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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. 600,000 students were sent to rahian noor and farghet camps since the beginning of the academic year. the vice president of education said that with the increase of 50 camp centers, this number will reach one million students by the end of the school year. mr. eni also announced the holding of the recruitment exam for school counselors. on the 30th of april next year , there will be an employment exam for a consultant training coach. i think something around 15,000 trainers and consultants and now a few coaches will actually be added to the inventory. education in educational coaches
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how many consultants do you need? our need is very high, i think it is more than 50,000 people . a horizon of four to five years, god willing, this need of education for a consultant educational coach will be solved, god willing. over the past 10 years, the cost of separation of language in french cities has increased by 50%. according to french tv channel 2, to reduce these costs, the idea of ​​encouraging people to limit the production of non-recyclable waste has been proposed is. there are several lines of trash in claire orton's kitchen. this line is for cardboard paper and plastic. we separate everything. everything that
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can be recycled is moved to the yellow waste area outside the house. with these tabs , there is no risk of paying more. on the other hand , household waste at the level of orange waste is subject to a fee based on its weight. therefore, it is better to distinguish carefully. the cost of non-recyclable tabs becomes very high and we have to separate them . in invoices. the cost takes into account the number of times the buckets are filled and also their weight taken. each trash can has an identification number and it is clear which house it belongs to. 7 million french people have 132 kg of household waste each year, and the rest of the country's population has 250 kg of waste per year. the cost of garbage collection is very high. in 10 years, the budget for waste collection and
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segregation has increased by 50%. we cannot continue like this. all this is the cost of burning or burying the waste. another system that has been set up is the collection point , which has replaced the weekly visit of tabe collectors is. in this system, 18 euros are paid annually for tab collection, and the fee increases for each further visit.
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according to mr. ainullah, the share of health tourists is 20% of the total number of tourists, which should increase with the planned plans. when i was very young, when i was a child, in fact, for 5 or 6 years, i was in the clinics of indian doctors . my mother's doctor would take me because we lived in khorramshahr. they would take me to the naval base, but their doctors were not local doctors. from khorramshahr to tehran, the situation is the same. it was mostly pakistani. he is one of those doctors who 48 years ago he practiced medicine in iran. in 1957, with a population of about 35 million people , there were about 9 doctors per 10,000 people. the increase in students with all
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its rewards and the fact that we have established a university of medical sciences in every province. now, with a population of 83 million people, there are 16 doctors for every 10,000 people. there are also specialists . we had 13,000 doctors in the country in 2002, this number reached nearly 165,000, which means something more than 12 times the number of our specialists in that year was 5,000. now , we have more than 50,000 specialists. before the victory of the revolution, about 7 medical schools had been established, but now there are 64 faculties of medical sciences in the country and the capacity of accepting medical students has increased from about 600 to 6 thousand per year. there is almost no discipline that exists in the world in the fields of medical sciences and we do not have it in the country. therefore, nowadays it doesn't make much sense for us
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to go abroad for additional medical education. self-sufficiency in the field of healthcare has reached a point where not only foreign doctors have joined legends, but patients from all over the world come to iran for their treatment. ashkhabat doctors insisted on going to iran for surgery to come my eye surgery was good. i was a little worried at first , but it was done very quickly. i came to iran a year ago to treat my liver disease. iranian doctors are trusted. islamic state of iran. i came to iran for the first time and performed a kidney transplant . dr. ashajoshi after 42 years since the end of his stay in iran. he went to iran in medicine and health, he says that iran is very good now , what i know is that plastic surgery is the best surgery in the world, iran does it, in the last year alone, with the visit of 1.2 million health tourists from all over the world, a billion dollars have entered the country. became
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fatemeh hassan, head of iran's fisheries organization, says in line. it gave mazandaran a unique opportunity. five kilometers away from this coast, farms in the middle of the sea created a profitable business in the waters of mazandaran. both in terms of oxygen and in terms of physical and
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chemical conditions. very high quality fish is produced in sea cages. a productive, profitable and emerging employment that other common heads do not have siyan water breeding methods. we don't have water restrictions and we don't have land restrictions, and it is considered as one of the low environmental risk methods in breeding to be salmon or ghazalala itself are ingredients that are grown in the sea because they are in a natural environment and even have excellent quality. the method of this type of marine economy is based on the fact that before all the items and equipment were imported. in the 90s, almost all the items needed for the construction and operation of the cages were imported from abroad, china, turkey and norway, but even today the baby fish are needed. this breeding method and fish breeding facilities in cages
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are produced in accordance with international standards. dairy products are one of the most important export goods it is the agricultural sector that has a major contribution to the development of the country. not long ago, the food and agriculture organization of the united nations declared iran to be the largest exporter of dairy products in asia. according to fao statistics. in 2020, iran was the net exporter of milk and dairy products, and it is expected
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that the country's export in this field will reach 1 million 583 thousand tons. suppose we have 11 million tons of raw milk production, and this raw milk sector has an increase. converted into dairy products, most of them are dairy products for dear people, and a part of it is now going for export, and a part of it is in the form of fever. it can be in the form of dry milk powder , fat-free dry milk powder, which can be used again in the dairy industry itself, because with the new technology that is now available in the country, the dry milk powder that is being produced is completely capable of being converted into milk and used in dairy products. milk and cream, buttermilk and kefir, industrial dry milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, whey powder, butter, milk and condensed cream, infant formula, these are among the goods that
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are registered in the line of iranian customs definitions, and are classified based on this. most of the standards that are being followed in our country are the standards of the european union either it is this area or it is the standards of children's classes which are international standards. statistics from the 13% growth of dairy exports. our country lost 7% in terms of weight and value in the first 9 months of this year compared to the same period last year. during 9 months of 1402, the weight of 40,820 tons was exported and its dollar value was 54,837 thousand dollars. according to statistics, the amount of milk and dairy products exported last year
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was 3,686 tons worth 513,000 dollars. first of all, there is the country of iraq , to ​​which we export about 259 thousand tons of our dairy products out of a total of 48 thousand and 720 tons of our exports. it was the country. worth about 314 million dollars. the next country is pakistan, where we exported about 63 thousand tons of dairy products. and our total export is about 17 million dollars. iraq, pakistan, afghanistan, united arab emirates, republic of azerbaijan , turkmenistan, syria, armenia, uzbekistan and russia are among the most important customers of iran's milk and dairy products
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. go and see from the farm, that is, what alofa is cultivated, what supplements are prepared in the animal feed processing plant in the animal husbandry. how are these things fed and ultimately lead to raw milk, because the standards that exist in relation to milk are mostly in cream milk , that is, if the raw milk is good and produced. if it is according to the standard, you can produce a standard product, but with non-standard milk, no matter how skilled you are, you cannot produce a standard product. preventing raw sales and paying special attention to improving the quality level of the product is one of the most important issues in the milk and dairy products industry. however, in the matter of export, you should not put all your eggs in one basket, in the sense of closing your heart to the current markets of the dairy export sector.
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let me tell you a little more clearly, if iraq 's industrial productions are respected in the way that we now have industrial production in the field of dairy products. if they find buyers , they close or limit the fields of entering the goods on us, so we have to rely on the iraqi market . our exports are carried out to iraq and this is very dangerous. it really threatens our exports . therefore, the diversity of global markets is necessary to cover our exports and to support sadman in iraq.
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it should be strengthened. on the other hand , this is also an effective point of view. that we should come and invest in export-oriented products inside the country, which will increase employment in the country itself, taking into account the export markets, but where have the solutions reached so far ? been or in now there is a creation for those who export and want to import the goods and products they need or even the raw materials they need. another one is a good coordination between a mechanism between the ministry of jihad agriculture, the trade development organization and the ministry of foreign affairs. first of all
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, we see this in the agreements and memorandums. that dairy products and other agricultural products with proper understanding of the target market are being carried out and are being carried out in these negotiations and treaties are included in the scope of these memorandums, not to mention that regional and extra-regional agreements can also be carried forward. the country's export goals should be effective, especially in the milk and dairy sector. signing a trade agreement. free with eurasia is one of those markets that have different standards compared to it has other world markets. for example , the european union's view of the aflatoxin standard is completely different from the view of the asian region on aflatoxin, but in any case, especially in the field of antibiotics, the residual toxins
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have their own sensitivities and are very strict. those who are in semi-industrial and traditional fields. there are dairy producers in eurasian markets right now. belarus is one of the largest producers of dairy products. doing it very hard and lowering their prices might not have the same quality , but anyway, the price speaks first. so, it will be a bit difficult to enter that market because we want to produce an export-oriented product inside the country that
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can pass all the standards required by all countries from the east to the west of the world , the efforts made by our friends. in the field of dairy industry and especially in the field of veterinary medicine, during the past two or three years, our brand of dairy products has been well recognized there, and great work has been done for the registration of the field of veterinary medicine . they have special strictures on health, quality and that of trasing and in other words, now there is a problem with dairy products, which is always followed up by our veterinary medicine daily to solve it, after the victory of the islamic revolution in our country, iran has gradually changed from a major importer to an exporter of milk and products. it became according to published statistics, iran's dairy exports to other countries have grown by about 60% in recent years. mohammad mohajeri radio news agency.
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in the us presidential election 9 months later , it will probably be an open competition between trump and biden. this is the new tv survey america's abc news shows that 59% of the american people, that is, 6 out of 10 americans
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, are serious about their mental and mental problems . white stated that trump does not have mental balance. the former governor of north carolina says: "it's a mess that the american people have to choose between biden and trump for the presidency."
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to get more than forty percent of the votes. ali rajabi , new york radio and television news agency. in the name of god, light upon light, in the name of god, light upon
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light, in the name of god. al-nur banawar alhamdulillah, who created al-nur, i am al-nur, alhamdulillah , al-nur, when you come, the soldiers will both pledge and swear.
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as far as syria and iraq, from palestine to egypt and yemen, men and women , old and young, will gather together under this flag . oh, by the grace of that aunt hashemi, they
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will be in your army . uncle bassem's house is in command , it flows in our veins, it has faith, you believe in hossein , whatever we say, it listens to the command, uncle qasim's blood it flows in our veins, we have made a covenant with you, the savior of the world, imam, and we have made a covenant with you, the savior of the world. imam and name of the savior of the world , imam and name of medi.
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balazadeh like mohsen hajchi is a devoted devotee. god is great. god is great. god is great
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. god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. the witness of muhammad is the messenger of god. the witness of muhammad is the messenger of god. allah is the most high , and allah
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is the most high. god bless you, god bless you , god bless you. there is no god but god, there is no
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god but god allah hezbollah in two operations. the spy equipment and fortifications of roysat alam base were targeted in the heights of the occupied mazara of shabaa. the destruction of the spying equipment of the al-abad base, targeting two gatherings of the zionist army forces in the tihat and jabalnazar triangles in the north of the occupied territories , was one of the other objectives of hezbollah's offensive operation. the resistance
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has not decided to start an all-out war, but if the israeli enemy expands the war, the resistance will give a decisive response and even more than they imagine. the sound of danger sirens in seven military and zionist settlements in asbjalil and al-jalil ala areas due to firing a drone penetration missile was heard from southern lebanon. the fighters of the zionist regime are also four. they attacked the area in southern lebanon, and in the attack of these fighters on a mosque in houla, two lebanese citizens were martyred and 8 people were injured . zionist regime artillery has also targeted eight areas in southern lebanon. with occupied palestine.


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