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tv   [untitled]    February 17, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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[000:00:34;00] we saw a conversation with richard block, a former senator of the us senate. here , we will hear a little more about america and see that around 1400 years before christ, people from northeast asia entered the
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american land. these people of the indian race gave birth to peace-loving tribes who lived in this land for thousands of years until europeans came to this land. greed for gold and jewels led them to this land and christopher columbus set foot on this land as the first european. gradually, the english, the french and the dutch also set foot on this continent, and the natives were plundered and plundered african began and the beginning of american history. it happened with looting and looting. among the countries that entered the american continent, england was the first country that was able to form a colony in the state of virginia and massachusetts and expand the cotton and tobacco planting industry there, and this was the beginning of the formation of the slave trade as a free force. the work in america was in 1776, the inhabitants of the british colonies were
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governed by heavy taxes. they started a revolution and this was the beginning of the american revolutionary wars under the command of george washington. 13 colonies of america on july 4, 1776 , with the issuance of the declaration of independence of america, officially america was called an independent country. but slavery continued even after these liberation wars, especially in the southern states of america. in 186 an america was involved in a civil war between the northern and southern states. in this war, abraham lincoln, who had won the 1860 election with the slogan of freeing the slaves, was in charge of the northern state. finally, the war ended in 1865 with the victory of the central government and the seeming prohibition of slavery. world war i started in 1914. at this time
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, america declared neutrality, but threatened the germans that if they send a submarine against america will go to war. in 1917, after the intervention of the germans, america opened to war. in 1918, america and the allies won. world war ii began in 1939. in this era, like the first world war, america was neutral at first. but with the sudden attack of japan in the year 10. america enters the war. with the end of world war ii in 1945, america, which had suffered the least financial damage, was recognized as the world's leading power. and this
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was the beginning of dozens of open and hidden colonialism, intervention and global domination. well in continuing the program, we have another conversation with mr. rodney martin, a former judge of the united states and one of the senior staff members of the us congress, let's see this section together . martin , thank you for participating in our program. my first question is the role of parliament. how is it defined in your country? the drafters of the constitution and the founders of the united states first established the congress to be the main institution of the country. we have a separate and distinct function in the government, which includes the congress, the executive branch, i.e. the president, and the judiciary branch, which is the supreme court of the country. according to its structure, congress
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is going to appoint representatives from different regions of the country. it should be the main one that represents the people. congress has 435 representatives who represent different regions and each of them has an average population of about 700 thousand. they represent people in each region. this figure is too much. but probably since world war i , the federal government and congress have dramatically increased oversight and regulation that literally affects the lives of the american people— taxes, regulations, and things like that, far more than they think. had given can you explain a little about the electoral system of your country, where members of parliament are elected give. members of the house of representatives in congress have to participate in elections every two years
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, which makes it difficult for them to pass legislation in good faith in the legislative body . i am someone who has many criticisms of the current system because this system has changed a lot over time , especially since america decided to move from a republic to a world imperial power . the founders of america when the constitution. they are developing towards the concentration of power being very hesitant at first, they wanted the house of representatives to be the main institution for representing the people. but in today's american political system, such
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a thing has been weakened and almost disappeared. well , america probably has the weakest electoral system in the world. the problem is that each state can act differently. every state and every city. in which votes are cast and reported , they are under a lot of political influence and obvious corruption that we witnessed and it was probably first revealed not in 2020 but in 1960, that is, when the first report was made. it was given in cook county, which includes chicago, and then in texas, people who
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lived in cemeteries voted, meaning they had died. there are few conditions to be a member of the congress and the senate, a person must have a minimum age , the same applies to the president, with the exception that he must be 35 years old and born in the united states, but in the true sense of the word, the conditions there is little, except for the age requirement, anyone can run for the us congress and senate . i want to emphasize that he can run for office from a prison cell. we have candidates who before dying in the election but winning the election and then the relevant legislative body had to choose someone as a replacement. it is really strange
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that a candidate dies before the election, but his name remains on the ballot and wins the election. but this happened in america. recently, this happened in the us senate elections. being a member of the congress but not even living in the constituency they were supposed to represent or not living in that constituency at all is really strange. you can literally
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move, i can move from where i live now. i would move to another state , move to another congressional district, even though i didn't live there at all, but i ran for the same district. and if i am elected , i will win. we had several of these scenarios that are still going on. there is a special case in the state of arizona in the republican party. in the primaries and general elections, both parties compete to introduce their own candidates. i believe that all the republican candidates who are running for representation in arizona districts have never lived in these districts. this is strange. just as i said earlier that you can run for office from inside the prison cell and win. you may die but be chosen again. this system. from
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the point of view of the election process, it allows a lot of corruption and interference by special interests. this is why ipac, the israeli lobby in the united states , is very sarcastic because the system is very irregular and lacks any protective measures and instructions. in america, you must be a citizen of the country and be 18 years old, and a convicted person who has no right to vote can be nominated for office even though he cannot vote for himself. give such people lack honesty and trustworthiness , but this is literally one of the conditions that the person is 18 years old and the right to vote has not been revoked
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. now in most cases, pressure groups and ipac play a major role in the victory or defeat of candidates and spend hundreds of millions of dollars on election campaigns. of course, in 99% of cases in america, the candidate who has support and money wins. because it can dominate and convey messages with the help of advertisements, media and narratives. i say once again that this system is very irregular and a system that
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suffers. this person has the option of complaining and trying to work with the device he has administrative offices like election offices in front of him. for example , there are 100 counties in the state of california, so there are also 100 election offices. which reports the election results to the head of the election headquarters in the state of california. but american courts are very, very afraid to ask to change something and they look at it from the point of view of the people's vote and do not pay attention to the fact that the people's vote was influenced by corruption or obvious lies. we saw this in the case of congressman george santos from new york, which is basically narrative. fake about himself and where he came from
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he came to create in order to be elected, but when he was elected, there was no way to expel him unless the congress itself voted to expel him from the congress. they tried once but failed, but apparently they will make their second attempt. for most cases, the us congress and the senate act as their own police. but the amount of care. very very little there were members of congress and senators who were members of the parliament and could work until the end of their term. while they were accused of sexual and financial corruption. really this congress to one it has become a corrupt and isolated organization where representatives have little interaction and interest in defending the interests of the people in their constituency. all that is important is the power of the company and the political power
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of particular zainafans, and of course maintaining the status quo and controlling and monitoring the people is also important to them. one of the most important tools for the development of economic and commercial relations is the signing of trade agreements , including bilateral or multilateral preferential trade between countries. according to statistics, more than 50%
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of the world's trade is based on one of these types of agreements. for example, china as one of the advanced countries in the field of the economy has signed 19 free trade agreements with 26 countries and regions. this issue was not taken seriously in our country until in recent years , especially in the last two years, the discussion of preferential and free bilateral and multilateral trade agreements was seriously put on the agenda. well, we currently have preferential free trade agreements with 15 countries. this is due to the quantity, but also due to the quality, and the fact that many of these trade agreements have not been able to make a great impact on our export boom . now, for various reasons, which are technical discussions , we can talk about it now in its own time, but in a few years. recently, with a special look at the 13th government
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, we have a special way of working on the agreement both quantitatively and qualitatively. he said that we are negotiating with five countries to establish preferential trade with indonesia. it is one of these countries , in the field of trade , for more than 17 years, there have been negotiations between us indonesians regarding the preferential tariff, but it did not come to a conclusion. it paves the way for trade between the two countries and gives preferential treatment to trade in the region. indonesian to us in the goods that we also we have the potential to be preferred over other countries , that is, in their customs aspects, we now had a discount from 100% to 20%, 40% in different categories, and
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uzbekistan is another one of these countries. we signed a preferential trade agreement during the visit of the president of kazakhstan to iran, and this was actually one of our serious issues. in order to develop trade relations, the president's visit to syria emphasized the implementation of the free trade agreement with syria. the free trade agreement with syria was signed in 2007, but it has not yet been implemented did not come the removal of the commercial definition of the goods of the two sides, which was a large number of goods left in the past and was signed in the agreement of the two presidents, was signed in the presence of the two presidents. almost all types of goods have zero trade tariffs and will soon be notified to the customs of the two countries, and exporters and importers can export or import goods to iran and syria with zero tariffs.
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we also have a preferential trade agreement with pakistan, and the negotiations to convert it into free trade are going on seriously. d to country to. this is the summary we have decided to apply a special possibility to the issue of free trade. negotiations are going on . we have reached an agreement on the lists and we are very optimistic that if the pakistani side cooperates, god willing, we will be able to conclude this issue very soon. we may have a leap in business relations. but one of the most prominent agreements of iran in this field is the final signing of the free trade agreement with the eurasian economic union. in december of this year, the most important thing that was really done was this agreement, see the first regional free trade agreement of the republic our islam is free trade. but this
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trade was really done with a commitment in the government in coordination with the ministry of foreign affairs, the legal deputy of the trade organization, the ministry of agriculture, the ministry of health . we were really able to accomplish this in a short period of time. which should be approved as soon as possible so that it can be implemented, the preferential trade with five member countries of the union began, it was implemented from the 5th of november 2018 , and in the first year, in the 500 items and 502 items that we received from over asia, our exports increased by 8.3%. did and this is a very good start
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it showed that our trade with asia is sensitive to the tariff rate, and with the reduction of the tariff rate , our exports increased a lot. with the fruitfulness of those signatory countries, they decided to convert it into free trade, and after more than a free trade letter with the economic union between russia and russia will become operational after it is approved in the parliaments of these countries
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. when the definitions happen several times, this circumvention of the rules will disappear. if a product wants to go, for example, instead of going to russia, the goal is russia, but if they take it to gaza , they will be cleared from there. take it there with more transportation cost only to because it is less expensive, it will also be seen . when it is zero, it can easily become a transparent business. expert ipro. the liberalization of trade with iran creates a double incentive for the development of transportation routes such as the international north-south crossing and creates new opportunities for scientific, industrial cooperation, the exchange of tourists and delegations between countries , but now that the signing of trade agreements, both preferential and free trade in the agenda , it is necessary to provide their executive support. we will have a second mutation with tercer, this mutation. of course, it needs infrastructure the commercial infrastructure of more trucks and more ships
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must be dismantled. we need to activate the corridor on the east side of the caspian sea. asim exists. that corridor must be activated. it is not in the current capacity and logistics that can respond to a second surge. of course, the government itself is aware of this issue, but it must be seen in the industrial budgets that , god willing, we can use these issues at the same time that this is us. in gratitude , iran is given a historical opportunity, if its infrastructure is not provided, it will become an anti-value and a it is possible to create an anti-advertising environment for iranian goods until the full approval of all parliaments and implementation
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. for the companies that can take part in the exhibitions during this year and a half regarding marketing in the asian market , in addition to the statistical reviews that have been done so far , it has shown that there is more than 30 billion dollars of potential to increase our exports to this market. this statistical survey has been conducted during this golden time of one year and one and a half years of the company they should enter the field investigations. businessmen and economic activists expect that by signing preferential agreements and free commercial exchanges
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between our country and other countries, especially countries , i felt that my hand hurt in the morning when i touched it , then my wife said to go for an ultrasound scan, and they told me that we should go for a sample. i took a sample and was told it was malignant cancer . now i think i told you what it was for. it means that you are going to undergo treatment . common cancer treatments such as chemotherapy have side effects that reduce the quality of life in cancer patients. to be whether it is cancer itself or the treatments that we are forced to provide to patients to control cancer, it is always accompanied by complications. in many of these cases, iranian medicine can help these patients, for example, in the case of dry mouth, sores , and inflammation of the mouth caused by the radiation therapy of these
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patients or their chemotherapy, problems that are more important in terms of digestion than diarrhea or severe and intractable constipation. tolerance may develop in patients. the burning of urine or anus, which occurs in some treatments of the lower pelvic region , is one of the things that iranian medicine is very good at. it helps patients. the issue of weakness and fatigue and possibly anemia that occurs in cancer patients is open with some instructions. food and simple complementary medicines that exist in iranian medicine and some of them are standardized and are entering the market with the permission of the food and drug administration . traditional medicine helps patients along with common treatments to reduce the complications caused by the treatment of the disease . increase their quality of life. our traditional iranian medicine specialist, along with our oncologist
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, is providing diet to our patients. our lifestyle and medicine are based on research we jointly came to the conclusion that it can work and is helping this patient. clinical trials have proven the effectiveness of drugs and traditional medicine methods in reducing the complications of cancer patients. for the time being, the parts that we entered now are the support parts for patients. we had a research project about, for example, royal jar royal, which had a very good result and led to
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the creation of a product that uses traditional medicine methods without interfering with common cancer treatment methods to improve their quality of life. patients who need treatment must refer to us through the referral system we are informed about the treatment that the patient is receiving. on the other hand , the respected doctor, a specialist in radio oncology, for example , asks me exactly what to do for this patient of mine or what condition i have sent for you to help. here, it is very important to pay attention to drug or treatment interactions. some of the interventions that happen in the name of medicinal plants, for example, may be dangerous for the patient, may change the test results , may even affect the treatment process , so it is important for us to refer to this with science.
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that both experts know this issue and choose the treatments that are going to be suggested for them with sufficient knowledge of drug and laboratory interactions. modifying lifestyle and paying attention to nutrition are among the things that industrial medicine recommends to prevent diseases such as cancer . soltanian of radio and television news agency. in the name of god. hello. head of the judiciary. at the press conference at the end of his trip to iraq , he said about the transfer of judicial experience between the two countries: the experience of electronic handling of judicial cases in iran was noticed by the iraqi judicial system. mr. mohseni ejei also said that significant cases of terrorist movements were presented to the iraqi side and the iraqi judicial system


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