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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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tehran, we will see the first part of this conversation together. in the name of god. mrs. yuri, thank you very much for being with us in this election program. you know that the role of parliaments in any country is very important. you are the role of the parliament. the parliament in my country is very important because it is responsible for monitoring the entire government throughout the year. the parliament also checks the budget and how it is distributed. this is for everyone's benefit
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, then you will request money or budget if this if the budget is approved by the parliament, then the government allocates this budget and uses it for the construction of streets or roads for the people. also , the parliament takes care of how this money is spent and the people benefit from the construction of the road , so this role in during the year
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, i mean , is there an institution that supervises the approval of qualifications inside the parliament or outside the parliament, outside the parliament , outside the
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parliament ? those who have an id card can vote body. people who have an indonesian citizenship card can also vote. why do you choose this system? we saw indonesia in tehran, but in this part of the program, we get to know indonesia a little more. indonesian islands used to be sultanates. until the spanish and portuguese achieved it in the 16th century. the dutch east company
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took control of indonesia at the beginning of the 18th century. in 1740, the dutch suppressed the rebellion of the people of jakarta by killing 20,000 indonesians and chinese. they broke and ruled indonesia for many years. in 1907, sisi saw mangzaya, the king indonesia acted against the dutch. but the dutch colonial army defeated his army and the dutch colonial rule over indonesia became stronger. until 1942, indonesia belonged to the netherlands. until it was occupied by japan in 1942. from the middle to the end of world war ii , indonesia was under japanese occupation. with the end of the war and the surrender of the japanese forces, all japanese weapons fell into the hands of indonesian independence nationalists. in 1945, ahmad sukarno, the leader of the freedom fighters
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of this country, declared independence, which was met with opposition and the dutch campaign. but the united nations he interfered in this matter and course. the netherlands had to agree to a government called the union of indonesia and the netherlands. therefore, the representatives of the indonesian government and the government of the kingdom of the netherlands placed an american ship on the throne of the united nations and signed the cessation of hostilities on january 20, 1948, and the war between the two countries ended. the reason why indonesia and holland signed this contract on a foreign ship was because no other place to sign the contract was agreed upon by both parties. in the following years, sukarno's government sought power in a glorious manner. indonesia is in chaos at this time you caught the economic mess. the result was that in 1965 and 1966, general suharto
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was able to reverse sukarno's anti-american policy by suppressing the communist uprising. and finally remove him with the help of his fans and the army. indonesian president general suharto came to power in 1968 following the violence that occurred after a failed coup and immediately began to fight communism, which resulted in the murder of at least 500,000 people and the imprisonment of millions more. general suharto supported by the united states of america. it was during the time of general suharto due to economic recession and the weakness of indonesia's financial base and general poverty led to public demonstrations until may 19, 1998, when us secretary of state madeleine albright ordered him
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to resign. when muhammad suharto fell after 33 years of power, many indonesian people were of the opinion that the country of indonesia. well , we introduced the first part of our conversation with the political deputy of the indonesian ambassador in tehran before this video , here we will see the second part of the conversation with him, please stay with us.
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my other question is about how to advertise the election. yes, members of the legislature can work. they talk and people choose them. that's mean about their own program and missions for the people , is there any special law in this field? responsible election committee. all regulations and how to hold election campaigns and candidates' dialogue with the people
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, all of these have regulations. can they use government facilities for advertising ? no, absolutely , i ca n't. the punishment will be in such a way that each level of the province or national is different. sometimes in a province, participation is high because all the people decide to vote in some provinces, maybe because they are far away, they vote by mail.
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since i used to work in a very developed country, i was in denmark, and the role of the parliament is very important. in my opinion, people's participation is also very high. i think that in indonesia , people's participation is also high, maybe in the future for good and development. my people will get better and better. if a
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member of the parliament abuses his power during his term of representation in the parliament, what will the government do to him and whether he can be elected in the next term, i.e. become a candidate or not? yes, this is the case now discussion subjet. i don't know what the exact regulations are, but i think that in the previous elections in 2019, people who committed crimes or were in prison could not become members of parliament. i mean , the committee you mentioned investigates the investigation of the crime or another organization does it, who is responsible for this. at the disposal of the police, because when someone applies for membership in the parliament, he must
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also present a certificate of good conduct from the police. now, if a person is convicted of a crime, how does the electoral law deal with him? police informed about this he is not allowing it. what do you think about iran's elections? i haven't seen it yet because i just came to iran two years ago, but i will soon see it in iran. how will the election be? i think it will be held in march.
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how long have you been living in iran? two years. d years and 2 months. if you want to describe iran to your relatives and malaysian people, how would you describe it? before i came to iran, i thought that i was a little afraid. before
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i came to iran, my wife's father. he told me not to go there, be careful about the war, maybe he was always thinking about the 80s war in iran. come, i spoke with the indonesian ambassador here and the ambassador said there is no problem and you can
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come to the peaceful country and there is no need to worry. in iran, especially for women and other men, they must have no idea about women in islam. i think if they know about women in islam, their opinion might change. i think it is like that, but as you know, sometimes it will be very difficult for westerners, i mean westerners who have no religion.
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we have reached the end of this program from the collection of window programs. in the next programs , we will travel to other countries and learn more about their political structure . until the next program and the next window , i leave you to god. goodbye. vice president
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of research and technology of the ministry of health at the meeting of vice presidents of research of medical sciences universities across the country. he informed about the permission to build 15 science and technology parks in the country and said: the creation of suitable infrastructure and scientific production that leads to products and wealth is one of the most important programs of this ministry of health in the field of health technology. now we have about 140 companies we have scientists that in 1407 this should reach more than 6 thousand only in the field of health, the indicators of macro ranking. the number of scientific companies in the field of health has doubled and almost as many as before when
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we had about 700 companies of scientists in the field of health. during these two years, the same number has been added and we have reached the figure of over 1400 companies of scientists in the field of health. the establishment of health innovation centers for converting ideas into products was one of the other news of this summit. one of the gaps that if we can fill that gap will help a lot in the growth of the knowledge-based economy, it is removing the obstacles to production and commercialization that is, if we can help to commercialize the prototype products that were produced in the knowledge bases of health and get the necessary licenses and enter the market, witness one. we will be a lot of health scientists in the field of economics. currently, the share of health products with medium to high technology in the gdp
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is less than half a percent. a share that should be reached in the next 5 years. the share of research is very low. if we want to update our equipment, start new research stations, it is necessary to use the gross national income. commercialized product from success there is technology in shahid beheshti university of medical sciences. the entry of 65 medical sciences universities in the world rankings in 2023 was one of the other news that the vice president of research put forward. we now have more than 22,000 academics in the field of health in the country, and about 16
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% of these articles are articles that are shared with international societies, which means that they are jointly published under the title of international articles, and about 25% of these articles are among the pus. the first is the quality of research. fortunately, this year in the times ranking, which is a global ranking , we were able to get the first rank of the whole country, an improvement of 200 ranks. university of medical sciences. in the times ranking, in another ranking called webometrics, we reached the third place, our student research committee
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was ranked first in the country and 5 stars, and our ethics committee also won the first national rank in the leiden ranking, we reached below 500 in webometrics system , which was published in january 2024. with the rank of 606 , we showed a growth of 20 places, and we are currently the second university of medical sciences in the country and the third university in the country after tehran university and tehran university of medical sciences. it is medium to high in the new region, the share that should reach the second rank by 1407. we have now reached the export of some of the products that they have in our university. neighboring countries, turkey and pakistan, azerbaijan, even some hospital beds
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are exported to european countries, hungary , germany , holland. disease diagnostic kits, cancer diagnostic kits and products. one of the most important goals of this two-day meeting is to review the needs the field of health is the latest state of disease burden and issues such as the youth of the population, climate change and family health, for which tasks have been assigned to the health research department in universities of medical sciences. in a letter to the university, we told the university that 5% of the country's budget should go to the research of the youth of the population.
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in the field of research, we can achieve the desired position that has been drawn in the next 5 years. many of the products that are produced are in fact stopped and slow at the stage of obtaining licenses from the food and drug organization or the general directorate of medical equipment. again , it is one of the bottlenecks in product entry into the market, which can be investigated and solved. but the need for equipment. we have a lot of research funds that should be helped to provide these modern equipments for our researchers . if they do more research , we will see very good effects in the coming years. investing in the presence of human resources brings the highest returns for the country, especially the young academic staff.
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he renewed the year with a fresher and cleaner house, or while playing in front of the tv, or by buying a few new clothes, or even he can renew the year with a deep sleep, but whatever it is, it is good to renew the year with a discount. from march 1st to 7th, up to 70% discount it's better than anywhere you want to buy groceries. pay attention to these points. what does the consumer price of the remaining cash mean? let's say the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans . now calculate the remaining cash. if you can pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans . now we have to pay these four million from if we reduce the consumer price, that is 20 minus 4, then our debt will be 16 million tomans, so installments and fees should be based on
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this. it should be calculated, and be aware that the installment fee should be from zero to 1 percent. home appliance city. good evening, dear compatriots, at 17:00 another news is that in new constructions, compliance with the standard of electric chargers was required. the director of electric vehicle project of the ministry of samit said that these standards have been notified to the engineering system organization. now they have to compile this standard in new maps in the basic agreement


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