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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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they asked the residents of the north of gaza to go to the south, and later with the barbaric barrages of khanyounos , they asked the residents of this area to go to rafah. here, the people were caught in a trap because rafah is full of tents and plastic tents, and there are no facilities for transportation and movement. . we demand pressure from the international community on the zionist regime to prevent the attack on rifa. we ask all governments to take all measures.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the cooperation of messengers for the advertisement of the parliament candidates, according to the deputy of policy of the information technology organization, the message of yes media, soroush plus, igp, ita, rubika, and the network. the editorial community prepared special sections for the election, discussing the same special sign.
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or is there a blue tick so that the users and dear people can be informed and be sure that this information and advertising channel belongs to the candidate, this blue mark is actually the authentication of the candidates and special election pages during the days when the election campaigns start from march 3rd. months are created in messengers and these people are introduced in those pages as well as other facilities. in fact, the live broadcast may now be the election program of the candidates. chat rooms for debates there are also campaign topics that are offered to candidates with a special discount. according to mr. mankarsi, 24 hours after candidates are registered in the national smart government services window system, their information is provided to messengers for further interactions.
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he said: now it is possible to log in through the portal of the national window of smart government services. the honorable candidate enters there and can see the logo related to this service and register . introduce the interface of the channel manager and introduce his programs and also. information the contact information for each of the messengers is placed on that site so that they can be informed and use it and have further interactions in this way. the head of the mining engineering system organization said that the issuance of the employment permit is connected to the national portal of majooths. at the same time, the national business environment monitoring center reported that after two and a half years of the implementation of the law on the implementation of the general policies of article 44 of issuing licenses. sal is still
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not connected to the national license portal and 4 thousand applicants are waiting to get this license. the process of issuing an employment permit has been done in a smart way. also communicated to provinces and to the authorized national gateway. these are the words of the head of the mining engineering organization, but the reports tell a different story. based on the information extracted from the portal management. the national licenses of the country still the mining engineering employment license is not connected to the national license portal, according to the announcement of the national business environment monitoring center of the country, 4 thousand people apply for this license every year, but due to the non-implementation of the law on the implementation of the general policies of article 44 of business and their work is in trouble . i have been looking for an employment permit for several years, which unfortunately, because the
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mining and geological engineering system is connected to the national portal of permits. i could not get my license. this is despite the fact that two and a half years have passed since the entry into force of article 7 of the political executive law. the general levels of article 44 of the constitution are passed to connect specialized portals to the national portal of licenses. our demand from the organization of mining engineering system is to firstly connect the specialized portal for issuing this license to the national portal of licenses and secondly, the resolution of the regulatory board, clause a of the 64th resolution regarding the repeated holding of exams per year for applicants. he should hold this permit, which there are many, and implement this resolution. one of the prerequisites for issuing a mining employment license is to participate in the exam and obtain a passing score and according to the approval of the deregulation board, the licensing authorities are obliged. permits that
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require the holding of a test to obtain professional qualifications are mentioned in the terms of their issuance, at most , the relevant test will be held in terms of the balance score in three-month periods. the examination of the mining engineering system organization is held once a year, if according to this resolution it should be held four times a year. mohammad reza sohrabi, sed and sima news agency. nexest technology roizad, or selection of top development entrepreneurs , was held in three biotech sectors, artificial intelligence, connectivity, and communication. boss center. development of strategic technologies, vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy announced this news and said that the winners of this event will be introduced on the second of march
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. he announced the technology and promotion of export product portfolio of daneshbunian companies as one of the objectives of holding the event. the first ceremony of awarding the next national award will be held with the presence of 89 companies that will finally enter the judging stage in three fields of artificial intelligence and four connectivity industries. telecommunications, microelectronics and bioengineering, in each of these three fields, three companies will be recognized as the top three companies, so 9 companies will receive awards. they have very good and attractive ideas for product development, and our goal is to provide direct support to all these companies.
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mehrara painting exhibition with a collection of works by women artists was held in farchian gallery is. the artistic event has displayed images of natural attractions, life in the 19th century, and the culture and customs of the people of iran. silent signs that talk about iranian culture, identity and customs. this is farshchiyan gallery, a place in the heart of the capital that hosts iranian female painters these days. mehrara has 17 works. their halqans with their coverings represent a region of the land of iran . qasimabadi dress is from the gilan region of azerbaijan, turkey, azerbaijan. each panel is a picture of the life of iranian people in different parts of the country.
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from now on, i am working on photography of nomads and children in general iranian the design and the color showed its iranian origin and it is a bakhtiari dress. a number of paintings with arab seal in black pen style, some in oil painting style and some in colored pencil style have been exhibited, but all the works have a common message. no matter where you go in iran, from north to south, the culture and customs of the clothes are so beautiful that we have seen that there is no more beautiful subject than this, and it is better that we have the culture, customs, and beautiful clothing of these paintings of this event. it has found a way and has become a way of income for families. the students who are in this our painting exhibition participants
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are from 13 to 45 years old. many people were able to work in their cities and villages through this art, and they could also practice this art, zahra alizadeh , sada and c news agency.
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in the name of the merciful god, greetings to the deaf, dear viewers. this time, technology has come to the aid of the deaf community
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to provide them with the content they need. media discussion , if you pay attention, certain topics will be displayed with an interface . especially in the discussion of educational issues of a media well, due to this corona disease that came, well, we saw that a lot of society went to the virtual space , this space was not prepared for the deaf very well . the education should have an interface . let a deaf person come , teach another deaf person about educational issues, and this is a platform to provide this work. we have done it here, the specialists of this collection have created the possibility of providing content with the interface of the deaf in various sections. we have religious discussions , we have doubts, we have lifestyles from some students
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dear, who worked on sign language , we used visual training in this space. we tried to make it an interactive media and cover the requests of our loved ones here in the community. some movies, animations , educational discussions that the deaf would like to see , we put the discussion of subtitles on that link. we didn't go because experience shows that deaf people don't interact very well with subtitles and can't understand the content very well. we tried to do all our work with deaf interface. this collection of programs also has programs for the participation of the deaf in content production. what we want to do next year let's give god willing , we will use the deaf people in artistic discussions such as teletheater, theater and drama discussions, and the dear ones themselves will take over the expression of this package. the lack of a deaf interface in visual and audio media is a limitation.
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they can hear and understand what is going on in this society . at least he can watch tv at the same time as i am hearing . the relationship of deaf people in different media , unable to understand the concept of contents, abbas rasouli , sed and sima news agency.
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they even
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hid themselves at a short distance from the massacre. everyone knows that the occupiers asked the residents of northern gaza to go to the south after their repeated bombings, and later asked the residents of this area to go to rafah with the brutal bombardment of khanyounos. here people got stuck in a trap. because rafah is full of tents and plastic tents and there are no facilities for transportation. we demand pressure from the international community on the zionist regime to prevent the attack on rifa. we ask all governments to take all the necessary measures to avoid this disaster that the invaders are planning to commit be prevented more than half of the residents of gaza live in rafah. the military operations of the occupiers in this place will have more threats and dangers for the residents of this area than in other areas.
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there is no escape here.
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the biggest event of hijab visionaries in delgosha grand bazaar, we gathered a large number of hijab brands to buy a desired product for those who like a wearable product. and at the same time, have the luxury available , don't wander in different markets, and here there are many groups and we gathered together to sell tent products. yes, we are hungry yes, these are most of our designs for girls, which are very
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important . yes, the tent is very popular because there are many of our best-selling designs. we have shirts, there are sheets , and we have a series of tent models. we have produced codes for men for three or four years now. how was the reception? thank god , thank god, it was great. i found out that it was a festival from the port where they had advertised, then we came to buy a tent. is the price good? yes, their prices are better than the exhibition organized by the head of the working group and country clothing was also present and visited vijend and their products and about payment of bank payments to clothing manufacturers. we also give loan facilities to them more easily and reliably with the banking network so that they can maintain the minimum price and their previous price
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. in fact, this has not happened since the national fashion and clothing foundation of the country is also one of the supporters of iran's luxury clothing manufacturers. define common works. right now, the national modul clothing foundation has requested brands foreigners who express themselves in tehran in the form of the mother of fashion , so to speak, present their own programs. we welcome, but in the same proportion , our artists should be welcomed in other countries. for the first time in the country, hijab
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visionaries completely spontaneously, without the support of any organization , decided to gather centrally in a shopping center due to the easy access of families, to have a long-term lease , and to host a spring fair for the sale of chaste clothes until 28 bahman. fatemeh zalali of sed and sima news agency is a citizen , we remember our national heroes. those years they fought to defend the country's honor and soil. some by the grace of martyrdom. they came, i have a message, every country that had an uprising on the school won, and some of them dressed as veterans. operation karbalai 4.
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anyway, we had a success and we were injured a little. open 70% two hands and one leg. we owe you. we are all indebted to islam. those who once went to defend the country , today to guard. they fight for his ideals , in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, the light , the light, the light, the light , the light. on light, in the name of god, light on light allah, who is the master of affairs, in the name of allah, who created
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the light, i am the light, praise be to god, who created the light, i am the light, god is great. allah is great, god is great, god is great, i am a witness, there is no god but god, i am witness, there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god . i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. hai ali al-sala, hai ali al-salah , hai ali al-falah.
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hai ali khair al-alam hail ali khair al-alam , god is great, god
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is our work. my story is not a dream story. come , put your heart into the sea. don't doubt that
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this road will end on this august day. his name and photo are engraved on the signs of the city he was a righteous person, very good, many people call saifullah abdul karimi, the representative of langrod in the first round of the parliament, "basmillah rahman al-rahimullah ahlaha" when he himself was represented , adam. he was not far from the people . the university didn't last either. in 1942
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, he received his bachelor's degree in the field of islamic philosophy and wisdom from the classes of professors such as mr. motahari and muftah. he was privileged and had a privileged education . he didn't accept the scholarship that the government had given him for azam . he also formed a political party in rudsel, langrod and lahijan. in 1954 , he became a faculty member of ferdowsi university of mashhad, but he was in charge of demonstrations against the oppressive regime in the city and was one of the regular speakers of these gatherings and demonstrations . these positions caused him to leave ferdowsi university of mashhad before the revolution, even though they were in charge of a professor's chair, but after
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the revolution, he was fired by the formation of a committee.


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