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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 11:00am-11:31am IRST

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at 11 o'clock, another part of the news started advertising the candidates for the election of leadership experts . at the same time, while the guardian council is investigating the last protest of unqualified candidates for the parliamentary elections, political groups and currents are seeking to finalize their electoral lists. .
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with the announcement of the names of the candidates for the election of the assembly of leadership experts, the 15-day period for candidates' advertisements began on wednesday , the 25th of bahman. the militant clergy community, the list of candidates for the election of your leadership experts he published tehran. after the meetings of this political group with the teachers community of gholam reza seminary. mesbahi moghadam, the spokesperson of the fighting clergy community, said that we have common candidates in most of the provinces and will publish our list in the provinces soon . the moderation and development party has decided to give tehran a list of 30 people. javad haravi, the spokesperson of the moderation and development party said that we believe in civil participation. we have, and if the fundamentalist and moderate reformist parties accompany us, soon the list of candidates will be announced . comments and reactions
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will continue after the reformist statement. elias hazrati will manage the situation. the reformists proposed 3 conditions, saying that we should accept the various discourses of reformism. after the spokesperson of the stability front denied the news of the candidates of this political group in the electoral list of the revolutionary forces coalition council, this news was published again in cyberspace. in a conversation with the sada vasima news agency, majid motaqifar, the spokesperson of the stability front , considered the claim of negotiation over the number of candidates' quotas in the electoral lists to be a complete lie. mr. motaqefer said that the electoral list of the stability front is being finalized. the secretary general of the islamic coalition party is also responsible for the preparation of electoral lists this party announced with the presence of 250 people. asadollah badamchian said that we do not have a top list in the coalition and we are all top lists. the head of the government information council said that this government
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has not formed a party or a group for itself to support it, it is said that some members of the government are now in the elections in the form of my thanks, mr. president, the government is in no way from any movement, no representative in anything there is no place for you to pay attention to the financial rules of the elections . the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters said that if these rules are not followed, there will be punishment and the violators will be banned from running in any election. esdi bidemeshki of radio and television news agency is above the world , above today, wherever you are, we are firmer.
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the northern parts of the city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip were the target of a heavy air attack by the israeli army this morning. at the same time, the zionist regime's artillery continues to attack the eastern and western parts of khan younus in the south of the gaza strip. parts of nasser hospital were bombed again this morning in khanyounos. also, in central gaza, airstrikes destroyed several buildings in the nusirat refugee camp. the lack of food and medicine in kamal adwan hospital in northern gaza has also left patients in dire conditions has turned another news is that the zionist army announced that a female soldier of this regime was killed in the battles of the gaza strip. with the death of this soldier, the casualties of the zionist regime's army since the beginning of the attack on gaza on october 7, according to the official announcement , increased to 570 people.
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the gaza crisis was not on the agenda at last night's meeting of the un security council. this council only paid attention to the situation in yemen, which was warned by china and russia to america and england about daman. the dangerous situation of the red sea has ended for these two countries. despite the deterioration of the situation in gaza and the increasing requests of the international community for the intervention of the council security in order to end the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. this council has not convened any meeting about gaza since two weeks ago. meanwhile , the deputy secretary general of the united nations has warned that the people of gaza are under attack. which is unprecedented in its vastness and brutality, more than half of the population of gaza has gathered in rafah while they have nothing to eat and lack medical facilities and a place to sleep . israeli attack on rafah causes new carnage in gaza. the
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united nations high commissioner for human rights, by announcing that the amount of civilian killings in gaza is unprecedented, calls for increased pressure. international on the zionist regime in order. the killing of the people of gaza has stopped. the un security council held a meeting on the situation in yemen. the meeting in which china and russia, as the two permanent members of the security council , warned the other two permanent members of the security council, the united states and the united kingdom, that the security council has never allowed any country to attack yemen. the escalation of tensions and military movements of some countries against yemen has made the situation in the red sea more dangerous. israel's attacks have caused chain reactions throughout the region, including yemen. an immediate ceasefire in gaza will also change the situation in the red sea. the un secretary general's special envoy for yemeni affairs also
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called for an immediate ceasefire in gaza, stating that the current situation in the red sea is the overflow of the crisis in gaza . the united nations has warned about the situation in yemen , considering that more than half of the population of this country. this means that about 18 million yemenis are in serious need of humanitarian aid from the united nations. the action of the united states in calling the ansarullah movement in yemen a terrorist will have devastating and very bad consequences for the people of this country. ali rajabi , united nations security council broadcasting news agency, new york. the members of the arab league have not decided on the termination of some economic relations the members with the zionist regime demanded an immediate ceasefire in the strip. the members of the arab league announced that they are trying to pass a resolution to stop the conflict in gaza, and in this way they have high support among the members of the un security council. the representative of the palestine representative organization in the united nations said: netanyahu
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intends to force 1.5 to 2 million palestinians to flee from the gaza strip to the sinai desert by attacking rifa. riyad mansour asked the un security council to be responsible. act yourself and prevent humanitarian disaster in rafah. prabowo subianto after publication unofficial statistics claimed victory in the indonesian presidential election. 72-year-old suobianto has won 58 popular votes and has surpassed his two main rivals. official results may take weeks to be announced. prabowo subianto from the commanders. elections in indonesia with 277 million people were held yesterday in 17 thousand islands of this country. indonesia is the largest country in the archipelago and the fourth most populous country in the world. the nato secretary general said that 18 of
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the 31 nato member states will achieve the 2% target for military spending this year. stoltenberg added in 2020. these 18 countries a total of 380 billion dollars will be invested in defense. nato secretary general also asked 13 other nato countries to fulfill their obligations faster . the announcement of the increase in the military budget of the nato member countries is announced after the recent statements of former us president donald trump about nato have shocked the europeans. trump said that if russia attacks nato members , they will not only not defend them, but even encourage russia . nato secretary general stenberg responded to these fences and said that these words question the validity of nato's commitment to comprehensive security. thank you for your companion
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hello, dear viewers of the football magazine, we had a discussion last night in the program and there was a meeting in the press police club . it was the annual meeting of this club. breaking up and
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introducing two new people in that meeting, but there is a difference in this story, considering that it was not like this before, for example, the past few years, considering that now the story is about the exchange and, i don't know, the privatization organization, and these were not stories, call friends. they called on the phone and said mr. abbas mr. bareh hossein mr come on, javad, i don't know, now we use a small name that doesn't offend anyone, and for example, they say, come, and it was done. apparently, the story is different now, and they say no, the names you mentioned should be told to the privatization organization and the exchange organization that we don't accept . it should be included in the agenda of the meeting and it is not like we want to announce people all at once. now the interesting story is that our colleagues had talked with the ministry of sports since the morning, about two hours ago, if i am not mistaken. to be present
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, to be promised, to speak with us behind the line means with the people should talk and explain that they suddenly gave up and now the friends of the self-build organization also talked to them. these friends of mine said that we posted your comments on our site, remove them from the site and use them . now it was mr. fadaei. to be. these friends who are now in charge said that they are not very media people and we also expressed our opinion on our website and now i don't know our website . the question about these stories is that if we want to look for a news, not us, the people should look for the news, well, on your website that we we saw that there is no need at all well, you said on your website that we were in a meeting. our question is that in mr. x's meeting , everyone was friends and then they came out. they deny the discussion and these friends say that we do not agree, why and how
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we will definitely address it tonight, only i have a request for the last 30 seconds from dear mr. kummers hashemi , the honorable minister of youth sports, a very media person , very well-known in relation to the media, please we, the athlete, mr. hashemi, wanted to pay attention to him. we went to 20 programs to tell him, sir, god bless you. please explain. we want this athlete. let's find out where it is. what do you want to do? finally , the friends are satisfied with some stories. we want to talk about the national team. we want to take a look at us in the football magazine, now let's discuss football, mr. hashemi , there is no one to answer for, not in our program at all. apparently , this is happening in other places as well . i'm sorry, i talked too much, i just wanted you to answer anyway when you take responsibility, we have a duty to come
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and answer the people, mr. raisi, but they are here, a respected legal expert, a knowledgeable person in the legal life of sports, they are very welcome with us. congratulations on the program of the month of shaban and shabaniyah holidays . i wish our dear people, we are at your service. it took a long time about this discussion, but i had to give this explanation, what does the law say about this issue? appoint the body and two people to three people . it seems that it is not possible for us to explain. i would like to divide our petition into a legal section, which will be the main focus of this, a management section , paragraph one, article 18 of the law on the implementation of basic policies. 44 states that the exercise of the ownership rights of a company that
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is included in the transfer list is at the disposal of the ministry of economy, the ministry of economy, now the ministry of economy may assign this to the self-building organization , therefore, holding a meeting to invite shareholders to a meeting is part of the powers and rights of the organization. sazi about persepolis and esteghlal, why because these two in order to be included in the transfer list, except for the approvals of the transfer board to be transferred, therefore , the place of application of paragraph one of article 18 of the policy implementation law is 44, and the ministry of economy should hold their assembly , organize self-building organization, and exercise ownership rights , including inviting shareholders to what was the authority of the insider organization and the ministry to hold a meeting? yes , we have a shareholders' assembly, mr. asdin, a shareholders' assembly, an extraordinary assembly of shareholders, which exclusively and specifically takes strategic decisions, such as capital increase, capital decrease, changes in the articles of association, change of location. staying liquidation of the company and
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he takes very strategic decisions related to the life of that company. we have an ordinary general assembly . the ordinary general assembly must hold a meeting at least once a year. we call it the annual assembly. which came from the news, and now according to hazrat ali, they are not answerable from the news published on the websites, it was confirmed that the last assembly of the assembly for the review of the financial statements was the normal assembly for the review of the financial statements and the balance sheet , and these are in the order of the assembly in article 100 our trade law says that the bill to amend a part of the trade law says that whenever we want, the assembly to invite the shareholders to the meeting , we must write the agenda of the meeting in the invitation notice, and the issue that is not announced in the agenda cannot be raised to the shareholders in
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the meeting . that because the changes of the board of directors in the invitation order, in fact , it was not the last meeting of the assembly, it was not possible in the meeting, and this is legally correct, the insistence of the ministry of sports is not understandable in this case from a legal point of view, so if there was nothing in the order of the assembly, and the photo and all if the shareholders are not present, we cannot have a meeting to deal with the financial statements, now that we have started the meeting and deal with, for example, 3 other issues that were not on the order, we will ask here. let's plan it, there is a problem , this is not true. now, let me ask a question now, because my friends are broadcasting my pictures , this is the same annual meeting that was held yesterday , everyone was together. the privatization organization is all one question is that there was a news that
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the representatives of the shareholders are also there. i might have gone and bought some poison. can't i be a representative? how is this legally selected? but the shareholder's representative, mr. asadian, must be introduced to the meeting by the shareholder himself. please drink some water . thank you. if you didn't bring it, i'm sorry. the shareholder's representative can attend the meeting if the company's articles of association do not prohibit it. the 10% capital increase that led to the transfer of shares both in the case of perspise and esteghlal, if during the transfer it was stipulated that the exchange could be the representative of the shareholders who
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came to buy the shares, then the organization of the exchange would have taken the documents of this representation. if available , he can attend the meeting on behalf of the stock buyers. if this representation is not obtained , or if the statute prohibits the presence of the representative and insists that the person must personally attend the meeting, then he/she will not be able to attend the meeting. your excellency, i realized that so far these two are right, that is , over-the-counter and self-building, because from the legal point of view, this insistence of the ministry of sports is a statement , sir . broadcast it, why do you think this
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emphasis should be made, mr. esdin, from here we will enter into management issues, which i will allow first . the transfer of these did not go to the stock exchange, nor was it supposed to carry out independence in the style of the 1980s, so that they are not in the process of transfer , not in the process of self-development, and not according to the requirements of afc. today, it has gained sovereignty and two decades of changes have taken place. apparently, our ministry of sports does not want or does not care that in view of these changes , you have to do the management of the board. in its board of directors
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, who are not at all familiar with over-the-counter issues . clubs that have gone through the process of self-improvement must be individual. we have corporate governance in the off-exchange and we have corporate governance principles that have been followed around the world for about 40-50 years. this briefly states that the board of directors is not a spectator , the board of directors
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is the coach of the ceo, mr. asadian . the volleyball player is a sports figure his work is in the field of sports. he wants to lead the ceo of presplis. for example, for one year, if you look at the professional principles of business, i am out of the discussion now. football, for example, now a team comes and says , "i want to go to a camp, for example, to india, so shouldn't there be one person on the board of directors of sports ? why should those standards of corporate governance and the principles and instructions of management actually say the same thing? for example, in the composition of 5 people, there is a technical person. now, if it is an automobile industry, one of the members is an automobile expert, if it is a sport, one of the members should be a sportsman. let 's put a police press on the 14 heads of the two boards of directors, which are now self-made in farhand . well, one of your directors and members of the board of directors must make self-made mechanisms, faramos mechanisms
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. without this, we have less time. i have a question. i want to know, for example, if i, as a shareholder, even if i have gone and bought a poison, in this new composition, in this new structure, in these new assignments that you say have changed since the 80s, for example, i have the right to come and answer questions, even mr. asadian i don't say how the mechanism of the shareholder's demand through a vote which he gives in the assembly in the selection for the members of the board of directors or a group of shareholders in the general assembly of shareholders and also has a mechanism that if one-fifth of the shareholders of a company are of the opinion that this company is not run well, they have one-fifth of the shares. according to our business law, one- fifth of them should reach the conclusion that they are doing well. it is not possible, either there are financial problems here, or the arrangement of the board members is not good, or wrong decisions can be called by them, and you know about the organized meeting, because we have information from the news that
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has been published, and this is how it was deduced from the recent meeting. it was an annual assembly to deal with the financial statements and balance sheet. this is how it can be inferred that different public assemblies can be the assembly to elect managers , the assembly to elect my inspector, because we have 20 seconds , some money was apparently taken from the people because these friends. they bought a series of players, and now those stock owners have been left aside and now they want to manage the assembly themselves . i understand you. i do not judge at all. this is what i see. look, it did not happen like this, mr. hossein, there is a capital increase from the capital increase of 10% of the capital from the people and those people who come from that place to buy shares and become a shareholder from the place of capital increase, the source of the capital increase should not be spent, for example, any expense.
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if the board of directors does not know the mechanism of self-development , if it does not know the mechanisms of handing over, it will cut the resources that should not be spent on daily affairs very short. regarding the police press and our independence , this is our mistake. i think that its ownership should not be transferred from the government to the private sector because the conditions are not met. we should do this. in the form of rent under the condition of ownership or management. we considered a 3 to 5 year contract for him . people came and their qualifications were secured in the form of contract management or lease, under the condition of ownership, in a 3 to 5 year process, we gradually
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gave them block by block. and we verified that they have the ability to manage. at the same time as these infrastructures, he also solved the software work, the brain software work, and the legislative work related to removing the obstacles of private sector investment in sports. thank you very much for speaking with us . you did not speak with us on the website. you spoke with us in person. thank you very much. thank you for your service.
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a new narrative of the war in the streets of gaza. like a spider
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