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tv   [untitled]    February 16, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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in particular, a parliamentary system without a party system may not be meaningful. it is true that we have parties in the country, but we do not have a party system . our elections do not rely on parties , that is, parties are not recognized in the parliamentary system. when they reach the majority, they have the power of the country and the government is their representative, which means that some of the representatives may even become ministers. now, like in england, yes , there is a prerequisite, and that is to establish a party system and have an electoral system and a parliamentary system. only the party and the one we have can't mean that it should be in the laws of the parliament if a party is majority or minority. for example
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, the voting system itself is different. let's say there are two important lists in tehran. of the two parties, one may get 40 votes in tehran, and the other may get 60 votes, compared to 40%, and 60% should be sahan's representative. the body is not like this now, the person who comes 51 years old will take all the seats. yes, so. it requires a parliamentary system, it requires the recognition of a party system, an electoral system that relies on a party system, in fact, it can be said that elections now have many technical problems. this is the election of another one, that the parliamentary and presidential elections should be much closer to each other . we came, maybe this
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is not a bad idea, it is for our parliament , the islamic council, to be efficient, i think the party system is very effective, we have political currents, and someone like me may come to the parliament on the list of fundamentalists, but i answer to i don't know about that , i'll come here and apply my own opinion. yes, there is no commitment to the organization as a result of the predictable and efficient parliament. there is no party system, he is coming to the parliament to follow up on his plans, the party is following up on him to fulfill the promises he made to the people.
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you see, maybe the parliament doesn't have its own weight in the country as it should, especially in relation to the government , that is, the heavy weight in our country is the executive branch , yes, it has the facilities, and it can be said that there is a passivity in our parliament, mr. nabovi . one side of it is that legal or technical grounds must be provided, that is, the design of a car. an election that has the right results and in short, the other side of an electoral system is that the spirit of iran does not go well with the party and the party. we can't do anything about it, but we can design a legal electoral system . our parties do not have a clear history , which means that they are not very pleasant for the people. the reason
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is that the party in iran was not born naturally . affiliated parties were formed. now they are either affiliated with the east or affiliated with the west . they follow their interests. there is not a very bright record in iran, that is, based on the needs of the society the need of the people is not formed with the right social base in us, but i think that if it is a function. acceptable and influential in the destiny of the country , i don't think people will not be happy. well, anyway, this is a long-term historical discussion and i don't know. now , as you named it, this is technical, or should we say from the point of view of the law, if we foresee it in the law , it means that this is even this mentality exists among the decision-makers, that is, this term of the parliament, they tried very hard to make it official that a party can win, that is, people
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can vote for a party list, but this did not come to fruition. yes, it means, for example, the same seats in tehran, where 30 of them go to one faction every time , it will never be reformed because every time a faction wins, it says there is no change. yes , these are the other problems . let's reform the elections and let the people see the results. i don't think that's why they say they don't go to the parties, and because the parties are training the opinion of the party, or they don't send someone zero kilometers to the parliament who comes here and wants to experience everything, he comes with a plan. it depends on the people's vote and a support that comes with orientation it is an organization and a party, it can
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do things better, that's why i say that it must seem that this must be a crime planned by a number of senior gogdans. and it should be supported by the system at the macro level. this issue of amending the constitution should be done at a level that is different from the previous round, that is, some nice people should sit down , study, prepare something, and take it. in the years since the constitution was amended in the first 10 years after the constitution, it says a lot since then. especially experience shows, for example, which of the articles of the law there is a lot of uncertainty, where can it be removed? but this
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is not all. even with this constitution, a series of reforms can be made to increase the efficiency of the parliament and the government . defects after all, the world is changing rapidly, isn't it? for example, now , one of the problems of the disagreements between the government and the parliament has always been about the budget. my sixth pamphlet, i was a candidate, but i didn't vote the same incident in tehran, yes, the incident in tehran , but at that time, even though i was on the participation list and had voted, i wrote an article in
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mehr magazine that the situation of the tehran elections has technical problems and always exposes the country to crisis , because the group that he got 30 votes , he didn't get a single seat, and he prefers that the election be annulled. after that, the reformist representatives in the parliament asked me what you meant by writing this article . we are talking to the system, but it is not under pressure at all they were thinking that now that we have taken all the sandals, why should you bother us, sir? yes, and i think that now in the next parliaments, you are also interested in being a candidate , no, i really just went to study after the fifth parliament, we said, now we
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are in the world of politics, let's go see what we have seen in the science of politics , no, human experiences there. there are good things written down, so now with this experience you have and the study you did in the field. politically , if you were to become a member of the parliament, what would you think the current parliament, the 12th parliament, should do? the parliament can play a very important role in the efficiency of the system. both my studies and my experience show that the law is very important and the rule of law . this human experience shows that if a system wants to be efficient, it must have the rule of law, but the law that we say means the laws must be transformed into a neat legal system . we can say that we don't have a legal system because, for example , in the assemblies that we have had so far
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, the laws are changed in a hurry. as a result , it will not be transformed into a legal system. the lawyers themselves give examples. that the legal system is a living organism. just like us, there is a proportion in our body. our head should be of a certain size. if it is bigger than this, i this legal system should be in harmony with each other , it should have a balance, it should have a balance. if you come in a hurry and change the law, this coherence will be disrupted. then my interpretation is that the legal system is formed from a set of laws. the government office software is a good software. how much work do you measure? if our legal system is clean and
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transparent, this software can make the government more efficient than it is now. to be managed therefore, we should consider this important role for legislation. based on these studies, i want to convey this concept to everyone that i meet, that we must enema our laws and regulations, because there is a term in marah, they say we have a law enema department. yes, they say that it is compiled and the enema of laws and regulations and this continues in the world, that is, if a new law comes, it must specify its duty with other laws, no matter how much it does not conflict with them , if it does not overlap with each other, it will not be approved as a law. the law should be very careful be approved he should have previous studies, he
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should have a background. and one of the good things that we have done in the assembly, which was the request of the supreme leader, was legislative policies. how old is this now? he informed the parliament that according to that, the parliament should amend some of its statutes , amend the legislative processes. it should have previous studies, it should have a background, it means that the law is really like a child that should be brought up from the beginning, it was fertilized, the method worked, and hey , we should not pass the law in a hurry, yes, and change the law, because the law also gives stability to life. mankind also makes life predictable for economic work, for cultural work, for work. political and this is a summary of the people of our country, which means an
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efficient legal system, a software that can support the administration of the government. now that we have reached this point, writing the law is not an easy task and it is a very delicate task . what do you think about the necessity of forming something like the senate ? let's have a parliament that will make the final approval of the law seriously in the senate. this is again a successful human experience to see that a parliament like the one we have now has some legislation from that state of balance and stability. it means that the representatives represent the public opinion until an incident happens in a hurry. they want to turn something into a law , and this creates the same problems that we talked about, and if the sana majlis, which
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are more experienced people with higher qualities and are superior, it will create a balance with this majlis. for example, you remember that during the obama era, these issues were negotiated. a nuclear attack was carried out. well , the obama administration was in agreement. at the same time, congress came and opposed it. it approved a plan. in opposition , what was the one who stopped it? it was the senate, that is, the senate. in fact, because a law wants to be approved there , both parliaments must approve it and approve it. as a result, bicameralism is a successful experience for legislation. it creates a stability, which means that these two parliaments balance each other. well, tell
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me, after the parliament, in these years, apart from studying, you ran the risalat newspaper. yes , for a while, for example , well, one of our memories is that. you yourself mentioned first that we were in political debates and the museum of political pursuits, and one side of these debates was resalat newspaper. i remember that during my reforms i was a representative, we went to court regularly. four, how many boys, how many girls, two boys, two , very well, can i ask how
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many children you have ? there are 2 girls who have entered the university this year. yes, mashaallah, 18 years ago, mashaallah . yes, they will go to university. they are into politics, yes, they are into politics, but they are not into political work. i am not interested in becoming a member of parliament or anything. what does your son do ? can i ask him? yes, you are a market businessman
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, you are still a market person, no, we have never been a market person. we didn't know our names, but where in toran was born, that is, where did you live in tehran ? before the revolution, we were in the moniriyeh region of amiriyeh, and now we are there, but you are usually considered a market because of your proximity to the coalition delegations. whatever it was, they called it a bazaar , but the right-wing and fundamentalists called it a bazaar, but many of them were really close to the bazaar in their homes and lived , not us, who have been in our homes since the beginning.
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good, different political and economic trends in the elections, competing with each other, the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament, the key is in the hands of the people, what will prevent your competitors. mandatory pricing , land price stabilization in a mandatory manner is impossible . naftabadan qatar, how are they paying him to watch football? yes. do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital
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. mr. iqbal, one of the managers of the scrapping centers since 86 starts its work with 80 personnel, but now during these years in terms of some decisions we came to the conclusion that we are working with two or three personnel now, 80 people have been reduced to 3 people, but what is the reason for mr. iqbal and 220 other abortion centers to be closed down? the owners of used cars
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did not want to scrap it, which was the result of the non-implementation of a law. the law on organizing the automobile industry and amending article 10 of this law came into force in february last year , and the government was given 3 months to implement this law. unfortunately, this did not happen. the main reason is the non-adherence of the regulations it was removing used cars. in the past 9 months, out of the 3 months that the government had, this regulation has not yet been approved, but what is the benefit of the implementation of the law on organizing the automobile industry for the owners of used cars? and there was a lot of punishment for the owners of worn-out cars, one of them was that according to the age of the car, the scrapping certificate amount
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was different. less expenses. now, after 9 months of delay, qayim is the head of the fleet modernization and scrapping of vehicles farsodeh promises to implement the law from next year . in the hope of god, i think it is in the domain of the government and we are waiting for it to be notified. in fact, the work has been completed. we hope that this law will be implemented from the beginning of 1403. the delay in the implementation of the law has caused confusion to the owners of used cars. they are paying 70 tomans now, as i heard they are saying 90 tomans . the delay in the implementation of this law will probably make mr. iqbal's business even more prosperous and 22 other centers whose prosperity means removing cars. it is more consuming and polluting. faizeh shabani of sed and cima news agency.
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you are recognizable in any situation. all are one against the blue wolf. but you have to be lucky that the wolf does not turn red. it is used by combining the data centers of the zionist military security apparatus to recognize the faces of palestinians through cameras
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. the blue wolf software is now installed on the mobile phones of the israeli soldiers and they can shoot the person whose image turns red by recognizing this software. the minister of internal security of the zionist regime after operation storm. al-aqsa has ordered the security apparatuses in the west bank to provide access to this software to the settlers in addition to the security forces. the israeli army has announced that it is testing an anti-riot system developed by the smart shooter company. inside this weapon is a computer that is completely controlled by artificial intelligence and visual algorithms, and when the artificial intelligence detects the target, there is no need for a person to fire the barrel, but the weapon automatically hits the target accurately. but this expert
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questions the accuracy of this software. the zionist regime claims that soft blue wolf software is perfect. but many innocent people have been arrested due to misdiagnosis of this software. but our real concern is that this software falls into the hands of zionist criminal groups. so far, no zionist military commander or political official has been tried by international courts for responding to the killing of palestinians with such software. with the blue wolf software, the zionist regime controls all aspects of palestinian life in addition to terror and arrest. educational records, criminal medicine and all financial transactions of people are available with this software israel's security apparatus. as this palestinian woman living in the west bank says: everything is under control with the blue wolf software. no person can enter anywhere without camera approval
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. the zionist security forces directly shot a large number of palestinians in this area with this software. despite the use of various software, equipment and weapons, the zionist regime has not been able to destroy the resistance in the west bank. the mehta palestinian statistics center announced that since the beginning of this month, resistance forces have carried out more than 80 operations in the west bank. being two-handed, increasing water productivity and high capacity in seed production. these
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are the characteristics of hybrid cultivation by succeeded in producing the first plant probiotic sample. probiotic is a plant that actually does this because the process of approving this in the ministry of agriculture is very long . we give it as fertilizer. it has a great effect. another example of animal probiotics was another product of this danesh-banyan company, which was unveiled at the best danesh-banyan event in the agricultural sector. it is a probiotic that is resistant to heat and up to 110 the grade is actually resistant and it is used for animal feed
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brings from denmark and germany. now, almost most of the market has this product , which has a very good effect. paying attention to the knowledge-based capacity in meeting the needs of the agricultural industry and forming a working group to solve the problems of biotechnology activists are among the goals ahead in the field of agriculture. a joint working group should be formed with the support of the ministry of agriculture and the support of scientific assistants to follow up on a monthly basis and in a special way the discussion of requests for licenses of knowledge-based companies, because sometimes these licenses take time to expand the work space and competition for the private sector . it was a promise that the minister of jihad agriculture visited from this exhibition, he said that as much as these companies can enter into any issue, we will open the space for them to take over the market and the places where we ourselves as the government, if we produce or do activities, will go back.
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in this event, 47 knowledge-based companies presented their enclosures in the fields of agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, livestock and poultry, as well as the food industry and judicial security . mohammad hossein haji, radio and television news agency. a new narrative of the war in the streets of kasem. the
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spider is one of the important axes in during this period, which has given this country pleasure , it is the axis of dealing with foreigners, dealing with foreigners. dealing with foreigners , especially america and the zionist regime, which the imam believed that all the troubles of the islamic world are from america, is a very important point if one does not know the enemy well and sometimes takes the enemy instead of a friend and a friend instead of an enemy. take this strategy error that is in the way of the nation. will create words
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. in the name of god. hello. minister of foreign affairs , more activity and mobilization of the international community, especially the organization of islamic cooperation, to stop attacks on food considered important. mr. amir abdullahian, in his phone call with hossein ibrahim taha, secretary general of the organization of islamic cooperation, also called for an emergency meeting of the council of ministers of this organization to review the situation in the gaza strip and take decisive measures against the recent aggressions of the zionist regime. minister of foreign affairs.


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