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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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look, we shouldn't say that because the government is paying for the land, so the people here have a 99-year lease . tomorrow, if i want to buy it , they will come and sell it to them, like in mehr pardist. in any case, you see, we now have a building and a householder's cost to provide housing, not that we just come to build and calculate, let's say that the land has no value because according to the national opinion, there is nothing like that. if the party gives a 99-year lease, the government is subsidizing he spends, he prepares, see how much we have problems with asphalt and streets and their tables, they say me i counted last time in the research council in the center. you came to the parliament, and you said
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that there was no one at all a few years ago , a year ago, i was wondering why it was not implemented, why the research center of the parliament did not come at all , rely on this. the formation of their government, the arrival of mr. abbasi, they started saying, sir , we want to build provinces, mr. raisi, well, my specialty is not housing, but for example, there is a mistake in the question. you want to build villas all over iran, the price of my land is expensive, you want to build villas. it's a matter of keeping quiet . you went to yazeb and built a villa. it's very good . i have a problem with the final land. i have a problem with the preparation. the method means that it costs money to prepare, and on the other hand , i first mentioned that you have no right to divide your national capital. give 20 meters to one person, who gave you permission?
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if you do this, this is the national capital for the future generation . the imam said that oil cannot be spent on this generation, let it be spent on the future generation as well. my land is worse than our oil. now if the oil is cut off, we must have agriculture. i know that we have to have a house, we have to have other things, it's not like we should come and say , i didn't say that we should just come and not add land to everywhere, let's not build villas, for example, no, i gave an example of the cities that you mentioned, both have villas in them, and also have plots in them, for example. anyone can go to a villa if they want, and anyone can live there now, in terms of security , people are really in danger, mr. arami , there is one point here, i will go back to the main question of your program, why do you think that the government should come and more land it should be annexed to the urban area let's use the same field, let's make ambor , let's make it high.
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because you agreed, why do you think we should add more land to the urban area? yes , i would like to present a statistic. all the cities, villages , roads and factories that we have built so far in the islamic republic do not exceed 1%. we have not taken more than 1% of the country, and if this 1% becomes one and two-tenths of all our people and our families, they can live in land with lots of housing, what the constitution says, article 31 of the constitution, housing according to needs. i have a statistic from i will present the organization of the budget program. the program organization has found that 84% of our land cannot be loaded for urban development. but 16% can be loaded in the first, second and third priority layers.
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if it is possible for us to see this page , if we say this 16%, if we say this 16%, assuming that we want to analyze, let's say that we will give each iranian family one floor and 400 net residential meters, and 600 meters for each family. if we consider the gross residential per capita of the supreme council of urban architecture, it can be 1000 meters if this organization specifies a plan. let's analyze the possibility of living in iran for one billion people and 260 million families . you said that in the future, when we reach 100 million people, there will be 200 million people . we will analyze the main question of the ramp program and answer the annexation of our land. ability.
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there are about 1 billion people in the islamic republic only in 16% . at all , do you answer the formation of a family in the islamic republic? you said annexation. i said this annexation. we are against it, even though we want an unbalanced distribution , we are against it. we accept all land development policies . where it was possible, we did not supply the land, i know in the mehr housing that this is in addition to the tuition fee range . we
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should not extend the exception to the whole country. if we don't have enough land in the north of the country, or if the metropolis of tehran has requirements , should i go the same way in the east of the country? is other countries are also going the same way, let me present a comparative statistic. well, let's just take a minute to get the opinion of mr. rehbar, and i said the same . they say that we should annex it, but look at this. actually, the same kind of statistics that i have, mr. dr. arami, they say are from the whole country. 84% of the total area of ​​the country can't be annexed or we can't create a residential problem
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. 16 countries can be loaded. one and a half sixteenths of it is to be loved. let's proceed with caution, it means that we must know the value of this land and that's it as you also said, we should not expand indiscriminately. i also did not say that we should be zero and one, that is, i did not say that we should come everywhere . it is very difficult for us to spend money to prepare this field and provide them
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with the conditions of service. it is very high, how much cost is imposed on each family. look, i am telling you now , in terms of cost, when we do that, it is more expensive than if we come and get a share of the land instead of a thousand. it is very easy to do, but let's make it 200 meters. for one person, you have an apartment. what percentage of the occupied area can you have in the apartment? 60% of the apartments, which do not allow more than 35% , do not see permission because if there is a garden in the city
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, they say it should be in the garden, 15% if it is somewhere else, but if the land is actually suitable , we have built 60 apartments in a thousand meters in saadat abad. give it to one person, see how much difference there is, no, we have to analyze the difference on the scale of the city, not on the scale of one, you see, when you want to analyze the whole, if we want to analyze it on the scale of the city , by no means should you calculate these numbers that you want. to reach the whole from the part means we must first
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calculate the part that has a general understanding from mr my brother, please do a book calculation. i said , how much is a 500 square meter, 50 square meter, two-story building, which is now being built everywhere? mr. rahbar pointed out that we have many technical and financial problems and challenges to annex the land to the urban area. let's talk about giving general statistics, no, we should analyze the cost of infrastructure separately
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, analyze the cost of construction separately, the level of occupation per capita, net per capita, gross per capita, and basically say that in a city of, for example, 30,000 people, if a vertical development of five floors we did or developed we did horizontal one or two story buildings . how much is the land difference? the land difference will not be very noticeable because of this. how much is the per capita green space of a high-rise building
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? how many meters per person? we need to see the per capita green space outside. that per capita outdoor green space is 8 meters per person. this can be allocated to the inside of the house . let's give a villa and a small plot to the family. one site, one piece of land, in no way can we get a general analysis, i will tell you some statistics, let's compare iran with european and american countries, let's say that we are in terms of density , in terms of people in residential units and in terms of the number of our rooms in the global scale, where did we stand? is it possible to see our laptop? yes , please consider these 6 european countries : holland, spain, england, austria, germany, italy , in total, they are not the size of the area of ​​our country, although they are many times. our country has a population
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of about a quarter of our country, germany, but one and six tenths of 16 tenths of the density of people per hectare is better than ours. england is about one sixth of our country and one and seven tenths better than us in terms of density. france is one third of our country. it is much better than us to analyze the population density on a global scale. the global average is 42 people per hectare our country has 64 people per hectare . we are worse than south america, europe and oceania . it is even worse. the european average is 30 people per hectare, we are 64
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people per hectare , that is, we are twice as much. we never analyze another statistic to compare the population density of countries our world selection compared to venezuela. la brazil, china, england, spain, argentina and japan are the worst. japan, which has an island, will dry up its land and sea to build an apartment as you say. we are worse than japan in terms of density. we are 64 people, japan has 38 people. again, i will give a diagram in terms of infrastructure level. what is the infrastructure level of every iranian in terms of people? what's going on in the world? let me read some statistics. canada per person is 72 meters
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, denmark is 56 meters, italy is 42 meters. the rich and the poor in the world are worse. it is interesting that if the density in terms of people per residential unit of an iranian average is 27 meters, the first deciles of the less privileged deciles have 17 meters per person. if we count the first and second deciles , our conditions are even worse than many cities and poor countries in the world, and the root of it is that we have hoarded the land, because if we leave this land, that sale will be a concentration of profits. for example, some people may be shaken and
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this price and these statistics are terrible and so on we analyze compensable in this way. i want to tell them that this statistic of dr. arami is wrong because there is a contradiction in their statistics. this is a statistic. i don't care . you give us a figure that is 64 per hectare. i don't say the demography of the international organization. the international team made a mistake . look, i am saying that you are saying that we have 64 units per hectare in iran. on the other hand, you say that we have 27 square meters for each person, i say no, you are taking statistics , so this is wrong. when you say that we have a place in japan, 38 people, 38 units per hectare and that the number of square meters is higher. this
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is completely contradictory to the density of our units per hectare, square meters per person. if we have 64 units per hectare, the level of our infrastructure per person should be higher. so why is it 27 meters ? it is possible that the density of each person should be this much in square meters. it is 27 meters in japan, it is 38 meters, or in other places it is more, but their density is less than ours per hectare. this is completely contradictory. it does not match at all, so we must know that our statistics are actually the united nations. when you left, no, this is not the united nations, this is you. one show me this is an international statistic published annually and it is one of the most reliable architectural statistics. look at this statistic compared to iran. it is very interesting that you compare this statistic without copper and without equal to 64 units per hectare and 27 square meters.
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i am surprised to see that we said a national average, once we said a city , it was presented in the set of numbers, i don't care. you said japan , you said germany, you said iran, you said iran 27 people with an average of 27 meters in the whole country, so 64 units in a hectare with 27 meters, 64 people per hectare, we have a general average, that is the density of people per hectare of the city , this density is this per capita, one person in a residential unit, two indicators, two categories.
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they accept his output better than us, it was deliberately brought from him, and finally i want to say that we have two seemingly scientific mistakes, one lack of land in the country, two horizontal development will be more expensive than vertical development. two very dangerous mistakes that have been the basis of planning in our country for several decades and those statistics about housing, the housing price of the basket. the cost of the house that was presented at the first meeting is wrong because of these two bases . how much is the share of land for each leader for each unit? what is the percentage of the land share of that unit ? what is the share of the land for
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? what is the percentage of the land for each unit, for each unit, per square meter ? and below the level of occupation, the level of occupation, i don't say the share of land per unit, per square meter, we have one unit, we have one gross . if you go to the upper scale , i say that in a small unit in the calculation, the basis is wrong how much is the share of the land per square meter of the apartment? for example, if there are 10 units in a villa, how many meters of green space is there in an apartment, by the way, the green space is in an apartment. in terms of sports and sabbath space, you can create a sports field in a very beautiful area for this 20 unit apartment
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. for every villa unit where you make a garden, you must plant four vegetables in it, we must come and tell you sir, this green space is not the space you are saying that we should deprive the family from nature and children. eat outside the house, have fun outside the house, work outside the house, the house becomes a cell for sleeping, we don't say it for the dormitory, we say that in exchange for our culture
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, the economy is actually supply and demand. but i say that because the party is forced to go to the edge of the city , for example, my request is to see our laptop once more , to see a chart together. you said that supply and demand are this. the graph shows that the share of land and housing is going much higher than the general inflation in the form of the share of land and housing. this means that
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it is a means to attract capital and liquidity. this means that we have limited the supply of land and hoarded it. we have prepared the space for the vertical development of more and more houses. we should not offer smaller house prices and more and we will see these figures . i ask a question with this space that has been provided , have we not limited the production base, the industry base, the investment base in productive work? we have opened up that we pour these funds into independent property and housing. i will tell you a very interesting thing. let's get the answer to your question first from mr. rahbar. the first thing you said is that you said that the lack of land for housing is a misconception. we built a fence around our cities. you answer, look, we said from the beginning that we don't want
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to think that we are zero and one. see, by the way, a plan was presented by the engineering system organization several years ago, which was actually a plan for the new puss of the late mr. kazeroni's time. it was for this reason that we don't limit inside the cities now. one there is a plan that the engineering system organization has given and said to solve the housing and land problem, we should create small-scale satellite towns around the big cities, this is not the reason that we should limit them. the reason why we could not revive our worn-out structures, why we could not because the price of land is expensive, they cannot own real estate, it is not profitable to express it inside is limited. my suggestion is that the land is limited. we did not say
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that they should circle around the cities and limit them. we have, but we can also have small-scale satellite towns with a very similar situation, for example, we want to save energy, just renew energy. i didn't restrict mr. arami, that we should ring or close the city, that the city should not expand at all, because we want them to have interests , to build apartments, not that we should come and design. if
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we need in kalanshe, we should design low-capacity satellite satellites in a very good condition, with a very good logistics, mr. arami, one point was also said, it was a proposition that the annexation of land to the city limits may cause corruption. there should be a government rent, events like this and so on, how much do you agree with this? yes, i thank you for your last comments. it is very evident that this is a good discussion that we are pursuing. supply and demand should be respected. in fact, justice must be observed. from 1355 to 1965, 20% of the demand for housing was capital, 80% was consumer, now it is almost the opposite, 77% is capital, 23 % is
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consumer , what does this mean? they give. they don't want to sell the media because they expect inflation. we must say that many institutions are involved in this matter including banks. when we messed up the supply and demand, we made a secret to fix corruption. you are aware that the upstream bank rules say that banks can invest a maximum of one-fifth of their assets in three specific points only . but the statistics show that 17 banks have 78 active mass building companies and have about 34 million square meters of expensive independent houses in city squares, and another unofficial statistic says that most of the empty houses, most of the independent houses that have been frozen and hoarded belong to these institutions. so you see, if we limit the supply, we have the demand for these two
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it does not match, the answer is that either the size of the houses will become smaller or the price of the houses will go up, and it is definitely related to the lack of family formation, it is definitely related to the development of the generation , and it is definitely related to social damage and mental health. we have two minutes, mr. rahbar, one minute to summarize, one minute for you, since i started with mr. rahbar , i will tell you that i am exactly right. in any case , the capital of the banks now has limits for them the fact that they should not do business has created a series of problems in this way. in general , we were against this issue that banks should also express or bring any investment in the form of construction to the side of capital investment. we
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are more inclined towards this. that consumption. yes, we mostly try to increase the supply and increase the production, because the supply and demand do not match now, that's why the difference between the supply and demand has caused the price to increase, so we are trying to do everything because our name is embosaz, we are a housing manufacturer we are, that is, all we are trying to do is that we can increase the supply, demand and production , reduce the gap between the demand and bring down the prices. unfortunately , it is enough for the government to do it. generating
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land and housing from. let's reform the housing, basically , let's define the desirable housing , let's move the horizons and prospects from the economic and material issues to the cultural issues, and the last thing is the separation of the municipal income from the sale of density and vertical development. thank you very much to both parties of the program. thank you for accompanying us until this moment, may god protect you


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