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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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in the matter of complications, how many percentages are going to be raised , according to experts in the field of housing, industrialization means the use of new technologies and lightweight materials that help to reduce the cost of housing and increase the speed of construction . the problem is not technology, the problem is not industrialization, the problem is that friends do not believe in us, housing in our country was produced in years before the need, but people who need housing still remain in need . this shows a big question mark that economic experts politicians and builders should be together we don't need foreigners to enter for construction, we need to allow technology to enter and facilitate its permits, and the same for the private sector.
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in my opinion, this necessity should exist in today's iranian society. i have absolutely no problem with bringing in an outside contractor. i have absolutely no problem with bringing any industry. but first, let us provide the platform for the private sector and connect it to the global market. learn to negotiate with the private sector. the private sector should know what to do when it goes abroad. in addition to
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the legal requirement for industrialization, there are recent news it has been published about the entry of foreign investors and employers into the country's construction industry. we invited chinese companies to invest in the country. one of the sectors that will invest is the housing sector. these negotiations have been going on for about two to three months and an implicit agreement has been reached in 19, 18, 16 and 15 of these areas, most of the target areas. their construction technology is a new technology that is produced in the workshops and installed on site, but experts and activists of the country's construction industry do not consider this necessary and consider the internal capacity sufficient in the field. we have no shortage of industrialization and technology. our engineers are really first class and we are experts in the production of daneshbo products. trust in the private sector
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, we can build the country of iran with these children, we have nothing to lose , we have nothing to lack, in relation to the thoughts of industrialization, we can industrialize . in my opinion, it is a good thing, we should introduce a red carpet , and by the way, in my opinion, the private sector of iran should cooperate with the private sector of other countries, but i did not see the municipality introducing projects in the sector. our private sector has failed or has not entered and has not used the wealth that the private sector has now. in my opinion, neither the government nor the municipal sector has used the capacity of the private sector
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. it was built in the mid-1900s. 70 was taken. the merkava project had opponents within the zionist regime due to its high costs. but the supporters believed that the merkava would be a revolution in the field of tanks . this regime will be recognized as a symbol of technology in the world. america offered to sell its abrams tank to us. but the minister of defense and
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israeltal from the senior commanders of the army rejected this offer. it was in 1979 that the first version of merkava was made and entered the army. in the following years and after the construction of versions 2 and 3. it was time for the fourth version, which was made in 2004. according to the announcement of the military industry of the zionist regime, the fourth version was equipped with anti-missile systems, radars, advanced thermal sensors and a laser warning system. but less than two years
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later, in 2006. the first battlefield for. the show of the fourth version of the merkava began, among other versions . these pictures are related to the 33-day war. tanks that the builders use as chariots of the gods they said they were moving towards the borders of lebanon. according to published information, in the first days, 50 merkavas were targeted by hezbollah. he was waiting for the tanks, he knew exactly how to hit them. they knew exactly where the tank's vulnerable points were. we
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lost a lot of military tanks in that war. the war ended, and the review of the merkaba's performance began. according to the information , more than six and a half billion dollars had been spent on developing and upgrading the tank before 206. now, with the vulnerability in the war against hezbollah, the future is uncertain. there was some debate in israel as to whether we should continue to produce merkava or not. israel is a small place and we had to spend a lot for merkava . efforts to increase the ability of merkavas
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continued. until one year later in 2007. company. rafael proposed a new system for this tank called active protection. 3 years later, in 2010 , the first one was installed and operational on the fourth version of merkava. a system called trophy, according to the manufacturer, during which four radars are placed on the four sides of the tank turret. their job is to discover and track targets in 360 degrees. discovery and tracking the goals are 360 ​​degrees. discovering and tracking targets is 360 degrees. the radars
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transmit the information of each projectile that comes towards the tank to the central computer of the system so that calculations can be made regarding time and angle. next, two launchers on each side of the tank will launch sakme-like bullets towards the target projectile. and they destroy it . as stated, the trophy is capable of engaging with anti-particle rockets, guided missiles and projectiles launched from other tanks .
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the system was tested on the battlefield for the first time in the invasion of gaza in 2014 and was used in the last military operation in gaza. taken. we
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spent more than 15 years developing this system. after the invasion of gaza in 2014, evidence showed that the system was protecting the merkabas. it had a successful performance and it was available in america for purchase and installation on abrams tanks. take action we chose the trophy system that is available for tanks. it took about 6 months until we were able to install the trophy system on our water, and it took about 6 months before we were able to make it work in connection with sound. now trust in the trophy has increased. after american tanks, it was time for german tanks. this country has tanks
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leopard 2 was equipped with a trophy system. trafi still found a customer. after america and germany this. because we took the first steps towards the active protection system for the challenger tank and as the export of the trophy to other countries continued , the zionist army
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started equipping the fourth version and the merkava and various types of personnel carriers, including the nimr atomic vehicle, to the trophy system. 2023 arrived and at the end of that, the al-aqsa storm operation began. in the middle of the operation, however , pictures of the dismemberment of the merkavas were published one after another. they are from the resistance forces palestine and lebanon were targeted and removed from the battlefield. the merkavas, however
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, were hit from the sides where the trophy system with 360 degree protection was active, like this merkava that was targeted by hezbollah from the sides. according to the information that was published at the time of the introduction of the trophy, this system could be rearmed after 75 hundredths of a second after engaging with the first projectile and engaged with the next projectile, but a little earlier in august 1402 , hizbullah had used a system to sar allah's name
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had been unveiled, which was said. it is capable of firing two missiles less than one second means that they hear each other after a time interval of 4 tenths of a second, and this means that the trophy system does not have the necessary time to arm itself and deal with the second missile after the conflict with the first missile, and finally the tank is targeted. on the other hand, the palestinian resistance forces passed through the trophy system with a different weapon from lebanon's hezbollah
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. during the days of their operation , they had unveiled a hand-made weapon called yasin, which destroyed the marghubahs from the sides from an angle that was covered by the 360-degree trophy system. pictures of the training of the palestinian resistance forces it shows that two fighters are aiming at a tank or personnel carrier at the same time. at the moment of firing, however, they shoot the rockets at a short distance from each other, and at the same time when the trophy engages with the first projectile
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, the second projectile passes through the system. and finally destroys the tank. a tactic like the same anti-aircraft system of lebanon's hezbollah. also , other pictures of merkava's destruction show, bringing their fighters to the closest point to the tank. a distance of less than 50 meters. so that the rockets can do the most damage to the steel armor deliver a tank and in this distance and short period of time, the system cannot process the information of the rocket
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and deal with it. in these operations, however, the individual skill of the resistance fighters plays an influential role in disbanding the merkavas. yassin's rocket is not guided.
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that is, in urban warfare, the fighter must stop in the right position at the moment after running towards the tank, and when the thermal sensors of the tank detect any movement around him, with sufficient concentration, without shaking his hand, he aims at the target and fires the rocket. send to it. a fighter may have only one chance to target at a time. allahu akbar.
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by attaching a bomb to the merkava , he deactivates the trophy system, and after that, the other fighter targets the tank with a precise aim and with the help of yassin's rocket. allahu akbar.
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but the trophy system was not only tested by the parties during the days of the war and among the images that were published every day of the destruction of the merkabahs. this image was also published. at first glance , the destruction of this merkava version 4 is similar to the destruction of other merkavas. but more accuracy shows a rocket from above. they target this tank . this dismemberment is not the work of the saralella system. and it was not yasin's job to launch a missile that had ever been in the battle scene had not been seen and the resistance forces
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have not released any information about this missile, but according to the evidence, this missile could be from the top attack family, missiles that rise after firing. the american javelin, the zionist-made spike, and the iranian-made sedid are among the examples of anti-armor missiles. this is also a picture of small semi-commercial drones that can be purchased in online stores around the world. with an average figure of 1500 dollars. equivalent
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to nearly 75 million tomans. in this picture, one of the same drones is carrying an anti-particle rocket , and this time from a different angle. sam. home he takes the trophy by surprise. according to the manufacturer of the system, the angle was covered by the trophy. and this is the last pictures of merkaba. attempting a
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homemade roof that was welded on the tanks to prevent the merkavas from collapsing in the presence of the 820 kg trophy system. the tanks that were sold to singapore in 2014 were priced at 10 million dollars each , that is, the price of each merkava figure is close to 500 billion tomans, but as the evidence shows , the use of suitable anti-death weapons such as yasin, sar allah and mahrat the individuality of the fighters is a part of their success factors in the destruction of merkabahs.
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and it is still not clear how the resistance forces identified the weaknesses of this system and used them on the battlefield. there is no information available about other tactics used to pass the trophy system. allahu akbar.
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the system , which rafael company announced in a statement in 2021, since its first operational interception in 2011, trophy has been active for more than one million hours on various particle carriers , has conducted 5,400 field tests and has not allowed any damage to the particle carrier. to be raphael had announced at the end: with the customers for delivery it has more than 1,800 contract trophy systems. one of those customers is america for the abrams tank. as general dynamics, the manufacturer of the abrams tank, announced, the second figure of the us contract for installing the trophy on the abrams
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was 280 million dollars.
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english did not experience. 5 o'clock: water is cut off in the offices with bad consumption. the vice president of revenue and subscriber affairs of water and fadzala company in tehran province informed 20 departments of the authority to reduce water consumption and said: bad consumption departments
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will be subject to water cut if they continue to consume more. according to the notification of tehran governorate , the offices are required to reduce their water consumption compared to last year reduce by 25%. the head of the country's gas network management center said that with a 5% increase in gas consumption in the domestic, commercial and non-major industry sectors, the amount of gas consumption reached 490 million cubic meters in the last 24 hours. have consumption.


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