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tv   [untitled]    February 17, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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being a faction in the 11th parliament because only fundamentalists, reformers and independents are almost eliminated. your participation. you have this experience from the 5th parliament . you have listed the role of parties. how much did you bring this role to the elections of the 12th parliament? yes. we came to serve, we made the first move , we asked the guardian council to open up the space. it is true that in that period, maybe 7,8 thousand people participated, but now it is 2. how many thousands of khani zarab hamaishi we recently had in the ministry of interior, not confirmed, or 15,000 total, they say we are in the ministry of interior. we had support , i invited mr. katkhodaei, mr. rahbeek , mr. tahan nazif to express our support, talk to the parties, pay no attention to my request , invite the respected president of sada vasima, mr. jabali, to come, talk to the parties , pay no attention.
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being a voter in the region is not mentioned and, as the saying goes, it is not approved. for example, i will tell you that they are not named in a field. the person who got half of their votes during the period of mr. who came to be a representative could not vote, the reason is that people are looking for work. people want to see what they are doing. well, now inflation is the problem that should not be the first first, the parties should talk to the people.
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unfortunately, at the moment, both the government and the parliament do not know what is going on inside the people , they do not see the swelling and the high prices , they do not see the cry of the oppressed. because the people's wishes were not paid attention to , because the real faces were not brought to the square. now in tehran, the reformists can't make the list because their leading figures have not been confirmed, the independents can't make the list because their leading figures have not been confirmed, the fundamentalists are fighting among themselves, two groups, three groups 8. we now have 20 fronts that dr. moradi mentioned, more than half of them are not listed at all, what is the reason, because they do not have prominent figures , so they should put forward as a top list in the parliament for the next parliament .
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pay attention to the demands of the parties. i thanked the honorable president for giving time to the parties for the first time in this period . this is the reason for his excellency's order this is how i answer that people's attention and demands increase participation. people's wishes are told by whom. parties, taking over the parties, i have said that in several countries , i have been to cambodia, azerbaijan, germany , china, all of them pay attention to the status of the parties as representatives of the parties, but in our country , the officials do not accept the parties at all. as a representative of all the dear ones in the national media and mr. dr. jabali and all those who have people's love in their hearts, i would like to say that the national media. honestly, very good during this time
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our foundation workers from different parties , without having a special approach or being biased or dividing into factions , from the time of pre-registration for the elections until this very night when we are in the presence of both dear ones , have come regularly from different parties, different factions, political groups, elders and loved ones of these parties. and here, being accountable and speaking in front of the noble nation of iran , expressing their views and statements very freely. because of this, we now have a relationship again. in the following , i would like to say hello to mr. alireza mahjoub, the secretary general of kargar house. mr. kargar, please explain the role of parties in creating a competition. where is the truth in the upcoming elections, in the name of allah , the merciful, the merciful, first of all , i greet you and my dear colleague who we served in the parliament, and also to all the dear listeners. mr. hekmatian's plan
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, to say the least, is basically two rounds, even in this regard, efforts are being made in the parliament and the guardian council, but this effort has a special result in the statute , in fact, in the election law, and then in the election statute, which owes this to the election. become a party, or in fact, the parties take a prominent role to make the parties appear. it will help if the parties themselves come to work and stand firm so that they can play a role themselves . unfortunately, because these decisions must be enacted in the parliament itself, the parties do not have a colorful role , so the output of the law must
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be written in the parliament. the point of view is more based on the fact that people know their own representative or their constituency individually , even though the combined role of the parties was also proposed, the role of individuals and parties was proposed side by side . we are his heirs, so until the party elections otherwise, we cannot assign a fundamental role to parties . it does not mean that the role of individuals should be ignored. by the way, i emphasized that it should be the role of individuals, but the more privileged role should be related to the parties, because the parliament is a place for the collective decision of the party
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, it is a law for political thought, collective governance , collective leadership, and collective leadership. it should be practiced and you have had the people in the islamic council . to make it more colorful, what efforts did you make, what actions did you take there? we entered and followed this path until the end because we believed that it is not
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possible to achieve collective thinking without collective work or collective activity, but i said that there was not much luck in this matter. this chapter is why the main question is here, forgive me, why the parties have not been lucky enough to play a role, see the question of dividing the chicken against the egg or the egg against the chicken . the first, second, and to some extent the third parliament has no role in schools that are far away from it in those early assemblies, you can't expect a strong party exit from the assembly, it's bad that the feeling of necessity is found, this feeling of necessity
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is also among the people because the parties are still in place. not finding this privileged role , no one is asking or putting enough pressure on the representatives in their constituencies to speak up and finish this issue. thank you very much, mr. mahjoub , we will ask this question to create this privileged map. we will go and ask dr. mohtshamian, but before that i will ask mr. moradi i want to ask how much the party's performance was. there are nobles in the ministry of interior and how clear is this framework and this rail setting for the parties to be able to move according to the goals that were set on the first day of the establishment of that party
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. well, fairness should be observed in all situations, all the government elements of the system are really trying to participate in the promotion of open political space and interpretation of the position of the supreme leader as an open field of competition. they do, especially the radio and television series, which should be thanked for their hard work the organization is doing many programs for special election television channels . finally, in this year, we had programs on the front page where friends of different parties came to express their views . . but how much space, structure and
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grounds are available? i think that last year in august, we had the parliament elections law . the parliament elections law has article 8, which i think provided the political environment of the country and a suitable platform for the parties. it is stated in that article only political parties and... political corps can present electoral lists. this monopoly of political activity in parties is an important event for the political atmosphere of the country. well, in the big atmosphere of the country, it is a political matter for all different groups, different spectrums , different classes of teachers and educators. until we get to
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in my opinion, elections are a very important opportunity for parties, that is, we should look at elections in this way, while elections are a political competition between different groups, but elections are also an opportunity to measure how strong our parties and political fronts are. darren for production the political meaning is how much power do they have for the program, how much power do they have to play a role in improving the quality of governance and their own different programs .
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be that as it may, if we want to have that spring of parties ahead of us, if we want to have political dynamics, i think more than anything, self -transition within the parties is necessary in such a way that they can really solve the problems of the country, for transformation , for the progress of the program. presenting the body and putting a summary plan in front of the people, mr. doctor, about this article 8 election law for the opportunity that parties have to give lists of allies in constituencies that
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have many seats, is this not an obstacle for not supporting constituencies where one or two candidates, for example , or the opportunity for a seat in the parliament there is no equal opportunity for parties, for fronts in all constituencies, whether single or multiple representatives , this space is available only for parties. because their level of activity is defined as a province, they can take this action at the level of a province, but for national parties and for fronts. active at the national level, in the national scope, in all fields , this possibility is available. well , we see some individuals and intellectuals and political figures coming out of these party lists and presenting lists . is this legal or not? the ministry of interior looks at what is this topic? well, you see, in the field of elections, there are many lists, from
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different faces of different groups, in our opinion , anything that can help in the field of participation, anything that can have a positive effect in that open field of competition is welcome, although we are interested. this space should be available to legal political parties because we can better achieve the regularity of the country's political atmosphere in this way, very well mr. dr. heshmtian, let's get to this self-criticism that dr. moradi refers to the parties. anyway, mr. mahjoub, while referring to the 1st , 2nd, and 3rd parliaments , his highness also emphasized the fifth parliament . let me tell you, the goal of our parties is that teachers
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go to parliament, teachers must be brave, teachers must not be dependent on power. teachers should be in shouldn't be the authority of the government, why am i saying that the 11th majlis and mr. moradi also said the same way of thinking, i criticized this government , i am criticizing the previous government because the 11th majlis was formed in the previous government, if they come with the shura the guardian council was coordinating, of course , it was not coordinated during this period. i will come to tell you the truth because now the guardian council itself is not ready to hold a meeting with the parties. he is not ready to tell the reasons for the disqualification of these gentlemen, so how do you want to tell them ? it will be announced in a few days. no, it has not been
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announced. what did you do? i don't want to defend anyone . i said that i am thankful to mr. raisi because for the first time he gave the country's political parties time to meet, but i am not speaking intelligently and like this. the cost of the problems of the people is really crying out , the problems of the retirees, retired fellow, god's servant he is gone, now he has a few grandchildren , he has to beg to increase his salary. he is the ruler, but the implementation is weak at the bottom , give me an example . the people's demands , where can we pay attention to them? i told you through my parties
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that they are at your service. currently, we should think and know that there are 3 groups in the country. referring to me as the head of the house of parties , some of the general secretaries of fundamentalist parties have approached us, saying that they did not tell me what the problem is, they said that the reformist approached me. it has been announced to the candidates, that is, to the candidates before they are considered as candidates . in my opinion, it will be done according to the law. yes , now my colleagues will follow up on this issue
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. that all thoughts and tendencies should participate in this competition. well, the guardian council says listen, sir, i am ordering security the health of competition and participation says this, but the guardian council doesn't pay attention to it. i don't want to claim the guardian council. the country needs the guardian council. other countries have similar systems that must be passed under the filter, but i want to tell you what i can. i see what is certain, if i criticized the radio and television of rome , i should say that i am good. in my participation , he announced that with 150 million tomans to register for this debate, i wrote a letter to mr. jabili . kurds 10 million and 5 million . i thank you again, but i would like the head of the broadcasting organization
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, the honorable deputy bayan, to participate in the meetings of our central council . all honorable politicians come and participate. governor mead participates, but in the rest of the so-called body of our government , we see that the parties are not paid attention to. i have talent in this program, now the whole iranian nation is listening. we want to increase participation in this short period of time, the government should provide education for the people, for the youth, inflation problems . economic, young marriage problems, inflation problems, open space problems, in the few days left, a number of political figures, principled, reformist, independent inform as much as you can.
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what is the role of parties to increase participation and create a real competition? next , i would like to say hello to your excellency and the dear guests of your program, both mr. mahdishtian and mr. this period of elections used both the attention of the public opinion of the society to the issue of elections and also in relation to the facilities that are used for the election campaigns of the candidates. acknowledging and creating the important points you mentioned . it seems to me that the presence of parties in
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the elections should not be decorative and only when the elections are to be held, the government should think about the parties and seek their help to increase participation, but the parties have this ability and this is actually the function. . they have to have this cooperation with the government in the field of increasing and growing people's participation throughout the years . firstly, the parties should be seen as a middle link between the people and the government, and secondly , the necessary facilities for the parties to be able to it should have a positive function in terms of planning, in terms of staffing, in terms of raising the political growth of the members of the society
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, to have facilities at their disposal. a suitable one that can help the community work and strengthen their supervision. on the authority of all the executive bodies in the country to be able to realize the eighth principle of the constitution, all of these need both to strengthen their own parties and for the government to pay attention to it as a middle ring. the important point that seems to be significant here and the 11th parliament should be commended is the point that mr. moradi originally mentioned in the eighth paragraph. the new election law, this point is the monopoly, in fact, advertising and introduction of candidates and support for candidates have been given to
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the parties, but as mr. moradi himself pointed out, well, if it is supposed to be, and i don't know , social groups and cultural organizations, etc., etc. it is true that it may help to actually participate, but this system actually harms the political system, i.e. the role of the parties. in fact, it shows itself here that if the parties really know the task of doing this , which is their duty, before the elections even start , they will work on the forces , invest in the qualification of these forces, create cadres so that they can be an element. it should be useful in the parliament, not just to win the election at the same time. looking for a person, looking for the strength to bring him , see how many percent are able to do this , introduce him to the people. the requirement for this work
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is that this law, which was created by the majlis , and it is the first time that this monopoly is assumed the parties put this law in this election to be implemented exactly by the governors, by the ministry of interior, and don't allow unknown groups. naajna, who do not have any birth certificate and will not answer tomorrow, these parties, who should actually answer tomorrow before the ministry of interior and the 10-article commission of parties, who did you introduce, later they can get this answer from the representative they introduced to people he voted , they should have an answer from him too. thank you very much, your excellency . it seems that the role of parties is increasing a lot , but now you are the secretary general.
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islamic coalition party, our time is coming to an end , we can hear their thoughts from our loved ones within one minute. well, if i want to make a brief conclusion and continue the discussion, i think it should be pointed out that party activity in our country must have indicators. we had many injuries in the past in our political culture. but we have to practice the future ahead. parties. in my opinion, different political groups in this field are available in the atmosphere of the religious democracy system, in the law of elections and the law of parties, but it needs practice, it needs support, it needs help until this happens, god willing, thank you very much. mr. dr. heshmtian, the last sentence of his highness , let me tell you what is certain, we must have representatives, they must not be in the hands of the government , that means they must be representatives of the people , they must be like teachers, and
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they must be equal shock absorbers for the system. and listen to the order of the supreme leader, what is certain is that there is disobedience both in the parties and in the government, and to fix it, we must all go hand in hand to increase the participation of all united states . i bid farewell to you, dear and precious viewers, may god bless you.
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