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tv   [untitled]    February 16, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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so you have an election board, you have county election officials, now we have a problem here, because in big cities like detroit , philadelphia, and chica , there is huge corruption and great moral decay, and you have corrupt election officials, and that's why there is so much voter fraud. so much.
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holding elections in each of the 50 states receives requests from people who want to compete in the elections, those who want to be mayors of cities or members of the state senate or people who want to compete for the us congress. all these requests through the election committee state pass and there is an application process.
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you must be a registered voter in the state in which you intend to run for the senate or house of representatives, and you must be able to register as a voter in that state. now states have specific requirements . who are accused of a crime , are in prison or have a serious criminal history or even have they are not allowed to register as voters if they are mentally disabled. now the laws vary from state to state. well, to be an eligible voter in this state. at first, you must be a resident of the state in which you live. and you must be a regional resident. but in general , you must be a resident of a certain place.
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you try to communicate with large groups of people with iran. speeches by talking to members of the media and reporters. you meet people in churches, mosques and churches
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. you try to be in the news. you do actions or say things that people think important and then they information. the picture shows them telling a little about their lives and why they are going to compete and what they are reading after reaching that post, complete it. all this requires money and that's why you usually try to get financial help from rich people. sometimes. you can also accept donations from people who are not rich, but because of the large amounts, campaigns are usually run by or influenced by people with a lot of money
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. i used to go to churches and we have a big mosque here and i used to go. however , the campaign system in the united states is generally so it works effectively. if an election is held and one of the candidates has a complaint about the election process, how should he raise this complaint and what process will he go through, it is not unusual for the person who lost.
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they make initial decisions about whether the election was fair or fraudulent. depending on their decision, a candidate can go to state court and challenge it and the evidence. show that the other party has done something fraudulent. this happened recently. in the city of bridgeport where a democratic primary was held. two democrats are running for the nomination to win the democratic party. one of them was known for being corrupt. he was actually the mayor of bridgeport. and his opponent knew that he was cheating.
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it is from a case that the final decision reached a court in bridgeport, connecticut, and the judge rejected the election . so the courts are in a way the last resort to determine the outcome of an election. what is the average participation rate in the parliamentary elections in your country? for the congress elections, the elections are divided into two periods. currently, the president is elected once every four years, but the congress and representatives are elected once every two years. so this means that
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federal elections are held every two years. the last federal election was held in virginia and 45 of the votes in
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this situation endangers the continuation of the republic and i hope that at some point we can correct it and put it in this box. high votes, which are actually calls for fraudulent voting.
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we saw a conversation with richard block, a former senator of the us senate, here we can hear and see a little more about america. these people of the indian race gave rise to peace-loving tribes who lived in this land for thousands of years until the europeans came to this land. greed for gold and jewels led them to this land and columbus was the first european to set foot on this land. gradually, the english, french
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and dutch also set foot on this continent, and the looting and looting of african natives began, and the beginning of american history with looting and looting took place among the countries that entered the american continent, england was the first country that was able to form a colony in the state of virginia and massachusetts and expand the cotton and tobacco planting industry there, and this was the beginning of the formation of the slave trade as a free labor force. it was in america. in 1776, residents of british pensions who were raised by the heavy taxes of the british rulers, started a revolution and this was the beginning of the american revolutionary wars under the command of george washington. the 13 colonies of america officially declared america an independent country on july 4, 1776, but slavery
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continued even after these liberation wars, especially in the southern states of america. in 1861, america was involved in the civil war between the northern and southern states. in this war, abraham lincoln, who had won the 1860 election with the slogan of liberating the slaves , was in charge of the northern state. eventually the war ended in 1865 with the victory of the central government and the seeming prohibition of slavery. world war i started in 1914. at this time, america declared neutrality, but threatened the germans that if they send a submarine against america , they will go to war. in 1917, after the intervention of the germans , america opened to war. in 1918, america and the allies won. world war ii started in 1939. in this era, like the
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first world war, america was neutral at first. but with japan's sudden attack on pearl harbor in 1941, america entered the war. with the end of world war ii in in 1945, america, which had seen the least financial damage, was recognized as the world's top power, and this was the beginning of decades of open and hidden colonialism, intervention and global domination. well, in the continuation of the program , we have another conversation with mr. rodney martin , a former judge of the united states and a senior staff member of the united states congress. we will see this section together
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. thank you for participating in our program. my first question is how is the role of parliament defined in your country? the drafters of the constitution and the founders of the united states first established the congress to be the main institution of the country. sand we have separate functions in the government, which include the congress, the executive branch, which is the president, and the judicial branch , which is the supreme court. according to its structure, congress is going to have representatives from the regions. but probably since world war i, the federal government
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and congress have increased their opinion and legislated in such a way
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that the system has changed a lot over time , especially since america decided to move from a republic to a world imperial power . the founders of america were very, very hesitant about centralizing power when they drafted our constitution. they initially wanted to the house of representatives should be the main body to represent the people. but in today's american political system , such a thing... the problem is that every state can act differently, every state and every city in which votes are cast and reported are subject to a lot of political influence and obvious corruption . we have seen it and probably for the first
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time not in 2020 but in 190. i talked about the absence of an election commission or something of this nature. in america, everyone's hands are for this work, that is, the elections are open, and they can assign assignments at the city level to become members of the congress and there are few conditions to be a member of the senate, one must have a minimum age
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, the same applies to the president, with the exception that he must be 35 years old and born in the united states, but in the true sense of the word, there are few conditions except the condition of the age of each someone can run for the us congress and senate, i want to emphasize that one can run for office from a prison cell. we have candidates who died before the election but won the election and then the relevant legislative body had to choose someone as a replacement. it is really strange that the candidate died before the election let his name remain on the ballots and win the elections, but this happened recently in america.
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in the congress, we have people who have been members of the congress for a long time, but they don't even live in the constituency they were supposed to represent, or they don't live in that constituency at all. this is really strange . you can literally move, i can move from where i live now. i would move to another state , move to another congressional district, when i didn't live there at all. but i will run for the same constituency and win if i am elected. we had several of these scenarios that are still going on.
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there is a special case in the state of arizona in the republican party. in primaries and general elections, both parties compete to nominate their own candidate. i believe all republican candidates seeking representation in arizona districts. never live in these areas. this is strange. as i said earlier, you can run for office from inside the prison cell and win. you may die but be chosen again. this system lacks many trustworthiness. in terms of the election process it allows a lot of corruption and interventions by special beneficiaries . this is why ipac is the israeli lobby in america. in america, you must
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be a citizen of the country and be 18 years old and have not lost your right to vote due to committing a crime or conviction . he can't help himself. vote, such people lack honesty and trustworthiness , but this is literally one of the conditions that the person is 18 years old and the right to vote has not been revoked . now the nominations are basically by certain zainafans they are manipulated or they are manipulated by the apparatus of political parties. there are few of these cases , that is, there are still those who are not part of this category, that is, independently. they are nominated, but they do not have the support of special interests or pressure groups or similar groups. but they win. but these people are still very few. in
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most cases, pressure groups and ipec play a big role in the victory or defeat of candidates. and they spend hundreds of millions of dollars on election campaigns. of course, 99% of cases in america are engaged. he who has support and money will win because he can the help of advertisements, media and narratives to dominate and deliver messages. i say once again that this system is very irregular and it is a system that has undergone changes and is designed in such a way as to prevent fundamental changes in the system. all the big changes in america in terms of social changes etc. are all applied from the outside and by the people. being limited to politicians who have made a change in the country . if the election is held and
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one of the candidates has a complaint about the election process , how should he raise this complaint and what process will he go through. well, back to the first question there is no place to audit the votes. or there is no such thing as the election commission , so what usually happens is that a candidate who feels that corruption has occurred on the part of a voter, or people vote who should not vote or are not eligible to vote, which is contrary to the propaganda narrative. mainstream media is very common in america. this person has the option of suing and trying to work with administrative bodies like election offices.
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we saw that he basically created a fake narrative about himself and where he came from in order to get elected , but once he was elected, there was no way to fire him. he did not exist unless the congress itself voted to expel him from the congress. they tried once but failed, but apparently they will make their second attempt. for most cases , the us congress and the senate
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act as their own police. they were members of the congress and senators who were members of the parliament and were able to work until the end of their term of office while they were accused of financial sexual corruption. indeed, this congress has become a corrupt and isolated organization where representatives have little interaction and interest in defending the interests of the people in the field. of course, maintaining the status quo and controlling and monitoring people is also important for them. martin , thank you for joining us on this show. well expression dear
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, we have reached the end of this part of the collection of window programs . i leave you to another program and another window. receive a gift for every purchase from the great iranian house. a gift for every iranian at baran sarai irani gift until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. for fridge and
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should be calculated, while paying attention to the fees it should be from zero to at least 1 percent. home appliance city. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the news section at 17:00. temporary preacher of friday prayers in tehran said: wide participation in the elections is a new breath and a new transformation and improvement of the country's capabilities. hojjatul islam siddiqui added: the motivation to attend the election polls is a rational, religious, political, insightful and wise motive.


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