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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 5:00am-5:22am IRST

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the consumption will be cut off. the vice president of revenue and subscriber affairs of water and fadzala company in tehran province informed about the warning to 200 departments to reduce water consumption and said: if the wasteful departments continue to consume a lot after the warnings, they will be subject to water cut. according to the notification of tehran governorate, the offices are required to reduce their water consumption by 25% compared to last year. the head of the country's gas network management center said that with a 5% increase in gas consumption in the domestic, commercial and non-major industry sectors, the amount of gas consumption reached 490 million cubic meters in the last 24 hours, according to mr. koshki, tehran, khorasan, razavi and esfahan has the highest consumption , we expect to
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see an increase in gas consumption in the coming days. on tuesdays and wednesdays, the amount of gas consumption in the domestic and commercial sector will reach 540-550 million cubic meters , which is an important point, just as the meteorological organization announced that the northern and northeastern provinces of the country are actually more exposed to this. they are cold. we are asking our dear compatriots in our golestan provinces. north khorasan, razavi khorasan and south khorasan should be careful in managing gas consumption. the first stage of the customs system houshmand was put into operation with the presence of the minister of economic affairs and finance. according to mr. khandozi, with the full launch of this system, the quorum will be registered to record data related to customs. dear guests of the meeting of representatives. commerce
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with a special guest at the beginning of this meeting , some representatives of the chamber said about their concerns for the prosperity of business, that we should have a monthly meeting with the chairman of the industry commission and 5 members of the industry commission to formulate a strategy for the program. well, naturally , we are suffering from the fact that the allocation of land is prolonged raw materials sometimes up to 6 months. it takes a long time. the point that i think hurts us the most today is the approvals that are approved in various committees and working groups, but it takes time to implement them. first of all, we expect you to restore the position of the trade development organization to the conditions. go back and let the trade development organization be the custodian of trade and a commercial policymaker. the restrictions and bans
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created for machines by mr. minister have caused 7700 of our mines to be closed. the circular, in which it was not seen that the goods that have permission to enter , have been registered, ordered and received, were all stopped for several weeks, the import of the country has been challenged . dear mr. dr. aliabadi , we have 30 days in a month. your excellency, dedicate one day to import, export, and industry . so that there are solutions with a constructive interaction and with each other, but some of them are really complicated, they need to think and plan, so now i want to make a promise to you . you know my opinion about the government's interference in pricing. i said these as my opinions the one who was sitting next to you, but
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from what you saw , it was related to the ninth meeting of the tehran chamber of representatives in the tenth period, which was held with the presence of the minister of mining industry and trade , as i told you, the first phase of the smart customs system with the presence of the minister of economic affairs. according to mr. khandozi, the property was put into operation with the full launch of this quorum registration system. data related to customs will be intelligent. unveiling of truck and luggage detection devices in kholasan razavi, chabahar, mirjaveh customs and the new customs system. a system designed and launched in line with the transformation plan in customs has been everything we have in the current system. with considerations that are actually more accurate and comply with all the rules and regulations and its main feature is connecting to the system.
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there is a trade society, we will have this and we will start establishing it in the customs, a system that has many differences from the previous customs system, the most important feature of which is that the merchants are in one. the single portal actually takes care of entering information. the new customs system will start its activity on the first of farudin 1403 with the priority of borders and customs in the west of the country. this system is in two stages and the next stage will be launched soon to be finish this phase by the end of spring next year and we will have the complete establishment of the country's new customs system. god willing, we will be able to enter the second phase of another set of services that should be added to the country's new customs system for the summer
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. 4 items have been added to the customs agenda, including the declaration of collection. the next thing for the customs is to follow up on the validity of examining the inquiry documents and the valuation of smuggled goods the economic deputy of the ministry of foreign affairs also expressed some points about his requests to speed up the movement of goods in customs. one of our points is our electronic connection with the chinese customs, which, god willing, by the end of this year next year, as you know , the chinese market has become one of our very strong markets. products that we have obtained permission from. the good cooperation of trade development organization with customs was the focus of mr. zighmi's speech. the head of the economic security police of the police force also promised that he will help the customs with all his power to implement its goals to prevent the smuggling of goods. 100% damage reduction
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according to the deputy researcher, soil and watershed protection has been studied by the construction of watershed coastal walls. watershed operation on the banks of rivers prevents silt and its sediments from entering the areas around the river. watersheds on the banks of rivers that protect urban and rural areas against floods. for example, here under the sefid rood watershed in taleghan, the southern slope of alborz. we are now in a watershed. this river is the lifeblood of this watershed. it is based on the report of the research institute of soil protection and watershed management in the last 30 spring, the shore of the taleghan river, the field of taht and fresh every there were floods for years. when the flood came, it was really miserable. it destroyed all the shops. the water came and went in the shops. our houses
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and livestock farms were completely flooded. a few years ago , when the bridge was washed away, these people could not come and go anymore. with the implementation of the watershed project in this area in 1972, these coastal walls protected residential areas during floods and possible river overflows. the wall that you see between the river and the city of talaghan helps to prevent river overflows and river floods from threatening the city of talaghan. trees are also a kind of wall they create a beach in the river bed. this is one of the examples of biological coastal walls built with native species of cypress, willow and raspberry. which prevents the movement of water and sediments into lands and facilities in the 120,000-hectare watershed of taleghan , 40,000 hectares, all kinds of water management operations have been carried out in 5 sub-basins with a length of 5 kilometers and an area of ​​5,000
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cubic meters. in 1998, 70 mm of rain was repeated as in 1971, but there is no news of damage to this coastal wall. there was no flood the design of this wall captures floods with a return cycle of 500 years, the wall has done its job, and the city and residential areas behind it, the park that has been created, has kept it free from the risk of flooding, according to the statistics of the soil protection and watershed management research institute, the amount of soil erosion. and water on the banks of the rivers 8 annually. per hectare, with watershed operations, in addition to reducing this amount of erosion, flood damage to urban and rural areas will be prevented. broadcasting news agency. the next part of the news is at 6 o'clock.
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the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament.
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we are at your service with another debate. revolution leader in the recent meetings , they called the real competition one of the important elements of the election, which means that the field should be open for the presence of different political, cultural, and economic viewpoints, so that all currents with their different viewpoints can participate in the great election contest and have a presence. be active in this field. one of the issues on which different experts disagree, and the topic of this part of the program is higher, is the discussion of raising the retirement age , how should it be basically ? the social security and other funds that we have are not in favorable conditions , there is a financial imbalance in them, there is a need to make reforms in these funds , one of those reforms is to start with raising the retirement age. on the other hand, the opponents say that we should not have started from this stage, we could
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have started from other parts of the structural reforms, such as the ownership of the company, the funds, the financial structure and the balance sheet of the funds. and other topics that have formed a special program for tonight's debate i would like to thank you for being with us until the end of the election debate. mr. mohammadi is present, the deputy head of insurance of the social security organization, and on the opposite side, mr. mirghafari, the representative of the workers in the supreme labor council, who greeted both guests. i would like to start with mr. mohammadi , what was the reason you started reforming the structure of the funds due to age. do you agree with increasing the retirement age? well, in the name of allah, the merciful. i also offer greetings and courtesy to you and all
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dear viewers. well, do we get older as promised? did we do it or not? both the honorable government's bill and the proposal of the honorable members of the islamic council were discussed, and this issue was in the implementation of the policies of the supreme leader, the policies announced by the supreme leader in the matter of providing for you have 9 clauses, one of which is the reform of the structure of pension funds, the sustainability of resources. funds, balance of resources, spending , improving the quality of retirees and issues of discussion, preventing financial imbalances of the fund and other issues that, in my opinion, amending article 29, or let's say article 29 of the law of the sixth and seventh development plan, was a good opportunity to
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implement the policies announced by the supreme leader. be that as it may after some time, these structures should be reformed, but i will explain to you how it was reformed. currently, the insured persons covered by the insurance law are those who have died for 30 years. and if he is 50 years old, he can request a refund. a woman can apply for a pension at the age of 30 and 45 and retire within the framework of the organization's normal regulations. people can apply for pension with 35 years without age requirement, men can apply for pension with 20 years of experience and 60 years of age, and women 5 years less, i.e. 20 years and 55 years, and the law determines it is my duty
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to serve you with 60 years and 10 years, and ladies and gentlemen, with 55 years, yes , mr. mir ghaffari, who is present as an opponent , what is the reason for your opposition to increasing the retirement age at this point? al-rahim, i would also like to greet you, dear guests and viewers of the above program. before entering into the discussion , i think it is necessary to give a warning that after the seventh development program of article 289 was approved in the parliament and the guardian council also proposed and approved it, it was a good opportunity before starting the discussion. let's talk about the increase of the retirement age, and i think that there is not much space to discuss the increase of the retirement age, and it is better to talk more about the issue of the salary for the year 140d 3
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, but i thank you for the fact that the representatives in any case, the parliament can make changes in the coming period as a law-making body. yes, now iranians , i am grateful for the point you said . god willing, we will have a plan. now, the point we are following and raising the retirement age is that how many in fact, the question arises as to why the government while financially, he does not have the ability to accept new obligations. day by day , it increases the number of insured persons that it now supports and defines the exemptions that it actually gives to them , which means that the government's support structure for those who are actually exempt from paying insurance premiums is increasing day by day. it is a more serious question. this
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is why the number of real insured people has decreased, it means that now the support ratio is decreasing compared to the support that they say is decreasing, that is, the support ratio of the number of insurance payers in relation to those who receive annuity, and this is a point that the friends who supporters of aging are found again and this is an important point that friends who are in favor of aging are finding and this is an important point that friends who are in favor of aging are finding and this is an important point that friends who are in favor of aging again and this is a prominent point that friends who are in favor of aging are finding and this is a prominent point that friends who are in favor of aging play games that due to the aging of the population and the increase in age life is
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decreasing and funds are now in crisis for one of the reasons, and the serious question is: why is it that the number of insurance companies that currently exist, our funds are in the best condition and the most flourishing condition, not that we are talking, mr. mohammadi, look at mr. mirghafari's statement, almost no one disagrees. it should be reduced and the number of entries is not . it is about the reform of the 1980s, which is 14 7 80. the interpretation of article 76 of your provision law was amended.
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i don't think that in any country open discussion of pension funds it is good for iran that the number of our entries has decreased, i only have one number of our service, during the last year, more than 2 million people were recruited, new ones were recruited , it increased and it was kept constant for a period , now the social security fund is our support factor. the increase of pensions before the environment is our 10, our 54, our support factor is 25 to 1, which is the decade. 80 is almost four and a fraction to one , especially the retirement before moyed has caused the support factor to be maintained, the reduction of this factor and the promotion of the increase in the number of insured persons is the increase of the fund's inputs , which is an increase of 132 thousand people compared to the month of december. we now have
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10,900,000 new compulsory insured people, because let me tell you, more than 16 between formal employment and informal employment, and the insurance coverage ratio is more than 24 million official people, according to the statistics that i presented to you, the total number of insurance coverage service funds around 18604, it is related to social security and the rest of our other funds are still 6 million people with 18 million and 24 million still not covered by a part related to social security. in my opinion, there is insurance evasion , and a part of it is related to other funds, such as the village insurance fund and other future funds. this is the first one not covered. to have insurance, whether there are specific insured persons or what specific people there are, and whether in the workshops covered by the insurance law, if
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they are not covered by the regulations of other funds, it is our sovereign duty and in the implementation of an article of the social insurance law , we must let's cover our second issue is the issue of foreign press, which is one of our duties and that of other funds is that people. who are working in the country with a work permit in the workshop covered by your insurance this year, well, we have covered a part of it, and next year we will enter seriously, god willing. let's cover foreigners as well, mr. mirghafari . it should take place, but the simplest solution is to choose
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the government, and in any case, they can take much better and more effective measures. the criticism that has come in, according to what mr. mohammadi said, and i confirm the format of his speech, and 6 million in his report is 6 million. in fact, an uninsured employee. we have it, it means that it does not pay insurance, so if this 6 million is added to the number of insurance payers now , then again the ratio of software support.
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