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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 4:00am-4:32am IRST

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at 4 o'clock, the head of the atomic energy organization announced the capability of this organization in the production of nuclear instrumentation systems. according to mr. eslami, these systems are control tools and are used in various industries. all of these are nuclear, and today more than 150 large industrial complexes are using nuclear precision instrument systems to build.
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salaman is nuclear energy and this is expanding in various processes. well, a series of these industries , their equipment and processes are completely imported , so long as they are not damaged , they do not need repair or support. it is natural that they do not need it, but as soon as it breaks down and stops their process , they need it, then the manufacturer doesn't sell it to them , it doesn't even repair it, so we follow these requests as a problem-centered issue and we give them a solution one by one, in fact, we can do the same to our colleagues. they can make it , give it to them, and they can replace it with atomic energy production systems. the managing director of the agricultural partnerships company says that this company will be connected to the window system of the land management unit by the end of bahman. reducing the processing time of land applicant requests and faster identification. unauthorized change of land use
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one of the system features of the window is the land management unit. 3 years ago, i went to agricultural jihad for a cold storage permit, unfortunately, they lost our case. the launch of the window system of the land management unit has reduced paperwork and the return of land applicants to different departments. it has caused service and answers from 150. reduce to 36 days. but samani panghre of the land management unit, despite its one-year operation, is still facing the inefficiency of some devices. any lack of attention and activity of one device will unfortunately disrupt the functioning of other devices. agricultural settlements company with the construction of 228 livestock and fishing villages in different parts of the country is one of the devices that are fully connected in the window system of the land management unit. it has not been realized
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. agricultural settlements company used to enter this system as a special land applicant and actually own the land for the establishment of settlements, but what is being pursued now is that we, as a trustee who in fact, we acquired the land to be linked in this system, and with the coordination and meetings we had , this will finally happen by the end of february, according to the technical deputy and the executive of the agricultural settlements company has uploaded the location maps of the settlements under the ownership of this company in the systems of the country's mapping organization . we have coordinated these with the country's mapping organization so that we can upload these lands to this land system based on their geographical coordinates, so that when people want to express their demand, they can register this land in the name of shahrakha company in this system. the managing director of the agricultural settlements company also says that the issuance of permits for private settlements through the window of the land management unit will be realized soon. we are only in one
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we have not finalized the case yet, the necessary worksheets have been prepared and compiled based on the notified instructions , that is, private settlements, with the favorable promise given by the ministry of economy and our friends, we will be able to describe in february and approximately 100 things will happen, according to the secretary of the steering council. the window system of the land management unit, out of 42 devices, 18 devices were either not connected to this system or only partially connected, which is a small number of devices. they have until the end of the year to fully connect to this system. ahmed hamiri , sed and broadcasting news agency. deputy minister of commerce, jahid agriculture, said that the meat market needs more than imports it is compensated and by increasing the supply of livestock in the spring, the domestic demand for red meat is met . in the second 6 months of the year, the supply of domestic livestock to the market decreases. well, it's the taxi season.
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we will have more domestic livestock supply in the next season which is spring. we are facilitating the supply deficit from domestic livestock sources through more imports. we average daily. 200, to some extent, the deficit of the market needs will be compensated. when do you think the meat market will stabilize? we hope, god willing , that we are importing 300 tons of hot meat per day, which we are trying to explain in high consumption centers that up to in the spring, when the volume of domestic production will be more in the market , we will have better stability in the field of meat market . going forward, in new constructions, compliance with the standards of electric chargers will be required . it has been announced that now they have to compile this standard, in fact, in new maps, in the agreement of new principles, in fact , to announce this discussion of home chargers. hassan karimi senjari
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said that electric charging stations will be developed in tehran and cities like tabriz and isfahan. it turned around 100 thousand the taxi system can expand 4,000 buses and something like 400,000 electric motorcycles in a period of 3 to 5 years in the country. well, naturally , the machines that benefit from this program are clear, that is, the ministry of energy should come in the field of development. electricity should work in the field of the ministry of petroleum. in fact, the effect of replacing fuels, in fact, electricity instead of fossil fuels , make the necessary investment and become a stock market citizen. according to the managing director of the shahrvand store
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, the shares of this store are supposed to be offered on the stock market. the shahrvand store is a subsidiary of tehran municipality and general policy law, article 44 of competition. non-governmental public institutions with the private sector are prohibited. and as for my reminder, a reminder about 30 years of activity. despite the abundant use of the city's resources, unfortunately , it has not been able to develop its own brand as an internal brand belonging to the city. karkari citizen store is a store affiliated with a public and non-governmental organization. the municipality of tehran has been in charge of the management of shahrvand store for 30 years, which has not been assigned such a task in the law of municipalities. we had the same discussion as to how much he should involve himself in the fact that at the time of its establishment, the
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citizen company was actually something separate from the municipality. the administration's opinion, and in the interpretation of what they say, running a store and this was not the work of the city itself, of course, the lack of competition of such institutions with the private sector has been emphasized many times in these three decades , we have repeated this many times. do not compete with private companies. people do the production. the leader's approach the revolution refers to the general policies of article 44. policies that emphasize the non-competition of non-governmental public institutions with the private sector. in the field of activities of non-governmental public institutions, what has happened in our country until today seems to be a defect in
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the laws and the implementation of the laws and the supervision of the implementation of the laws in the field of company management. corporate and various fields of fighting corruption. the latest follow-up from the ceo of sarvand store shows that the stock exchange of this store is on the agenda. our goal is to move toward the stock exchange of shahrvand group, god willing his preparations were thought out by the honorable vice chancellor of finance and economy and the honorable mayor of tehran. giving the citizen store to the people is an introduction to other companies of non-governmental public institutions that compete with the private sector. are also out of this competition. fatemeh khan ahmadi, radio and television news agency. until the next part.
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sleep is in the eyes of someone who reminds you of waking up, but standing is only our job, we, whose story is not a story of sleep, come and put your heart into the sea, don't doubt that at the end of this day, i will die. these pieces of paper
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were found on the first day of march 1964 near ahvaz. among the plane wreckage in tehran, ahvaz. the plane whose passengers are leaving they were the front. this unfinished note is one of the passengers of that plane. hojjat al-islam seyyed abulqasem mousavi damghani in at the age of 14, he decided to become a student. at the age of 20, he goes to qom. a little later, he will visit the house of ayatollah khomeini. he brings the imam's announcement, we used to take care of him there. i will present these declarations as an arrow, which had an arrow. you could place arrows and such in this arm. it takes you to different cities, long ways. this is a picture of his presence in ayatollah khomeini's speech. in aban 134, 45, while distributing the proclamation of hazrat
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imam dastgir, he was transferred to ghazalgholeh prison and there he was 61 on the day he was tortured, in the last days of the struggle against taghut , he was also a member of the imam's welcoming committee . the revolution that won returned to his hometown damghan, the founder of islamic revolutionary committee of irgc and revolutionary court, damghan became imam's representative in the 7-member land division delegation of semnan province , with the invasion of hizb-e-iraq, he went to khuzestan to preach. it was in 1960 that he came as a missionary from the scientific field of qom. at the suggestion of one of the scholars of khuzestan, imam juma
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of the city of ramhormoz in the south of khuzestan, we are surprised at that time, for example, we asked a cleric to stand so firmly on the martyr's point of view. it is the winter of 1962 , the atmosphere of the country has become electoral, and the popularity he had among the people made him think that mr. damghani should be a candidate. he, after consulting some scholars , accepted that he should be a candidate in ramhormoz city. he was known in the cities of haftkal and ramshir with numerous speeches and was able to get a total of 28,500 votes and was elected when he reached the parliament . he could hear anything he could help they do he went from village to village and visited the attentions he had , he did not forget rome,
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he did not forget the family of the martyr of khuzestan. he did not forget the references of people in tehran. in the speeches before his order in the parliament, he also said about influence, these come in with the stick of expertise, they make themselves look very big and important, and they play a game of chinese chess with the hope that we should beware of the danger of these. also from eliminating discrimination. is deprivation and justice respected in providing water, roads and other basic services, and how much have we been able to fulfill the hopes of those good and selfless people? keep to the goals of the revolution and the problems of his constituency, the drinking water project of ram hormuz has been in progress for several years and has not yet been completed. it was in the evening, i came to pass by the parliament, then i saw a cleric coming from onur with a drop of oil in his hand, mr. damghani. i went to him, i said, sir
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, where have you been, he said, i went across the street, i got a can of oil, i said, sir , you should not go anywhere without our permission , he said no, it was my personal job, tell him to open the door , that i don't know, put him in a special place. see where you are on the road of love. countdown to the 12th election the session of the islamic council has begun. the holding of electronic elections has been questioned in every election period. the advantage of electronic elections is that the process of voting, counting and announcing the votes of the elections is done completely electronically and with the help of computers. the plan to amend the articles was at the beginning of june, when the members of parliament specified the role of electronic elections in the revision of the election law
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. the ministry of interior is obliged to make a program in such a way that at least one week before the day of taking the general vote, the process and electronic facilities for holding the election are registered with the approval of the guardian council. reach now, in this election period, the law has shown the way to hold electronic elections. article 110 of the election law says: the ministry of interior is obliged to speed up the counting of votes and attendance and participation, taking into account the ease of voting, upon the approval of the guardian council. a group of representatives had gone to the operational areas to rebel. from that day, only this manuscript
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remained for his family. dad, you saw my life . you saw that i was always trying and working and serving. but again i did nothing and could not taste the sweet nectar of the knowledge of god and islam. on march 1, 1964, news arrived that the officials' plane was on its way to the front the bess regime has been attacked. mr. mousavi damghani was one of the passengers of that flight. now we have no news about the situation at home. opening the door of his house is a nightmare. aunt and cousin
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the countdown to holding the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council has started. the issue of holding electronic elections has been questioned in every election cycle. the advantage of electronic elections is that the process of voting, counting and announcing the votes of the elections is done completely electronically and with the help of computers. the plan to amend the articles was at the beginning of june, which the members of parliament were considering. amendment of the law elections determined the task of electronic elections . the ministry of interior is obliged to prepare the program in such a way that the guardian council approves the general process and electronic facilities for holding the election at least one week before the day of voting . now, in this election period, the law
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has shown the way to hold electronic elections. article 110 of the election law says: the ministry of interior is obliged, upon the approval of the guardian council, to speed up the counting of votes and voter participation in at least one-eighth of the constituencies. to hold a multi-seat parliament completely electronically. in its recent meeting, the guardian council agreed with the proposal of the ministry of interior to hold electronic elections within the framework specified in article 110 of the election law of the islamic parliament. according to the agreement of the guardian council and the ministry of interior, four areas are ready to hold electronic elections in this period, abadan rushd and qom and malair are our four constituencies that are electronic. now
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, what is the mechanism of electronic elections in these four constituencies ? vote with one of the id cards they go to the polling place and after authentication of the people, our operator comes, he puts the national card or birth certificate or passport on the scanner that is here, it is connected to the system of the ministry of interior , after 5 seconds, the person's information comes to us, saying that he is in custody. hayat is alive, he has not voted before. if a person wants to go to another branch to vote again , he will be met with opposition. this is also the electro -kiss identification card that replaced the paper tariffs for voting. by putting this card on the machine , it turns green, it means that they are you can vote for the candidate i already had here. come in i do it, it shows me his details, if i made a mistake, i can correct it, say, for example
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, i want to vote for another person. in this process, the counting of votes will be done electronically. when the election process ends, for example, at 11 o'clock , we will collect the information from this card. you can enter the device through our user information sends it to the systems of the ministry of interior , where we find out exactly how much the candidate in question has brought into that fund at that branch, fatemeh alikhani of the sed and broadcasting news agency. the vice president of research and technology of the ministry of health
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announced the permission to build 15 science and technology parks in the country at the meeting of vice presidents of research of medical sciences universities across the country and said: creating suitable infrastructure and scientific production that leads to product and wealth is one of the most important programs. this ministry is in the field of health technology. now, we have about 140 companies of scientists that per year 100. equaled and almost equal to the number before when we had about 700 scientific companies in the health field, during these two years, the same number has been added and
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we have reached the figure of over 1400 scientific companies in the health field, the establishment of health innovation centers to transform ideas into products also, this summit was one of the gaps that if we can fill that gap , it will greatly help the growth of the knowledge-based economy. let's commercialize and get the necessary licenses take it and enter the market , we will see a lot of development in the field of knowledge-based health economy . now the share of health products. with medium to high technology , it is less than half a percent of gdp, the share that should be reached in the next 5 years , the share of
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research is very low . more share should be allocated to research, 250 knowledge-based companies, 350 commercialized products. one of the technological successes in shahid beheshti university of medical sciences is the entry of 65 the university of medical sciences in 2023 was among the other news that the vice president of research put forward in the world rankings. we now have more than 22,000 faculty members in the field of health in the country, of which about 1,600 are faculty members.
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being articles that are shared with international forums means jointly with under. being published as international articles and about 25 % of these articles are among the first quality of research. fortunately, this year in the times ranking, which is a global ranking, we were able to get the first rank of the whole country. isfahan medicine was ranked third in the times ranking, in another ranking called "behbo metric ", our student research committee was ranked first in the country and five stars, and our ethics committee was also ranked
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first. in the leiden ranking, we reached below 500 in the webometrics system, which was published in january 2024, with a rank of 606 . we are medical sciences in tehran, according to the vice president of research of the ministry of health , the export rating of iranian products with medium to high technology in the new region, there is a share that should reach the second rank by 1407. we have now reached the point of exporting some of the products produced in our university to the neighboring countries of turkey and pakistan, azerbaijan , and even some hospital beds to european countries, hungary, germany, holland . we spent about 300 billion tomans last year.
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we were selling technological products, a significant part of these were exports, and most of our exports were in the field of diagnostic kits, disease kits , cancer diagnostic kits, and pharmaceutical and laboratory products , one of the most important goals of this two-day meeting. the needs of the health sector are the latest disease burden and issues such as the youth of the population, climate change, and family health, for which the health research department in medical universities is responsible for 5% of the country's research budget . we told the university in a letter that it should go to the research in the youth field of the population. now in this meeting , it should be determined how many percent of these research projects will use these funds , how much progress will be made, and what obstacles will be removed in the field of research. we do a lot of products that
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in the process of obtaining licenses from the food and drug organization or the general administration of medical equipment , they are in fact slow and slow . we need up-to-date equipment , which should be helped to provide this up-to-date equipment for our researchers.
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if we gather all the low incomes in one point, we have gathered the crisis in one point . at the 17th meeting of builders and designers of the country, the activists of the construction industry considered issues such as taxes and inflation among the important problems in the field of housing construction , the biggest obstacle to increasing the duration. issuance of licenses
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law. and in fact, the increase in the rate of government debt, which is suddenly imposed on the building document , the price of the property, the price of housing, is the result of three things, the price of the land , the executive fee and the government debt. why did the bill win ? social security collects 25% of the licensing fee again. i do not understand the meaning of this topic at all, what is the service. it happens that when should the price be paid again , the consumer should pay insurance in the area of ​​taxation, in the area of ​​licensing, these are serious challenges for the license builder, when you lose a long time , this has an effect on the finished price and taxes. when there is multiplicity, whether it is in the field of laws or in the field of implementation and taste in insurance
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, the output is the same for the consumer , the increase in construction fees is harmful and increases the price of the finished housing. there is no obligation now that these they don't know next year. what will happen, are the prices going to increase , what will happen to the wages, the municipality is going to raise the taxes by how many percent , according to experts in the field of housing, industrialization means the use of new technologies of light materials, which will reduce the price of housing and increase the speed of construction it helps is one of the solutions for more people to become homeowners, the problem is not a technology problem. the problem is not industrialization, the problem is that our friends don't believe in us. housing has been produced in our country for years, more than needed, but people who need housing still remain in need. this shows a big question mark that
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economists, politicians and builders we have to answer each other about this issue and the policy makers need foreigners to enter


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