket. where you said that wheat is consumed less, it is the opposite. we use 30% of imported poisons in the fight against weeds, pests and diseases and other damages. wheat is consumed, so the most subsidized now in the third discussion is the strategic crop of wheat, it is explained that it is 6 million hectares in fact, i already said to you about the discussion of this part , i would like to present to you another discussion, whether what i said was right or not, you can import it to all of your friends for domestic production, only on the material of the juice, just tell me whether it is right or wrong, engineer moradi, i apologize. excuse me before you
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are the trustee and the government in the process and mr. jantiq himself as a producer inside, but is this really the issue that mr. jantiq is saying in this document? grower and a farmer really with that i don't agree that it is for a product that is produced in the country. it can be one times the subsidy of the one who wants to import, three or four times if this
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is true, then justice will not be done, but the important thing is what was the intention behind the subsidy allocated for import, is it to help our domestic producers ? it means that there is a producer of agricultural products, is there help for the farmer or not, do they want to help only the importer. clarify for us, mr. moradi, this is a word. if you answer yes or no, i will tell you that friends, there are many scattered points i said a lot, we have a very specific question , mr. moradi, i apologize, we have a very specific question , and let's go see the report. now, if a product is complete, mr. bozor nasab, we do not accept this, because we have banned 25 types of samor from entering, the tariff right will be established. we created a balance on ready-made poisons, and due to the fact that many of the 250 types of poisons used
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in the country are not produced in the country, and we have to , no, we have nothing to do with them, our only question is that now the clear question is if we import if we have poison, we will subsidize it and similarly, we subsidize a part of it for domestic production, that's how it is. no , i told you about the subsidy that we give, with the definition that is done, with the policies of the ministry of home affairs , with the support that it has for domestic production, the difference is very little or even zero . you see, we are working for the country. it's not our organization or our factory, the answer is from this side of the world. they also say a sentence that is not like this anywhere in the world, sir . well, mr. moradi, please allow us to go and give the report, we'll see, we'll come back and we'll hear your answer. thank you. milking the importer of toxins. if
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we want a high-quality product to reach the market, it must be competitive. at present, many domestic poisons do not have the quality of ready-to-use products , so by removing half of the imported poisons, the competitor who owns the technology should not be removed from the field. we can knowledge by importing imported products. let's promote the native of this field. ahrabi, an expert in pesticides , there is no supervision in the use of the effective substance in imported products, and only the final product is imported. and this is not the only problem because not all imported products are owned by a few companies, but more than 90% of imported poisons come from third and fourth grade companies. whose quality is lower than domestic production. spanish importer of poisons. pesticides are strategic goods like medicines. some products
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cannot be produced domestically due to their formulation. good production support. but if this support prevents entry. if the poisons are good, it will prevent the entry of quality products. akbari polluting poisons. friends in the ministry of jihad are in favor of imports rather than domestic production. currently, poisons are being imported , the effective ingredient of which is 2%, which neither has advanced technology, nor is the domestic producer incapable of producing it, and this means the destruction of 20,000 jobs. has been in the country. hosseini, the head of the importers' association, our institutions in the country should seek to produce healthy food and the possibility of exporting agricultural products with standards, and this is possible by importing high-quality pesticides and toxins. bostaneh, the producer of poisons, when
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half of the loan is given to the raw materials, 25% of the crop is given, but when half of the loan is paid to the ready-to-use product , the high volume is taken out of the country. the problem in customs definitions should be solved. now the price of the product is over. if poison is imported, if you have an example with what if it is produced internally, how much the price difference is so that we can see how true this subsidy is to the purpose of talking , depending on the type of share, the part that is included in the so-called subsidies. yes, it is different because now you say that if the government offers 285 dinars to the importer, i, the producer , cannot compete with the imported product. this naturally shows itself in the price. can you give an example? i did not understand your question exactly. you say that the government is allocating for the import of the final product for this reason, because it
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ends up being cheaper, you cannot do this. compete, that's right, how much is this price difference ? how much is the price difference? we are competitive. the minimum price difference is 18. in some cases, it reaches 80. how do you want to cover 80 ? our eye is a tool for improving quality, a tool for competition, but it is not a fair and equal competition. you give one person three times the subsidy and one person one time
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. let's go and compete. sir, what kind of competition is this? where in the world do they compete like this? there is no place in the world. yes, i insist . i believe that there is no place in the world where a country has a currency problem and then can save you with one dollar dolid produce poison inside the country, say no , i will give you 5 dollars. i will get you 5 dollars from this import. you could have provided more poison for the agricultural sector with domestic production with the same currency that you gave to import. why did you do this, sir , you could have at least 30 provide more width for our farmers to create a more competitive environment , now this is limited, the supply is finished, we now want a lot of raw materials, we will bring them, they say no , the width of my import has been enough , you can't produce anymore, sir, i have an applicant. for listening to domestic production, they say no, because it is imported enough has been done, you can't produce anymore , i will read you a sentence, by god, i didn't want to hurt people, i didn't want to leave this position, and this is a point about internal production.
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imported domestic products need to improve their quality. yes, imports are the same. look, we are also importing. in domestic production, we have good poisons and bad poisons , but because the story is about rent and restrictions , there is no competition, that is, whoever brings good poisons can import or produce good poisons, he will sell them, and those who bring bad poisons can import them and produce bad poisons. he is also selling it because he has taken the price of his rent . you notice that he has killed the competition by installing this big helper. of course, this is the first time i am hearing about this injustice. of course, we say internally that we invited the importers' association to find an issue in the debate, but they didn't ask for a reason, and there is no problem . they have no problem participating in the debate. let them make the best situation for this existing situation. first of all, it should be clear that i, the farmer and producer, really know
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this happened, but maybe it has nothing to do with us farmers, that is the discussion that i mentioned . now mr. engineer moradi is asking you if your dollar has anything to do with the same seed. they don't answer. these things that happen, we are never informed, what decisions are made at the top, what actions are taken, and no one gives statistics that this import has had this much revenue or not, or this much income, i, the consumer, only see what i have to come to you. know the action of i will buy from that seller and go to consume, but the main point of my speech is that these issues do not cause this competition to be eliminated, to create a monopoly in the country
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, just like the issue we have now in cars and other things, but the issue of the agricultural sector, because it is a food product, is food security. there are people, we should pay a lot of attention to this, i am a farmer, if they tell me, sir, that the shelf life of chemicals and poisons in your product is high, sometimes they politicize these issues, it all comes back to poor quality poisons, which may sometimes be domestically produced. we do not say everything, we cannot say about the country from abroad there is also my internal production. sometimes this happened. i said that even in relation to the question you asked about the price, mr. jantiq , it happened to me sometimes. i bought the external poison for 3 times the price, but the finished price of the product has greatly reduced because it has increased my performance
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, it has also reduced the cost of spraying to fight against pests and diseases for me. poison, well, if we don't care about imported poison, if we want to import high-quality poison, tomorrow there will be only a few domestic companies , that part will no longer be related to me, it should be done. we have 10 to 15 supervisory bodies, which we have requested. alhamdulillah , we have 10 to 15 supervisory bodies.
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the agricultural product is not a question of the producer of poison or other things, the support is only for this. now , the person who made the decision that you say is giving three times four times the subsidy of the domestic product to the importer. became. people who want to consume these food products with the least damage, mr. moradi , have your summary and see when i have time. we today
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we are entering the 100th year of the establishment of the plant protection organization in 1302, the national bureau of pest control, and in this 100 years , our hard-working colleagues are without eyes. with a strong heart , they made a double effort in protecting agricultural products from pests and i saved between 30 and 40% of agricultural products from pests. thank you, mr. nasr, our time is up. masha allah , we have all answered, thank you, mr. jahani, please help us. we say once again that as the third producers' association, we are completely against it we are not importing, importing is necessary, but if the conditions were equal, but if the conditions were equal, for any reason
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, the government cannot create fair competition conditions , it is its duty to support domestic production . there is no justification for importing goods that are domestically produced under these conditions. bashi exchange center 39, thank you mr. malekzadeh, i am also in favor of your presence, i reiterate my request and i have a suggestion, just as article 44 said , leave the work to the private sector to their own people, if these things are really happening and others they are abusing on the issue of rent and these issues , leave it to the farmers' organizations and leave it to their own supervisory bodies. there is a chamber of agricultural guilds that has both legal capacity and the task of organizing the farmers and determines who is entitled to what product to be given. thank you very much. all the guests of the program, all the good viewers of
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the higher election program who have accompanied us until this moment, god bless you. special sale of carpets with an attractive design , old carpets with new carpets in the iranian grand palace , partial sales without cash, payment without guarantor in the iranian grand palace until 2:00 am in the host city of tehran. this is iran's store for you. feel the difference
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on the right side, you started again , and you go straight for five kilometers of the special road, when you reach tehran, there is a big sign that says faju city, the city of household appliances. i mean, i'm asking if i'm unemployed. i'll stand here and take the sign. we will use a router to see where the address is . you don't accept the words of a living person. you trust the words of a living person. why do you give the wrong address here, when the city of farsh was not the city of household appliances.
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pay attention to the destination, the city of carpets and the city of household appliances after azadi square, in front of tehran sar. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful. world parade and grand prix of the emirates, two gold and silver medals for iran, on the first day of this competition, ali al-fatnia won the gold medal in the long jump with 5 meters and 96 cm.


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