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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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at the factory price, now is the time for an unrepeatable discount in the beheshti carpet sales festival from 5th of bahman to 5th of march. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , good night. it's 11:00 p.m. and i am at your service with some news. in a meeting with the representative of the caretaker government of afghanistan, iran's special representative for afghan affairs called the defense of the afghan people the basis of tehran's diplomacy. mr. kazami qaumi said that the people of iran and afghanistan are neighbors in the areas of common civilization, same religion and culture. are the same iran's special representative
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for afghanistan emphasized that if europe is willing to it is to help the people of afghanistan, it should not hold humanitarian aid hostage to its regional relations. the general director of education of the cities of tehran province said: foreign students do not stop studying for any reason if they do not have a unique code. masoud bahrami added more than 100. thousands of medical students are studying in schools in tehran province . the 12-digit code is an alternative to the national code of citizens residing inside iran. 12 media from 8 countries of afghanistan, pakistan, turkey, tunisia, iraq, yemen, palestine and... nan
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participated in the 24th iran media exhibition they did the 24th iranian media exhibition started today at imam khomeini mosque and continues until the second wednesday of march. the organizers of this exhibition invited a number of media activists of the resistance axis to this exhibition with the aim of reflecting the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza . the two-day international meeting on afghanistan under the leadership of the secretary general of the united nations will begin today in doha. the taliban government announced that their conditions for attending this meeting have not been met and they consider it useless to participate in it. taliban in the 90th minute of attending the international meeting in doha he drew pops with the topic of afghanistan. the ministry of foreign affairs of the government of afghanistan announced in a statement that
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the appointment of a special representative for afghanistan and women's rights are among the focal points of this meeting. our concern about afghanistan is the issue of human dignity, human rights and... women and girls. this meeting is to exchange opinions about afghanistan. in this meeting, meetings will be held to exchange views with the taliban, civil society and women. but america's influence in the united nations meetings of this organization has led to from the taliban to the opponents of the taliban government , they look at this meeting with skepticism. the main concern is that the european countries , especially the united states, through the united nations, will follow the plan that
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only the representatives of the caretaker government of afghanistan will attend this meeting on behalf of afghanistan, and in addition to that, the meeting and discussion of the acting minister of foreign affairs with the secretary general the united nations should be provided in this meeting. the government of afghanistan is participating in this meeting two weeks ago in the meeting of the regional contact committee which was held at the initiative of iran in kabul. taliban from partner countries in this meeting, the organizer asked to reflect the realities of afghanistan in the second meeting. we request that in the upcoming meeting in doha, the objective realities of today's afghanistan will be brought to the understanding of far away. there are many issues that can be raised in this meeting. the foreign blocked afghanistan by
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america is one of them. meanwhile, some groups have requested that the voices of the victims of nato's 20-year war in afghanistan should not be heard. to be heard behnam yazni of kabul radio and television news agency. director of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of mashhad university of medical sciences, treating 40 patients in the last one year, razavi reported that he was suffering from malaria in khorasan. zahra nehbandanian said that due to the spread of some diseases in neighboring countries , border checks are being implemented for foreign citizens, and a total of 600,000 checks have been registered during this period. lady. bandani added that 47 patients with tuberculosis were identified and treated in atba's tuberculosis screening campaign by conducting 3,000 screenings this year. khorasan razavi children's cancer support institute also supports the children of atbaa who are affected by this disease
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. the managing director of this institution said that in this institution , the patient's race, nationality, religion and culture are not important now a number of foreign children with cancer. they are also covered by support services. shima sharifi added that the cost of treating non-iranian children with cancer is more than iranian children because they are not covered by insurance. the managing director of khorasan rezai cancer support institute announced an agreement with mashhad university of medical sciences to reduce the treatment costs of atwa cancer children. to get important news about immigrants, to investigate and deal with various issues of afghan life in iran, and to see the reports broadcasted in this news section, it is enough and our channels in the space you can join the virtual address of sain mohajeran 23.
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you can also visit our website for more detailed news related to afghanistan. follow an afghani in iran. in the three cities of mallard, islamshahr and baharestan, the project of the working group to organize atba and foreign immigrants was held. in this plan, illegal immigrant nationals are returned to their own country after being identified , authorized citizens benefit from the services of the islamic republic of iran. working group for organizing atba and mohajer. in tehran province , we provide services to our immigrant loved ones who live legally in our country in addition to these issues that we have and the services that we provide to these loved ones in iran , based on the general policies of the system
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, the necessary follow-ups are being done regarding the return of illegal immigrants to their country. this is being followed up seriously in tehran province. can this working group is identified as the press of illegal immigrants. people who enter the country illegally and do not have any residency documents are collected in tehran province , transferred to the care camp of tehran province on the side of askabad, and from there they are transferred to the border to leave the country. plan the organization of foreign immigrants has been carried out in three of the 16 cities of tehran province. in coordination with the honorable governors. tehran province and the police chiefs of east west and fateb have said that this plan will continue with strength and seriousness and this plan will continue until the last unauthorized nationals are present in tehran province , those who
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have the necessary permits to stay in the country. the discussion of organizing their employment will be done, and those people who are illegal foreigners without the necessary permits in the city, the necessary measures will be taken for their return by dear friends, the directorate general of foreign nationals of tehran governorate will be carried out. according to the head of the directorate general of foreign immigrants of tehran governorate, since the beginning of the year, 60,000 illegal immigrants have been returned to their country. but besides this discussion of organizing employment, i would like to offer you the specialized use of actually. we have the required expertise and we have the authorized nerves
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. use of foreign weapons unauthorized in the markets and companies of this city in terms of legal and regulations. if the supervisors of union and employer affairs do not comply with the law prohibiting the employment of foreign nationals, the commander of their union activity license will stare at these photos
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and let the eyes of someone sleep while you are awake. who is not asleep, come to the sea , don't doubt that this day is not a swamp , this road is due to his pursuit and efforts. whose name and photo are engraved on the signs of the city , he was a very honest person, very good, very literate people, saifullah
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abdul karimi is the representative of langro in the first round of the parliament. in the name of god. he was a good person when he was represented by himself , he was not far from the people. i gave it to many people who tried because mr. abdul karimi was a teacher and also taught arabic . he received his bachelor's degree in islamic philosophy and wisdom from the classes of professors such as mr. motahari and muftah, an honors student. being an excellent student and having a scholarship given by the government
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he didn't accept you because he didn't accept you , he didn't accept you. ferdowsi was in mashhad. the revolution was expelled from ferdowsi university of mashhad, even though they were in charge of a professorship. after the revolution, with the formation of the islamic revolution committee as the head of this institution in the city. negrod was selected and of course he resumed his classes in ferdowsi
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, mashhad. spending most of his time fighting grok it was distracting. it is the first years of the revolution and the islamic council is being formed. mr. seifullah abdulkarimi also became a candidate for the first parliament as a representative of langrot. this was his word. if he finds someone better than me. but the people considered him better and mr. abdul karimi became langrod's official representative in the parliament. he said to someone , "is this my family, or is he a foreigner? i should raise this gentleman and drop that gentleman. no, his religion was good, he was strong , and the responsibility he considered a trust." all honorable representatives. majlis, the subject of majlis representation is considered as a trust, a trust for him from
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agricultural land, education, tea plantations and roads , in relation to agricultural issues, they paid special attention, because they were proud to be a farmer , we brought the factory, we didn't take delivery, we returned it , we brought it to the open market. before his martyrdom in the provincial parliament, o statesmen , listen to the words of this sage. if you can or don't want to, wait for that day , whether you want to or not. mr. seifullah abdul karimi
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was martyred along with 71 other people on july 7, 1360, in the office of the islamic republic party. a burden from today will make you fall for a lifetime the meeting of research assistants of medical sciences universities across the country from mojbet. he informed about the construction of 15 science and technology parks in the country and said: the creation of suitable infrastructure and scientific production that leads to product and wealth is one of the most important programs of this ministry in the field of health technology. now we have about 140,000 and 40 scientific companies, which should
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reach over 6,000 in the year 1407, only in the field of health . the number of scientific companies in the field of health has doubled and is almost the same as before, when we had about 700 companies of scientists in the field of health. these two years. the same number was added and we reached the number of over 1400 companies of scientists in the field of health. another news of this summit was the establishment of a health innovation center to transform ideas into products. one of the gaps that, if we can fill that gap, will help a lot in the growth of the knowledge- based economy, removing the barriers to production and commercialization. that is
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, if we can help, sample products. let's commercialize the initial ones that were produced in health knowledge bases and get the necessary licenses and enter the market , we will witness a great development in the field of health knowledge based economy. both currently, the share of health products with medium to high technology in the gdp is less than half a percent, a share that should be reached in the next 5 years. contribution of research. there is a need to allocate more of the gross national income to research. 250 knowledge-based companies and 350 commercialized products
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are the result of technological successes in the field of urban medical sciences. entry of 65 universities of medical sciences in 2023 to global rankings. it was another piece of news that the vice president of research brought up. we now have over 22,000 academics in the field of health in the country, of which about 1,600 are academics. researchers are about 7%. it is interesting to know that over 35% of scientists, 1% in the field of health, are from this group of 1,600, and about 30% of researchers and open technology researchers are from this group. the articles are articles that are shared with international forums, which means that they are published jointly with the title of international articles, and
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about 25% of these articles are among the first category of research quality. fortunately, this year we were able to get the first rank of the whole country in the times ranking, which is a global ranking, an improvement of 200 ranks. isfahan university of medical sciences ranked third in the times ranking, in another ranking called webometrics, our student research committee ranked first in the country and five stars, and our ethics committee also ranked first in the country in the leyden ranking. we reached below 500 in the webbox system, which was published in january 2024, with a rank of 606 , we showed an increase of 20 places, and
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we are currently the second university of medical sciences in the country and the third university in the country after tehran university and tehran university of medical sciences. according to the research deputy of the ministry of health , the export ranking of iranian products with medium to high technology in the new region, there is a share that should reach the second rank by 1407. we have now reached the point of exporting some of the products that are produced in our university. we have exported to the neighboring countries of turkey and pakistan, azerbaijan, and even some hospital beds to european countries, hungary, germany, holland . we sold about 300 billion tomans of technological products last year. disease diagnostic kits , cancer diagnostic kits and products are among the most important goals of this two-day meeting to examine the needs of the latest health sector the state of the burden of disease and issues such as the youth of the population
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, climate change and family health, for which the health research department in the universities of medical sciences is responsible for 5% of the country's research budget, we had told the university in a letter that youth research should be population. how many percent of these research projects used these funds and how much of their progress will be removed and what obstacles will be removed in the field of our research , we can achieve the desired position that has been drawn in the next 5 years. food organization the general administration of medical equipment has actually stopped. there are that this is one of the bottlenecks of entering the product into the market, which can be investigated and solved. we need up-to-date equipment
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, which should be helped to provide this up-to-date equipment for our researchers. if they spend a little more on research budgets , we will see very good effects in the coming years. investment. being present in the human resources department brings the most efficiency for the country, especially the young faculty, discussing their ranks, discussing their attraction, discussing their stability, and discussing their longevity was a share, but now it is very low. if the university , god willing, the limit specified by the law is up to 2% .
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even at a short distance from the palestinian-egyptian border , palestinian refugees from all parts of gaza came to rafah, a city that the occupying army has threatened to attack . what does the arrival of the invaders in rafah mean? we were in vietnam at the beginning of the war. from there we went to jabalia camp and from jabalia we went to ashrati refugee camp.
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it is like the occupiers for their massacre they pinged. everyone knows that the occupiers asked the residents of northern gaza to go to the south following their frequent bombings, and later asked the residents of this area to go to rafah with the brutal bombardment of khanyounos. here people got stuck in a trap. because rafah is full of tents and plastic tents and there are no facilities for transportation. we demand pressure from the international community on the zionist regime to prevent it. we are recovering from the attack. we ask all governments to take all necessary measures to prevent this disaster that the occupiers are planning to commit.
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some of the residents of gaza live in rafah . the occupation's military operations in this place will have more threats and dangers for the residents of this area than in other areas. there is no escape here. washland prize raffle festival. congratulations on your new home. the first prize is a two -bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary in washland, a land full of places.
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2 o'clock in the morning in tehran, i am your host. sometimes the path to progress is not smooth. your service contract. well, all the documents are complete. only warranty monkey. this is the guarantee, the guarantee of nations. to nation's guarantee, the path of your business progress is always smooth. issuance of all kinds of company guarantees in
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trade and tender. fulfilling obligations, doing good work and making advance payments for individuals and legal entities is easier than ever to be offered at the branches of the nation credit institution , nation guarantee, it is enough from wherever we are going to buy goods, it is better to pay attention to these points . what does the remaining cash consumer price mean now? i'm telling you, let's assume that the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans. now , calculate the remaining amount. if we pay 20% in advance , it will be 4 million tomans. now we have to pay this four million. if we subtract from the consumer price, that is, 20 minus 4 , then our debt will be 16 million tomans, so installments and commissions should be calculated based on this amount . also, be aware that the installments commission should be from zero to finally 1
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%. and the servant is cleaning or playing in front of the tv, or by buying a few new clothes, or even you can renew the year with a deep sleep, but whatever it is, it is good to renew the year with a discount . discount.
9:00 pm
hello, welcome to news 21. ayatollah khamenei's appreciation for the magnificent presence of the people in march 22 in the eyes of the people, in the literal sense of the word, revolutionary pride from themselves because of the 22 bahman.


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