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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] we are hosting the chairman of the 1403 budget consolidation commission, mr. dr. hamid reza haji babaei, in the special news talk show, and tonight we are going to discuss the issue of next year's budget, how to increase the salaries of retirees and government employees, and some other important issues. to start the conversation, we have to say goodbye to the dear viewers of channel 1. if you want to follow this program, please join us on khabar network. mr. dr. haji babaei, hello again. welcome. first of all, let me know how the general budget will be in the next year and what are the problems of
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shura garganj. being taken and today's impact and review became. in the name of god. greetings, courtesy and respect, your excellency. dear colleagues , mellat bozor and rashid of iran. i apologize to you and the people if my voice was taken from mr. madras. we have shouted enough for these rights, but our voices are not coming out anymore. you made an interesting point. i just want to mention one thing that during during the years when i was in the parliament, we never had such a small change in the budget and that it was followed up quickly and that the budget ceiling did not change . it means that almost every year we came forward and it was
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better. this year is better. and tried to change the shape of the budget and on the other hand, we can achieve the goals that we think as the representatives of the people with the people as the center, with the support of the government and all those who are involved in the work , we can have a service to the system of the islamic republic and the people, and you saw it in in the shortest time, in fact, the budget was approved in the parliament, in the shortest time , the guardian council of iranat, and there are the least objections to this budget. i am the ones who can be said to be objectionable. we felt that out of these 18 cases, about 9 cases were due to iran's government bill
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it is an interesting point and there are about 9 of them. the objection was due to the parliament. out of these 18 cases, we are based on what the guardian council has carefully examined. we corrected 11 items. that is, according to the opinion of the guardian council , we amended it. we actually considered and approved almost what the guardian council said. how many examples do you give, mr. doctor? john? give some examples of the reforms that we had, the things that we have now reformed, for example, one case was that we had a discussion, for example, about the basic goods of the parliament, a picture was made not in the commission, but on the floor of the parliament. sir, the government should have 11 billion dollars of basic goods for the next year, because the government
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gets 15 and a half billion dollars from oil sales. give the 11 billion for basic goods, only basic goods, not anything else under the name of " assisi goods" to enter the country. there should be a parliament between the government and the government should be open , the government is dealing with this area so that there is no problem with our friends . 13 12 14 there was a discussion. you will not have any problem, he said 15, we said 15
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by defining the sources of realization of this number. chicken meat, eggs, these should be fixed, and i am really saying that this figure is very high. now, why are we paying 15 billion dollars this year, when we are now, 18 billion dollars of basic goods have been purchased, but chicken meat is like this , mutton is like this, it should be done by itself. let's check , i really made a joke somewhere and said if we meet , some dollars. and if we buy meat, red meat, chicken meat, and eggs, everyone will eat from morning to night. how can we pay so much money ? it will be more expensive. one reason is that maybe many neighboring countries
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are also using our subsidy, but i don't want to discuss it now . one case is 42.18 billion. yes, 402. this year , the government itself requested 15 billion. we also put 15, which means nothing. of course, if the government is at the end of the year, this is the same amount at the end of the year . sometimes the government has problems with approvals. in fact, it increases various places. now 15, if
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the government was able to manage it, it did not. we talked like this, the government has to deliver basic goods to the people, there is no other reason to say that the width has decreased, the parliament approved it, it decreased. whatever the government said , we put in 15 to 15, so all these discussions in your country, mr. goods, so-and-so, so-and-so, is this true, or for example , your presence, our facilities, we had put 300 efforts for
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education, 4 for marriage and fertility, and he said it was done after your presence. it should be mentioned that there is another example that some of us insisted on, we insisted, of course , some of them were not important, but i will make a digression here , mr. there was a heated debate in the society that the parliament raised the budget ceiling by 400. it was also announced here that the summary is this, it has three parts. look, the government said that i will sell 580 hemats of oil. we are like this.
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we didn't reduce it, not one rial, we didn't add one rial , the budget has three parts, mr. modareszadeh, oil, taxes , others, papers, and i don't know if this is good. we didn't touch the oil , we didn't decrease it, we didn't increase it, we didn't touch the tax , we didn't decrease it, we didn't decrease it, we didn't increase it, except for the same 1222 that he said, we left it, but we did one thing, that was our task. we said that the government will not allow anyone in the next year. those that are manufactured or are 500 billion tomans more exempt, definitely only 500 billion tomans if the real person of aqiqah gives 50 billion tomans exemption, it is because of the production and efficiency that
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he serves. here, we have produced 50 thousand billion tomans , one because the experts are listening. in our country, six tax units for the government's share, the investigations that we have done. we gave each unit 75 equal to 6 multiplied by 75 how many. 45 the government had defined 385, we did not touch anyone's tax, the audit was not correct, we have 65 here, we have an income of about 115, and we said 100, which means that i think we will not be exempted from that tax, 100 to this 100 we paid taxes on those 65 we said, mr. government, you should
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raise the salaries of all government employees by 3,000 points . taxes are nowhere more certain than taxes for expenses, not salaries for all expenses. it is an interesting point . sometimes, some people send me text messages from our dear employees, mr. haj babaei. 3,000 is what, some of them say nothing, others say that they get a lot, we should fix the salaries less so that the salaries are fixed and fair, this is not the budget, we cannot approve permanent laws in the budget, let's say, sir, his salary is with this with that, let's close this bill together the government should, but what have we done? the situation of our 3 million employees is not good.
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we cannot live with 77,900. you can't do more. we have calculated because we have already calculated the judiciary, we have calculated the radio and television , and we have separated the rest, which will be about 40 for us , if we only increase the tax by 65, for example , 50,000,000,000,000,000,000 exemptions. we reduced billions, we said to give it to an employee who can't manage his life , because one of the reasons for transparency was that we, sir , would remove the exemptions, how many exemptions, after all , there is no amount, one person can't afford 5 thousand billion you, m. there was an exemption of at least 500
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, so this was one of those that we did not touch the oil, we did not touch the taxes , we did not raise or lower a single rial anywhere, except for the things that the guardian council or the tahasish assembly objected to the constitution. we deleted them, we didn't, so 112, we are 100, only calculations and deletions here. we mentioned that we gave it to your presence, some of it is related to our employees, some of it is different, this is defined, so we didn't make any expenses for the government, and a part of it was government bonds, the government said that i want to sell 319 bonds, we have 320 of them. we didn't, so we didn't touch the budget at all
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. there was a problem with the eighth note, that is, the targeting of the subsidies. we wrote, sir, go get the tables , we didn't touch the inside of this at all, it's almost like, well, look, here are the 400 that say where it was made, i want to explain it , i don't have more than 3 parts, everyone memorize them, we said, mr. government, the seventh program of upstream documents says that you should pay your debts to the social security organization. it exists both in the upstream law and the calculations we saw in the 6th program and in the 7th program . it is defined. you owe me 170 next year
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. we didn't give you money. every year, this is in the budget . we said more or less that your government should go to the social security organization and give you points instead of money . remember , we didn't count the money, my dear friends, talking, saying 400 to 170 , that's 170 is not in the budget. the guardian council or other friends have never objected to this in the ceiling, never, so 170, no matter how many, that is, 230 to 230 to 9. even as far as the security of the country is concerned, it has to be decided there if a group is taken, it means that in the consolation assembly of the majlis and the shura, everyone will make a summary , they want to add, reduce, whatever happens, because in
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our borders, the police force took the 20-year-old young man who defends the borders, he wants this trench. this police station wants our dear police force in that area, in fact, it wants an organizational intoxicant in other places, and i don't want to enter this space until the end . this will be 170 and this will be 90. how much will be 260? the government said that 140 will be added to your salary and so on. we went and checked, it wasn't more than 70 , we said 100 because it was a part of us on the radio and television we added some people think that we want the rights of the broadcaster, not the rights of the broadcaster, just like the rest of the employees in this country where our enemies are attacking the islamic republic with 270 persian language channels, etc., and it should be strengthened, not for the rights
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of its employees, in order to make a film against hollywood to make salman farsi's movie with a few thousand billion tomans is the cost for this or the judiciary. we added that the salaries of the judiciary should be increased , not the judiciary should increase the number of judges. let's see what to do. in short, we didn't change the budget ceiling. in my case, whatever decision they want, they can take security. we don't have a problem . everyone knows that the system is on this issue. the officials are all looking at it. we didn't add a ceiling, we defined 100 to 100. i wrote the cost under the budget for it, i also sent it to the honorable guardian council, we have changed the level of effort from the actualization of the budget, the number has changed, and the exemptions we
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have given are for your presence. this is a summary of new words when increasing the budget of television and radio your voice is much more energetic. as you pointed out, it was a big volume anyway, that's why, if you see what they are doing to others like this, look at us with radio and television or with the ministry of guidance or someone else , we have nothing special with any of them, look at republic radio and television. islamically, the money that is added to the next one is assigned to the program . it is assigned to the program. if the radio and television want to be successful, we have to give a percentage of the public budget. making salaries just like other employees, but to create content for series fakher fighting against this cultural invasion that exists
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, we did not only help here, we also provided 28 thousand billion tomans from the budget of state companies. we reduced by 1%, we gave to the cultural issues of the country. very well, that means 28 thousand billion tomans should be given to the cultural issues of the country. our time is limited. let's increase the salaries of government employees and retirees in 1403. you said something else, or is it definite, please explain. it is true that we have two parts, one for retirees and one for working people. we have 2,600,000 actually in the army. related budget dear retirees, the government accompanied them, the government brought them, the government brought them to the parliament, and we approved
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it. there is no difference of opinion with the government on the issue, alhamdulillah, but for the next year , action was taken for the retirees, and thanks to this government , which for the first time spent he did this and thanks to the parliament and the dear representatives who stood up for this work and laid the rails so that our retirees will never complain again . it was really with the retirees. we said that 90% of the salary of the corresponding employee is not 90%. he is retiring , he does not have any mistakes. so exactly equal to their receipts one can be judged as 90 or 100, but we found out that one can be 90, we sat down and talked , and it was assigned in the program. i said the problem, sir, the truth is, we have to speak clearly with the people and the retirees, a word
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that has a needle in it, god willing, there is something unhealthy , the whole nation understands, sir, the government could not pay for this one year, it could not be done, that is, it was not possible. in order for the government to be able to do it and for us to solve the problem, let's open it, everyone understands our situation, mr. 40, 30, 30 years old. 3 years ago, this led to a consensus of voting friends in the voting commission and what did we do now? from now on, they sometimes ask, sir , what do they give you, the 20% that they give to employment? it means the calculation that we want to do . you want to be close to our salary . it will go up, but in addition, for example, we now have a super special offer, we will give the employees
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this much, multiplied by 90. your government should work hard. every year, there were 170 property taxes . this is not one year. for example, in 1401, there were 130. you should pay 70% of the debts of the social security organization. they should create the welfare of the workers and the organization , welfare affairs within the framework of article 44 of the constitution , what should they do for the pensioners ? because the honorable minister came on tv, the minister of welfare said in the seventh program of the parliament that he approved that we should enter 40 cc and 90% of us don't have money , if the government doesn't give it to us, we won't be able to implement it, well, we are also obligated, what the minister is saying is right, it is completely
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correct and logical, we also came and said, sir , go sell these 170 of your properties, divide them, make money , it has nothing to do with us, but you we should think like the country's shaqlan and like ban, this imam is going to the shaqlan mr. d's story is that salaries above 25 million are 5%. like other members of the parliament, mr. doctor, yes , like the members of the parliament, the members of the parliament are also in the same situation . yes, 25. what is the salary of the members of the parliament now ? those who are academic staff, none of them get salary from the parliament, that 30 tomans with overtime, you said they don't have overtime, mps don't have overtime, that is, the salary received by a member of parliament is completely under the title of their mission.
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for example, i want to get a mission somewhere , i don't have overtime, so mr. doctor, what about some payments outside of this issue, such as coins, gift cards, other issues? i 'm telling you, i don't even get those things that are officially paid. what gift did you receive on men's day this year at the parliament , on men's day, the birthday of the prophet , i really don't know. thank god, i want to give you a tip unfortunately, we have various occasions , you don't remember any of them, the day of the girl, the day of the young man, the half of sha'ban, which we are facing now, you did not predict, not us, but the government, mr. this is not the job of the parliament, no, look, mr. doctor , because of the rumors that we are hearing now, we have a duty to ask and you also clarify
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. this is the government's job . we are asking the mps themselves . if you want to say like a district administration , how much does this district administration cost ? no matter how much the world can import, people will not participate in the elections at all. excuse me , one's brain makes a profit. if someone says that this representative
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says 300 tomans salary, by god, it is a lie . what is that 30 tomans, mr. doctor? one time out of the previous nine periods, two or three periods ago , maybe three periods ago, there was a discussion like this, sir, it was not for the representatives, but for the entire government employees . in the parliament, we removed it two or three times before we did. there was a problem with the constitution , sir, why do they say to the representative, go get an office , go get an employee, go get a certain building in every province, the city says that it belongs to the representative, it has two to three employees, whoever becomes a representative should go and sit in that
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building when the next representative is finished. go pay the rent, mr. doctor , don't the representatives receive a separate budget for this issue? they say the same thing for the driver, the office, the city office, and the office. sir, they keep saying the same thing except the salary, there is nothing else. they know something. my people are hiding something. do not do any mr. doctor you before if you are the representative of the noble people of hamadan, you must remember where you were employed. at that time, we had more office manager, plumber, and driver . it would have been better to see. i have my own now . i will tell you that i am the driver of your office manager . i will come back. do you remember my driver? do you remember the manager of your office? how many meters was your office manager, mr. doctor? i had a room in which i enjoyed myself. i am talking to the people of hamedan, they know that it is not heated at all
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, it is rented, that is the same pain that people suffer. to increase so much and the employees who really help us , after all, they should help us to the extent that they can manage their lives, and for example , i am assuming that i am saying their commutes, i don't know the plane tickets , goon provinces, for example, ours in hamedan , we go by car, but only one person. for example, i want to go to shiraz every day and come back every week . they must go by plane and come back because they can't go back by car. here we go among people and interview people in different places in different cities, whether in provinces or in tehran. to interview people and that's 25 tomans the 30 tomans that you mentioned and told people, people were wondering if
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you could be a representative of me. i want to give you an example. i want to give you an example . no rights there at all. i get it from my parliament. it is from the university. look at all those who are academics, all those who are judges, all those who have the same job, none of them get a salary from the parliament, that is, one person is not willing to be a professor from the law parliament, so how much is the salary of the university? how many grades has the teacher given his division? do you remember the roof and shoes now, from the coach to the assistant professor, it costs from 16 tomans, for example , it is possible for some people. assuming that the teacher is complete and you are present, we have made a ceiling for oil and everywhere else, 7 times , seven times, the minimum salary cannot be higher. right now, if hazrat ali was in education, you would not have received more from the parliament or university, no, almost. look, i am from members of parliament, what? before i became a member of parliament , i was a member of the faculty, that is,
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i was at farhangian university, yes, i was a faculty member before that. i am a doctor and i have my degrees and everything i have before i became a representative, now, mr. dr. hazrat ali, if you were a manager in hamadan education and training , you would have received more than this 30 tomans, or less than here. look at the high salary of a teacher who, for example


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