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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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amdad, i am your host in tehran. sir, excuse me. do you know where it is? yes , you go straight to the 5th kilometer of the special road. this gentleman wants to mislead you. if you want to buy a carpet, go to the right side . you started again, and you go straight to the 5th kilometer of the road. especially when you arrived in front of tehran, at a big sign of faj city and the city of household appliances . what are we doing we will use the router to see where the address is. you do not accept the word of a living person. do you trust the word of your phone? a living person, why? you are giving the wrong address here, it was not the city of carpets or the city of home appliances. pay attention to the destination, the city of carpets and the city of household appliances. after azadi square, facing tehran, sar.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may the peace and blessings of god be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and the haste of his prayers, peace be upon you. the five ingredients of cancer medicine were unveiled in the campus technology park in the presence of the president's scientific vice president and ministers of health. the active ingredients of medicines that domestic technologists localized. today , the exhibition of medical equipment started in this park. simultaneously with the opening of this exhibition, the fourth national event of the knowledge-based industry also focusing on the field of salam.
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it started at the campus technology park. the elites of a daneshbarian company designed and produced a linear accelerator for cancer treatment. this technological product, the technical knowledge of which was only available in four countries in the world , is used in the treatment of patients suffering from all types of cancer. to treat cancerous tumors from this device. is used linear accelerator. by rotating 360 degrees around the patient, this device uses electromagnetic waves to shoot pregnancy particles like electrons at high speed at cancerous tumors and destroy them. the device that now the elite of a company of scientists succeeded in producing it . accelerator of cancer treatment is used for cancer treatment and most of the main application of glandular cancers in the body. human beings exist, with
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the acquisition of the technical knowledge of making this device, the queue of patients in need of treatment will be shortened. 240 of these devices are needed for cancer treatment or radiation therapy or radiotherapy. only 120 of these devices were able to be imported in the country , because the number of these devices was small, there was a queue for cancer treatment. well, we used to repair this device first from somewhere sir, the ability to make this device has been established in our collection. technical knowledge is a product of technology. it was owned by four countries, three of which have sanctioned iran, and now our country has been added to the group of manufacturers of this device . there are four manufacturers in the world, which are the united states, england, germany, and china, each of these four in the world. they are distributing this device and i would like to tell you the price today. it is about 1 million dollars in our money, about 50-60 billion tomans. according to the statistics of the ministry of health, about 52% of patients with
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cancers in the country use the treatment method . samia nasser, sed and broadcasting news agency. continued news. the northern front of the occupied palestine has become a refuge for the security and military institutions of the zionist regime. according to al-mayadeen network , zionist experts believe that hezbollah attacks will not stop without a ceasefire in gaza. israel's security and military institutions the war with hezbollah seems to be a broader and more dangerous goal, which according to israeli experts, the security and military institutions of this regime are trying to be ready for it. in particular, based on israel's assessments, hezbollah is a powerful force it has 50 to 100 thousand fighters with knowledge and experience. hezbollah's firepower
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reaches about 200,000 missiles, including precision-guided missiles and drones, which threatens israel's civilian and vital military infrastructure, haras newspaper wrote , israeli reports indicate that despite the fear of creating terror amidst settlers flocking to any word of war and emptying store shelves , israel's emergency management agency recently updated its main war scenario, which included major changes to the possibility of an extended war and preparedness organizations. training and hospitals for the development of the war in the occupied northern palestine and emphasizes the need to modernize israel's strategic reserves. in the treatment department , they are preparing for the war in the north, and
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they asked the israeli hospitals to quickly identify the critical centers inside the hospitals that they are ready to operate in without any protection. it was found. most of the hospitals are not fully fortified, part of the hospitals are not protected at all, and 50% of the operating rooms in the hospitals are not fortified. israeli analysts say the war scenario in northern palestine occupy will make the 2024 budget bill, which was given to the knesset, meaningless. pre-analysts.
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gaza and protecting the lives of civilians , while according to a recent cbs report , citing close relatives, he still believes that the correct policy is the unquestioning support of the zionist regime for many of the 27,000 palestinians who died during this war. killed were innocent civilians and children , and hundreds of thousands of people were deprived of water, food and
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others, of course, it was not cheap for biden. we demand a ceasefire in gaza. this is not only the desire of muslims and arabs of american descent. more than 60 a percentage of the american people want the end of the war. with the increase of internal pressure, biden and his allies started working to restore his image. for example , according to a cbs report by john feiner, the security assistant. in a private meeting with the muslim leaders of michigan, milli biden acknowledged the government's mistakes regarding the gaza war. the washington post also wrote in a report quoting 6 knowledgeable officials that biden's advisers want him to more openly
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criticize the israeli prime minister's policy regarding the gaza war. . biden , who is worried that the killing of the people of gaza will be blamed on america, said this sentence about: on the other hand, the united states either vetoes the request for a ceasefire in the security council or changes it to a short period for the exchange of prisoners.
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in the name and memory of god, greetings to you, dear viewers of the khabar network , we are currently witnessing rain in the western parts of our country with the systematic activity of rainfall in these areas, and we expect it to continue in the southern parts of the provinces of east azarbaijan for the next few hours. western zanjan.
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rains will start from isfahan province and gradually in the slopes of alborz. during this period , you can see that the intensity of the rains is in the western and southwestern regions of our country, which is the orange weather warning level issued. there is a possibility that the water flow will rise in the houses. we request that our compatriots avoid unnecessary travel. avoid the western parts of our country during this period. on friday, with the expansion of the activity of this al-loh system on the western parts of our country , it will affect the central areas of the slopes of elbors, the northern parts of the northeast and the east of the country, and there will still be heavy rains in some parts of our country on friday. from the provinces of west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan, in the south of these provinces, zanjan kurdistan, hamedan , kermanshah. lorestan ilam and the same for the north khuzestan, eastern
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parts of khuzestan province, chaharmahal, bakhtiari, kokilo, boi rahmat, areas of fars province, parts of isfahan province, as well as the central province of ghazvin tribe, alborz, tehran, towards semnan province , gilan, parts of mazandaran, golestan and north khorasan, we have heavier rains in these areas , weather warning it is also valid for friday , the rains are heavy, especially in the areas we have mentioned, and especially for the southwest and west of our country , we will have heavy and widespread rains during this period. therefore, considering that we have heavy rains. disruption of road traffic will have. slippery roads and reduced visibility occur due to rains. in the highlands , we will have precipitation in the form of snow. it is expected to rain in the form of snow for the zagros highlands . if necessary to go. be sure to bring winter equipment and heating devices with you. for the movement of this system
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to the level of our country and its activity during this period at the level of the country, considering the passage of this system, after the system passes over the country, we expect a specific decrease in temperature, first this decrease in temperature in the north the west and west of the country is gradually happening in the northern regions . the persian gulf is also rough and turbulent. thank you and god bless you. look, i don't pretend to be in charge of the foreign policy of the us, i have enough of the foreign. policy of the european union, but let's be logical, how many times have you
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heard the most prominent leaders and foreign ministers around the world saying too many people are being killed? the president said this is too much on the top, it's not proportional. well, if you believe that too many people are being killed, maybe you should provide less arms in order to prevent. so many people being killed, it's not logical, and in 2006, in the war against lebanon, the us already took this decision, they already took the decision to post the supply of arms to israel, because israel didn't want to stop the war, exactly the same thing that happens today, everybody goes to television, please don't do that, protect civilians, don't kill so many, how many is too many? which is the standard? but natanahu
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doesn't listen to anyone, they are going to evacuate where to the moon, where are they going to evacuate these people? so international community believes that this isn't a slaughter, that too many people are being killed, maybe they have to think about. about the provision of arms and by the way, today a court in netherlands has said as ordered to the government to stop exporting the spare parts of the... 35 fighters to israel in order to be sure that the international court of justice rule is being implemented, so i don't know every member of the state is the owner of his foreign policy, but is a little bit contributory to continue saying that there are too many people being killed, too many people being killed, please take care of people, please don't kill so
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many, stop saying please, i'm doing something. one of the important issues that we must take care of to be able to maintain this honor today is the unity of our society. the unity of society in today's society does not mean that we only agree on one person in an election. the most important component of unity is that we have unity around fundamental issues. the most important basic issue unity is around the enemy. unity is around the enemy. this is not important. there cannot
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be two voices in a battle that exists between our enemies, between the islamic world, between the iranian nation, and between the honor of iran. a few to consider the enemy as a friend , to believe in the false promises of the enemy. these two voices, if someone in a position wants to make the enemy a friend, this is treason. this is a betrayal of the iranian nation and the ideals of this nation. at any level, the nation of iran. at all levels of the iranian nation. unity around the enemy is the most important issue. in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light of the light
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god is light on light, in the name of god, the light of god is great . god is great. god is great
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. god is great . i testify that there is no god but god. al hai ali al salah hai ali al falah hai ali al falah
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god bless you , god bless you, god bless you. there is no god but god , there is no god but god.
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this is the image that was published in the cyber space yesterday with the claim that it is the salary received by the mps. for some, this was the last news about. parliament has heard. the latest news what did you hear about the mps? their rights have been published. their astronomical rights were spread in cyberspace. as far as i heard, the salaries they get are very high. we asked people about their doubts about the published numbers. i wanted to know on what basis they receive these salaries and what is the reason they give these salaries with these high amounts. how come they are satisfied with the salaries they get, but i myself am cultural. our rights. they want to raise it at all , they make comments, they make plans, why ? my question is, did you receive the 200 million that you received?
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are you really spending it on the work that was given to you or spending it on your own life? 2020 tomans that they get is the same as their work, whether they have the output of the work or not, what are they doing compared to the salary that they are getting? then why should this price be clarified? the fact has been established . is it really 250 tomans? why should there be such a class gap between the salaries of the people and the representatives? i am a cultured person and should get 10 million tomans. the representative should get 170 to 200 million. this is for you. it's been a year, yes, don't they say that 55 is the maximum salary, 200 million is in conflict with 5 what are they doing that they have to get so much salary in the service of mr. ahmad amirabadi farahani.
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you followed up a lot, but now these supervisory institutions are easily accessible to them, but we can, for example, the parliament can reduce our rights.
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innocent lives have been lost and we are sad for these lives. we want to make sure that innocent lives are protected. these are the words of the white house spokesman about the people of gaza. mercy for the innocent and at the same time sending weapons to the killers. you have repeatedly asked israel to stop killing civilians. so or israel he doesn't listen to you or that there are no consequences. we discuss our concerns with peers.
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it is against if the lives of civilians are endangered. the military operation in rafah should not proceed without a reliable plan for the security and support of the large population that has taken refuge there. but it seems that tel aviv is not going to agree to anything in exchange for the weapons it gets from america. what pressure do you put on them? this is my question to you. we will continue to do everything we can to reduce the killing of civilians. in the back thanking for the innocent and claiming to do anything work to save the lives of civilians the developments of the last four and a half months show that talavih and washington have a common goal in gaza. in his statement, the president clearly stated that the united states wants to see the defeat of hamas. this is a common goal that we have with israel. waterproofing on the banks
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of rivers that protects urban and rural areas from floods. for example, here under the sefid rood watershed in taleghan, the southern slope of alborz. we are now in a watershed. this river is the lifeblood of this watershed. according to the report of the research institute of soil and watershed protection in 30 bahar the past of taleghan river is flooded every year. these coastal walls in times of flooding and flooding
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are possible. the river protected residential areas . one of the measures of watershed management in order to organize and control floods and prevent side erosion of beseh roodkhone is the construction of coastal walls , which is done mechanically and biologically. in 1371, a flood of 20 cubic meters per second occurred in the entrance square of the city. laghan and a part of the north of pulu were threatened, and the wall that you see as a coastal wall between the river and the city of talaghan was built in 1372 with the design and the implementation of the coastal watershed operation took place. this is a mortared stone wall and as a retaining wall on the side
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of the river and the city, it helps not to threaten the flood of the river and the river of taleghan. trees also create a kind of coastal wall in the river bed. this is one of the examples of biological coastal walls, which are usually built next to beaches and rivers that have destructive power, with native species of cypress, willow , and raspberry . from the movement of water and sewage into lands and facilities in the 120 thousand hectare watershed of taleghan 40,000 hectares of irrigation operations have been carried out in five sub-basins of the mir mehran strait, zaydesh shahrak and kash, 5 km long and in an area of ​​5,000 cubic meters, the annual wall operation has been carried out. this is the same coastal wall that is in the village
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now. what has been done is that we don't have drift towards the river. beit trees are the most effective in preventing floods and these things , water has not penetrated this route for 8-10 years. the main course of 70 mm of rain in 2018 was repeated as in 2011, but with this coastal wall was no longer affected by flood damage . this wall holds floods with a return cycle of 500 years. until now, we have had floods every year, especially in 2018, there was a repeat of the 240 cubic meter flood in 1971, and fortunately, the walls have done their job and the city and residential areas that have been created behind it, the park that has been created
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, have kept it safe from the danger of flooding. . remnants of the 2018 flood


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