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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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let's tell the truth to the people ourselves . let's tell the people clearly about all these issues. this was and is the fault of this parliament, and i agree . it 's true. thank you very much. for example , the revelation about the receipts of parliament members, thank you very much, god willing, in the next programs of phil majlis. you see us in the name of god. hello ladies and gentlemen , welcome to economic news. the household subsidy of the first to third deciles was deposited based on announcement of the organization
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of targeting subsidies the month can be deposited into the account of all household heads of the 1st to 3rd deciles in the country's service center at 24:00 on wednesday, the 25th of bahman. before this, the mezazi organization of subsidies had announced that the subsidy payment schedule had been changed and that the subsidy for the 1st to 3rd 25th deciles of every month and other households were included. seim is deposited every month . according to the minister of economy, the treasury unit account plan , which was free of charge in the past years, has been fully implemented and terminated, according to mr. khandozi, with the implementation of the treasury unit account and the creation of financial discipline in the number of accounts of executive bodies. decreased from 25 thousand to 25 thousand cases. this
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account after account in some devices , there are even accounts in the names of individuals, accounts that have taken root in all the country's banks, sometimes that person dies and they claim that this money is for them, the government's supervisory view to monitor the flow of money, the number of accounts in different banks reduces the government's elites in monitoring their own resources. as the minister of economy says , there are 250,000 registered bank accounts of government agencies, we allocate the resources to the main executive body. the main executive body to the sub-executive body sometimes deposits the government's financial resources in these stages. legislators found a solution to this issue in 1958 by approving article 53 of the constitution, but unfortunately, in this field, we faced a historical confusion in the past years. well, hassane comes
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next to this and completes this, that is, he says that the receipts and payments of the devices are somewhere from the treasury , i have them from somewhere in the account of the treasury unit, i check these after several years have passed since the approval of principle 53 of the treasury unit account in the programs 5 years and the budget law of 1401 and 1402 was included and the government is determined to implement it it has to be attracted to emphasize another component that has not yet joined the account of the treasury unit . this happened this year and those 250,000 accounts that hindered transparency in the past 2 years became 25,000 centralized accounts with the central bank . the government, as someone who wants to know his assets, wants to let him know, once when he finds circulation, according to principle 53, the balance of the country's resources will be determined, and now in bahman 1402, the minister of economy has announced the end. this process gives this
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project, which has been the task of the law for years, has been terminated . there are a handful of remaining cases it is very valuable that what has been done to prevent sedimentation, according to the report of the research center of the parliament , the treasury unit's account implementation has been able to prevent the government from borrowing 25 thousand billion from the central bank in just the first four months of this year. the ceo of iran imidro mines development and modernization organization announced the formation of a financing working group to solve the problem of knowledge of mineral foundations. muthaqinia added that 5 % of the companies of the academicians are active in the mining and mineral industry sector, and this share should be increased. our idea is recycling. technological ideas and
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they creatively came to the aid of mining and the mining industry so that the wheel of production turns and the country's economy moves. using the design of automatic double blade scrubber, which was previously done by manual methods, we have designed it automatically to increase the production of extremely valuable contributions, with the entry of innovative ideas into this field, the production chain in the field of mining is strengthened and added value. they contribute more to the country's economy . we enter a large amount of minerals into the value chain, which are used by the upstream industry or now for health issues. the key to success is benefiting from knowledge they have stood by the mine and entered the field with innovative ideas in this period of the festival. more than 300 ideas were actually
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identified and attracted, and today 12 of the best ideas won the prize of this festival. especially, the realization of 13% growth in the sector. mining requires as much presence of knowledge-based and innovative ideas as possible in this field, we should have 13% annual growth in the mining sector and 8% growth in the industrial sector and achieve this goal in the 7th plan without improving the technology , the reality is that it is not possible from about 9100 up to 450 of them are miners, the percentage of all companies academics in the country, which is not commensurate with the size and strength of the mining sector, although the ideas and creativity in the mining sector are facing the challenges of financing and developing the market, but with the entry of the venture capital fund into the field, these challenges will also be solved. one of his most important tasks
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is to create a special credit line in this regard through the advanced industry support fund, and from this route, in fact, concurrent loans will be available to the active of about 5 out of the total number of knowledge-based companies. the field of mining and the mining industry are active, considering the role and position of mining in the economic prosperity of the country , we need the presence of as many knowledge bases as possible in this field. farajullah mohammadpour, radio news agency. operation of 8 thousand small businesses with the financial support of omid entrepreneurship fund. these projects, which were opened simultaneously all over the country for 43 thousand people. has created employment. the executive vice president announced the government's plans to support manufacturing businesses. with a credit amounting to 12 thousand billion dials, which
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was provided to the dear entrepreneurs of the country in the form of facilities. the investment volume of these projects is over 190 thousand billion rial is activation of closed and semi-closed units, the most important first manufacturer of brake parts for heavy vehicles in the country, a young man in his seventies from qomme hosted this ceremony. currently, we have 16 direct employees, each part that we produce prevents one part. we import and i think we spend around 400,500,000 dollars annually. the opening of these projects in qom province has created employment conditions for more than a thousand people. saadati of the qom sed and sima news agency announced the approval of the new bylaws to combat the smuggling of goods and currency in the cabinet of ministers.
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according to mr. bahadri jahormi, with this regulation, the supervision of various import processes and the explanation of goods will be strengthened in order to strengthen. the nobles of monitoring the various processes of import and distribution of various goods or the production and distribution and supply of various goods from the headquarters of combating goods and currency smuggling, a regulation came to the image of the ministers today, that the intelligent systems that are created for this purpose can be more quickly provide them with both completion and connection and communication with each other. alhamdulillah , there has been relatively acceptable progress in the past two and a half years, but there are obstacles in this way in some cases, we were lagging behind others. the forecast that was made in this regulation was able to organize the management processes of the guardian of the sources of coordination so that, god willing
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, we can more quickly complete and consolidate all the systems related to the processes of import and distribution and supply of goods that require information elites in order to prevent there is smuggling in this field, god willing. worn-out cars are waiting for the promulgation of the regulations of the law on organizing the automobile industry, one year after the approval of the amendment to article 10 of the law on organizing the automobile industry. the sale of used cars is over and the regulation of this law has not been promulgated yet. the head of the association of salvage and recycling centers of the country says that the incentive clauses of this law are for the benefit of both the owners of used cars and the car manufacturers of the country . mr. iqbal is one of the managers. esqata started its work in 2006 with 80 personnel, but now, during these years
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, in terms of some decisions that have been made and in terms of some executive regulations , we have come to the conclusion that now we have 80 personnel with two or three. people have reached people, but it is not implemented, what a shame, mr iqbal and 220 other scrapping centers have been pushed to the verge of closure by the owners of used cars who want to scrap them. they had an issue that was the result of not implementing a law. the law on organizing the automobile industry and amending article 10 of this law came into force in february last year , and the government was given 3 months to implement this law. unfortunately, this did not happen. the main reason for this was the failure to adopt the regulations for decommissioning worn-out cars. 9 months after the 3 months that the government had, this
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regulation has not been approved yet, but what is the benefit of the implementation of the law on organizing the automobile industry for the owners of used cars? has it? there were many incentive and punishment clauses for the worn out owners, one of them was that according to the age of the car , the scrapping certificate amount was different, for example , scrapping certificate for a car that was less old more was considered and the one who was older is a certificate of less trust. now, after 9 months of delay, the head of sadad's fleet renewal and scrapping of used cars promise to implement the law from next year. by god's hope, i think it is in the government domain and we are waiting for its notification . we hope that from the beginning of 2013 in fact, this law should be implemented. delay in the implementation of the law that causes confusion. the owners of worn out cars were given 70 tomans according to sources, but now they say 90 tomans
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. the delay in the implementation of this law will probably make mr. iqbal's business even more prosperous and 220 other centers whose business is booming. it means to phase out high-consumption and more polluting cars. fayez shabani, radio and television news agency. director general of the organization of ports and... dariandi announced the preparation of several plans for operation in bomosa port. by exploiting these designs tourism in this iranian island will be more prosperous. recently, with the efforts made by the colleagues of the construction organization, very good facilities were prepared in bomosa port. well, the breaker that was built in advance, the work of the dock and the work of the terminal. passengers on the access route , whether travelers who are hesitant, whether they are residents of the island or loved ones
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who want to visit this beautiful island and be present for tourism , suitable port facilities have been provided . the price of iran's heavy oil increased according to the latest opec report on the price per barrel shale oil iran reached 80 dollars and 14 cents in january 2024, i.e. 11th of december to 11th of bahman this year. compared to the previous month , which is december, this price increased by $1.8 cents, equivalent to one and four tenths of a percent. the value of the opec oil basket reached 80 dollars and 4 cents per barrel in january. compared to december, the price of opec oil is 1 dollar and 4 cents, equivalent to one
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teaspoon of oil
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. ma'am, the world has no meaning without you, the love of my day, when you are our world, the spring of the world without you. i don't have a cold , the love of my day, when you are there, our world is spring hello commander, greetings from this zealous generation
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, greetings, commander, commander. seyyed ali has called his 90s. greetings, commander. unforgettable i will come to you, i will help you , i will be your supporter, i will be trapped by you, ali bin mahziarit , i will become your commander with this small gland myself, come, my son, come, come
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, friend
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, a new story of the war in the streets of gaza. spider chariot in claire's kitchen.
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the cost of non-recyclable tabs becomes very high and we have to separate them. in the invoices, the cost of the number of times the tab surfaces are filled, as well as their weight, is considered . each trash can has an identification number and completely it is clear which house it belongs to. 7 and two tenths of a million french people have 132 kilograms of household waste each year, and the rest of the country's population each year. all this is the cost of burning or burying the tabs . another system that has been set up is the collection point, which
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has replaced the weekly visit of the tab collectors. in this system, 18 euros are paid annually for tab collection, and the fee increases for each further visit. we have to store the tabs in the garage of our house to prevent more expenses. of course, not everyone can adapt to it. the problem in this the situation arises, the storage and hiding of the tabs is done by those who do not want to pay more. the construction of this house is by my own hands , which you see is strange.
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if a family was empty handed, maybe they would have to burn wood instead of the gas that was cut off. nobody cares about you . now, why did you cut off your gas? there is no electricity, but their income and expenses are enough to pay the bills.
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energy was included in the annual budget rules to put an end to this concern of the clients, the amount of increase in the definition of parmesan subscribers. mps in budget laws in the years 1400 and 1401, the government was obliged not to take money for electricity and gas from the families covered by the relief and welfare committee, on the condition of observing the consumption pattern in order to create justice and fair distribution of electricity at the level of the society and so that people who have wealth. they are and consume more electricity, they should pay more taxes , they should pay at least a major part of the cost they are doing and
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get a lower subsidy . nomad helps all these, according to households and low-consumption subscribers we suggest the same as last year. it was possible for the subscribers to limit the consumption pattern of the families covered by the imam khomeini relief committee and the life organization to be amended, in this way the end of the voting was approved . it was time to implement this law. the government said that the infrastructure for information exchange is not available. the optimal way to exchange information right now. the issue that was raised by the representatives to the government in the open floor of the parliament should be prepared, addressed to the honorable president regarding the necessity of making the
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welfare assistance committee's bills free of charge and the government will finally implement the infrastructure. provided the portal that has been created, more than one million people have been welcomed so far to register by country, all the information of the client has been exchanged and this cooperation and interaction continues. the infrastructure was provided, but the executive regulations had set more conditions than the budget law for the free gas and electricity bills of the clients in the law, which you did not put a condition that, for example, let's assume that they use one-third or half, it is not a condition at all. not having these people from the row at all means writing counters, actually removing them at the stage of implementation is wrong. the clients object to this method of law enforcement. were saying we apologize for not making our electricity free, it was 195, if the consumption pattern was 200, i went to the electricity department, they said that it should be half of the consumption pattern and followed up on the profile. the executive
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of the government was amended and the budget law of 1402 once again obliged the government not to take electricity and gas from the customers within the framework of the money consumption pattern. now your gas is free. yes , it was free. my gas is completely free for us because our consumption limit is lower than the specified limit and we don't pay anything for electricity anymore. they say that because you use very little, it has been free . how many times have you received a free gas bill or a free text message? gas or electricity? i think it has been about seven or eight months. i think it has been 6 or seven times. it has been 8 years that our gas and electricity have been free, according to the statistics of the national gas and tovanir company, so far more than 1 million 400 thousand households are covered by the relief
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and welfare committee.
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have a nice trip to the dishwasher refrigerator . by purchasing any of pak shuma's products , you have the possibility of winning an exciting trip. buying from pak shuma is a trip. shuma is always with you.
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receive a gift for every purchase from the great iranian house. a gift for every iranian at baran sarai irani gift until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. today, we are proud to have thousands of our countrymen in the desert engine factory. i am working. one day, i got into a taxi and saw the driver who was very upset . he said that i have a young man who does not let nashe nawaz work anywhere . i said that you should not be upset. bring your children tomorrow to my factory. 24-month installments without prepayment of kabir motor tamayez movement in the great festival of prayer city. household for
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every 35 million tomans purchase in cash or installments , get a free vacuum cleaner as a gift for a limited time in all branches in tehran, isfahan and sari . hello, hello, hello, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome , naftanan, the martyrs, the martyrs.


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