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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm IRST

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they also consume electricity and should be unplugged when we don't need them. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and toilet , but we leave the air conditioner on for hours , which usually consumes much more than the lamp. if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the electrical outlet and take the utmost care when buying them, you will see that you have not only done a great favor to your pocket, but also to the protection of the environment and me. we took a big step for the life of the country at 13:00, another part of the news on the anniversary of the historical uprising of the people of tabriz on 29th of bahman 1356, thousands people from east azerbaijan. this morning
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they met with the leader of the islamic revolution. we are ready . we are ready. we are ready. we are ready. we are ready. they called the main system of the islamic republic and emphasized that everyone should participate in the elections. everyone should participate in the elections. elections are the main pillar of the islamic republic. the way to reform the election country. those who are looking to fix the problems , repair them. they should go to the elections
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the right way, ayatollah khamenei was elected in the past , they advised the people to choose weapons , people should look for the choice of weapons, of course, the presence of the people is the first priority , and the second is the choice of weapons. all of them are righteous. in the end, one should choose the most righteous among them. this is the verdict of reason. how can we recognize the weapon? the people of iran should go and investigate . wherever they can , they will introduce them to those they trust.
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use their introduction and know the correct one. the leader of the islamic revolution also advised the election candidates to refrain from bad mouthing, insulting and blackmailing. those who enter the election field, from bad mouthing and insulting others. look, these are the necessary things that we have to do in the field of elections . those who can encourage, encourage those who enter, don't misbehave in cyber space, use obscenity, insult, slander , this will make the election unblessed. avoid slander. it should not be like this that some people
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slander in order to draw people's attention to themselves. slander is false and untrue. our lies are not favored by god. at the beginning of this meeting, ayatollah khamenei thanked the people of iran and the security providers of the 22nd bahman march. he pointed out that people are full of enthusiasm in all parts of the country. they showed themselves and showed the glory of the revolution to the world. he also thanked the security officials for this march. i know it is necessary to thank the people of iran for the passionate march on 22 bahman . really, everywhere in the country, in all the provinces
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, in all the cities, even in the remote villages and centers , people tried hard and showed their enthusiasm and vitality. those who wish for the heartbreak of the iranian nation are those who wish to be surprised. those who wished and want the iranian nation to forget
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the 22nd of bahman are gradually surprised. they drew the world and showed it to everyone. i sincerely thank you, of course. in addition to thanking the dear people , i also sincerely thank those who were able to ensure the security of this extensive nationwide march with the divine help of this security that exists with effort and hard work and with sacrifice night and day. knowing some people mujahid and selfless people get it, this should be appreciated . continued news. the admission card for the non-consecutive master's and doctorate exams
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will be published on monday, the third day of bahman. candidates should refer to the information base of sensah organization to receive the card. the head of the country's education assessment organization said: the entrance exam for the master's degree will be held in the morning and afternoon on friday, march 4, and the exam for the doctoral degree will be held on the same friday evening. 627,000 candidates registered in the master's exam, and more than 151,000 candidates participated in the doctoral exam in 1403. the 39th bin music festival fajr international by announcing the best to work. it ended itself. in this ceremony, which was held in tehran's vahdat hall, the selected competitive and non- competitive sections were introduced. in the closing ceremony of the 39th
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fajr music festival, barbad award, song award, pop award and music and media award were given to the winners and music professors were also honored. access to foreign platforms is facilitated. with the approval of the supreme council of cyber ​​space, access to foreign platforms and user-friendly services is possible in the form of a shell. messenger and external social networks are some of these platforms. based on the approval of the supreme council of cyberspace within the next month, the most popular platforms should be identified and the technical possibility should be provided for users to access their useful services. the 24th iran media exhibition started this morning with the presence of media activists in masla, tehran. one of the most important axes of this event is showing the activities of the resistance front media. osama hamdan, a senior member of hamas
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, was one of the special guests at the opening ceremony of this exhibition. he assessed the role of the resistance front media in regional equations as very important and said: the media activity of nasser hospital was out of service. director of the world health organization said nasser hospital complex in the city of khanyounos , it was taken out of service after a week of siege and israeli military attacks. tedros azhanom said: the zionist military
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does not allow the relief forces of this organization to enter the nasser hospital complex to assess the condition of the patients and their medical needs. adanum stated: currently, about 200 patients are hospitalized in nasser hospital, and some of them are in serious condition. yesterday, zionist soldiers arrested at least 100 palestinians by attacking this hospital . zionist they also destroyed many parts of the building of this center with tank bullets . the information office of the government in gaza announced since the beginning of the attacks of the zionist regime , 700,000 palestinian refugees have contracted infectious diseases due to exposure to the spread of various viruses. according to this report , there was no care in the last 135 days of the war due to the lack of medicine. medically, 350,000 people were diagnosed with chronic diseases and
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60,000 pregnant women are also in serious danger. the director of the medical relief community in gaza has also announced that more than 260,000 palestinians have suffered from severe inflammation of the respiratory tract in this area, and the risk of skin diseases and hepatitis a it is high among the displaced. fighters bombarded the zionist occupation regime in philadelphia on the border with egypt. this attack is a response to the egyptian foreign minister sakhran, who warned the zionist regime about the attack and its consequences. the 14-kilometer axis of philadelphia or salah al-din axis is located along the gaza-egypt border and extends from the mediterranean sea to the karam abu salib crossing. according to one of the clauses of the camp david agreement, which
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shabak announced , it is worried about the increase in tension and the palestinian reaction. yesterday, the zionist media reported on the plan of the minister of internal security regime to prevent entry. palestinians reported to al-aqsa mosque during ramadan. another plan has been proposed by the police of this regime, according to which the police will be present around the clock in all areas of al-aqsa mosque. the purpose of this action is to immediately confront any movement by the palestinians or raising the flag of the declared resistance movements. america once again threatens to veto the cease-fire in gaza. the american representative in the security council said: if the current draft of the immediate ceasefire resolution in
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the gaza strip is put to a vote, it will not be approved. the united states has already passed the resolution four times a ceasefire has been prevented in the security council. the new draft was presented by algeria and it is supposed to be voted on on friday. the american representative in the security council said: this draft does not match the results of the prisoner exchange agreement that washington is working on. will be reached and the security council must undertake that any action will increase the pressure on hamas to accept this agreement. last week, the zionist regime refused to accept the results of the paris negotiations for the exchange of prisoners, which would lead to the end of the war and withdrawal from the gaza strip. after that, the us proposed a six-week ceasefire plan, but the palestinian resistance declared any agreement to exchange prisoners must lead to the end of the war. the countries participating in the munich security meeting in germany
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emphasized the necessity of ending the war of the zionist regime against the oppressed people of palestine and providing comprehensive global aid to the people of this country . the foreign ministers of saudi arabia, egypt and belgium expressed their concern about the continued attacks and massacres in gaza and announced that the brazen crimes of the zionist regime in palestine have hurt the feelings of people in the world and must be stopped immediately . he emphasized the recognition of the legitimate right of self-determination for the palestinian people and he said that if the war in gaza is stopped and the problems of the palestinians are not solved, it will be a source of shame for europe. supporters of palestine in berlin, the capital of germany , condemned the continued attacks and crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. demonstrators demanded an end to the war.
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people in mexico city, the capital of mexico, held massive demonstrations and shouted in support of palestine. a former official of the israeli intelligence agency said that all people and children over 4 years old in gaza should be targeted for collective punishment. ramgra stated that the reason for this policy is the support of these children from hamas and said: all these children need food and medicine
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and humanitarian aid be denied. this former mossad official is anything but. he considered the military of gaza guilty and said that the current goal of this regime is to turn the residents of gaza into enemies of hamas. according to the latest statistics, the number of martyred children in gaza has reached 1260. the new capability of artificial intelligence has doubled the concern and warnings about the dangers of using this technology. company. working on an ai tool that converts text to video. although this new feature has been welcomed by some advertising and video game production companies, it is about the future of the job the employees of these departments have created concerns. some experts also
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warned about the production of fake videos in this way. a firefighter was killed and 10 firefighters and 2 residents were injured due to the explosion of a house in sterling, virginia, usa. the residents had called the fire brigade due to the smell of gas outside the house, where they did not realize that the propane gas tank was underground. the exact cause of the explosion is under investigation. 5% of the world's migratory birds spend the winter in iran. the deputy director of natural environment and biodiversity of the environmental protection organization announced that 16 species of birds are introduced every year according to mr. akbari , the geographical location of iran has made it to be on the migration route from siberia to the nile river and more than 1 million 800 thousand aquatic and aquatic birds
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migrate to iran. thank you for your companion, god bless you. i will not be a volunteer in the upcoming elections because i do not consider myself a worthy
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representative for the people. announces and steps to reach them achieve your goals. in the name of god . hello and respect to dear friends, listeners and viewers who are interested in majlis film program.
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in the phil majlis program tonight with mr. ali kamiyar, the representative of urmia in the second and third terms. we are talking about the 2nd and 4th members of the islamic council, who were born in 1336, that is, they were only 27 years old when they became members of the parliament in the second term of the islamic council and after the fourth term, they went into administrative and government work and various jobs under the guidance of the minister of interior at that time, mr. seyed. ali mohammad. besharati has experience in broadcasting and broadcasting in kermanshah and golestan centers to do. and even though they have been working in the government for many years , they are in the so-called executive branch of political science and
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are getting a doctorate in international relations, but because of their youth, when they became candidates and were accepted in the second round of the islamic council we can have first-hand memories of the first sessions of the parliament. it should be noted that it was a completely different era from the recent periods of the parliament and many of the activities of the parliament were decisive and decisive for the revolution and the country . that you became a representative at the age of 27 years in the second term of the parliament, yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, and the most merciful. alhamdulillah, lord of the worlds, the first time i had this gathering, my memories of this assembly were renewed. we were in this assembly for the whole 12 years
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. actually, this new assembly was moved after our periods. until the end of the sixth assembly, the assembly was here, yes, for one period. yes, it was here, the fifth parliament was also here. yes , what year did you go to the second term of the parliament, when did the second term of the year 6 start ? the fact is that i was during the so-called revolution, just before. revolution as fighters and as fighters we were in revolutionary works in 1959 i was in the irgc in 1961 and in 1961-1962
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i was responsible for the affairs of the cities of west azarbaijan province, and when the issue of the assembly elections came up for the second term, we had a discussion with the representative of the religious jurist in the province and ayatollah qureshi. in the assembly elections, they recommended that you come to the assembly. i said that i did not have the issue of the assembly, but according to the advice of our elders, we entered the assembly. our revolutionary cases were known to the people we had more than 7 martyrs in our family , and i myself was in the so-called army , i was a war veteran, and may god have mercy on your dead
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, dear ones. it turned out that our vote was almost higher than the others. how many of you were brothers
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and how many of us were sisters ? due to the sanctions restrictions, the government's income was really low at that time . we had very little income. in fact, the government could have really died if it wasn't for people's help people's contributions to the front were very high , people really participated, and therefore the parliament was influenced by these trends, and politically, i would like to say that the parliament, because of the consequences that came from the previous period, i.e. the first period of the parliament, for the second period, most of the issues are almost a little he returned to the factional discussion
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and. at that time, taking into account that almost in the first period of the parliament, the islamic republic of iran party was one of the so-called determinants of the parliament in the first period, but after the second parliament of the first parliament, when the second parliament began, the factionalism within the parliament became very high and the classification began, some people approximately being in favor of the so-called state economy, some people are also in favor of the so-called economy. being free and private sector. as a result, these two factions almost caused factionalism in political and economic issues, and this factionalization had an effect, and that's why, for example , in the second parliament, we slowly saw the islamic republic party, so called mr. hashemi , may god have mercy on him. the wick went down and it almost
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became the right wing and the genie of the third parliament. what the third parliament naturally had from the second parliament overcame some of this left current in the third parliament and unfortunately in the third parliament it caused some left currents to become extremists. many of the representatives tried to make a so-called mistake regarding their credentials, for example, and this caused the first part of the parliament to start with tension and it took 40 to 50 representatives, for example , who wanted the third parliament . well, due to the victory of the majority of the parliament, in terms of fairness, it caused the parliament
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to review after that. time found its own way and so to speak , it moved well in terms of drafting laws and moving towards various issues. the war was not over yet, not in the third parliament. let's face it, one of them was the image of resolution 598, which was the end of the war and the ceasefire. it was accepted by the parliament and it was approved in the parliament, and almost after that , various and normal issues were taken up . do you have any memories of the second parliament, which is related to, for example , your youth, not letting go of your hands , not bothering the old men? because i
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was the representative of the city. i had come from urmia, tehran , in urmia itself, the revolutionary figures that we knew from there, who are present in this parliament , had a special enthusiasm for us. we go, we join national figures and we can be influential, but inside the parliament , the same youth that you mentioned, a series of conflicts and interests came up for me, which is the same. at first, i didn't really expect to see things that he didn't like, so it took me a year or two to come to my senses. then, the reason was that some of the expectations you had from the revolutionaries came inside. the parliament saw that these expectations were not met.


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