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tv   [untitled]    February 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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thank you, and my final question to you is about what should be done after 134 days of war. well, during this period , despite an all-out war, the resistance is still established and has stood against the zionist regime , and the zionists have not been able to achieve any of the goals that they announced at the beginning of the war. but the genocide is still going on. it is and the zionist regime is killing a large number of people every day. in addition, we see that governments, contrary to the opinion of their people, have not yet taken any practical measures to stop the crimes of the zionist regime . in this situation, after these 134 days, in general what should things should be done so that, for example, seyyed hassan nasrallah
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pressures israel on all fronts and helps the palestinians in the west bank to carry out larger military operations, and we have to cause the israeli army to collapse, and we tire the resistance forces inside gaza. to remain stable as a resistance movement for a long time and carry out anti-militancy operations
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until help arrives in the gaza strip . the third issue related to palestinian politics is the united political reconstruction inside the palestinian . helping palestine because it is a position the palestinians should unite because the military war and siege against gaza in the process of practically reaching a special political situation in the gaza strip calls for
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the palestinian forces that participate in the resistance or support the resistance to a program framework. the new politicians should come to say independence
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, they should note that iran plays an essential role in supporting the resistance and continues
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to do so, and has endured and paid the price of this position and endured it, and we should thank you for that. thank you for your presence in the program of the world according to today. many weekend routines the countries were closed on sunday and we witnessed rallies in support of the palestinian people . let's see a package of pictures of these rallies. the pressure of the british government to stop the genocide of palestinians, just a name in the post code.
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que viva que viva galicia palestina palestina palestina palestina palestinativa. we will present you the news from other parts of the world. members of the australian parliament voted for a resolution that calls on the united states and the united kingdom to release julian assange. this
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australian journalist because of the disclosure of confidential government documents america, including the crimes of this country's army in iraq and afghanistan since 5 years ago in england. the british court ordered his extradition to america 8 months ago. in the next few days, the british supreme court will rule on his easy appeal against his extradition to the united states. asan's wife has expressed concern about his transfer to america. situation every day he is in prison , his life is in danger. he will lose his life if his extradition to america is confirmed. the digital services act or dsa
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came into effect today in eu member states. based on this law 19 of big platforms such as instagram, x, google, youtube and facebook are required. responsibility for hateful content and fake news. the world's largest digital companies have nowhere to hide. because new laws are implemented to scare the tech giants. from today , the digital services act or dsa will be enforced. the law that requires 19 large online platforms that have more than 45 million users, such as google, x, youtube, facebook, instagram, and amazon, to be accountable and transparent. platforms. are obliged to implement the law of digital services to the internet to become a more common, transparent and better place.
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the digital services law aims to protect online consumers and is compiled in 12 pages and requires platforms to moderate illegal content and prevent the promotion of hate, including protecting children, personal destruction, e-commerce and combating fake news. otherwise. bills face heavy fines. in case of violation of the digital services law, a fine of 6% of the annual turnover will be imposed. on monday, the european union will set up a digital services supervisory board, and one of its first tasks will be to consider proposals for cuts the dangers of electoral processes. like the european parliament elections in june 2024 or june next year. this law is to protect the european community from risks, for example, risks that
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occur in elections despite the publication of false information in cyberspace . the implementation of the digital services act or dsa is just one of the steps taken based on the vision of the european union, which is supposed to include laws such as the data governance act. artificial intelligence act, act. the data act will be implemented by 2030 for transformation in the digital field. fatem shaifi, sed and sima news agency. arrest of a teenager in america, for the crime of insulting the gay flag. in recent years, many people in america and other western countries have been accused of insulting homosexuals and their symbols. the prisoner's name was dylan brewer, a 19-year-old boy from florida
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, usa, who was arrested by the police of this country for insulting the gay flag. according to the american police, dylan braked his car over the painting of the gay flag on the asphalt of red street. police say they have arrested a man who vandalized a gay pride mural in south florida. this is not the first time that a city.
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laws have not been spared. pavi rasanen was the interior minister of finland, who was sued for publishing verses from the bible rejecting same-sex marriage. i had tweeted verses from the bible about same-sex relationships. homosexuality was considered a sin in many western countries until 60 years ago , and it was even illegal in the united states. but now the position of this first has reached the point where its flag is raised on the white house building and the insulters of this. pargam will also go to prison , mohammad sadeghzadeh of sedav and cima news agency and a report of a
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court in canada shows the ex-wife of the prime minister the minister of this country was in a relationship with a person for months before the separation. this report has strengthened the speculations about the reason for the separation of the prime minister of canada due to his wife's infidelity. the publication of such news in recent years has made the decision about sexual freedom not personal, which has attracted the attention of analysts. and the activists should be located in the west.
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they can have any sexual behavior and this decision has nothing to do with others. similar to davis' words about the results of the sexual revolution , which has been heard more often in the virtual space and media of america and europe for several years. in 1960, only 9% of american children lived in single-parent households but in 1980, this rate reached 19%, and
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in 2013, 34, i.e. 1/3, children lived with only one parent. statistics show that more than half of british children are born into fatherless homes. births out of wedlock, which has increased the phenomenon of fatherless homes in america. 85% of children with behavioral disorders, 90% are homeless children and runaways from fatherless homes. 63% of young people who commit suicide are from fatherless homes. among the aggressors who motivated anger.
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of millions of individuals making certain life choices that have led to these outcomes, and those outcomes are because of more freedom. i wonder if we are reaching a point in our society where we are going to have to make the choice between freedom or a first world civilization, we are not going to be able to choose both to have both. a choice that , according to these analysts, will experience the consequences of the whole society. the munich security summit centered on the issue of ukraine in germany, his own work. the president of ukraine signed security agreements on the sidelines of this summit. the munich security summit at the bayerische hof hotel in this city and under measures extreme security. the summit, one of the main axes of which is to support ukraine against russia. zelinski
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during the meeting in berlin with chancellor olaf schulte. i very much hope and strongly recommend with some of our european counterparts that our similar decision is adopted in all european capitals.
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after berlin, zelenskiy went to paris and signed a similar security agreement with french president macron . at the same time, all eyes are on washington, the 60 billion dollar aid has not yet been approved by the congress, so without this approval , it is not possible to help, and his deputy is also at the munich meeting. he says that with the participation of a supportive and bipartisan majority in congress , we will work to provide weapons and vital resources that ukraine desperately needs. let me be clear, not doing this will be a gift to vladimir putin. was. on the other hand , military analysts say that russia has gained the upper hand in the war due to ukraine's lack of ammunition and soldiers. athariyya authorities. europe and nato announced that difficult times are ahead of ukraine and if military aid does not arrive, especially from the united states, ukraine will suffer a defeat on the war front
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, a defeat that will occur in the event of a major shock to it is considered the european union. amir shujaei of the berlin broadcasting agency and we see the end of the episode of the tonight show, jahan, according to the picture.
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srb 3 天下 h3 ロケット test 期 は 2024 年 2 月 17 日 午前 9 時 22 分 55 友 に 金賀島 から打ち上ちらました .
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well, we are reaching the end of the world today. good night
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, god bless you. a new narrative of the war in the streets of gaza.
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spider chariot different political and economic tendencies compete in elections, the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament, the key is the people's hands, what will prevent your competitors, mandatory pricing , it is impossible to fix the price of land in a mandatory manner, naft abadan, qatar how are they paying him to watch football? do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran?
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you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital . 4,400 business applicants come to the agricultural market , but the debate on tendencies is higher on the eve of the elections. this is the iranian store, feel the difference , a suitable store for buying clothes, bags and
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caps. all family members can buy special items up to the ceiling of 30 million tomans. gentlemen, children and teenagers, our longevity is in your satisfaction. address, tehran, imamzadeh hassan , irani store, know that you have a guest, i am near, guest now , girl. the tea that is there was another time , nothing, nothing, ladies and gentlemen, from sarai irani , they are our guests, this is a whore, of course, there are other carpets, they are getting old, so let's go and see them.
11:28 pm
renovate your old carpets in a large iranian house with exceptional conditions. the first prize is a two-bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary washland is a land full of prizes. this is beheshti carpet factory. this is also our home. we bought our carpet from among all these different designs at the factory price of beheshti carpet. beheshti carpet sales festival from 5th of february to 5th of march. an unrepeatable discount.
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buy paradise carpet at factory price. you can renew the year with a cleaner and cleaner house , or playing in front of the tv, or by buying a few new clothes, or even you can renew the year with a deep sleep, but whatever it is, it is good to renew the year with a discount. from 1st to 7th of march, up to 70 threats from wherever you want to go you have a thrifty purchase. it is better to pay attention to these points . what does the consumer price of the remaining cash mean ? let's say that the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans . now let's calculate the remaining cash. if we pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans. now we need these four if we subtract millions from the consumer price, that is 20 minus 4, then our debt will be 16 million tomans, so installments and fees should be based on this.
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the amount should be calculated, and be aware that the installment fee should be from zero to 1%. home appliance city. in the name of god, hello, have a good time, welcome to tonight's football magazine program of our country's sahil bazan , planting goals in the 2024 world cup, advancing to the quarter-final stage of our country's sail football team today in its second game from the group.


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