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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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let's have something like this, like the international markets, and of course, like all the issues that we served you, the establishment of the land exchange has pros and cons , which we will discuss more in the higher election debate. please be a viewer . thank you. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is in the hands of the people. the iranian coach is the honor of iran.
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yes, you are with the higher election debate , we want to have a debate about whether to launch the currency exchange or not . they say that there is a possibility and the necessary infrastructure to start a land exchange, it is possible to take a model from it by starting a currency exchange and a market that is known by international institutions and basically existed from the beginning . he did it, and i pray to your presence that we can prevent currency fluctuations and reduce it. opponents say that it is too early to start a currency exchange and basically in a market that has several prices, for example, we have 42 currencies, 28 and 500. we have the exchange center rate which is 39 tomans. naturally, there is a market
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let's add a new price. basically , they believe that the discovery of a new price and the price that they think the real price of the supply will not be discovered there. be with us in the debate above , but here in our studio, sir, there is no problem to use it. here in our studio , there is mr. gudari, a stock market expert, and also mr. mahmoudi, an economic expert of the program . naturally , mr. gudari is present in the program as a supporter of the establishment of the land exchange, and mr. mahmoudi believes that it is not the right time. both guests of the program want permission with mr mahmoudi, let me start with this question , where does your opposition to the establishment of the currency exchange for now come from? yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, to the service of his excellency, mr. qadrat, and dear viewers. hello
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, my objection is related to the discussion of feasibility, if the possibility of such a market in if it is the current situation and it is not under the supervision of the central bank and it is in the stock market , then it can be a breakthrough, but according to the records we have seen from the central bank, a market will be created again, it will have a ceiling and a floor. this market is neither a competitive market nor a perfect market it does not allow you 10 thousand dollars.
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therefore, there must be a market in which there are certain people with controlled demands . well, of course, this market will not be real, so we will come back to the free market again, and i think we should focus more on the currency exchange market. the prices should be real, the rent should be removed, the mob and the difference should be removed, the resources should reach the producer and the people. and employment and development in the country , but the creation of such a market in the current situation, in my opinion, cannot create the necessary foundations for now , and we will again be involved in the same problems as before. all of them will cause a new rate and a new rent to be created. for now, my suggestion is definitely. let the currency exchange market reach the real prices
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of the rents that some people use anyway , and you were sensitive to them in several cases. to control the production and inflation, these companies can have more reasonable prices. of course, now i will continue to discuss the issue that we have some misconceptions about our company. our petrochemical feed rate is now double. the price is global, so we create so many gaps in the land market. it will definitely not be in the interest of our companies. anyway , i will explain further and i will provide the number. thank you, mr. gokhari. what do you think? now is the time to start the land exchange. do you agree with what you have said?
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govin, it is beneficial for us to use it. well, i would like to say hello and politely to you and all the viewers of the shabani holidays, and to all my friends and dear viewers and you , i congratulate you. thank you very much , doctor. okay, i agree with what the doctor said i am a land market, but now they don't see the conditions suitable, so my question is, do we agree with the existence of the land market or not ? this is our question . there are some opponents who fundamentally oppose us with the existence of a foreign exchange market and say that no , we should not have a foreign exchange market at all , while we believe that
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we should have a foreign exchange market. we don't have it, so my question is, when should this happen? well , we have been dealing with the same question for 45 years and 46 years, and now is not the time now is not the time. in any case, you took the land market hostage to a situation that now, because it is not ready, the market is my hostage, and the land market has an effect on all parts and angles of people's lives, parts and angles of the society's economy , and i think that this question, this answer will not be a proper and legislative answer, mr. doctor, you should answer that if the conditions are not suitable, if the conditions are to go towards making the conditions suitable, then you say that what is the current market rate of the currency market and should it be monogamous or the real land rate? ok, and then
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we will come, for example, to close this land market in general, our point is that if you do not have a currency market, you will not reach this goal, you have found the problem and lost it. if we don't go towards the formation of a regulated, transparent and manageable standard market , the same thing will always happen and it will never be fixed. do you think that continuing this situation will help to make the exchange rate real? continuation of this status help. it is because of the multi-rate of the currency and the social, cultural, political and economic damages it is delivering to the society, can this be done? is it suitable? can it be a good solution to continue this situation? our answer is no, our answer
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is no, and mr. doctor, look, we are not going to make a new version for this market. we are not going to invent the wheel. i don't say experience, first world countries, developed countries, less developed countries, countries in our own region, we must first come to the conclusion whether we should have a desire market, have a land exchange or not , our question is whether or not to have a land exchange , you answer first. give me, do you agree with the existence of the currency exchange or not? i say now
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we have a land exchange, so i should come and say, sir, no , this is the rent, no , i am not against it, but the main issue is whether the custodian of this market will be the one who will be in charge of this market. it will be prepared later. well, you want to form a broad market . well, i say, well, we have a broad market , don't we have a broad market ? we have a gold exchange market and a broad market. now the gold market has recently been created. what happened to the commodity exchange? a specific mechanism was doing its job anyhow, the new organization
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that was created is being traded with the formulas of the 5th century and it is not working in any way. the supervisor is the same, the supply is the same , i don't know , the manager is the same. well, it didn't work. it means that you want to create a market, create it like this and agree with it, you are against such a market. the market you are talking about. i have to see first, you have to see if such a market is possible or not. first you have to answer this question. the feasibility or impossibility of such a market, sir, is not possible. now, you can do a shipping that you want to get, for example, the price of your hand in dollars. the central bank immediately created an organization by itself he says that he is starting a business . he says that mine has now issued a 30% bond. the economic spokesman of the government came and said that sir, this 30% is over until the inflationary pressures and inflationary expectations
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are reduced. the central bank came and said no, sir , the unfinished ones are produced in the name of production, sir. you were able to pay for education, the average profit of our production is 35% with the association and laws. by the way, a letter was prepared, 5%, i said all to confirm production profit margin, production profit margin. at the daily rate of assets 5. all of them confirm my letter and it comes out. well, now he is studying for 35 days. next you tell this trustee to this trustee, come and create a new market. look now, the 13th government did a great job. 420 width , which was the source of rent, was removed. but this government brought him into the trouble of 28 and 538. so what happened? ok. again, everyone is interested in the rent, the import queue is long, everyone is interested
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in going to get foreign currency, import it , sell their goods at 60 tomans dollars or sometimes even higher . exporter, exporter of petrochemicals and steel . the government itself should provide them at full price they have to bring 50 tomans for them, 38 tomans, 39 tomans in the same market. sir, we have a market, the mechanism is not correct, let's focus on correcting the mechanism, otherwise we will give a space again, the central bank says, oh, this 38 tomans will stay at 39 tomans, ok, this is your place, mr. producer, come here , let's introduce unknown importers without id, then we will come and the importer and the raw materials of the medicine will be left free, i will come later , the price will be ordered therefore , the important issue is that i say that we have a market
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, we need to focus on the mechanism, fix the mechanism, and if we give a subsidy to the production sector, come and tell us, sir. 5 we give a percentage subsidy, the price is free market, for example, it is x tomans, you give 5% lower than that, mr. gudari, why do you point out that now is the time, mr. mahmoudi says no, now is not the time. it is a big step and it makes us proud that you have accepted that now yours is the same as now the opponents have accepted that we should have our currency market anyway , so you have taken this step, thank god, mr. doctor , my point is that the market we have, mr. doctor the market consists of the existing market, the pesto market market.
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the opponents of the currency exchange agree that we should have a market, but they say that we have the conditions now. you say that the current conditions are not right for us to have the currency market , i say no, why don't we have the conditions, we had the successful experience of many years ago, our experience, first of all, let's clarify the issue and what we mean by the currency exchange.
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it is not beyond what is happening in the world, we do not want anything beyond that. i don't want anything strange. first of all, don't make this word too big, it's very scary let's not say that it is a currency exchange. everyone says, well, what is a broad stock market? no, the functions of the land stock exchange are completely specific. it has fully experienced . it is happening all over the world and billions of billions of dollars are now being exchanged in these broad markets, which are called forex. that we have to accept this is the second point you made in your statements. you said that legally it is not possible, we are not allowed to hold more than 10 thousand dollars, you are saying this, you are saying that legally we are not allowed to hold more than 10 thousand dollars. in foreign exchange , more than 98 transactions
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are related to derivative contracts, not physical contracts. that is, the nature of these contracts will not lead to taking over the currency, that is, they do not exchange land , they exchange currency derivatives , they come to the forex market, they exchange equal ratios , there is no prohibition to end ownership. look , yes, it is ownership from a legal perspective. you say that your sir is coming to the stock market, which means that there is nothing strange about us that people don't understand. we now have a certificate of deposit, a certificate of deposit of gold bullion we used to have a gold coin futures certificate . was it a gold coin, no, no, yes, the cash flow was respected, but yes, but no, well, the ban is a legal ban because the law has not yet been written
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. there is no will to do it. the will is not of what sex? the central bank has always considered itself the guardian of the land market and the gold market in this country. due to the infrastructure and the traditional approaches that exist in the central bank, and i am here , the central bank has not been responsible for fraud and response to rate changes. the management of these two markets has not taken any action to use new tools, new methods, etc., and has always been against this issue, because you told me in your statement that the central bank has just now come with a coin certificate, a gold bullion certificate, which is more than 10,000 there are billions of tomans traded in this market overnight, and it forbids its own banks to crash this market. the overnight market is a market. you said something
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in the fourth century. i say it was formed in the first century, and it has, for example, gold bullion. trades the central bank has the same approach to the land exchange because bank central bank says, "sir, if i have a land exchange, now is not the time. now we don't have the infrastructure. i say we have the infrastructure. look first . the reason i am saying is why now is different from the past. in the past, the need of economic operators for the land exchange was not the same as it is now. maybe in the past, there was a need." and the demand for the creation of the foreign currency exchange is now
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running its own business, that's why i see you say this, mr. gudari, they say that now is the time, no, look, we say, with what regulations and for how long, with the security that the central bank, according to the resume that now we have told him, well, mr. doctor why do you think that it must be a buyer? i say there is a demand, oh look , there is a general demand regarding the establishment of a land exchange. so far, the trustee of this market has not been able to meet the needs of these economic claimants , you insist, you insist that
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it is not possible for the general public to go to the market for themselves, and then come back and give a new rate, please, the bank. a center should come , create a new rent, and then say
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yes, this is the market that you said, no sir, the currency exchange market, our problem is the production width now, people. normally, there is a built-in price for their expenses, of course , it is small and anyway it cannot be covered, but the main issue is that sir. the trustee is the characteristic of the law, the characteristic of the feasibility, the characteristic, we say, well , what is the best way, i have more demands from you, the best way is for the current situation to go to the same exchange center in the exchange center of the rates, if the distance is reduced , the rent will be calculated, if the rates return to production, i said we have to correct the real profit margin of production at the daily rate of 5 days. and so , what are some people doing, mr. doctor? subsidy is used, we have to create a framework, many people don't know about
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the questions for my candidate . no , it is twice the global price of competitors . if we want to, according to annexation law 2, it should be determined by the formula , there is the competitive name, which means that it can compete . well, our producer is educated, and the central bank says that 35% of that is the rate of consumption. globally, why should this rate be 39 tomans , if we correct this, you see, we used to compete with aramco for a period.
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let's change the name, let's say that the market has caused the resources from the stock market, that is, from the production of the investment stock market, which many understand that 60 million people are involved. you want a new stock market. you need to create, for example, a lot of duties should be clear, the stock exchange was the first priority of the honorable president, now i am asking him by the way, sir, this is your first priority , give pensions for 46 million people and retirees, come and visit, this is your 32nd province, 60 million there is a crowd once travel to this province with a population of 60 million people, their money is coming to the production , investing in the market, there is no broker, now you can see that the real estate producer is waiting
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, the real estate broker has made 82% profit, so we have to be focused, the trustees should tell us and help us, god willing, if we have a market, if let's go to the next market, we will go to the next market for three or four years with infrastructure, laws, and solve all this , then let's say, sir, we have horizontal contracting from 73, it will be removed a lot . production will be destroyed, investor it will be destroyed, wait for us , we want another market, a report, my colleagues in the stock exchange group of sed and sima news agency, prepare it together, if we agree, we will see, we will come back to an agreement , we will continue the debate, mehdi ghazanfari, head of the national development fund, the launch of the stock exchange a formal and transparent foreign exchange market is created to meet the foreign exchange needs of producers and other people who deal with foreign exchange in some way. also, all those
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who have export width present their width in this space legally and away from secret transactions and under the supervision of official and legal authorities. even if the government wants to give tax exemption to the exporters, the procedure will be clear. hossein salimi, president of iran- afghanistan chamber of commerce. the establishment of the land exchange will eliminate brokerage in the currency market, which is very problematic. it is important and remarkable. when a stock is bought on an exchange, there are rules that oblige the seller to fulfill obligations. another advantage is that i have certain conditions for the money that i am going to give to someone and i am not sure if he will give me an offer in return or not . mustafa safari, capital market expert. log in the width of the working capital market
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is completely expert and correct. government collection. next, transparency is chosen as a solution to the currency crisis, and from now on, every rate setting takes into account supply and demand using stock market mechanisms. pedram soltani, vice president of the chamber of commerce of industries, mines and agriculture of iran. the risk of tracking iran's foreign currency transfers by the sanctioning countries increases with the launch of the currency exchange, and knowing this information, they block the money transfer routes, and therefore the problems of setting up the currency exchange outweigh its benefits. . heydar mezhbarin hosseini, former deputy of central bank of iran. financial monetary policies in our economy do not have logic and standards. therefore , there is no point in setting up a currency exchange at the moment, and a currency exchange should not be set up. in the situation of stagnation , the formation of the currency exchange will not only not do anything , but it will also cause an excessive increase in the price of land. hossein abdi tabrizi, the former head of the organization.
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if the land exchange is considered as a futures market, considering that the currency supplier in iran is the government, not only does it not help to control the market , but there is a possibility of corruption in it. we saw the report together, mr. govra, please tell me that i am very happy that all the opponents are from the opposite sex, which is dear to us, that is, they say that we should have a stock market, but now it is not possible. and i would like to tell you a few points, and please allow me to finish my statement, then you can give your orders. first of all, i explained why we can start the stock exchange now, because our current needs are the society's demands towards the stock exchange. the past has become very different. now , a proper action must be taken for this public demand. the second point is our successful experience
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we had this area. again, i would like to emphasize, look at my opinion. what you have in your mind about the land exchange is that it is not a physical market where people give their supply and demand their supply. in world markets, maybe 2% of these markets and even less it is related to this physical exchange between the seller and the buyer , the major markets in the world are based on currency derivatives markets and currency derivatives bonds. to the law it is not a new investment, but this also happened with coins. the next thing
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i was talking about was the development of successful experience. for example , we had coins privately. a coin is almost similar to a currency, the behavior of a gold coin is very consistent with the behavior of a currency , so when we can easily create a derivative market for the coin, there is no need to go to other parts of the world. let's come from somewhere in space , let's come up with a strange design, not the same as the ard stock exchange. in fact, we believe that you should start with the currency derivatives market. and later go to the physical exchanges , which are also very few. the next point is the development of our technical infrastructure.


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