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tv   [untitled]    February 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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the house can continue its development with the support of the government institutions, but they have a demand for a building. tehran municipality has delivered a historical building to the party house in the past . well, these statistics of the parties, so you , your friends, must correct them so that the latest updated statistics are available to everyone on the website of the ministry of interior . let's get to my first question. a real competition i was going to continue to serve you, but since it was mr. moradi's time , i kept silent. the house of torment was formed in 1380, and all the azabs of the country became members of the house of torment. and three
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factions were formed. 21 people as the central council, 7 fundamentalists, 7 reformists, 7 independents and moderates, one inspector from these as the main inspector, from each and one alternate inspector. despite the fact that we have three separate thoughts, we are working together. as i told you , i was the founder of independent thinking in the fifth parliament, and we also went to serve you. i wanna his highness' order.
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since the beginning of the revolution, we have had 11 sessions of parliament. i went and conducted an expert survey . the fifth parliament had the highest participation with 72, 72 and 72%. in the eleventh parliament, 40, what was the reason? and that parliament was formed with the power that all three factions were in the 11th parliament , because there were only fundamentalists, reformists and independents , the people's participation was almost eliminated . it worked and you brought the role, inject it into the course elections 12th majlis yes, we came to serve , we made the first move, we asked the guardian council to open up the space, it is true that in that period, maybe 7,8 thousand people participated, but now
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we had twenty thousand people, ezra hamaishi, we recently had in the ministry of interior, no, it was approved. 15,000 total, they say that we had a support in the ministry of interior, i went and invited mr. kat khodayi, mr. rehbeik, mr. tahan nazir, to express our support, talk to the parties , do not pay any attention to my interests, invite the honorable president of sada vasima, mr. jabali come and talk to the parties, pay attention. you've stayed cool mande, and your field is now not supported, they say mr. minister of interior came to speak, mr. shacher, mr. moradi and we turned around, we spoke, and i said, "you are there, mr. president of etihad electoral union, you are saying that we have 13,000 people who confirmed me , and we have to say 13." a thousand people have been rejected, my word has worked, about two thousand and three thousand people have been approved and come to the field, but prominent figures
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have not been approved. he came as a representative and could not bring it. what is the reason? people are looking for work, people want to see what they are doing. well, now, inflation is the problem that should not be solved. first of all, the parties should talk to the people . after that, the parties should reflect to the so-called authorities, unfortunately, unfortunately, at the moment , both the government and the parliament do not know what is going on inside the people, they do not see the swelling and the high prices , they do not see the cries of the retirees. at the bottom, why is 72% coming from the fifth period , it will be 40, because the people's wishes were not taken into account, because the real faces were not brought to the square. is now in tehran
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students can't be listed because their leading figures are not confirmed, independents can't be listed because their leading figures are not confirmed, the principled are fighting among themselves, two groups, three groups. i believe that what is certain is that the statesmen should pay attention to the demands of the parties first. i thanked the honorable president bakhotari for giving time to the parties for the first time in this period . i even complained that in the previous administration, i corresponded four times , the president did not give us time to meet with these parties, and for that reason , i am responding to your excellency's order like this, the attention and demands of the people. it will increase the participation of the people's demands in who
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is it said by the parties that the parties will be transferred like this ? on my part, now as a representative of all the dear ones in the national media and mr. dr. jabali and all those who have the love of the people in their hearts, i would like to say that the national media has been a very good foundation for us from different parties during this period, without any special approach. let's have or spend or factionalize from the pre-registration period for the election is now. on the night that we are in the presence of both dear ones, the elders and loved ones of these parties regularly came from different parties, different factions, political groups, and they were accountable and spoke in the presence of the noble people of iran, and they expressed their views and statements very freely, because of
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this, we are now a we are also in touch. in the following , i would like to greet you mr. alireza mahjoub , the secretary general of the house of kargar. we were in the parliament to serve them, i salute and also to all the dear listeners of mr. hekmatian's program , it is basically two periods to say the contents to a large extent, even in this regard, efforts are made in the parliament and the guardian council, but this effort in the end has a special result in the bylaws. the election law and later in the election statute, which was intended to make the elections party-based
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, or in fact to give the parties a privileged role to make the parties appear, did not happen. why this did not happen is the role of the parties themselves. how much could you help to consolidate this event? how many parties themselves come to work and stand firm so that they can play a role themselves. unfortunately, these decisions must be legislated in the parliament itself. parties do not play a colorful role. therefore, the output and as a law should be written in the parliament. as a rule, the majlis is also the trustee and the majlis supports this view more. that people know their representative or their constituency individually, even though the combined role of the parties was proposed, the role of individuals and parties was proposed side by side. in the end, what was achieved is the same system that we see now
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, which we are inheriting from the past, so until the elections. if there is no party, we cannot assign a fundamental role to the parties. this does not mean that the role of people has not been seen by the way, i emphasized that it should be the role of individuals, but the more privileged role should be related to the parties, because the parliament is a place for the collective decision of the party , it is a law for political thought, collective governance , collective leadership, and collective leadership, these should be practiced in the party. all the members , especially those who are at the center of the parties , should know the principles of the framework. many of them are familiar with it. this path can lead to the correction of
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many frameworks in the country . that this is a privileged role you mentioned that it should be made more prominent. what efforts did you make? what actions did you take there ? fifth, when we entered, we followed this path until the end because we believed that it is not possible to achieve collective thinking without collective work or collective activity, but i said that there was not much luck in this matter . there has been little success in this matter, why sir, the main question is here, forgive me, why. the parties have not been given full wings to play a role . eggs or eggs on chickens. we offer
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this is when tazeb does not play a role in the assembly, in the heart of the assembly, except in the first and second assembly, and to some extent in the third assembly, in assemblies that are far away from it , you cannot expect from those early assemblies. expel a strong party from the parliament unless there is a feeling of necessity. this feeling of necessity is due to the fact that among the people, because the parties have not yet reached a privileged position , and they have not found this privileged role, no one requests or pressures the representatives in their constituencies enough to express this. your excellency, mr. mahjoub, we
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will ask this question to create this excellent map we will go and ask mr. dr. mohtshamian, but before that, i want to ask mr. moradi how much influence there is on the functioning of aristocratic parties in the ministry of interior, and how much this framework is clear for the parties to be able to meet the goals that they have set. on the first day of its establishment , it was decided to move, well, at the beginning of mr. hashmtian's speech , he spoke with a bit of enthusiasm, but fairness must be respected in all circumstances, all the elements of the government of the system in the direction of participation in the direction of promoting an open political space and interpretation the supreme leader of the open field of competition is really trying especially the sed and vasima group that should be thanked for the efforts that the organization group is doing for
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election-specific tv channels and numerous programs. finally, in this year, we had programs on the front page where friends from different parties came and expressed their views. therefore, we should in explaining the issues, he also paid attention to this issue of infai naqsh. but how much space, structure and facilities are available, i think that last year, in august, we had the parliament election law. the parties provided what it states in that article that only parties and political fronts can present electoral lists. this
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political active monopoly in parties is an important event for the political atmosphere of the country. after all, in the general atmosphere of the country , political matters affect all strata. different spectrums of different classes, from teachers and intellectuals to different strata of different regions of celebrities, all of them play a role in politics, now some rightly and some wrongly, but the monopoly of political act to political parties happened in article 8 of the election law. i think it is a very important opportunity elections for parties means that we should look at elections in this way, while elections are a political competition between different groups, but elections. there is also an opportunity
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to measure our parties and our political fronts, how much power they have to produce political meaning, how much power they have for the program, how much power they have to play a role in improving the quality of governance and their various programs, who is more competent than the parties. to present this program, i don't think we have any other legal entity, from centers to forums and other groups of middle circles. which is the size of the parties to this extent of competence. they don't have the ability to speak in various areas of governance , from domestic to foreign policy, health, water, energy , education, and the space is open for them, but here it is definitely necessary for the parties to have a self-criticism, if we want that spring. let's keep the individual parties in front, if
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we want to have political dynamics, in my opinion , more than anything, self-transition within the parties. it is necessary to present the program in such a way that they can really solve the country's problems for transformation and progress and put a summary plan in front of the people. mr. dr. mardin, article 8 of the election law for the opportunity that the parties have to give lists of allies in constituencies that have many seats, is this not an obstacle to not supporting an election that one or two, for example, candidates or opportunities they have the seats in the parliament, but not equally. this opportunity is available for parties and fronts in all constituencies, whether single representation or multiple representation. only maybe provincial parties can do this because their level of activity is defined as provincial. they
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are at the level of one province. have but for national parties and for active fronts in on a national level , it is possible in all areas. well , we see some individuals, intellectuals, and political figures coming out of these party lists and presenting lists . is this legal, not legal, what is the view of the ministry of interior on this issue you see, in the field of elections, there are many lists, from different faces of different groups, in our opinion , anything that can help in the field of participation, anything that can have a positive effect in that open field of competition is welcome, although we are interested in this. the space should be available to parties of legal political fronts because we can check the regularity of the country's political environment better in this way, very well
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mr. dr. hashemtian, let's get to this self-criticism that dr. moradi mentioned about the parties. anyway, mr. mahjoub, while referring to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd parliaments , his highness also emphasized the fifth parliament. i would like to say that the goal of our parties is for schools to go to parliament , teachers should be brave, teachers should not depend on power. teachers should have they should not be at the disposal of the government , why do i say that the 11th majlis and mr. moradi also said the same thing , thinking that i criticized this government , i am criticizing the previous government because the 11th majlis was formed in the previous government, if they came with the guardian council used to coordinate, of course , they did not coordinate during this period. i will come
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to tell you the truth, because now the guardian council itself is not ready for a meeting with the parties. if he is not willing to come , tell them the reasons for the disqualification of these gentlemen. will it be announced? no , not announced, not announced. now , let me introduce 10 general secretaries, 20 general secretaries to your excellency . i don't want to defend anyone , i said that i thank mr. raisi because for the first time he gave the parties of the country time to meet, but i don't speak intelligently and like this . people are really shouting about the problems of retirees, retired fellow, god's servant he has a few grandchildren
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, he has to beg to increase his salary. tesh is in power, but the implementation is weak at the bottom . show me an example. i told you a few more things . the president gives orders, and your ministers, the ministers at the lower levels, do not implement, so this is one of the reasons for the problems that result from non-participation . paying attention to the people's demands , where can they be paid attention to? are. a group of extremists who have the power and always among you, a group of so-called principled power who are in the so-called middle class, who play a bit, they are in the parliament , a group of even the fundamentalists who are more moderate. they don't accept these either. now the fundamentalists themselves have approached me. as the head of the house of parties , some of the secretaries of the fundamentalist kolzab
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have approached us. they rejected me and did not tell me what is the problem. the reformist approached me and told the council. the guard didn't come to write 10 times to tell me what's the problem , he came to be independent and moderate, he said that he had competence you know the reasons for this, which has been announced to the candidates, that is, to the candidates before they express their thoughts and tendencies , so the guardian council should listen, sir , it says the safety and health of the participation competition, but the naqban council will pay attention to the guardian council. it is necessary that other countries have such a system that must be passed under the filter, but i want
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to tell you what i see, what is certain . if i criticized on radio and television, they should say that i am fine. in my participation, he announced that someone would give 150 million tomans. on the so-called registration in this i wrote a letter to mr. jabali . the province gave me 10 million and i gave 5 million. i thank you again, but i would like the head of the broadcasting organization, the deputy head of bayan, to attend the meetings of our central council. mr. interior minister is coming. the respected political director general comes and participates, the governor comes and participates, but in the rest of the so-called bodies of our government , we see that the parties are not paid attention to . they are listening if the situation continues to this state, we will definitely not have a higher than the 11th parliament because we need to participate, we want to raise it. in this short period of time
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, the government should provide education for the people, inflation problems, economic problems , marriage problems, youth problems, inflation problems, open space problems, in just a few days. there are still a number of these independent, principled, reformist political figures who can make the list when it is given. people will definitely participate in the big cities according to the list. god willing , there is another guest with our program, mr. hamidreza targhee, deputy secretary general of the party. different islamic mr. targhee , hello , please tell me what is the role of the parties to increase participation and create a real competition. later, to your excellency and dear guests of your program
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. using and in relation to the facilities that are given to the election campaigns of the candidates and creating an important point that he mentioned. it seems to me that the presence of parties in the elections should not be decorative and only when the elections are to be held, the government should think about the parties. the parties should come and get help from them to increase participation, but the parties have this ability and this actually works. they have
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the opportunity to have this cooperation with the government in the field of increasing and growing people's participation throughout the years, so that first of all , the parties are seen as the middle link between the people and the government, and secondly, the necessary facilities for the parties to be able to a positive function in terms of planning. in terms of cadre building, in terms of increasing the political growth of the members of the society, they should have facilities at their disposal, and on the other hand , the parties themselves can in fact be able to hold meetings after meetings and in fact proper planning that can help the community work and strengthen their supervision. give power to all the executive bodies that are in the country to be able to realize the eighth principle of the constitution, all of these need both to strengthen their own parties
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and for the government to pay attention to it as a middle link, an important point that here the opinion is significant and the 11th parliament should be commended . the introduction of candidates and the support of candidates are given to the parties, but as mr. moradi himself pointed out, if it is going to be sarbalti , and i don't know, social groups and cultural organizations , etc., let them introduce candidates as well. it may help to actually participate , but this system actually harms the political system, that is, the role of the parties should show itself here that if the parties actually
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know the duty of doing this, which is their responsibility , they will leave before the election even starts. they work on the forces , they invest in the qualification of these forces they are building a cadre so that he can be a useful element in the parliament, not just at the time of the elections . this is that this law, which was approved by the majlis, and it is the first time that this monopoly has been given to the parties , this law must be implemented exactly in this election by the governors, by the ministry of interior, and the ministry of interior , do not allow unknown unknown groups that do not have birth certificates . they don't have and they won't answer tomorrow either these are my parties that should actually answer before the ministry of interior and the ten-article party commission tomorrow.
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we had many in the past in our political culture, but we must practice the future ahead.
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parties and different political groups in this field, in my opinion , in the atmosphere of the religious democracy system , the law of parties is provided, but it needs practice , it needs support, it needs help to make this happen , god willing, thank you very much, mr. dr. heshmat. yes , we should have representatives who are not in the hands of the government, that is, they should be representatives of the people, they should be like teachers and equal shock absorbers for the system sit and listen to the order of the supreme leader , what is certain is that there is disobedience both in the parties and in the government, and to fix it , we must all join hands to increase the participation of all united states. thank you very much, dear guests and thank you, dear viewers, have a good night and
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god bless you. in the name of allah. hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, in tonight's program , we are going to host mr. nasser qandil, an analyst of the former member of the lebanese parliament, but before talking with mr. ghandil , we will review the latest developments of the war and at first palestine, according to the picture, we see electric and battery.


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