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tv   [untitled]    February 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:29pm IRST

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it's really not possible because we don't know why someone comes . well, after all, there are many changes in his life based on his behavior . we should not be honest with our people. after all
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, we should not be honest with people. i am not saying that i am sorry for anyone. believe me, i am sorry. i am 30 years of responsibility. he is a tenant in this country or he has been a tenant in the place of the authorities. housing cooperatives, mps should treat people with honesty, when people will accept it. sir , your child is unemployed. if he says that he is unemployed, he will tell him to see that there is no supply. he will find a job for his son. what does he want? we are in garze
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, tell the people, people like them more. yes, the representatives , the officials, the officials, sir . let me tell you one thing, because in the middle of this prayer, they called me and told me that this system, which you say, is to put the salaries. all your rights since 2017. representatives every month we sent it to the employment affairs organization , they upload his name, but the inspection organization from the judiciary accounts court has access to them . they still don't give people access to this. let's put our salaries on the parliament website , what's wrong with them, they don't hand it out, let all the people see, we are ready, all
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the expenses of our offices , the expenses of our party, our salaries, let's put all our letters, orders, and letters of recommendation, let the people see what's wrong , there is a report, this is my report. we will come back in four to five minutes , we will be with mr. ahmad amirabadi farahani . please, what was the last news you heard about the members of the parliament. their salaries, which were published , were engraved at the foot of the parliament. you can take them with you. some of the salaries of the representatives have been determined. astronomical shun, which was spread in cyberspace, where i heard that the salaries they get are very high , we asked people about their doubts about the published numbers. how do they have the rights? they agree, but i myself am a cultured person . do they have a job, do they have the output of the work or not
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? it should be clarified what they are doing with respect to the salaries they get. the fact has been established . is it really this , that is, 250 tomans? is it really this amount? then why should it be this price? i have to pay 10 million tomans. the agent should get 170 to 200 million. this is a year for you. yes, aren't they saying that we have 55 more?
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they want to question our country now so that we don't come to participate , but we will participate. it turned out that they don't trust this much , for example, disclosure, and it's obvious, after all, their motives are known. yes, people said that saying that the election is just before the election , that 's what it really means. look, i already gave you my receipt. now you are free. in the same year 401, i also said that they should broadcast it in june 402, which is the letter written by the majlis finance to the bank. representatives, i gave 402 in december, which means that if there is an increase, it will be after that, but really, mr. afkhami, our salary is the same number that the law says is the limit, meaning the salary cap. the maximum salary is seven times the floor, which means that if the minimum salary
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now is 8 tomans, the maximum will be 56 tomans. if it becomes 10 tomans next year, the minimum salary will be 70 tomans . yes , it is 170,200 lies. you wrote the law yourself, you didn't follow it, you should have monitored it, that is, if all these rights were clear, now they will print the arbitrariness and say that we followed it a lot. you don't know that article 29, first of all , i wrote article 29 together with mr. dr. dehghan, and we included it in the sixth program, which now legal assistant to the president. but i want to say that we followed up on it many times . it was about system issues. for example, you want
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to check the salary of an employee in your city office. the issue is whether you have access to this system tomorrow, i don't know if it will be hacked again. we are transparent about the salaries and wages of managers, no, not at all, we are like that, ms. article 29, everything must be clearly written about the payment, everything must be clear, everything must be clear, because it is all there, why didn't you write it like this so that the managers are transparent, from the general manager up
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, for example, we, by the way at that time, we were talking about the officials, and the officials were the subject of article 71 he went to the commission and came back very bad. but now these supervisory institutions are easily accessible to them, but we can, for example, the parliament can take away the rights of at least 2,084 people and 286 people, because i, in all these 20 years after the 17-18 years of the parliament in the last parliament, i was always asked whether you get a salary for life or not
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. i said that i explained that if i retired with the former work of the parliament, my salary would be the same as the salary of the general manager.
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i'm in the 9th course, my friend, i'll apologize later , it's very beautiful, you shouldn't say this now, but i said, shaba is going to be unemployed now, snap , shaba is going, snap, where was madam aur, mr. amiradi was treated very modestly all the time, and i said that you should have told me a lot .
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i had a meeting, i didn't go to my house , i mean, i didn't go on a trip with my family. yes, or for example , the representatives mostly meet like this. constituencies are involved from morning to 12 at night . they are definitely from this village to that village from this city to that city. our elections from this city to that city 700 km, the representative should drive alone or in any case sit in the car and drive for him to go from one city to another city.
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we agreed that we should serve the people , it is our duty, but really this is 200 million 180 million. now i really thank you for this program . government employees increase every year like that. they don't get anything more than that, that is, if 10% is added to our salary, 10% will be added to the nominal salary can at no time, we do not get a single rial for the additional employees of the representatives, because the only place where there is the most monitoring of the method is in the discussion of the public opinion of the representatives . now i have passed the story of the suv that raised the issue for the parliament. who do you think it belonged to and when did it come up? it was the year 2009, the year 2009 that bahman
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khodro was begging for in tehran . give the people and others a fidelity and other car in installments. no one would take it. the year 1401 and this oppression of the assembly is that the same at the time of many of their welfare departments, the agreement was signed , although the speaker of the parliament, mr. ghalib , understood it at the same time. they want to do this, he said , "sir, don't do this and don't come, but what did you say, sir, why do you connect this to stiza, because the delegation of the speaker of the parliament, including mr. qalib, knew that if the issue of shasib comes up , there is a rival in the parliament. there are no other departments, most of them are taken from law enforcement, judicial , security departments, normal, unusual, all of them are taken from these high-speed cars.
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there wasn't that much difference in the market, but they say , sir, i'm sorry, this belongs to the minister, yes, the minister shasti gave a big shout to the representatives , don't do it at all. then, well, public opinion says, sir, he has a representative . it's like the case you remember when a representative came and said that it's okay, sir, to sell kish to the chinese . then we, the people, said, "dad, by god, i'm the president of china's friendship." i am seeing that a 25-year contract is not the same as being a colleague. you said that the parliamentarian said, "i am telling the truth. the people
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are telling the truth. they say, sir, the parliamentarian said that they believe that i am right . the people do not blame them. the problem is with us. yes , we are telling a lie so big that unfortunately the public opinion will accept us. it's our fault that we don't come to the media, we don't come to the virtual space, tell the truth to the people ourselves , tell the people all the issues clearly, this is our fault. thank you very much . we were talking with mr. ahmad amirabadi fara ahmad amiradi farahani about this disclosure. gary, it seems like a disclosure, for example, a disclosure . thank you very much. hopefully, in the next programs of the film , you will see
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how the 6 million dollars of the zionists were destroyed. how did yasin 105 frame the merkava protection system ? a new narrative of the war in the streets of gaza. like a spider in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light
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, in the name of god, light on the light. in the name of god, light upon light . in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god . light upon light. in the name of god. the book
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of ingestion at the time of marshur. allah is great, god is great, god is great, god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god . i testify that muhammad
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is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. hai ali salalah hai ali salalah hai ali al falah hai ali al falah
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hai ali good work, good work , god is great, god is great, there is no god but god. there is no god except allah.
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i realized that world war ii is over, but the war in ukraine is not over yet, of course, the war in gaza is not over either. you are now saying that russia should pay for the damage it caused in ukraine. do you have the same story about israel, gaza ? and to allocate money for this purpose , of course, there is also the issue of political responsibility, which
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is a completely different issue, but it is about the issue of reconstruction of countries that are ready to help again. it is absolutely true, because these countries have rebuilt gaza 3 times, of course, israel is not one of these countries. let me finish my speech, our discussions are about other countries that are ready to help in the reconstruction of gaza, but they expect to receive something from israel in return, and that is the discussion of the way to achieve the solution of the formation of two states. what about money? i will not enter into theoretical debates because we believe that the policy that should be pursued is the same path that our foreign minister has specified and will lead to the reconstruction of gaza, and from your question. if you try to raise it, he will avoid it. i don't want to avoid the question i asked. after all, someone has to pay for it. i mean ajtna and the question related to the payment of this fee
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by israel. in our opinion, the way forward is the way we have proposed. in your opinion, does this way and this route release israel or any other country from the responsibility of paying money and expenses? i don't want to say that we started a path.
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on the other hand, household waste in the orange waste line is subject to a fee based on its weight, so it is better to carefully separate the cost of other bins in the invoices, the cost of the number of times the bin surfaces are filled and also the recycling becomes very high and we have to consider their weight. each trash can has an identification number and it is clear which house it belongs to. 7 and two tenths of millions of french have 132 kilograms of household waste each year, and the rest of the country's population has 250 kilograms per year. the cost of garbage collection is very high. in 10 years, the budget for waste collection and segregation has increased by 50%. we
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cannot continue like this. all this is the cost of burning or burying the waste. another system that has been set up is the collection point which has replaced the weekly visit of the tab collectors . in this system, 18 euros per year to collect. the iranian architecture studies book was presented in the 31st world book of the year award
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, which was recently held at the same time as the 41st national book of the year award . the selected work was presented in the subject of iranian studies of the department of art for the studies of iranian architecture. ireland, he is a well-known figure for various researches in the field of islamic architecture, and he also has extensive studies in the field of architecture in iran. i am iranian, but now in... life i am teaching islamic art history at the american university in cairo. yes, this is the second time that i got this book and i am proud to know that i have it. the first time was for a book about the miniatures of kalila damnei in texts from the 8th century ah, but this time for a book. okin
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stayed in iran for several years and did field research. his research and analysis covers a wide range of the history of writings. the book "studies of iranian architecture", winner of the world book of the year award, is his writing about a wider range of topics related to architecture in iran. the author has tried the book with 300 complete color photo of iranian architecture. these photos have not been seen until now, from tiling to the formation of domes of iranian mosques, the buildings of important governments of the middle centuries such as the seljuks, the il-khwanians and the timurids, to the closed monuments of iranian architecture from al muzaffar and the uzbek monuments in afghanistan are the subject of his research. . in this book, i have collected 26 articles on
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various topics such as history. iranian mosque, historical monuments of the timurid period, lesser-known dynasties such as jalairi and mozaffari. i also discussed in detail the subtleties of the art of iranian tiling. building motifs i checked the eight heavens and finally visited some buildings that no longer have any traces of them. like the citadel of ali shah of tabriz, of which only one porch remains today. bernard okin's essays analysis of iranian works. it is a review of the main elements of iranian architecture, which studies the works and architecture of the great persian world up to the borders of china , the four-story building of the iranian palace, the geometry and aesthetics of timuri natanz, and the new turbet nori jam of iran in the 14th century, the lunar stone and the tiled pulpits of iran. there are some other research articles presented by this iranologist is. i tried
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to have a wide range of audience in mind. some articles can be interesting for the general public. but the main audience of researchers and students are people who desire.


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