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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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we became these, and in 1984, we joined the busher corps , that is, in 1983, but in 1984 , we were doing cultural activities there, and after that, some revolutionary friends came and said, "sir , you are in dashrestan, this is the time for you to come and enter ." it's sunny , we didn't take it seriously for a while, but we saw that they didn't take it very seriously, and then, unfortunately, now, or fortunately , we entered the election scene.
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we didn't have you in the ninth. but in the 9th parliament, we had many challenges, we had many discussions and fights. there were fights over the jcpoa in the 9th parliament yes, we had a debate on the joint comprehensive plan of action in the 9th majlis, which was a serious challenge. or, for example, in the debate of the same conflict that happened, mr. ahmadinejad 's coming to the majlis again was a special event. in the discussion
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of the so-called equity of justice, we had a series of group jams, in the discussion of taliya jamiat , we had a series of serious discussions, there were many cases , we had so-called several serious cases in the parliament, which were followed by the equity of equity, and you yourself agree with it, that is, you think that you really benefit. it was a very good job, but it was not well managed, otherwise the decision would have been made, they knew the right decision, but the subsidiary companies. in the so-called, the so-called "same adalat" means , in fact, there were loss-making companies. yes , unfortunately, these companies were brought to my attention. these companies were not well managed either, so i really came very seriously and brought up the issue of justice. one was the issue of sami adalat, and the other was the issue of babak zanjani, who was related to our commission because of the corruption discussion that happened here, according to dr. mirkaz. the studies we were doing were that
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, for example, the heads and managers of the employers and adalat joint-stock companies generally forgave the so-called "bezaleh" and nothing means not having a family for the people and being at a loss, and no one could give them anything, and unfortunately they had a very powerful control over this area. that it was not possible to do anything, which means that you could not do anything. we had, for example, one of the cases that i was following was our dashtestan cement factory , the collective, so-called, who had done justice to this company , had done the factory, well, look, for example, the managers there, the complex has created many problems for both the people there and the workers there, and the authorities have tried they would buy and forgive a lot , he would bring the authorities with him, nothing. no one said anything
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. we firmly entered into this debate. even coming to the parliament itself, they were levying with the representatives that we would not let the discussion of the share of justice come to a conclusion, despite the fact that i was in the so-called taqam share of justice at that time. i got it approved by the parliament in the public forum, well, we impeached him in the public forum, but he went to the hawa commission . it was decided whether to withdraw the signatures or not to delay it. for example, i myself was the one who proposed the investigation. well, after all, i myself have to be in the commission again. somehow voting to remove me from you. well, what does it mean next? i didn't do anything, no action was taken, and it's very interesting, but between this decision and selling these loss-making companies at all. which one do you personally choose
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? look, if it is a question of loss-making companies, then it is certain that if this is sold to the private sector , then it would be much better if they invest in the sectors needed by the people. of course , there is a lot of corruption in privatization. yes, we have many problems in privatization. see, what i am saying is only related. the media of justice is not the same as article 44 of the constitution . how many challenges have we had to implement article 44 ? how many challenges do we have? it has its own margins and margins. anyway, one of our major problems so far, as we happen to see, is in the discussion of handovers , especially companies. i believe that no government has been able to accomplish this until now , that is, they should plan it in a so-called way so that the benefit will actually go to the people, and the treasury will not be harmed after the end of the parliament. you said that there were some issues
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it was family, that is, because he was working a lot, no , there were no family issues, but there were some edges that some loved ones created . and the fact that you decided to continue your education, especially in the field of oil and gas, and the reason for this is that they want you to return to these executive jobs. no, look , i was in the oil and gas debate. well, i was in the energy commission, and i know oil and gas. one story is that the oil and gas economy has been neglected and we are satisfied with the sale of crude oil, which means the entire economy. the economy is only modernized so that we can get oil let's sell the so-called dream . let's create a profit. let's create our budget's resources and our budget's income. well, this is really unfair to the future generations as well as to today. we
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believe that the capacities of hydrocarbon reserves and the capacities of our oil in your various fields from the south to the north and the west. . we have a very wide range of products with added value, with a certain amount of so-called processing or activity in the field of international financial contracts , or to countries that need to know which of these countries have a serious need for our products. we can use a large part of these sources that we usually have every now we are facing a budget deficit this year. our oil derivatives to our petrochemical products, or
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so to speak, to our downstream petrochemical chain products, we do not do this now, unfortunately, our petrochemicals, which is now, to some extent. they produce a product , they don't create that product in the downstream industry to create the so-called added value for it. shipping needs the sea , where and where, if you can produce the equipment and the materials from these reserves. from the same production. petrochemicals, of course, all the countries of the world need it, they cannot boycott oil and raw materials, they have access to it very easily, but to the derivatives of the petroleum sector, not to the downstream products of the petrochemical sector, so you cannot boycott it very easily, the value added is high, yes, that means
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they buy more easily and easily they are buying more. exports are now mainly from the same petrochemical field, but it is the same petrochemicals that we are talking to again and again , that is, right now. this is what we are talking about, after all , if this downstream chain industry also creates more jobs, it also creates added value it becomes more and more, the more financial prosperity is created in the so-called area where people live , these are necessary , unfortunately , these are rarely seen. we got oil for the first time. we approved , so to speak, we approved, especially we created missions in this area in the oil group, that is, we created missions for them under the title of duties and assignments , but i said that it was because of the discussion
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of sanctions, i don't know, it took financial resources and the installments caused it. unfortunately, in principle, the energy commission could influence the ministry of oil, because the ministry of oil is a very promising ministry. yes, oil has a lot of promise , according to his highness, i completely agree with this, because you know that they will finally raise themselves, so to speak, and anyway , they are working in the field and they are working very hard. it's not a joke, you are in the middle. create a platform in the sea , extract the oil, then transfer it to the centers where you want to process it, and then this cycle is very difficult. it is said in language, but from that side, anyway, well, finally the sale of oil and in any case the income of the oil issue
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have their own space, of course, they must be known . when you want to create a law for the ministry of industry , you must know the ministry of industry in the parliament, which means you must know what they are saying, the alleys and alleys of the oil industry. understand what their problems are, anyway, what are their needs, what are their current needs. after that, they are the first priority . in any case, this should be known to the ministry of oil , the same way, the ministry of oil should be studied seriously. adequate and serious knowledge should be found regarding oil and the people in charge of politics. if the policy makers and decision makers in the country do not have a complete understanding of the oil sector , and if they do not study the collection of those people , they cannot
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make a good decision at all. you were also in a sensitive commission. yes , yes, by the way, it happened like this. it was a justice incident. the first thing was to ensure that you, sir, even the people of some people came , that you , sir, are ready to name a certain house in a certain place in tehran. the story is over. they said no and so and so again after that that we will not allow to participate in the next elections, you will not allow this to happen , it will end up being expensive for you. i was not there, the so-called manager of sam adalat sends a text message to one of these factories. yes, in our region, there is a cement factory where, thank god, so-and-so didn't vote
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, and so-and-so used some bad terms, and then , for example, thank god, another person came. have a meeting. a message like this is a message that i don't know how to send to me. oh, send one to you. during the same experiences you found in the parliament, you thought that , for example, in the next periods, if we want to choose between the parliament and, for example, the presidential constituency. i mean, for example , in general, do you think that you won't participate in any other elections, no, i don't think so, if the circumstances arise for me , i will definitely participate. me to the parliament current status of dharma criticism. it does not have the strength and consistency of the previous one, because
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finally, different groups have been created. i am serious about this. the parliament is the only group defined by the constitution that can make laws . i know that he can do well in the discussion of legislation. see, the work of the legislative assembly is the work of the assembly. travel to this trip. going there is not going this way, the job of the parliament is not an executive job, or i don't know, so-and-so should do the executive job, or he should go and see, get to know, and understand what. some things need a law. a new law is creating a new law . we designed 11 plans in our time. one of our laws was that we allocate 2% of the oil sales to naphhiz areas. we came and did this. 3 3 the second thing that happened by the way, it was very necessary for you to see
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that being located in the special economic zones of sanayi is exempt from the payment of value added tax. here he is using the infrastructure of the region it is specially used, why should it be exempt from tax value? we came and designed this in our own course. by the way, we brought it, well , it made an impact. we were going to a village, a village after 40 years of revolution, a village that had no water, no roads, 4 , i don't know what kind of bench, i would play sports. do some sports work there, finally have amenities in the village, generally in the city , because the mayor's income was good, the municipality was able to do some things, but in the villages or even in the sparsely populated cities, we really had a serious problem, so i would go. in the village, in dadhavar what should we do for tall people
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? what should we do for their water ? and the credits of our provinces were not really enough. we came and voted on the law. the law is very good. it is interesting. it is good . it was very good. later we really saw its effects. economically, we came and canceled it, then what happened, all of this was injected into your villages today go to our plains in busheh province. but all the roads have been renovated . after all, the infrastructure is in terms of health. i don't know. water is the same. gas is the same. all our villages now have gas. none of these are without gas
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. this is what i say. the representative's duty is to go there on the assumption, for example. let's say this happens to be a need for the country and you can see in the issues, for example, we had one of the various issues that we had, which happened to be a little bit, and we faced the challenge. it was a mistake to appoint fewer children , less population, better life, it was a mistake, sir , from the beginning, well, we came to change this environment, we faced very serious obstacles, and at the same time , we found a very serious argument with mr. dr. marandi. we were representatives together, well, after all, this plan was implemented during his
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time, during his ministry, the so-called plan was implemented . i remember this. i came at that time. at that time, mrs. javadi was dr. javadi, during the time of mr. ahmadinejad , he was the vice president for environment. yes, a collaboration with we also had a lot of studies after them it was good that he had gone to the deprived areas to talk about the low population in less children . it was very bad that he had taken terrible measures. well, we came in line with this and wrote a plan that was enough to increase the population. we came to change it because until then it was something else. this law should have been amended. other materials even in the programs were contrary to the program because the programs were written based on it. it was based on the previous picture. dr. menandi was a member of the 9th parliament . we faced each other and saw that they were not resisting let's face it, finally, we brought it to the parliament
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and brought up the so-called method, now i said something there. it is stronger to say that from the beginning this slogan and this so-called policy-making was imported from evil countries, english, israel, imported , imported, saying that this policy was imported , it was an imported decision, which, unfortunately, our agents, our managers , implemented in my country, i saw the same way i was talking. mr. dr. brandi came running and said , "sir, what are you talking about ? you are imported. i am saying that this has finally entered the country . it has entered the country's policymaking system. it has become the country 's decision-making process. finally, the decision has been made. the president, another minister, another deputy, or
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anyone else, finally, something happened, something went wrong , now it's okay, now it's your time. you were good, it was right because you believed that it was the right thing to do at the time, and he didn't believe that it was a wrong thing to do, he said assuming that now that both of them understand and we have come to this conclusion , yes, yes, the statistics have this, the situation says this, and the country's future demographic situation has turned into a crisis, so to speak, there is a future crisis . yes, help me, i didn't help you. how many children do you have? i have four boys and a girl. i have a son who is grown up. who is now a student, born in 2008, i have 24 daughters, yes, i have 3 daughters , one of whom was born in 1981, well, i have two little ones. after the plan of the governorship, the plan of our master, but you still don't have grandchildren, i don't have grandchildren, no, of course, it's too soon , so now there's plenty of time, yes, by the way, i told them, especially i told my son, i said that whenever, in
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any case, you announce your readiness for marriage, in the name of god , i'm ready and never don't delay, whenever we think it's time to get married, in the name of god, i hope that with the information you have now , you will show it and complete your education, especially in the field. oil and gas, you will become an expert and an expert , come back again in the next period, let's go back to the parliament. the fact is that the previous doctorate that i got , our doctorate was in the field of the discussion of demonstrative religions with a specialized orientation and habbitology, but because the region became a special region, the discussion of isis and faqavit and all these things, i actually went to this place and did a serious investigation and by the way, i got my interest in this.
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then, well , i finally entered this field of oil and gas, which means i was really following up and we had a serious discussion, for example, we had another serious discussion with mrs. ebtekar about gasoline import, we had other serious fights. pietersia because of the discussion of the bans on gasoline and other things in the 9th period, mrs. ebtekar, when they came to work , they shut down all the gasoline in petushiia, so i had a series of talks there, and we demanded again, we asked and explained things, and this led to this is how mrs. ebtekar complained about me to his highness, and i wrote a letter of complaint to ask him for an explanation, and i gave my explanation as to why mousavinejad, for example, entered , even i remember at that time mrs. ebtekar said , alhamdulillah, the ulama entered in the discussion of gasoline. they say it's very interesting to me, i said why should it be interesting now it's just that it's not up to a cleric
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not to import any information or anything from the country's domain. after all, when i have information, when they understand that oppression is happening to the country, why shouldn't i enter the country? the sense of the following standard is our so-called petochemical standard that we produce by ourselves. we are doing things like this now. then i saw the truth that in the oil complex, a large part of our capital is being wasted, and why should we all have a single-minded economy, only the crude oil economy, that is, it is not in my economy. when you say economy, you mean so-called. the arrangement of all the aspects of the field , whether it's about investment, income generation, added value
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, or different things, any of these, the arrangement is correct, so that you can get something good out of it, that you can get a good production out of it, it's an economy, now you want to be in the field. oil is fine in any area, when you only sell oil from this circulation, it is no longer economical. you have to buy a store that sells it. when i see that mr. agha is really worried, i am right. he says , "sir, why do we have one capacity of oil at our disposal?" but now they are using it against us as a threat. it is very interesting. it means that we have capital, we have a very high capacity, which many other countries are deprived of, and they are sad that why we do not have this, then it is being used against us, why? let's come, i believe that today it is more than a task to be in other fields. the oil and gas economy is necessary because the current atmosphere of the country and the country's ruler is the same with the world . this is very important. we hope that something
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will happen, god willing, and we will be able to do this, then it doesn't matter whether it is the parliament or other institutions. now i am not in the position of changing the laws. i felt very successful . this law is required. they approve it, or the government gives it a layer or so-and-so. i think this is an important thing. i don't see a small change. different political and economic trends compete in elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key. it's in the hands of the people. command pricing clamp stabilization of land rates in the form of it's an impossible order . what are the qatari oilmen doing when they pay him to watch football? yes, and you are mostly behind the window and the press is
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tweeting because of the pain of these known media. do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital . we are what we are.
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is the cost of burning or receive a gift for every purchase from the great iranian house. a gift for every iranian in baran sarai irani gift until 2:00 am in tehran, your host.
1:59 pm
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2:00 pm
hello, welcome to the half-day news. the request of more than 521 candidates for the parliamentary election to change their constituencies at the end of the deadline set to heat up the consultation of political parties and factions to finalize the electoral lists of the parliament. unveiling of five effective medicinal substances and opening of the medical equipment exhibition in the technology park of a company's specialist campus.


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