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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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these generally require the so-called processing of our oil derivatives into our petrochemical products, or the so-called downstream chain products of our petrochemicals . they produce a so-called product at a certain stage , they don't create that product in the downstream industry to create added value for it. or the need for a shipping complex, the need for the sea, where and where if you can produce the materials for this equipment, from this reserve, from these petrochemical products, of course, all the countries of the world need it, they cannot embargo oil and raw materials, they have easy access to it, but to the derivatives of the oil field
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, not to the downstream products of the petrochemical field, not you . they can't sanction you very easily . the value added is high. yes, it means that they buy more easily and they buy more easily. now our exports are mainly from the same petrochemical field, but this is our father . this downstream chain industry will create more jobs and increase added value every boom. more finances will be created in the so-called area where people live . these are necessary , unfortunately , these have been seen less often. i entered the discussion of the energy commission with this view. we came to the so-called, we approved, we approved , especially , we created missions in this area in the oil group, that is,
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we created missions for them under the title of duties and assignments. however, i said that because of this discussion, sanctions have been taken , i don't know, financial resources have been taken, and the installments have made us a little less. i completely agree with this , because you know that they finally raised themselves, so to speak, and anyway, the country really needs oil. there is a special set of conditions. of course, there is no such thing. we do n't have any ministry of home affairs like the ministry of oil. it is also because of the difficulty of this work, but really those who work and operate in the field suffer a lot. it's not a joke. you create a platform in the middle of the sea, extract the oil, and then transfer it to the centers where they want to process it. after all, this cycle is a very difficult cycle
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, it is said in the language, but on the other hand, in any case , after all, oil sales and in any case, oil revenue have their own special space, of course, they should be known. when you want a law , create a codification for the ministry of industry. in the parliament, you must know the ministry of industry, that is, you must, after all, what are they saying, these alleys and alleys of industry oil should understand what their problems are, in any case , the needs of oil should be studied seriously , enough and serious knowledge should be found about oil, so that the people in charge of the affairs of policy makers and policy makers and decision makers in the country do not get a complete familiarity with the oil field, and well in our so-called shopkeepers, if they don't study that collection
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, they won't be able to make a good decision for the country's resources. during the period when you were in the parliament , it happened at all that they threatened you or, for example, made an attractive offer for something because you were also in a sensitive commission. yes, yes, things happened one way. it was a very fair incident to first ensure that you sir even some people have come to ask you, sir , to name this house in a certain place in tehran . after that , they said again that we won't let you participate in the next election, we won't let this happen , it will end up being expensive for you , so i was like this . not being next, i was not in the next parliament, the so-called manager. he sends a text message to one of
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these factories in our area, the cement factory there, who did not vote for so-and-so and so-and-so. and so-and-so used some bad terms and then , for example, alhamdulillah, someone else has come , talk to this one, for example, take care of this one, have a meeting with this one, a series of text messages like this, i don't know how to send it to me , oh, one for in the course of all the experiences you gained in the parliament, you, the envoy, thought that , for example, in the next terms, if you were to choose between the parliament and , for example , the presidential constituency, which one might be successful? don't do it, no, i don't care if the conditions exist for me come, i will definitely participate. naturally , i know, yes, no, you see, majlis 1 is one of the pillars of the system that is really
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influential . i am criticizing this, i am serious , i know that it can work well in the discussion of legislation. see , the work of the parliament is legislative. do the executive work or he should go to see and know. find out what you need there is a law, a new law is creating a new law, we designed 11 plans in our time , one of our laws was that we allocate 2% of the oil sales to the oil rich areas, we came and did this, 3%, the second thing that
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happened, which by the way it was very necessary for you to see in the special economic zones of sanaya that they are established in terms of paying value added taxes . i said the so-called exemption, so why should they be exempt from the collection here? he is using it, why should it be exempted from the value of the value and the value of the value tax? we came in our own period, we designed this, by the way, we brought it, well , we made an impact. you were going to a village after 40 years of revolution . a bench of chi begum did not have any sport that she should do some sports work there . she should finally be well-being in the village, generally in the city, because the mayor's income was good, the municipality was able to do some things, but in the villages or even in the cities with a really small population. we had a serious problem, so i was leaving
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in the village, in dadhavar, tall people , what should we do for their water? where do you have to finance this and our provincial funds were not really sufficient for this ? we came and made a law. the law was very good and interesting. it was good. it was very good . later we really saw its effects. we canceled the mafias . we came and canceled the industries located in the so-called special economic centers. what happened next? all this was done in the villages today, you can go to this plain, but all the roads have been renovated
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, the infrastructure is the same in terms of health, i don't know, water is the same, gas is the same in all the villages, we have gas now, none of these are without gas from these credits . this is how i say that the representative's duty is this. it is not my job to go there on the assumption that, for example, i will build this building or implement this work, this is the action of the representative, who must know this at the regional level, at the national level , he must have a national view, some laws that are needed for the country. and you see in for example, one of the various topics we had that we brought up by chance was a bit of a challenge, the topic of the excellence of the community. hazrat agha said:
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i remember this, i came at that time mrs. javadi was dr. javadi, during the time of mr. ahmadinejad , the vice president of the environment. yes , we had a collaboration. then he had a very good study, he had gone to deprived areas to talk about less population, less children, and he had taken some terrible measures. it was very bad. well, we came to write a plan in line with this, which is about population excellence and population increase. we came to change a series of things because until at that time, there was another thing, the law, this law had to be amended, other things were against the plan, even in the programs, because the programs were written based on it, it was based on the previous image of dr. menandi, a member of parliament.
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from the beginning, this slogan and this so-called politicking has been involved in politics. i say that this has finally entered the country
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, it has entered the country's policy making system , it has finally been decided, now either your excellency, or the president, or another minister, or another vice president, or anyone else, finally, something happened, something went wrong, now it's okay, now it's your time. it was good and right because they believed that at that time it was work it was correct, he didn't believe that it was a mistake, he said assuming this, finally, now that he said it, and we also came to this conclusion. student, well, i have two little ones, which happened to be after the plan of the governor
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's plan, but you don't have grandchildren yet , i don't have grandchildren, no , i don't have grandchildren, of course, soon, well, now is the chance. marriage in the name of god, i am ready and never hesitate, whenever we think marriage is in the name of god, well, i hope that with the information you have now, you will show and complete your studies, especially in the field of oil and gas. you are going to be an expert and an expert . let's go back to the parliament in the next period. the fact is that the previous doctorate i got was in the field of religious manifestations with a special focus on wahhabism, because the region has become a special region, the discussion of daesh and waqabith and all that. in fact, i went to this area for a serious investigation. i did, and by the way, i got my degree when i finished my studies. i also did the so-called thing
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. even my thesis is interesting. you know, the thesis is the connection and relationship of salafism with karisma. that is, i even came to this field in order to reduce the differences of the islamic world. then, well, in this field of oil. and my gas finally, i was entering, which means i was really following up and we had a serious discussion. for example, we were talking about gasoline importation with mrs. ebtekar . even i remember that time mrs. ebtekar said , alhamdulillah, apparently scholars are entering
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my gasoline discussion. it's interesting. now, except that it's not supposed for a cleric to enter any information or anything from the country's domain, after all, when he has information, when they understand that oppression is happening, why shouldn't i enter the country? you are entering from the following standard sense to the standard term of our petrochemical industry that we had with us much later, i saw the truth very much. in the oil complex, a large part of our capital is wasted, and why should our economy be only crude oil economy, which means it is not in my economy. when you say economy, it means that it is so called arrangement
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of all the aspects and areas, both in terms of investment and income generation. what is the added value , what are the different things, the arrangement of each of these is correct, so that you can get something good out of it, so that you can get a good product out of it, it is an economy, now you want it to be in the oil field, in any field. when you only sell oil from this door , it is no longer economical. one of your stores is a seller and he also bought it. when i see that mr. sir is really worried, i am right. he says, sir, why should we? we have enough oil, but now as a threat against him. they use it. it is very interesting . it means that we have capital , we have a very high capacity, which many other countries are deprived of, and they are sad that why we do not have this, then it is being used against us , why ? the task is to go to the field of oil economy in other fields and gas because it is necessary, the current atmosphere of the country and the ruler
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of the country and the world, this is very important. i hope that i felt very successful . i am saying that my law needs to be approved. sir, this law is necessary . we have to propose it. now the representatives will approve it, or the government will give it a layer or something. i say that it is an important thing . various political and economic trends compete in the elections. importance elections are in the hands of the people, the key to electing a strong parliament. command pricing? it is impossible to fix the land price by order. how are qatari oilmen paying him to watch football?
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yeah? your words are mostly behind the showcase and to the pain of this. the known media currently eats the press . we don't want footballers on the board of directors . do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital. election eve every day at 15:00 on khabar channel wherever we are today. one of the most important tools for the development of economic and trade relations is the signing of trade agreements, including bilateral or multilateral free trade agreements between countries. according to statistics, more than 50% of the world's trade
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is based on one of these types of agreements, for example, china as one of the advanced countries in the field of economy , it has signed 19 free trade agreements with 26 countries and regions. this issue was not taken seriously in our country until in recent years, especially in the last two years , there was a special discussion of bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. the preferential and free side was seriously put on the agenda. well, we currently have preferential free trade agreements with 15 countries.
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we are preferred business. indonesia is one of these countries. in the field of trade, for more than 17 years , there have been negotiations between us and indonesia regarding the preferential tariff, but they have not reached a conclusion. during this trip, we reached the conclusion of this 17-year-old discussion and reached an agreement that this will pave the way for trade between the two countries and my trade. that we also have the potential to be preferred over other countries, that is, in their customs aspects we had a 100% discount
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for the preferential trade we signed during the visit of the president from kazakhstan to iran, and this was actually one of our serious issues for the development of business relations. during the visit of the president to syria , the implementation of the free trade agreement with syria was emphasized. it was signed with syria in 2007, but it did not come into effect. the removal of the trade tariff on the goods of both sides, which was a large number of goods left in the past, was signed in the agreement of the two presidents. it was signed in the presence of the two presidents , and almost all items of goods were signed. their commercial tariff has reached zero and will soon be notified to the customs of the two countries it is possible and you. exporters and importers can export or import goods to iran and syria with zero tariff
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. we also have a preferential trade agreement with pakistan, and the negotiations to convert it into free trade are going on seriously. we have come to the conclusion that we should pay special attention to the issue of free trade. my negotiations are going on, there have been four or five rounds of negotiations. we are agreeing on the lists and we are very optimistic that if the pakistani side cooperates, we will be able to conclude this issue very soon, god willing. we may have a leap in business relations. but one of the most prominent agreements of iran in this field is the final signing of the free trade agreement with the eurasian economic union in december of this year. we think the most important thing that was really done was this agreement. see the first free trade agreement. in the region of the islamic republic, we did not have real free trade until now. well, the issue of syria and pakistan has been negotiated, but this trade was really
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carried out with a commitment in the government in coordination with the ministry of foreign affairs, the legal deputy, the trade testing organization, the ministry of agriculture, the ministry of health. we were able to accomplish this in a short period of time , and alhamdulillah, it has now been signed, and god willing , friends in the parliament will also help to approve it faster so that it can be implemented. preferential trade with the five member countries of the eurasian economic union started on november 5, 2018 and includes nearly 800 commodity tariff codes . this agreement became effective. this agreement was implemented on the 5th of november 2018, and in the first year, in the 500 items and 502 items that we received from over asia, our exports increased by 8 percent, and this was a very good start, it showed that our business with over asia at the tariff rate
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it is sensitive and with the reduction of the tariff rate, our exports increased a lot, and the signatory countries decided to trade it because it was fruitful. and after more than 30 rounds of negotiations with 5 eurasian countries, finally 87% of the customs and tariff items were covered by the agreement, and with the implementation of the customs tariff agreement , this 80% will be zero. free trade agreement with the economic union verasia will become operational after being approved in the parliaments of these countries. when the definitions of cost-effectiveness
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are met, this circumvention of the laws will disappear if a product wants to go. for example, instead of going to russia, the goal is russia , but they will take it to kazakhstan, check it there, take it from there with a higher transportation cost, just because it is less expensive, it will also disappear. when it is zero, it can be done easily. the north-south international corridor creates new opportunities for scientific-industrial cooperation, exchange of tourists and delegations between countries. but now that the signing of trade agreements, whether preferential or free trade, is on the agenda, it is necessary to provide conditions for their implementation.
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at the same time, this agreement presents a historic opportunity for iran if it is supported otherwise, it turns into an anti-value and an anti-space. we have about a year to a year and a half until the full approval of all parliaments and the implementation of the agreement. this opportunity is a golden opportunity for companies that can be open to marketing during this year and a half.
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take action, participate in exhibitions, in addition to the statistical surveys that have been done so far, it has shown that there is more than 30 billion dollars of potential to increase our exports to this market . this statistical survey was conducted during this golden time of one year. year and a half companies should enter do field surveys. businessmen and economic activists expect to facilitate trade exchanges between our country and other countries, especially neighboring countries, by signing preferential and free agreements.
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he has given me a guarantee for 7 days, what else do we want? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. russia warned the united states and the european union about the consequences of taking over the country's foreign assets. european union on monday , it passed a law to seize profits from frozen assets of the central bank of russia . the spokesperson of the us ministry of foreign affairs also consulted with other members of the group of 7.


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