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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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in shiraz, they are exploiting this child who comes and knocks on the window, and in fact, by begging and begging and with tears , he creates a very heavy psychological burden for the family who is in his car and causes this stress to him. and help him, in fact, if he gets help, it will cause that child to stay on the street and enter into the addiction of moral purposes and issues like this, this dictates to us that mr. mayor of tehran, you have 10% duty where you should know the heart of the world. look, god's eyes say this, wherever you stand and whatever responsibility you have, you should focus there you know the changes and transformations in the world, come to the middle, you know, now you are in the middle of the field, give yourself a model
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. 14 main units and subsidiary units were not formed. this camp was formed for this purpose, mr. mousavi, that these units, which mr. mousavi and those who are watching the program , have 400 and 80 approvals for the social camp. pay attention, this is 480 in the approval. 82% of it has been implemented, thank you for studying i did the approvals that were approved in the social camp and were implemented, some of them were stuck in the throats of these organizations and institutions between 6 months and 6 years and could not be implemented. do you know why because this social camp came after a gap of two years the year and 6 years between the devices turned it into 2 meters
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, you didn't understand what the street would do if it started. now we see street children everywhere we go. it was fixed. the fact is that after a while it was fixed. the previous projects of this project, like the previous 32 projects, will be added to the report we will have, don't doubt this but now you have come to the middle, it has been fixed, the municipality has no power to demand from the government agencies.
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it was that the government portrayed it, that is, the government came and said, i don't trust my governor , i don't trust government organizations, i don't trust my governor . it was done. a non-governmental public organization should come to coordinate the governments. i want to say that it is a resolution. you got it from the government . remember, i served you several times before you got rome's approval. i told him not to go in this direction, it was fixed, we started work, today mr. zakani decides not to be the mayor of the council anymore. the city decides that he should not be the mayor, or he will be promoted, he will get a higher position due to his capabilities, so what will happen again, the same order of hands and feet, you see , our government agencies have a serious difference, mr. mousavi, we have a difference here. we are very serious about the issue of the child. if
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we come out and say that the devices are not working, well, what i am saying is that why the working group was foreseen in the constitution and the law, why was the social council of the country foreseen , why was it not possible to do this coordination ? i didn't know what was happening let's review this together if i am tehran municipality.
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i go to different places in tehran , i go to different places in iran. it is not at all like to think that with the establishment of this camp , the problem of the children of tarran street is that the camp is interpreted differently by friends, mr. dr. mousavi. and working to get results by taking advantage of the group's expertise, technique and experience. those who work in this field and have been in many meetings but in the field, it is better than the mayor of tehran to think about his dignity, ahmad should think about his dignity and say, sir, i am the mayor of tehran, why not? mr. mousavi is looking for this to the people, see your words, but the municipality can't
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answer the government organizations. now, i will tell you that this government resolution came with the help of the municipality. this resolution is only on mr. mousavi's paper, see the correct words. in contrast to the implementation of the plan, we never claimed that in fact the plan we are giving is a 100 plan and it definitely does not have flaws, no it definitely has flaws . company. we have announced the coming of the devices and this plan until this moment so far, we have presented this plan more than 40 times, criticizing us, getting paid by iran . my point is this, and the problem i have with the order since my year is now
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. in fact, they should do their own duties . what did the honorable president's order help? the municipality came into the field. why is the municipality an institutional institution? it is actually a complex, a system that has the most connection with the people and the body of the society. people are putting their feet on the asphalt with the municipality until they get on the subway to reach their destination . okay, we have to shut down all the devices . let's say that the municipality does everything . the problem reaches a point where the president of the republic has to step in.
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what do you mean, mr. doctor? here, the meaning is that mr. president today, don't be mistaken , the mayor of tehran today is farman. why was the country's social council formed? to solve social harms, what did you promise to reduce social harms? did the president attend a meeting of the country's social council? he did not find
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a president who does not care . he says, sir, a woman on the street has a job, a child has a job , a drug addict has a job, the country must develop, sustainable development, what, what, what, these are also its downfalls, there is no problem, they become addicts, the cartoons are ruined, but the president who is concerned comes to the head himself. i am the mayor of tehran let me be the head of all this, no , mr. president
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, he has come as the president himself, sitting at the head of the damage . iran does not have its own sub-category, i.e. the governor, i.e. the governor, i.e. the government organizations that are exactly under the direct command. look at the crisis, something happens somewhere , there is a fire, there is a fire , the minister of the interior comes directly with the chief of the fire department, you have the governor, you have the governor, mr. president. the president actually showed with this resolution that he doesn't trust the subordinate managers of the power complex, by the way , it's the opposite, no, no, see if the municipality comes to take the place of the government, which happens to be a good idea, mr. tadbir.
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your issue is that you were mostly an expert in the field of implementation. when a risk happens, my risk is a manager for 27 years. i know . look, you were a manager for 27 years. the number of working children increased from 10 to 500 to 1000 to 500. when there is a difference, it increases. when there is a difference, when it increases, it is the same big stones. that the words are true, that the stone is true, you went so far to investigate poverty you see, the poverty is true, we don't have cash, more than 80 % of our working children are children because of their livelihood . i answer your first question to
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the president . get up, go to kerman vaisa , take care of that incident and manage it. the governor has been questioned, no, the importance of the issue is so great and the diagnosis is correct. by the way, see in the previous period of rose mage in 1995, according to your words, hazrat agha as the supreme leader in this great country. the most important thing is that he did not order his order during the pre-presidential period it remains on the ground that these officials do not care at all. they had fallen asleep, didn't we have a mayor , where was the mayor, that was not his concern at all
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, today the president came and said lalbek, because of this child , i am coming in the middle of the square, i will show my dignity, now mr. president has put his face in the middle of the square , they are in pain, do you know why they are in pain? because they created these damages because the view of liberalism believes that the damage of my work is that some people with a view of liberalism spread the damage. i don't agree at all, by the way, you should agree because we are seeing this in the scene i don't agree at all with the fact that we should be responsible for our friends, child-eaters, prostitutes, etc., etc., in any government , they don't care about their friends, but they like development more. it's not like this at all. look, this kind of attitude is a re-projection of this kind of attitude. what happened in the past is happening now. this is a projection . the reality is that either on the street or in
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your daily workshops or in your basement , how many children work on the streets ? i want permission for my plan, that's for sure let me explain one by one with the human dignity of one child in one day, mr. one child in one day . he talks to them, records their information, we took more than 90% of these 320 children in their homes, some days one child, some days two children to three children , instead of sending a bus, we collect 1500 children. among these 2,300 children, more than 90% are immigrants and nationals . this means that i will give an explanation. this means that i will give an explanation
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. well, work or street, work on the street, no work on the street, is happening on purpose. the last thing that can be done is that they will be connected to the welfare and social support system . this is the last thing that we can do for these groups
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. dear, not the amount of help that is needed. they should be connected to the social support system . how is our social support system working? i say this is not working. very good. now we have come from shahrivar. we have 764,000 tomans for a family since shahrivar this year, when the pension was added , they are providing assistance to the community. hey now 5 there are more than 2 million people and you really know where in iran, where in iran these families can live an honorable and dignified life. it is right to have it, let's accept it, mr. doctor, this cycle, this cycle that produces children working on the street, produces criminals , it is right, as long as this cycle lasts , there is no doubt that this will be the case after this, i remember. last year, i had announced in my media
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, i had announced in our media, sada-sima, that next year, the issue of injuries will get worse, children, work and streets will get worse. because the factor that causes this to happen is that the children, until now we are looking to erase the problem , not the problem itself. 1400 social security was reported in the law of the 6th program, the 7th program was written in some way, let's implement it, the time is right.
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amin hossein rahimi, minister of justice , we started a plan to organize child laborers, and one of the features of this plan is law- oriented . it should be continuous and not temporary . it is the first time that the agencies are coordinated with this plan. this plan is law-oriented and supportive, and it is not just to collect children from the street , but they should be supported. qasim hosni , managing director of the association for the protection of working children. it is really a question for us, if child laborers are members of a gang, why have they not arrested a single member of this gang, or how is it possible for a group to enter the country and take advantage of children and abuse them, and no one does anything to them?
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do not have many filmmakers from the same they use the gangster component in their works, and when they are faced with our complaints and objections , they say that we did this for the appeal of the film. alireza zakani, mayor of tehran. the working children seen in tehran are the light of our eyes and should be removed from this situation. in the form of a comprehensive plan, we put empowerment, vocational training and support for the families of working children on the agenda. we believe that among these children , people can emerge who will be the leaders of the society in the future. mohammad reza. the former head of the welfare organization's office for the socially disadvantaged, we believe that the republic of these children will not solve their problem. the issue of working and street children is a problem that must be solved. on the other hand, collecting working and street children makes them out of the reach of the welfare organization to receive support. tavaklizadeh, deputy socio-cultural director of tehran municipality
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, considering that a number of working children are considered as doctors. the country is also responsible for organizing it, and different institutions must work together to realize it. based on the topics raised and the coordination between the institutions, until this year's nowruz, the organization of working children will be done with full cooperation the devices will achieve the desired results. researcher mohammad sali has been dealing with child labor for many years instead of dealing with child labor. child labor can be temporarily collected from the streets with a few strikes. child labor requires the empowerment of marginalized communities and combating poverty. it is time to choose the right work between the right work and the easy work. yes , we have seen the report together, mr. ahmadi , please
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tell me, clearly, now with all these discussions, what exactly is going to be done now? the expertise of different organizations of different groups of civil activists has 5 sides. if we do this pentagon, the plan is successful. if we neglect any of the shortcomings of this pentagon. it will get better. let's do it with all our strength . it will get better. the first humiliation is the most important humiliation . this is public awareness. people should know whether i should help this child or not. there is harm happening here. look at the economy on the street. if it doesn't come together , i just want to say about the street child as an example. the same thing i said should be done. he should have been at the door of the square, he was at the scene, but with what model, first of all , should we help this child who comes and knocks on the glass or not? our point is that the child who comes knocks on the glass and
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demands money he gives a gift , first of all, he causes harm to the family who sit behind the car window for 30 seconds, 50 seconds behind the traffic lights, whether we should help or not, that is the shock itself. and... the stress that comes to that family is actually one issue , the next issue is whether we help this child and this economy that exists on the floor of the street and the exploiters of the network or non-network or that child himself or that person knows that when he is present at an intersection, he has an income. if we remove this income from the intersection, that child will not come to the intersection anymore. because there is nothing he wants to receive. this humiliation is the first public awareness that people should be aware of the issue that helping a child on the street will cause him to remain in the delinquent and to have him fall into the problem of addiction, moral corruption and
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other issues, so we should not help, this requires a public culture their incomes are good incomes it's a good income. in general, i'm saying that it's a small income . it also broadcast good income. i saw it on tv. it's my income. you can assume that at least when a child hits the glass without the help of the general public, he won't come to the crossroads. friends discovered that this workshop is producing products at the crossroads, its name is unsanitary paper towels, which is half of not helping people, not giving money to people , is the main help and does not keep them on the street floor, but the second side is a square that in fact, dealing with the network. some friends say, sir, there is no network. i want to say that you go, i went, i went on the street floor for two years, i went in four different ways , when you lay hands on one person, a
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mother is coming from one side, a father is coming from you , mother and father is mother, he is father. how many people are there? one person is managing this. these four roads have a price. these four roads have been sold . no one else is allowed on these four roads . how much is it ?
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how does this network identify and attract children? let's identify them, put a bus, take 1500 people on the bus, keep them somewhere for 21 days, let them go again after 21 days, like the 32 plans that were done before, and this is what you say, i can't do this, we are consultants, consultants, who work in the field of children they are talking to this child now , it is going on for almost 3 months, of course , the preparations that i mentioned in paragraphs four and five have been taking place for almost a year and a half . where is it? they go to the delivery address of the father and mother he is being exploited on the street. you should not let a child come under the age of 18 or under the age of 15. you are not allowed to work and exploit this child
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. according to the ministry of interior's own method , the press department is present there if there is a question of crossing the border, crossing the border, if there is no family, it is allowed . if you excuse me, it means that you are going to visit. it is delivered at home, these families now have 300 cases , close to 30, which means you will go, for example, in four ways you take the child who is there and take him home. the delivery of the house will be recorded in the path of his information. the consultant will go and tell him, my dear, you are not at the intersection, you are on the fourth side. excuse me, because i was asked now, because we said, for example , where is a father and a mother standing at a family intersection, for example , for example, children are not in all families, some are families. look at the family, i am not sure that all of them are mafia. yes, they are definitely all of them, until
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they hit the networks. the consultant enters to attract and identify mesh 4 here we will take action. well, now we have recruited and identified you, sir, you have no right to meet me at the crossroads . we will meet my parents. we will deal with him. he is doing illegal work. so, what will the father say instead, i am poor, i am in need, i have a disabled daughter. at your service, i have a lucky girl, what should i do ? here, the government should come in. you have a lucky girl , where is the amount of aid?
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the fifth step is to support the families , as i mentioned, the emergency relief committee of the mustafa foundation should come in. if five steps are taken, the plan will be successful, god willing, we have one minute to set it up. they will never come to this section. the title of a person who has lived experience in this field, they talk to some of these girls , why do you come to work in the street ? the sentence they say is correct.
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i'll break the car window, clean the window, it's better than prostitution, mr. doctor , the situation is so difficult that they are choosing between bad and worse . poverty-stricken, i say poverty alleviation is a question at all these two thousand children you say are not roots. because we don't solve it, in order to say that we are strong and brave people, it should be the basis of it . if that doesn't happen, the street child and the work child are the manifestations of that poverty, but that should n't be the case. at this moment, may our friend protect you, or ali is higher today, even in the
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name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the private sector and knowledge-based companies should be behind the command of the country's economy. the first vice president in a meeting with entrepreneurs and activists of the private sector, the weak role of the private sector in the economy is one of the most important obstacles he knew the expansion of the country and said: the government is ready to provide the basis for the private sector's activity in the country's economy . you stood up.


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