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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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west and mossad, as well as egypt and qatar's foreign minister were present in it, so the proposal of the west and the west believes that this agreement is necessary and necessary, hamas was following several things in its answer, one is a permanent ceasefire, and the second argument is international guarantees, the third is withdrawal from this is gaza, these guarantees are the way and reconstruction of gaza was also included in the proposals of hamas, so the things that hamas proposed are not too difficult and it is also reasonable that the zionist regime , the zionist regime's delegation had no authority to go there, it just listened and returned without giving any opinion in my opinion. it shows that the zionist regime in this field
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it is still disrupting , in other words, it is not willing to accept the international guarantee, it is not willing to exchange one person for a hundred people, it is not willing to withdraw from gaza, and it is not willing to have a permanent ceasefire, so the zionist regime is now somewhat in this field. throwing stones is my reason. thank you very much, mr. hossein roibran, an expert on west asian issues, for being with the world today.
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하탄남다 하탄남다 하탄남다
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see all the people by the uh escucha el humor no está en la lucha se caigan los muros 15 şubat 2024 saat 09:09 inside kimse var mı kurşunlu balıkçı barınağı önleri patvanağı isimli gemiye ait cansalı.
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yamman targets a british ship in his latest raid in the red sea. informed. the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces said that the navy of this country has directly targeted this ship in the gulf of aden with appropriate naval missiles. earlier , the british maritime security company ambri announced that a commercial ship was targeted by an explosive launch while sailing east of aden port. the forces of the yemeni army have committed until the regime.
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does not stop its attacks on gaza, attacks on the ships of this regime or ships bound for the occupied territories in the sea red will continue. sources of the zionist regime have announced the cooperation of some allied countries to bypass the red sea sanctions by sending goods to the regime through alternative routes. yemen announced last week that the traffic of ships belonging to the zionist regime in the red sea has reached zero. he says that the danger has escaped his ears. he is an american pilot who participated in the recent bombings in yemen . the houthis use a large number of long-range drones over the red sea. during the operation in the area under the control of the houthis, we saw that they
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have a high power. how many times have the drones come from passing near me and the danger escaped my ears. the american pilot's words are that more than 400 attacks on yemeni positions have not only stopped yemeni attacks on zionist ships in the red sea, but have reduced their traffic to zero, but the zionist regime is still trying to deliver goods to the occupied territories. do the minister of roads of this regime traveled thousands of kilometers to the port of mundra in india and promised the settlers that there is a way for the caps to be sent from this port to the uae and then reach israel by trucks through saudi arabia and jordan. base
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zionist-router also wrote that abu dhabi and tel aviv signed an agreement to transfer goods by land route . this agreement is to bypass yemeni sanctions. this is a new opportunity for the rapid transfer of goods from east to west, and in a way , it is the implementation of one of the clauses of ibrahim's agreement. seyed abdul malik badr al-din, secretary general of the ansarullah movement , said: arabs send fruits to the zionists at a time when the palestinian people in gaza are deprived of any help and are in dire need of food and medicine . you are still watching the world today. let's go to the second case of tonight's program. spy watcher zionists, stay away from your mobile phone. this is part of the recent speech of the secretary general of lebanon's hezbollah, which
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has attracted the attention of social media users. when i said cell phones together. today, the eavesdropping and spying device is in your pocket, they have your messages and pictures , they know your exact location .
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it means that it can have any documents or information on the phone, such as photos, videos, electronic messages, whatsapp messages, telegram and the like. it can activate the camera, microphone and gps . the citizen lab of the university of toronto , canada and microsoft reported that these spying programs were used to penetrate the phones of journalists and human rights organizations in 10 countries. the used pegasus malware even took control of french president macron's cell phone, which later required ministers and their staff to use native french messengers called elvid. apart from these
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, cyber security experts give recommendations to prevent hacking or spying on the information of mobile phone users have. perform two-step authentication . do not use the same password everywhere. make sure your system is up to date. of course , these are not enough and according to snowden, the agent of record. dealing with the zionist regime's mobile spyware is the demand of countries for the entry of international institutions. fatemeh sharifi, sda news agency , fatemeh sharifi, correspondent of the sda news agency's cyber space desk, is with us in the studio, ms. sharifi , welcome, we saw your report, but as a first question and questions there are more that may not be mentioned in the report. this is how the software spyware can hack our phone
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. malware means spyware is a type of malware that can hack user information directly through a device . there are several types of hacking methods. a link will be sent to you via sms or sent to your email. and you click on that link , and that link may be one of the destructive messages and in this way your phone gets infected, or we must have all heard that they say not to download anything, don't click to download it, and even your phone. they give us this warning that these are malicious, well, this is one of their methods, but it means that, for example , we may want to download music, download a movie , and it will be malware and cause
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espionage. yes, this is a method. this is one of the ways that the user must be smart, but what is another way , zero-click attacks, i don't know how many viewers have heard that we have click-travel attacks, what does it mean that you don't click on anything at all , the biggest zero-click attacks of 2019 it was through that security flaw. which was in the whatsapp messenger the user makes a voice call, that person is the attacker , and the user answers the call and his phone gets infected, which means that the hacker himself took advantage of the security flaw that existed in it, or even in apple phones, even this september of this year, citizen lab. the university of toronto had conducted a research and said that the recent apple phones had a security flaw and
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users were subjected to this cyber attack through the pegasus spyware, which means they answer the call or not at all, and it doesn't take much time. you answer. there is a security flaw in your iphone and you will be infected these are called zero-click attacks, which means you don't touch anything. the software updates it every time with its new update, and we
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have to be with it so that we don't suffer from these zero-click attacks, so one of the solutions is to update it regularly for mobile phones. let's do it on time and don't delay . how do the zionists do this spying that the secretary general of hezbollah of lebanon asked the people of south lebanon to use the internet. do not use it because the zionist regime is focusing on that area and they are looking for the information of the users there find the area. zionists, we have several companies that are cyber companies for the zionist regime itself. one of these companies, which is the most famous company, is the nso group company, which uses the same software as the spy malware that i have just presented to you, pegasus.
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yes, people who are in the south of lebanon, as seyed hassan nasrallah warned , south lebanon is palestinian in 2020, 6 of the palestinians had their apple phones affected by this cyber attack, which means that apple phones are american, so there is more opportunity. spying on the zionist regime it means that there are some security flaws that even apple itself has come to complain to ensugrove that you should
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pay the price in addition to suing for violating the user's privacy and that politicians are among the people who are targeted. or the fact that he is cyber-attacking phones through the pegasus spyware, journalists , human rights activists, all of these are among the people who were cyber-attacked by the zionist regime . what countries are victims, see several for example, if i want to tell you that there are several types , there are a number of countries that pay money to enso group to operate through this spy software, for example, we must have read in the news that journalists in india
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are being spied on. the indian government comes to its journalist, pays the pegasus company and says that in order to control the journalist , come and spy now, and if i want to tell you, there are more than 50 thousand phone numbers in more than 1000 countries that belong to 50 people. now it has been identified that these people are the target of a cyber attack pegasus placement. it was self-inflicted, india asked for it and had this request . i want to ask about this . it was a victim. now, i think the most famous thing that all our reports are heard on the radio and television is that mr. khashoggi , a saudi journalist of my saudi government, did the same thing , and the phone of ms. the wife of mr. khashoggi, mrs. hananu
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, is hacked through this software. it was attacked by espionage, and now those who say they are victims, i said that there are several categories of people who are victims, a kind of self-organization , a government institution like the indian government, gives money to the company. pegasus and says that you come and spy on them. another type of me is that they are, for example, an organization, some people outside of government institutions, and he says that i want you to pegasus company, well , i have the money, i want you to spy on so-and-so and i this money, which is too much , is not like that they will be satisfied with a few thousand dollars, they go there and want to spy on a person, and there are also a series where another government comes and
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asks the government that opposes or is its enemy to spy. for example, i said to macron, the president of france, the moroccan government had given money to the company enso grof asked him to come and spy now, and what is france doing now? this happened two years ago when the spy was spying on french president macron's phone and 5 of his ministers were being spied on. france came and made a native messenger called priority, and the interior minister , the prime minister of this country , asked the ministers of the interior and their employees, that is, not that he asked , he required them
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to install this messenger on their phones, and many people said it has been said in different media that this action is required. mirror because of the political requirements and my french self, you said that this elvid messenger is a safe messenger because in france they use whatsapp and signal a lot, and whatsapp was the reason to hack mr. macron's phone, that's why they were scared and something. and one interesting thing is that not only your phone is hacked. hacking in addition to the fact that your phone data can be hacked, your photos and videos are stolen, another thing is that they take control of your phone and can do so in this way. thank you very much for the few solutions that you said
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so that we do not open the suspicious link let's inform, use local software and in emergency situations, like the people of south lebanon, basically don't use the internet, and there is another thing that the government's own companies and the governments of the world say. they should pressurize everyone to depend and stand against the selfishness of the zionist regime, which is the end after these pressures brought by more than 50 countries and based on the same autocracy that the zionist regime has through these cyber attacks using the us treasury department has been using pegasus spyware for about two years enso group and some zionist companies that do cyber work , i.e. espionage in the cyber field , have been blacklisted, and even whatsapp
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has complained about this to enso group's pegasus, and all of them have demanded this. although the enso group company in the last month, in the same month we are in , asked that the lobbyist wants to lobby several hundred million dollars in order to list his name. the black list of the us treasury department has been brought out, so far, what is going on and we don't know about it behind the scenes has not been successful yet. thank you to fatemeh sharifi, reporter of sada and cima news agency, but today we will continue the world with a report from lebanon, the aggressive fighter and drones of the zionist regime killed 15 citizens in an attack on various areas in southern lebanon. the crime of the drones of the zionist regime is in the armed hay area in the city of nabatieh. in this drone attack on a residential building, 11 people were martyred and 7 people were injured, including two
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children and five women. four people, including a mother and two children , were killed and 9 people were injured in the attack of the zionist regime's fighters on adshit and savane. martyrdom a number of citizens, children and women were martyred. we will not be indifferent to the crimes and aggressions that occurred in south lebanon and we will respond to them in an appropriate manner. in an operation, hezbollah targeted the headquarters of the zionist army in the northern region of the occupied territories in sefid city , 15 kilometers from the lebanese border, with dozens of missiles. in this regime media operation.
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nahariya hit the north of the occupied territories. the depth of zionist military attacks on residential areas in southern lebanon has increased. hizbullah's offensive operations are also 15 kilometers deep in the north of the land occupations to expand. hasan azimzadeh of sed and sima news agency in front of the military and zionist settlement of matullah on the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. thank you for being with the world today . good evening.
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in seed production. these are the characteristics of hybrid cultivation that was produced and unveiled by the elite of a knowledge-based company. it needs 3 times less water compared to the conventional deirez varieties of the country and accepts higher water consumption efficiency. improving the quality of the soil is another goal that was raised in the agricultural industry, and scientists succeeded in producing the first sample of plant probiotics. it is a plant probiotic in fact, i am doing this in a pinch , because the process of approving this in the agricultural sector is very long, we give it as fertilizer, it
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has a great effect. the animal probiotic sample was another product of this knowledge-based company, which was unveiled at the event of the best knowledge-based companies in the agricultural sector. it is a probiotic that is resistant to heat and up to 110 degrees, and it is used for animal feed. bringing almost most of the market to the hands of this product has been very effective, paying attention to the knowledge capacity of the foundation in meeting the need. agricultural industry and forming a working group to solve the problems of biotechnology activists is one of the upcoming goals in the field of agriculture. a joint working group should be formed with the support of the ministry of agriculture and the support of scientific assistants to follow up on a monthly basis and in a special way the discussion of requests for licenses of knowledge-based companies, because sometimes these licenses take time to expand the work space and
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competition for the private sector. it was a promise made by the minister of jihad of agriculture during his visit to this exhibition . in whatever proportion these companies can enter into any issue, we will open the space for them to take over the market and the places that they want. as a government, if we are producing or doing any activity, we should withdraw and provide the space to the companies. in this event, 47 knowledge -based companies will show their enclosures in the fields of agriculture and horticulture.
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receive a gift for every purchase from sarai irani . in the morning in tehran, i am your host, looking for a suitable opportunity to buy all beheshti carpets at the factory price. now is the time for an unrepeatable discount in the extraordinary sales festival of beheshti carpets from 5th of bahman to 5th of march.
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congratulations, the first place prize is a two- bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary. bashland is a land full of prizes. excuse me sir, do you know where the city of household appliances is? yes, you go straight for 5 kilometers, it is a special road. this gentleman wants to mislead you. if you want to buy carpets and home appliances, go to the right side. did you start again that's why you are giving the wrong address here, the city of faresh was not the home city of lovazel. pay attention to the destination, city of faresh and shahr.
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household appliances after azadi square in front of tehran sir: bismillah rahman raheem hello, have a good time welcome to the program of football magazine. we will start the program with the world of beach soccer. iran's victory in the first step of our country's beach soccer team won against spain in its first game of the uae world cup. this game ended in legal and extra time with 6.6 pictures , but.


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