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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm IRST

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the election of the leader of the revolution is the way to reform the country and the main pillar of the islamic republic. everyone should choose the people of arms in the elections. candidates should avoid bad manners and slander. tomorrow , the results of the final examination of the candidates for the parliamentary elections will be announced. political parties and groups
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appreciated osama hamdan, a senior member of hamas, at the tehran media exhibition and emphasized the role of the resistance front media in the battle of al-aqsa storm, the zionist regime killed 573 of its military officers in the gaza war . production of all kinds of content with a special interface for the deaf, from animations and movies to educational content for the deaf and in the program. next election, we will check whether blocking is a suitable way to govern the virtual space . how should the virtual space be regulated so that the people benefit from the
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benefits ? we are in your presence . we are bringing you the detailed news of 14:00 along with my colleagues. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution this morning in a meeting with thousands of people of east azarbaijan province , he listed two important and fundamental tasks to look at oneself to strengthen the strengths, success and eliminate the weaknesses, to look intelligently at the enemy without passivity, and emphasized on the importance of national unity and march 11 elections as a solution to problems and reforming affairs, everyone should participate passionately in this process. elections and
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avoiding electoral immorality. they considered the revolutionary leader of the arrogant front to be against iran's elections and said: elections are a manifestation of the system's republicanism, and that is why the arrogant people and america are both with republicanism and islamism. the regime is against the elections and the enthusiastic attendance of the people at the polls. referring to the request of one of the previous american presidents to the people of iran not to participate in one of the elections they said in the past: that president unknowingly helped iran because people participated in the elections more and more passionately than ever because of their stubbornness and opposition to him . for this reason, americans
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don't talk like this anymore, but they are trying to keep people away from the elections in different ways. everyone should participate in the elections. elections are the main pillar of the islamic republic. the way to reform the country is elections. those who are looking for this. to fix the problems, repair them. they should go to the elections. the right way is chosen. he considered the choice of weapons to be necessary and added: all the people who have passed the supervision of the guardian council are competent, but according to reason , more competent people should be chosen from among them, and to know the weapons, the people. people should
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research as much as they can, and if they can't , they should pay attention to and act on the opinion of trusted people. hazrat ayatollah khamenei is responsible for speaking. bran and maqbool encouraged the people to participate in the elections and emphasized that those who enter the election arena are sick of bad mouthing and insulting others . may capable encourage and encourage those who enter , don't be rude, call each other bad in cyberspace , use obscenity
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, insult, slander, this will make the election unblessed. false and untrue. and our lies are not favored by god. he emphasized on ensuring the integrity, health and efficiency of the elections as a constant demand from the officials. of course , during these decades, no electoral violation has ever been observed in the sense claimed by the enemy, and this is not what they are saying is the basis in the cases where some people made claims, some violations were identified after investigation and investigation , but these violations never caused a change in the overall results, and the elections in the country have always been held in a fair and orderly manner. my dears
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, we fought with unity and we won with unity. we have continued with the idea of ​​being one. we have to move with unity after this. taste and political differences and these words should not affect the national unity of the iranian nation against the enemies. hazrat ayatollah khamenei also referring to the passionate presence people said in the 22nd bahman march. i feel it necessary to thank the people of iran for the passionate march of 22 bahman
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, people really tried everywhere in the country, in all the provinces, in all the cities, even in the villages and remote centers. and show their enthusiasm and vitality. there are those who wish for the heartbreak of the iranian nation. they are surprised. there are those who wished and have. that the nation of iran 21. forget bahman, gradually they were taken by surprise. this year, people are literally proud of themselves for
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bringing bahman 2 to the world and showing it to everyone. i sincerely thank them. appreciating the self-sacrificing organizers of the security of the nationwide march, the meaningful march of the nation increased the motivation and morale of the officials and added that this national presence brings new blood in the veins of the nation and the officials, the revolutionary leader of the uprising on 29th of bahman 1356 will make the people of tabriz a history-making event. they read and said that the incident did not leave the uprising of the 19th people of qom without results, and by spreading the spirit of uprising and revolutionary fervor throughout the country , it became the basis for the victory of the revolution on the 22nd of bahman 57 and the turning of the page in the history of iran. he recognized his duty on time and standing up and
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acting on time to fulfill that duty are two characteristics they listed the highlights of the 29th bahman incident in tabriz and said: tawabin did not feel their duty and acted on time and were absent on ashura. for this reason , despite the late uprising and martyrdom, all of them had an effect. they did not leave history. they considered the revolutionary leader of the azerbaijani people to be the embodiment of zeal, love, passion and faith in history and in the contemporary era and in recent decades, and added that we should learn from the characteristics of the 29 bahman incident in tabriz. referring to the growth and strengthening of the revolution in his blessed life of 45 years, in the storm of events and intrigues. they added: the revolution means the nation of nizam, by passing through difficult passes.
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they have become stronger, more powerful and have a more penetrating look and influence, and today we must act on them by understanding the main duties in time. hazrat ayatollah khamenei listed looking at oneself and looking at the enemy as two basic duties of everyone and said: we must have a correct assessment of the enemy and neglecting this duty is a great disaster. they considered the purpose of their recognition to appreciate, preserve and strengthen the strengths and repair and eliminate the weaknesses, and in explaining the strengths of the nation's revolution, they said: the eradication of the tyrannical, unjust, faithless, completely corrupt and monarchical system is the most important achievement of the revolution. the system that for the people did not have any rights or respect, and in
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many cases it was practically ruled by the order and request of the american and the british embassy. the leader of the revolution added that now, at the opposite point of that system, the people are the owners of the country, and they determine the direction of the country by directly or indirectly electing the main officials of the country. ayatollah khamenei considered the creation of national self-confidence and a sense of ability in various fields of science and technology, medical defense and other fields as another important achievement of the revolution and added: this self-confidence , unlike the taghut era, is faced in the international arena. it is also evident with powers. spreading the thought and values ​​of the revolution, especially in the region, the relative
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success in preventing the spread of western culture as the dominant culture, the formation of popular self-help groups in all fields, and the expansion of services to all regions of the country, and the cultivation of international scientists in various fields are other successes. there were those that the leader mentioned in the evaluation of the movement of the revolution. he: in the same context, he added: some are rightly worried about the increase in the departure of some specialists. but on the other side of this issue, iran's ability to export experts is effective. the leader of the revolution in explaining another part of the dimensions of the task of looking at oneself, that is, knowing the points weaknesses and efforts to overcome them said: along with the strengths, there are also weaknesses. we have many of them, including the fact that we
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are behind in building a strong national economy, and despite the good things done , we are far from the desired point in social, economic and judicial justice, which is one of the top slogans and the biggest goals of the revolution. being behind in ridiculing social harms such as divorce and addiction and moral problems as well as distance. with the islamic lifestyle, including the extravagance of the nobility, it was another weakness that the leader of the revolution considered working and trying to fix them as everyone's duty. in explaining the duties of everyone to strengthen the strengths and eliminate the weaknesses, the government's role in the parliament and other official centers is firm determination, continuous work, health in action, voice. they read with the people and preferring national interests over personal gain and added: today, thanks to allah
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, the country's top officials have these privileges , but these positive characteristics should be spread to all levels of government officials. ayatollah khamenei listed the duty of the elites as well as the sense of responsibility to identify the dangers and threats and give them intellectual help to close them, and in explaining the many duties of the youth, he said: today, there are many young people in the body. the government is busy. young people who are the drivers of the society should prepare and develop the necessary qualifications to participate in various fields of tomorrow and fulfill heavy responsibilities. he called the duty of the general public to maintain national unity and support officials and servants and good deeds and said: everyone should note that
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performing these duties and responsibilities is an act of jihad against the enemy because they do not want these duties . be realized and for this reason they are against any good work done in the islamic republic. the leader of the revolution after explaining the dimensions of the basic duty looking at oneself in expressing the second important task, i.e. looking at the enemy, they said: we must not neglect the enemy's cunning and tricks and its tools, and at the same time, we must not make the enemy weak and helpless. we don't say, don't be afraid of him and his threats, pressures and murders. he considered the reason for the trickery and nervous pressure of iran's ill-wishers to be the strengths and progress of the islamic revolution and added: we should not be passive in front of the enemy, because their policy is to humiliate and make the other party passive.
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tomorrow is the last opportunity for the guardian council to announce the final results of the examination of the qualifications of candidates for the parliamentary elections. the flow and political groups are also finalized electoral lists say six in the next day or two. tehran university hosted political figures on saturday, and the topic of discussion is the election of science, the country should run the political system at the level of nahj al-balagheh, the political system boiled from the will of the nation and
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the dear people. we will not have a joint first party, but we have interacted with some other parties and we will present a joint first party. now he is aware that government officials do not have electoral activities , for example, a notable case. no, if there are cases other than these, the ministry of interior will follow up and then it will be prevented, that is, it will be warned that governors, governors, general managers, all managers at different levels should fully respect their neutrality. there is nothing wrong with saying that the member
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of the central council of the construction agents party criticized the policy of the reform front, mohammad qachani said that if the reform movement had the capacity to recognize the rights of all its members, 110 moderate reformists and development. to open an opening in the country , they do not make an election statement. five candidates for the 2nd parliament elections were warned. it has been reported from khorasan razavi that the head of the election inspection board of this province has warned the candidates who had early advertisements and with the intervention of the institutions, the people of the administrations. the elections will be held, ibrahim asadi bidemeshki, sed and sima news agency , we are above the threshold, we are tomorrow
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for the first vote. the followers of the previous generations of the revolution are ready to participate in the country's biggest political competition and their presence adds to the enthusiasm of the elections. to participate in the elections of the sixth term of the assembly of experts the leadership and the twelfth term of the islamic council are the first vote of three and a half million people. i feel really good that i want to choose the representative of my city. i am very happy that i want to experience voting for the first time. it feels good after all this time , we were sitting behind the tv and watching people go to the voting booths . after we turned 18, we feel very good. we are happy . we are very happy that for the first time. we are going to be effective in determining the destiny of our country. i think it's a good feeling , it gives a person a sense of being important in his own country i want to take part in the decision-making and participation. i
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am the first voter this year. i want to participate in the elections for the first time. i am very happy, god willing . if i were a representative, i would listen more to people's conversations and give more value to the youth . my country is standing and can create a better city and ultimately a better society for people like me . i will vote for those who come with a plan and don't work only for their own interests . we should also have jonah i will consult with my family and we will search for someone who is worthy and responsible . work hard for iran, there should be no one
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who comes to sit on the chair and teach the people more about the justice and fairness of the representatives, i want to vote, i want to take a positive step for the development of my country, to support my country. my people and my leader will definitely go to the polls and vote. we should not let others participate in the fate of our country instead of us. they decide, i will vote for the honor of my country, we will vote for the security of our country, for the independence of my country , we want to frustrate the enemy in this field, i can be involved in the fate of my country , blinding the eyes of all the enemies of the islamic revolution, all of us are the first to vote at the ballot box. you are ready to vote, if our voting has no effect, then don't vote so much. don't advertise , i will be one of the first people, god willing, who will be able to go to the polls
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. record the debate of candidates for the parliamentary elections to broadcast from 20 tv advertising channels continue . razavi khorasan has 12 constituencies and 12 television advertising channels. we are at your service by launching bihaq tv channel in order to review the opinions, demands and plans of the candidates of the 12th election period
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of the islamic shura assembly from your constituencies in order to realize the advertising justice of the national media . the candidates, both in the form of a 20-minute documentary and in the debate, to introduce the program and views , are very grateful to the national media for establishing an equal opportunity and media justice between the candidates. that express the point of view. i will express their opinions in connection with different topics in different areas. these debates
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are being recorded in seven areas, the most important of which are cultural, economic, efficiency of parliament, fight against corruption and rent, and the law of modesty and hijab. the supervisory board has its own supervisions before the elections, during the elections and after the elections. we were also present in this meeting so that during the meeting , if there were any violations, insults towards another thing. 124 candidates for the islamic council elections in khorasan razavi are competing for 18 representative seats in 12 constituencies. according to the instructions of sed and sima, during the advertising days, a 120-minute debate will be broadcast every day on the twelve channels of razavi khorasan , farshid abdi of mashhad sed and sima news agency. access to foreign platforms will be facilitated with the approval of the supreme council of cyberspace, access to widely used foreign platforms and services in the form of
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external social possibility shells, some of these platforms are based on the decision of the supreme council of cyberspace, the related devices should be full platforms within the next month. identify the application and provide the technical possibility for users to access their useful services. twenty-fourth exhibition. iran's media started this morning with the presence of media activists in tehran's mosque. one of the most important axes of this event is showing the activities of the resistance front media. senior hamas member hesbeh hamdan, who was one of the special guests at the opening ceremony of this exhibition , assessed the role of the resistance front media in regional equations as very important and said: media activity is part of the fight against the zionist regime.
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idp camps have been targeted by the zionist regime's air and artillery attacks. at least 13 palestinians were martyred in the early morning attacks on three camps in this city and dozens more
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people were injured. the occupying war boats also attacked the coastal areas of refah from the sea and shelled there. 10 members of a family were martyred in the bombing of gaza city. also, deir al-bala and khanyounes were targeted by artillery attacks. according to the statement of the palestinian red crescent , the zionists targeted the aam hospital building in khan yunis with tank bullets today. the director of the world health organization also said that nasser hospital complex in khanyounes is serving. this organization does not allow to enter the hospital. warnings about famine and outbreak of diseases in gaza is also increasing. the government information office in gaza announced in a report that 700,000 people have fallen ill due to displacement and the spread of the virus. refugee camps in rafah, as
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i told you. gaza has been attacked, on the other side of the story, the resistance to the clashes continues. the clashes continue in the marzieh areas of rafah . during the past hours, the zionist regime committed a massacre in the north of rafah, as a result of
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which a number of martyrs were killed. the regime committed the crime of an open area where a palestinian family lived, as a result of which 18 people were martyred and a number of others were injured. therefore, the attacks on rafah continued, and i must say that rafah is witnessing a serious and unfortunate humanitarian crisis in rafah from other areas. they came here and this itself has caused many problems , lack of food, lack of medicine, lack of water, among the severe problems faced by the palestinians in the gaza strip and in rafah, especially in the solution, i must say that the gaza strip is really facing a famine and gahdi's appointment


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