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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key, it is in the hands of the people. iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram playing with the whole country. why is your question an interesting question in these 6 months ? your question is an interesting question. we do not want footballers on the board of directors. we do not agree with any kind of treatment. high you are a special companion of the higher election program , what effect will determining the minimum wages of workers based on the wages of the region and different industries have on wages, how close will it be to justice , how will it be disadvantageous for workers and employers, or what disadvantages will it have?
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it has concerns, what opportunities it creates, the different axes of the debate will be higher in this part of the program. be with us. ok. i am present here in mr. abdullahi's higher studio as the director of kallan economics department of the majlis research center and an expert in the field of work, and on the other side , mr. bagheri, a member of the supreme labor council , is present, and while saying hello and god bless to both guests of the program, i would like to start with mr. bagheri and the question of where does your opposition come from, the reasons for your opposition to determining the minimum wages of workers based on regional wages. what? enough may god almighty bless all the workers, farmers and retirees. let me tell you that the country's society includes workers subject to the labor law, employees in fact.
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they are subject to the national or military service law , as well as retirees, these are the salary range of the country . in the middle of the law, it is mentioned how to determine the salary and pension of this range of society's excesses in the labor law in article 41 of the labor law, and it clearly contains materials in fact. he saw a tool for the supreme labor council based on inflation and the basket. household expenses should be available as working tools the labor council has decided that it can determine the minimum wage for workers according to the labor law, on the other hand, in article 125 of the civil service law, based on the cost of living, it must be seen in the annual budget bill, and in the legal article of the social security law , it is a task for the organization that is the head of the pension. the disability pensions of the survivors' pension once a year based on the increase
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in the cost of living and improve it , so based on the cost of living when we consider and since the food rate is the same in the whole country and also the services that the government has he submits that it is the same in the whole country, we do not believe in the separation of the minimum wage regionally, and of course it has no legal basis, that is, it is not mentioned in the labor law itself. that the minimum issue should be seen regionally, in the future articles of the labor law, articles 47 and 48 of the labor law and 49 of the labor law have mentioned the classification of jobs, that is, after the supreme labor council has determined the minimum wage for the workers of the whole country as base each workshop is based on its own bargaining structure. in the workshop where there is an organization , there are representatives of the employer. they sit by themselves according to their region.
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based on the post title and the jobs that are defined in the same workshop for different wages and for different positions and for the tasks that are actually assigned to the worker who wants to do the work and get his hands on it, different bananas can be seen . regional and different wages for different industries or for industries in different regions, at least bananas , have no legal basis. thank you, mr. abdullah , what do you think? do you agree, why do you think that this determination of the minimum banana regionally can be useful? i understand that they are saying that it has no legal basis. i am reading to you the article 41 of the labor law, which states that the supreme labor council is obliged to determine the minimum wage of workers for different parts of the country every year. or different industries according to
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the following criteria. irrespective of the fact that those criteria are china's, which we now know is the inflation of the household's livelihood basket. here, in article 411, the lawmaker is clearly saying that the minimum wage for different parts of the country is an interpretation, which is actually so clear to everyone that the text of the law is so clear that it is no longer necessary to interpret it to say that different parts of the country are regional interpretations. it doesn't matter because he doesn't even say wages for other classes, he is referring to the minimum wage, and the other point is that he is referring to different parts of the country, now that our interpretation can be from different parts of the country. there are clusters , it can be a rural city or a province , these are different, this is the second issue, but the fact that the legislator is clearly pointing out that for different parts of the country, i think that this
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creates the legal ground that anyway if we are going to adhere to the labor law, the text of the labor law it is better to be more precise b. let's read and know that in any case, the legislator clearly says that the hand should be determined based on the regions, but aside from this discussion , why is it basically at least the regional hand, the reality is that we all understand the noble class of workers and hardworking workers , which means that inflations what is happening in the society, the cost of living is increasing every day, we all live in this society and we all understand that something is happening, the costs are getting more expensive, etc., etc. and friends. in fact , i want to say that we have no contradiction here the issue of the level of the minimum wage or the rate of increase
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is not the subject of our discussion here , the subject of the discussion we are discussing here is whether it is necessary to make the minimum wage regional or not . for the regional minimum wage , we must state that what we are insisting on is that the khan's livelihood basket based on article 41 of the labor law must be provided for the working family, so let's calculate the subsistence benefit for different parts of the country the friends of the labor union are calculated they recently thought of a number for the whole country. announcing 22 million tomans, or maybe a figure of more than 20 countries, well, it seems that regardless of whether i agree or disagree, this figure is a figure that may seem too far from the truth with tehran's expenses, but this
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for example, at the village level, at the city level , is there really a basket of 22,23,500,000 tomans? which is only supposed to provide the livelihood of that worker's house and not a bit more , i will make a comparison for you based on the announcement of the iranian statistics center, the cost of rent in tehran city and in the province tehran is 10 times the smallest province , which is ilam province, the rent per square meter means that we want to consider the costs. you said yes, the costs
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are 10 times different between different provinces. it's different. i'll go back to this. i'll finish my talk in the first part. i'll go back to the kind of calculations that my working friends take pains to calculate. when they want to calculate a basket of 23 million 500 thousand tomans , there are standard foods in a basket. take this into account . they charge the price from me. they get one from the statistics for example, for today, this figure can be 10 million tomans . for a family of 3 and 3 people, this is multiplied by a coefficient, which we call the photo of the parasite coefficient . what is the photo of the parasite coefficient?
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apart from food expenses, we want to include the ratio of the household in the khan's basket . what is the other most important component of the housing cost according to the law. the cost of rent is included, the cost of housing is included, and if we want, it is actually based on the same type of calculations. which you are actually referring to, if we want to justify being regional, we see that the region it is completely justified because it is actually 23 million 500 tomans for tehran, it may be 23 million 500 tomans for a village, for the city, in reality, the rental cost is much lower , it can be much less than 235 mr. bagheri, yes , i have raised many questions. first, i want to say that it has no legal basis at all. and i am very happy that you pointed to the text of the law. well , since different words
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were actually treated in a glossary manner , the law was pointed out word by word. i would like to say that the explicit text of article 41 of the labor law says that the supreme labor council every year it is obligatory for all these years , it is obligatory, what happened during the war years, in those 8 years when the working community did not increase, when will it be compensated? specify whether we want to apply a coefficient to the banana, or to the right, or to the right of wasi , because it has different definitions in the law , because i am a contractor , and i am presenting your opinion from different points. can you specify the areas of this for me ? for example , i heard border or cross-border points from those places, which is the term of society, but for you, it can be regions and by the way. who determines whether the regions need legislation or the government recognizes this in reality. while i will tell you, the head of article 41 of the labor law defines the scope of the law
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. it says that the supreme labor council is obliged to determine the minimum wage for workers in different parts of the country or in different industries of different countries, according to the following criteria should be determined by the supreme labor council, which means that it is the duty of the supreme labor council that if the supreme labor council determines the salary, all employers in the entire country, in fact , in different geographical regions of the country and in different industries, will comply. it's not that you say it will be seen as a banana in different ways, and while you want to find it anywhere in the country, we only consider the food basket as a criterion for discussion. we don't cover other expenses at all. it has nothing to do with the employer, the discussion of wages, housing, whatever you want to talk about , according to article 31 of the constitution, it is the government's duty for rural dwellers and laborers. he should get a suitable housing. i apologize here . i will interrupt you
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. is there a share in the 23 million and 500 thousand tomans that you have calculated now? did you include it for the housing cost or not? we have included it. let me tell you, we have nothing to do with it at all . we don't want my housing costs. i, the employers, because we believe that it is not their duty. not very much. i have not announced that number yet. i announced it for you. see, we are dealing with a legal text that the employer's worker is referring to. for
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bargaining, for other cases, you should read the law. let's read it all. let's read the law. we now have article 41. we want to read from the beginning now, the supreme labor council is obliged to increase the salary every year. it has been increasing every year for 8 years. so what will happen to the delay of those 8 years ? now, when there was a war and the workers did not want a raise , then when the economic situation improved, it should not have been compensated. it should definitely be compensated. ok, we have a difference, i want your permission. next, about the regions of your points , where did you get the regions from? the law says different parts of the country. why do you say that your regions tell us what your interpretation of the different points is? we do not interpret because we are not competent to interpret . normally, its interpretation is the responsibility of the islamic council yes, you should get an interpretation . we have asked you to get an interpretation many times, but you are applying your own opinion . what do you mean by the fact that
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you want to replace the area with a point? we had a salary, whether before the revolution or after the revolution. in fact, this is the reality. let me tell you that regionalization, at least what we are talking about, is not something that has actually occurred to us today, and in the history of policy making in the country has not happened. we years before the revolution, we had that the minimum wage was set regionally , so let me tell you, no, i want to allow you to discuss. the legislator approved this law when he had it, and even when he implemented it, because for a number of years, he interpreted and implemented the same region by himself
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, and how he implemented it, it came to be different for tehran and a number of larger cities. took for it has been done and that time it was implemented in tehran separating a few big cities, at least leaving a hand for these , leaving for some other parts of the country, so if you tell me what do you mean by the parts, i will tell you with the impression that happened from the implementation , it is intended to be completely regional. yes, now that my region is the first
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, i told you that we may have a discussion about the type of regionalization here. there is a debate, for example, you may say that tehran is separate from the rest of the country, you may say that the different provinces of the country , i will interpret the regions, you may say that i will interpret the big cities as regions, and for example, other places. i see the country as another mechanism for it . i want to say that the next question, the text of the law clearly says different parts of the country, if it meant remote border points or anything else like the rural employment law, it is clear. he also comes there, he said for border points with such and such conditions, so here , if we are talking about different parts of the country , it is completely interpreted and regional, and it has been implemented, the issue is not that we want to implement it at this moment, what is the interpretation now? it is possible that this has already been implemented regarding your question whether being regional comes from the text of the law or not
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but my next point is actually related to this section which is here now, i am saying about me , you are using article 41 in the supreme council , you are bargaining based on this article, why do you read those two criteria well, which are based on inflation and based on the livelihood basket, i have to go and bargain at the end of the year, which you are doing absolutely right. by the way, i am with you, whether it is 8 years of war or just one or two years, which has not increased according to inflation. at least the banana should increase . we are not discussing the rate of increase of the banana i hope we can actually reach an understanding, we are talking about being regional or not, the fact is, and i am talking about the defense being regional, according to the current article 41 of the current labor law based on this
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because it says different parts of the country, because then it says based on inflation and livelihood, i am now referring you to the website of the iran statistics center, inflation in different provinces. currently, if the inflation rate is announced around 40, we have inflation between 30 and 445 or the livelihood basket. based on what i told you , even if it is your 23 million 500 thousand tomans for tehran , this figure is lower than for many provinces of the country, so the basis of discussion is based on whichever one we want. we did not get the answer to our previous questions, but please tell us that the political structure of our country allows different regions to make their own decisions, that is, as you said , the provinces, the governor has the authority to make decisions, that is, our political structure, for example, with a
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country that is governed by a federal system, with us that is a single structure it is focused. this political structure of ours does not allow different policies to happen in different regions. that he doesn't allow and this order of rome that you said about the inflation of the statistics center is yes statistics center has seen ilam's inflation higher than tehran , well, in the statistics it announces, but contrary to your first statement that you said that housing is more expensive in tehran than there, these contradictions also exist, in any case, based on our opinion. those goods that are actually put in our basket in the statistics center and only we discuss food, but we do not discuss transportation, education, treatment, etc. at all, we only discuss food, which means we we extract the price of food and prepare the basket based on it. the price is the price of bread in the whole country, wherever you see it, the government itself.
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you were present. the ministry of economy did not accept to say that the price of bread is different in different parts of the country. we say, sir, when a worker wants to burn 2,500 calories, a person in every part of the country needs 2,500 calories and consumes 310 grams of bread. the price of bread, which according to the words of our friends, is a punishment and no one can violate it. these and my price are determined by themselves. we determine different importance coefficients and prepare a basket based on that about 7 and 800 is now only for food, that is, for a worker to eat the bare minimum to survive. he should get 7 to 800 money, he should get a salary that can only provide for his food , according to the announcement of the deputy welfare of the ministry of labor, based on the announcement that the basket that he has on the basis of which he gives the electronic product
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, he has set 6 million tomans, and he has set the food basket. just now, a minimum wage worker with two children earns 800 , which means more than 80 of his expenses are only for food, and regarding the issue that you do not respect at all. kenny, and the cost of living is that the costs in tehran are higher than , for example, in a rural area . i would like to offer to you, until you want to do your bargaining for the whole country in the same way, this increase rate is more than 30%. or it won't be 30 or so percent, because the policymaker of the supreme
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labor council, which is in charge of increasing the minimum wage , is looking at all parts of the country and should look at all the components of the labor market, and it should not look at only tehran, and because of the lower actually , i'm sorry, down there, in fact, the lower areas . the weaker should also be considered it is mandatory that you do not increase the minimum hand to the amount you want. this is while if you accept the logic of regionalism, then it is possible to talk about the fact that these 7,800 of these 8,000, as much as the minimum position of the minimum wage worker is now, in a series of regions , can be in a soft limit. it needs to increase in many more areas. increase , let's consider that you can bargain in this way so that
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there will be more increases for the points that are facing higher costs, but it is necessary that first, let's accept the logic of being regional . i told you that the most important obstacle at the moment in order to be able to provide the household's livelihood basket is that the whole country must actually make a decision in one meeting. i will answer your previous question. you said the political structure. can the governor decide or not? i say that basically the text of the law did not mention the governor at all, which you are pointing out, the text of the law says that the supreme labor council is the supreme labor council, which actually sets the minimum wage for the national level and for the provincial levels, if we say
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actually the provinces of the country. or regions of the country let it be a basis. for now , let's go ahead. i will present my specific proposal to you in a clear way. in my opinion, this law is not transparent in some places , but with this text, in fact, the text of article 41 of the labor law is regional and regionalization is fully operational. thank you. now, let me tell you that, as i mentioned, the issue of regionalization of wages has no legal logic, we do not accept this, based on the city that i told you about, you can see the differences in the region, for example, bastegiz, tehran and shurabad, which are
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35 kilometers apart. there are so many differences. the standard of minimum wage is definitely not this. you are also probably the minimum standard of yours . check where i live or where i work. the place where i live should be in karaj. my expenses should be in karaj. then check my blood. for provinces that don't have much difference in geography, there is a difference. the basket of their livelihood is different from where to where you are saying now. for example, i say green and desert areas should be the criteria. for example, the green north of yazd , for example, the desert
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. let 's divide it like this. why are you from a province? somewhere together it is different, where the worker first has to determine the regions, the law determines or the government determines the work, it must determine the work duties of the regions of the country, not the regions based on which it should be at least regionalized and determined . that your target population is specific , that is, your statistical population is a certain number of people , you find a questionnaire and you fill it in, with which you can determine different wages for the whole country, whether you like it or not, our statistical system is like this, a series of statistical plans are being implemented, which is the basis of the decision in all levels of our economy
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, the same statistician goes to a number of places he asks for the prices and those prices are the average prices that you have and you refer to them for your livelihood basket, so the other side of the table can say that these prices are actually wrong prices, i can bring the prices lower, the story is as they say in our street, that price is lower, and i don't know if it's lower, the thing is lower. see, finally , when we are talking about statistical discussions
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, asghar ahaniha is the employer's representative in the supreme labor council. determining the regional minimum salary of workers is a legal task that was blocked and ignored in the last 20 years. labor law on two issues of wages wages for different industries are emphasized for different regions, and the determination of regional salaries instead of
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the same minimum salary for everyone is proposed based on this law. ali khodayi, a labor member of the supreme labor council, according to article 41 of the labor law, determining the minimum wage should be based on the cost of living and the inflation rate. if we really want to comply with the legal obligations, we should first raise the basic requirements and then the other legal obligations. first, the minimum cost of living, i.e. the workers' livelihood basket, must be determined. fatemeh azizkhani, center expert. researches of the parliament, such as in determining the national wage, the cost of living in all regions is the same it is calculated, it is given to both the workers of big cities and the workers of deprived areas. workers in big cities cannot make a minimum living. employers in low-income areas cannot pay the approved minimum wage. in this way , they hire informal workers, which is not in the interest of the workers.
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hadi abui in the trade union of workers wherever we are


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