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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 6:30am-7:00am IRST

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but anyway, it's good that it's a new year and with a discount. the last auction of digikala is from 1st to 7th of march, up to 70% discount in the name of allah, rahman , raheem. look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at yourself.
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god, in your hope, in the name of your friend , from whom everything is. good morning to all of you, dear and respected viewers . may god bless you. we proudly present today's reporter's greetings to your kind eyes. until around 8 o'clock, join us with today's news events. the world.
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the valor of the plains is on my shoulder.
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in the persian gulf, i feel proud and lazy bandar abbas is amazingly earthy
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, amazingly fragrant , what a crazy city, what is longand and damavandi, what is arvandi, what is it? humanities will be held and we are in the studio of dr. elham ebrahimi, the scientific secretary of the humanities and cultural studies conference, to talk and hear more about research methods in the field of humanities. mrs. dr. ebrahim, good morning , you are very welcome, good morning i say hello thank you very much for making available to me , as you mentioned, a seminar under the title of research methods in humanities and social sciences , emerging approaches and challenges ahead in the research institute of humanities and cultural studies as the largest and in fact the oldest research institute in the country. it is being held today. well, this conference is almost a year old. as
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we were preparing for the event, so far we have organized 15 meetings for this conference. approximately 30 expert professors in the field of research methods, methodology and research methods attended this conference the meetings have participation and today is also the day of the conference, god willing. we also have a book exhibition next to the conference . it will be unveiled and presented to the participants. mrs. dr. qutbi, please explain about the results of the pre-meetings you held in research areas, you also mentioned that different professors in different areas who were familiar with research methods in the field of humanities
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participated in their pre-meetings. bring these pre-meetings with presence professors, what are the new methods for humanities ? yes. i would like to point out two points in this regard . the first point is that we tried to use different fields, that is, different specialties of humanities and social sciences in this field . you are aware that humanities and social sciences are very diverse and numerous. such as economic management, philosophy, quranic studies, language, literature, history , and each of these have their own requirements. in the field of research methods, they may have some collaborations with each other, they may have differences , so this approach and this grouping of fields and the different specializations from the point of view of the method actually made a synergy and a mutual learning
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happen between these different disciplines . we would like the discussion of modern and digital research methods to be realized at least to some extent after this conference. you are aware that, in any case , artificial intelligence and digital methods have affected all areas of human life, including the academic field. the researchers are not exempt from this issue, that's why we tried to look again from the point of view of the field
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of treatises and actually student theses. yes, but i would also like to tell you that in addition to the fact that huzar is in the students' conference, in addition to the fact that student articles were presented to this conference, we tried to actually apply these methods that lead to research that can more practical and practical discussions, especially in the field of judgment. in fact, one of the main axes of the conference is the same , that is, the discussion of the use of modern and digital research methods and interdisciplinary research and its capacity to promote issues related to policy making and
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governance. not quite in the pre-meetings, we followed three main axes . and the debates are actually related to theorizing in the discussion of methods. the second axis, as i said , is the discussion of new and digital technologies and their impact on research methods, and the third debate is the impact of research methods in promoting politics.
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or say, from the dawn of tomorrow , there will be a window of spring that is not there, a happy dream to sing the name of the country , loyalty to iran, to be patient with its people, to say a kiss to its flag, to give a kiss to iran, the beating heart of my soul , the pure name of iran. that you
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come to my mouth and tell me about the dawn of tomorrow, an open window of watching sing with me to majdeh again, from that spring that is not there, a dream and dawn will come again. a dawn from a bright presence from distant horizons, its light from the rain of hope and its life from happiness, you are my iran , my heart is sweet.
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i would like to tell you that it is the second day of the meeting of the african union. at the level of the presidents of the continent, the closing ceremony is going to be held with their presence. this alliance was not accepted because the zionists intended to use these meetings to express their views about gaza and the gaza war. we know that the 37th summit of the african union first started on wednesday at the level of foreign ministers and then yesterday and today at the level of presidents. as i said, today
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is the closing ceremony. and it has been before. first, let's see a report about this. africans, who have been victims of colonialism for years , have not forgotten palestine these days despite severe financial and security crises. this is the example. four months ago, when south africa learned from the zionist regime's genocide in gaza the hague court appealed. or a year ago, when a zionist delegation tried to enter the african union meeting with fake id numbers, but the africans kicked them out. this issue was repeated again this year and the zionist delegation was not allowed to attend the 37th meeting of the african union. two years ago , the zionist regime joined the african union by algeria and 21
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other african countries, after it became a member of this union without a vote in 2021 by the personal decision of the head of the african union. the opposition of algeria and other african countries to membership as an observer member, israel has several political and diplomatic reasons, of which the palestinian issue is the most important reason. or the attempt to normalize relations with some african countries, including sudan and the maghreb, which of course , despite the passage of 3 years and the failure to fulfill the promises made, and of course the people's opposition, remained fruitless. the normalization of relations with the west and several other countries was the gift of america, which is in danger of destruction. now the zionists, whose influence in africa has decreased more than before after the gaza war, are once again looking for a way to penetrate the black continent. the reason is explained by experts like this.
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the zionist regime and its leaders have long been forced to move towards african countries to compensate for their own identity vacuum. the emptiness of the zionists' identity, which despite the genocide in gaza, may not be easily compensated for in africa. these actions remind us of our experiences as black south africans living under apartheid. the killing of women and children by israel is an act that was done years ago by colonialism. it was done. mojtaba shah soni, sed and sima news agency. well , have you seen my colleague's reports about not allowing the zionist delegation to the meetings again? the summit of the african union, which started last wednesday at the level of foreign ministers
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, was also held yesterday, and today, as i said, is the finale, but the point is that we want to stop the zionist regime in the conversation with the expert mr. rudbari. let's examine and analyze international law. mr. rudbari . hello, good morning. please tell me what does it mean from the point of view of international law to not allow zionists to participate in official and international gatherings ? the fake zionist regime years ago at the invitation of algeria and south africa today against the complaint.
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not allowing him to enter the african union is full of problems both from a political and diplomatic point of view, and from the point of view of international law, from a legal point of view, we see that the african union, which is a union of 55 countries, does not allow him in the meetings anymore. he himself and practically led to the lack of political, legal and diplomatic relations with. the zionist regime and we see that the african governments, because they themselves have suffered from colonialism for many years , understand better than other governments what is happening to the people of gaza today. he comes and thank god, by not letting him go and not
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identifying him, we see that he has a fake diet every day. it will become more anonymous, so be sure to wait for this to happen more often than this, and let me just say that on thursday, in fact, the parliament of the union of mediterranean countries also opposed the presence of the representative of the zionist regime and this delegation could not participate in this meeting. in my opinion , america itself, if it can do something , it should take israel in the continent of africa, in the continent of america, give it a place , it has no place in the region. the fake zionist regime is of course an event it also happened at the munich security conference that now , if it is necessary, we would like to have a comparison, because as i said , now, apart from the african union, the union of mediterranean countries, in fact, the representative of the zionist regime is not allowed in their summit, we want to see you in the meeting . the security of munich, which
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is now its last day, what differences did we witness, what things, what tips can you tell. tell us about this? well, look at the munich security conference. first of all , let's state that it is a private conference, which does not mean that it is an international conference, a company. a private high-altitude summit is organized with the budget provided by the german government. well, this year, the government of the islamic republic of iran and the government of russia were not invited, and the work of this summit this year was supposed to deal with the issue of gaza first, and then the issue. it was very interesting to note in this conference that the representative of the american government
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confirmed the government's support for the zionist regime of israel. and mrs. haris openly stated that i support my ally israel and this will have very negative feedback because today the most important crisis in the world is the crisis the people of gaza are there, at least russia is fighting with a government. here, the zionist regime is oppressing the defenseless, unarmed and foodless people under their own pressures through the military and law. well, unfortunately, the munich security conference showed that it is a completely one-sided conference under the unilateralism behavior in
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the important international rights of the african union, which consists of 55 countries, which is a private conference, where it is important for us to stand firm and this way, the observer member with very respectful behavior, completely throwing out , showing that the regime is fake, no identity. there is no t, and you also said that the mediterranean governments are actually this regime the fake is spending its last days , at least it has no place in the public opinion and people's views anymore, even next to the governments that support it and the people of those governments do not even accept this regime anymore because of the result in the discussion of international rights we see that an identitylessness is forming and causing isolation. the regime has become fake and will be abandoned by itself . yes, thank you very much, mr. rudbari , for speaking with us, but i will also
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tell you the latest news from gaza, that again within 24 hours , at least 70 palestinians were killed by the zionist regime's airstrikes on the gaza strip. the martyrdom of women and children were among them , as well as the ruins of the palestinian refugee camp in the city of rifa, located in the south of gaza on the border with egypt , were the targets of the zionist attacks. thank you very much, ms. hajipour, thank you, ms. moazzami, reporter of sed and radio news agency, dear and respected compatriots , stay with us , so let's get to it. the festival of leaders of technology and industry, which is the third festival and is scheduled to be held in the capital today , we are hosting mr. asghari in the studio, the head of the mobilization of industrial
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and mining engineers of the country, mr. asghari. good morning. you are very welcome. hello, good morning. hello and polite to all my dear viewers . i am at your service. be healthy, sir. please tell me the purpose of holding this festival, which is the third festival, and what is the technology and industry experts and who are these experts ? from the position of the supreme leader , our festival has two parts, one of which is 100 selected units that are present by the basij and the provincial corps to revive and remove obstacles. medium industrial with
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paying attention to the fact that we have three provincial facilities for large units, we focused on small and medium units located in industrial towns, so this program was announced as our main program since 2019, this program was announced to all provinces and industrial centers. the formation of the seal of the prophets . next to the khatam al-anbia industrial base, with the commander of the army as the center, we formed specialized working groups and about 300 jihadi groups of basij scholars from basij , student teachers and other scholars , we came and organized training courses for them. we did and sent him to the industrial estates of faraz to search for dreams. did you find companies in industrial towns that have problems and have reached stagnation? our goal was that within 5 years we would be able to fulfill the wishes of 25,000 small and medium units and
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be able to remove 20 to 30% of these units and help to revive them . we are this program and we had about 18,000 zaiyabi slogan bases from this number. out of this number, we have fixed about 3,700 units, and those that have not been fixed are part of their many problems some of the industrial units have grown up and are facing many obstacles, just because of one or two obstacles, the industrial unit will not be shut down. well , there are some obstacles in the capacity of the basij and irgc that can help and facilitate. our greatest capacity is the institutional capacity that is in all we gave government agencies, base centers, areas and centers of basij. we made their main mission to accompany the owner of the industry, who
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in our opinion is the fighter of this war, the frontline fighter of this economic war, so that he can provide facilitation services and accompany the owner of the industry to eliminate redundant administrative bureaucracies so that he can you have taken the problems from the feet of the industrialists, the problems that these industrial units that you mentioned, which you set a target of 25,000 in 5 years and now 18,000 of them have fortunately been realized and you have found the most important desire that the format. what was the involvement with them? naturally , due to the fluctuations of macroeconomic indicators, now inflation, exchange rate, the biggest problem of small and medium units is working capital to supply production institutions. well, this problem was not as severe as it is today, in the last one or two years, it has affected most of the industrial owners. well, your mobilization is this and what do you think?
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these groups. specializing you in order to be able to fix this a little or relieve it a little so that those units can resume their activities, fortunately, the group of our stratum is working under basij's resistance economy camp, so we have a capacity for loans with low interest, note below 16 fortunately, in the last one or two years , they gave us this permission to allocate a major part of these loans to small and medium units, not medium units. everything that basij had the opportunity to provide for working capital, especially small units in this field, has been allocated. well, they have problems in the field of market and trade . they are very serious problems. we have a lot of problems in the field of infrastructure in industrial partnerships, that is, perhaps the main one
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for us to achieve the goals of our upstream documents, which is the growth of 8. the problems we have in the field of water and electricity supply in industrial cities. this problem is getting worse day by day. you have the ability or permission to solve this problem yourself, or you should declare it and ask government agencies to come in to solve it. mobilization's mission in this area is to make conscious demands. it is a specialty of the relevant devices and this work for the infrastructure that is in the industrial towns , you have done exactly a large part of removing our obstacles to help provide this infrastructure . the result of your follow-up is the same infrastructure that you are referring to, which is becoming more realistic day by day. it can be more , it will be heavier, it will rain on the shoulders of the production units in the industrial towns, this will go back to the new units that want
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to be established in the industrial companies. the biggest obstacle to the establishment of new units in our industrial towns is certainly the provision of water and electricity for these industrial units units that have not been established since the past, when we want to reach the goals of the upstream documents , we had to develop our production capacities . it is dedicated to the top engineers working in the ministry of petroleum, energy, communications, atomic energy organization and sanda mine tejarat . what do they do? we imported all the products that were imported during the last year, all the products that the engineers working in these ministries localized, similar to foreign models, this is the local model. building its interior and looking after solving the problem of that
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ministry. and that device is being used in that collection. we have come and presented about 300 products in this exhibition, which is exactly in accordance with the announced policies of the resistance economy , the mission of basij in the collection of the ministry of housing , to strengthen our belief that the best of these are in this the exhibition is present. thank you very much. god bless you . dear mr. askhari, president of saand and mining engineers' mobilization. we got the news at 7 o'clock. we will see you after the news with the continuation of the morning program. in the name of god the compassionate dear viewers, hello, good morning , welcome to the 7 o'clock news. 8 technological products of knowledge-based companies in zanjan with presence.


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