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tv   [untitled]    February 21, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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paying this year's price in the next year until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. i will not be a volunteer in the next election. because i do not consider myself a worthy representative for the people. we expect from someone who was a representative. now , i did not expect that our peace and the war of insight and.
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maybe they take orders from a coach and coordinate from one place . the difference between the one who votes and the one who doesn't is from the earth to the sky. a person who votes and declares his wishes and steps to achieve them can achieve his goals. in the name of god the compassionate al-rahim greetings and respect to the dear listeners and viewers of the phil majlis program. in today's program, we are at the service of mr. seyed mohammad hosseini, who was a member of the fifth parliament from the constituency of rafsanjan and later worked in various positions, including the ministry of guidance, and is currently the parliamentary deputy of the president. mr. seyed mohammad hosseini is one of the well-known representatives. they are in the position
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and under ershad's guidance, and because of what they are doing, they are interacting very closely with the parliament, and i think that we should start from here , asking them what it means to be a representative of rafsanjan at all. what's up? well, peace be upon you, and the mercy of god, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, to all my friends, dear viewers. i say hello. well, rafsanjan is a special city that has been the base of the revolution since the beginning of the movement of the imam . the people of rafsanjan were imitating the imam. there was a march in tabriz to martyr people in rafsanjan , while there was still no news from many cities, and many elders were visiting rafsanjan, from the supreme leader himself to personalities like
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when he was in exile in iran, we went to rafsanjan. we were students there, but finally we went to the city of iran where he was, and haj mr.
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rafsanjan visited there. we said things in imam rafsanjan's mosque that could not be said in other places, which means that they had already accepted a part of many of these characters who came to rafsanjan's savak documents. there are things that have been said there, and anyway, i hope that the same spirit will always exist in the people, of course, during the war, the people of rafsanjan were really pioneers and played a very important role. did mr. rafsanjani himself come to rafsanjani at that time or were they mostly ethnic? less of them they have a relationship, but after all, they were following the issues of rafsanjan far and wide. when i was a representative of the people, we went to their service and we talked that they didn't want to get too involved in the details , but in any case, they were also their relatives in rafsanjan, but maybe they played a pivotal role. in rafsanjan before the revolution, the late asheg abbas.
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parmohammadi used to invite great scholars, and these were often revolutionary people like martyr hasheminejad, martyr ghayab, and these great people would give speeches there. hesaitullah jannati himself, the late mr. raees shahri, all this in rafsanjan anyway there were some who were exiled, like mr. mahfovi, for example, they were there for a while, mr. khalqali was there before the revolution , they prayed the first friday prayer, we didn't know mr. khalqali before the revolution, yes, in rafshan, yes, yes, mr. khalqali is very deep now. yes, yes, it means that it is really not possible anymore. now you see, because of the lack of water in some places , they have to let go. for example, let's say that this 2-hectare land has left one hectare and the rest is being irrigated .
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they are coming, how many meters per second are they coming, that is, what i saw in front of me was very big, yes, and now i don't know the technical details, but it works. it is very good that it is being done and this is helping. there really is no other way . when you were in the fifth parliament, many of the country's issues were general issues, that is, most of the representatives dealt with national issues, less of them dealt with regional issues, but now you are in the parliament. for example, 10th and 11th, it seems that many representatives give thanks to the agencies themselves, who really involve themselves and want to pay all the details. that really, this is not the main job of the representative , that is, it is said in the constitution that the representative has two main duties, which is to legislate and the issue of supervision , but at the same time, during advertising, sometimes they make promises , then they owe and must be accountable, and then
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the people finally have access to the representative. they ask everything from him, it's really hard, for example , one of the prisoners has become a prisoner, so i don't know any issue in any issue. while you go to a home ministry, an organization, an office, after all , it has a specific task, but it seems that they ask for everything from the representative, and this makes the time sometimes the representative doesn't get to his main job, and even in the parliament, when you sit down, you see that they are giving the answer letters, and then they see that, for example , a law has been approved, then they say, for example, what happened , they didn't pay much attention, yes, we had a representative at all. who defined that one of the so-called people from the constituency who had voted for me, and he was also a so-called influential old man, had drawn lots with me, then i didn't know , i didn't realize that he had drawn lots. i told him later, we will ask
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him later, and inform him that he said that the northern region bode said that his sequence, so to speak, said that when the wolf attacked me, the wolf attacked me. yes, the people have problems after all, but you see, the councils were formed so that a part of the urban issues are accountable to the councils, or the administrative apparatus is present. they are saying that immediately , for example, we go to the representative. this is really a culture that needs to change, because the problem is that the representative is right, he may come from a city with 15,000 to 20,000 votes, but he is considered the representative of the entire iranian nation and can do all things. express your opinions, especially now that it's evening a communicator says something, you can immediately see it reflected in different networks. well
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, if he does not focus on the issues and does not have a proper analysis of the events in the country, the region , he may have negative classes, he cannot be said to be a representative. they rely on his words . just a while ago , one of the representatives said something that, for example, i don't know how many thousands of people are in line to be sentenced. well, of course , it is better now because there are several consultants who can give advice help them, we didn't have this news in our time , that means we have to do all the work on our own. this is why i want to say that there should be some separation of the people's demands , the public issues of the city, for example, the water issue is the main issue in many places, so the representative should also follow up, or for example, suppose that in industrial discussions, there are large-scale discussions that are of general interest to everyone will come back in this period, you can see how many hospitals
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have been half-finished, completed and equipped. people this really it is impossible and there is no end to it. there is no end to these issues . sometimes the representative does something for one person and the others get upset . it is better to represent him. there will be pain in the head and problems will arise. for example, you can see these dismissals . the representative comes, for example, he insists. suppose
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someone becomes the head of this department and becomes the governor. the first person who is opposed by some people at the beginning because there are several options for the governorship. this one person is not them. expecting the performance dimension of everything if he is weak, it is on the account of that representative, so when the gentleman said, "i love you, i am his friend , i sympathize with you, i am telling you not to enter the door." the implementation is due to this and these should be separated a bit, but the representative has access to the officials, so he has a special position, he can transfer the cases quickly . let us understand what has happened in different parts of the country, what are the issues, what are the problems that exist now, these can be conveyed quickly, and for this reason, our parliament is a really productive one. i mean, you know that some parliaments in the world don't have meetings every day, for example , they go for the next budget, then twice after a while, but our
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parliament is a busy one. it is important to participate in my elections , for example, in some places, the parliament may not play a very colorful role, in some places, we have two parliaments, which means that the parliament of their representatives will vote, this is not final. the senate, for example, should approve it, and when it approves me , what do you think, in iran, it is good that the senate has to be or not you see, in many places, the senate may be a ceremonial assembly, for example, it may be appointed , even in england, it is not an assembly, it means the senate, where a few representatives, for example , who have completed three terms in the shura assembly, can become new candidates, and the so-called people with experience and experts are needed. well, i want to say
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that he will protect the constitution . it is also in many places in the world, that is, they have a constitutional council or a court. the constitution must be respected, so i want to say that where there are two parliaments, that is, the first parliament , sometimes it becomes pale, or for example you look, in some countries, do you think it is good or bad because many people believe that parliaments are special. at all, now in the new eras , the reason why i am becoming more uncharacteristic and compromising is that many representatives do not know their work until they learn to express it . for example , the 11th majlis is more effective or weaker than the 5th majlis that you were. well, anyway , it's a bit difficult to compare, you have to
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consider these from different places education and all that has gone up. after all, there is more information. the raising of the level of education was not to eliminate the competitors. by the way, this was in the fifth parliament of our time. well, at that time , there were no standards at all, that is, reading was writing. after all, the person who read he knows how to write, but he has experience in a certain field, my people accept him, why shouldn't he be able to enter the parliament ? well, now he is really at the level of, for example, a master's degree and so on. in my opinion, that might be the place now it is debatable, but whether people are really educated, familiar with global issues , have expertise in one field, in any case , take these parliament commissions from health, i don't know , take industry, agriculture, they must be people who know only theoretical topics, it is not enough.
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it must have been implemented, which means that there are some implementation issues, because sometimes the law is written, it is not able to be implemented. if not , you won't understand, it's definitely good that, for example, one now, they put a condition that 5 years ago , for example, executive, educational, research, etc. , besides coming directly from behind the desk of the university, sometimes he may say good things, but in practice it is not possible to get them off the ground, and so on. . now finally, i want you to give a ruling on the matter, that is, explain what you are saying to the president about the 11th parliament . isn't the 11th parliament an impersonal parliament? the knowledge base of these knowledge-based companies now has advantages
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for them, they consider the advantages that exist , the education they value and these are the jobs now. they are doing a great deal, or the housing issue was not that the president only introduced the housing production jump law to oblige all agencies to cooperate with the ministry of roads and urban development , the government agency refuses to hand over their land, but now this finally, when they identify a land that is now unused, the ministry of roads can acquire it and then give it to the people for free. a set of very good rules what was the most important thing that the 11th parliament did? well, in addition to the things that i am saying now, the things that are there and these are the discussion of the 7th plan are very important because we are looking at the future, the next 5 years, annually, well , the annual budget is important, we can say many things that have been raised in the discussion of health and
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health and in other cases, it's about their supervision. well, it has been relatively strong , that is, for example , let's say that this year we bought 10,300,000 tons of wheat. either this issue of water or other issues should be taken seriously so that things can be done well, or for example, the issue of teacher training is correct, which was a heavy burden on the shoulders of the government. and the government could have asked for restitution at the very beginning because it had returned to the parliament from the previous government, but the government did not do this because it is likely to follow the livelihood situation of the teachers and this issue, now we may have a difference of expert opinion. but we hope that the
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bills that the government gives to the parliament will not become plans anymore, that's all. don't change if the original shape wants to move and change yes, and if this is the case, how long have you been a parliamentary deputy since september, that is, since the end of august , yes, august 1400, that is, the day mr. raisi introduced his ministers to the other parliament. we came to the parliament from the first day and started from the beginning. the president asked you in connection with the parliament, in connection with the parliament, what about the issues of the representatives. let's reflect on it, then if they make a speech, give a reminder , give a question, ask a question , we will be responsible for them, see, i will give you a service, we had 6 thousand questions, in this course, 6 thousand questions are not enough, but out of these 6 thousand questions, well number it has been a long time in the commissions , we mobilized to convince the ministers to speak and finally
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withdraw their questions . it was raised in the public forum, and out of those 29 questions, only 9 were not satisfied by the representatives. well, this is a parliamentary task, that is , out of 6,000 of you, you will reach 9, for example, the case that is now called a yellow card, or, for example, at one time there were 12 stipulations of course. there has been a history in the past, we did not have this kind of thing. my lord warned me that there should not be too much criticism. for example, we were in the fifth parliament. end. it wasn't more, but for example, here you can see that one person who designed three requests from three ministers at the same time, but then again, we only had one case , which led to the dismissal of another minister, the rest are in their place. parliamentary deputies of the ministry of home affairs and institutions, what we have done
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is that we have arranged 30 meetings for them, which means that we have coordinated one meeting with the average government every month for the past 30 months. between the parliamentary deputies, those demands of the representatives, which are the demands of the people , we should come and act on them, that is, for example, follow up let's do those real demands, for example, i went to a border town in bajgiran, well, i see that , for example, it was closed there , it was stopped for several years, there was no traffic, the bazaar was closed, well , the representative said, we got help from the ministry of foreign affairs , what is this in other places? it has been set up or we go to the provinces and cities . we should really come and follow up on what the representatives have to do because they are compassionate. therefore, we follow up on the demands of the representatives. we are closely following the government's bill we should come to the parliament anyway and explain the problem or the plans that the representatives have
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. we worked expertly , that is, we invited people from the ministry of home affairs , we brought these thoughtful people, we talked with them , and then he says, sir, this to this , for example, 10 reasons. because you know the plan, for example, you were a representative and wrote a plan for example, in the discussion of cinema, for example, i want to say, in radio and television, in everything, after all, sometimes you are friends , they sign a number, maybe they don't even read what it is, for example, and we finally have this issue, but then it comes, for example, in, for example, but the bill is that the government finally there is really a shortage somewhere, there is a gap, there is a problem, the work is not progressing , it starts first with a home ministry, whether it starts with the province, then comes the ministry
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, then it comes in the government , in the working group, in the commission, then it comes in the government forum. the problem comes from different aspects of the case the review will be done, then the parliament will come. well, the parliament will also review it. i want to say that this will be completely revised and adjusted, and in the end, the advice that comes out can be useful. after all, this is our work, mostly software work, we don't have hardware work, more interaction. there is a conversation, sometimes the representatives are upset, for example, there is a problem , there is anger, we finally try to explain it to them gently . follow the career you know, this is a very good thing. for example, one of the iraqi ministers had come . i said that we have such a parliamentary deputy
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. it was interesting to them. do you ever think about what the president wants from you in relation to the next parliament, that is, the next parliament? now, in the current parliament, apparently, you did not ask for anything that you need the parliament to do so that you can do the work. what is needed in the next parliament? what do you think, president? what does he want from you? no, you see, the president, well , he expects us to come up with the things that the government thinks, and with support and principles. yes, for example, we discussed the ministry of commerce . i'll give you an example first. plan, now you go , for example, come up with a bill yourself, we brought a bill to form an organization, then say twice, no organization , because the organization would be under the supervision of, for example, the president
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, they could no longer supervise him, remind him, ask him questions, and this was what he said. they said no, go to the ministry, so we went twice it was discussed in the government, the ministry of commerce because of the issue of price control, which was discussed, then it reached a stage, it was approved in my stage , it was continuing, or the government's expectation is that when there is a need, it will come and bring it up, so that it comes to an end. when it comes to the end, or for example, in the budget issue, many organizations are arguing, they are arguing twice. if it comes, for example , if there are serious changes, it will be difficult for the government to work. it will be difficult, it means it will harm the people, that's why he is the president well, he is worried about the coordination and coherence between the ministers, sometimes they
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have mutual interests and eventually conflict, or for example , there is a conflict, each of them may say something , it is expected that we have a single voice, yes, we discuss, i disagree in the government it is possible , but we will vote, in the end this will become the government bill , it will become the budget, it will become a program, then when it comes, there should be an agreement and cooperation that will lead to the result , then i want to say no. we must follow them let's talk with the representatives . we do this too . in general , we sit there in the public meetings from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm . we had some changes even in the government, some representatives wanted this to be done, or their own representatives said, "sir, for example, there is this weakness, you
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should fix it, so we will transfer these." let's say unaccountable talk means that talk that deals mostly with small local issues, how much of a question at all, it is possible to deal with minor local issues , that is, in this parliament, it is more than in the past, even the investigation of the discussion, for example, we have a discussion of the investigation of a municipality, for example, a city, so that it comes in the form of a question from the minister, not an investigation, which goes separately, for example. the questions that take up the minister's time , the questions that are there , some of them are divided now, some of them are national questions. anyway , among their questions, they generally ask, they don't say that for example, in a certain city, he says, for example, your doctor's explanation is not fair at the national level. we say that this can be generalized, that is, he finds a way to make this nationally correct .
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but there is also the fact that a representative can take advantage of his own position and it can be problematic, this is also the case, that is , he has a position and position because this constitution has given him this position and he can finally say that you, sir, will do this. if you didn't, then i will ask, for example, suppose that he asked us about your time as a minister we were guided by you regarding the law of the fifth development plan, for example, what did you do, now you should sit down and give a general explanation in different ways this matter can come up later in your commission, you can explain anything , it says that i am not convinced, that is, there is nothing that we ask all the representatives , how many children do you have, we have three children , there are two girls, a boy and a girl. we have three grandchildren , a boy or a girl, not a girl, first a boy, then a girl, so you have three grandchildren, yes, a girl.
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what does this issue of the young generation and the changes that have occurred in the young generation mean to you? when i asked your children
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, i want to see how much they care about the parliament now . your children vote themselves. and these are either active and interested in the presidency, and you see, if the importance of the issue is explained well , it will help our teenagers, for example, our first-years, to feel that they too are in their destiny. the country plays a role and they know that everything in our country is really based on the votes of the people, that is, from that village the city council is elected by the city and the parliament member, and then seriously , it means that after all, we have a rotation of elites. it is not like , for example, that there is a fixed number of people. the members of the parliament are limited to people, for example, for a few terms. some cities only elect a new representative every term. do the governments finally change? sir, we have serious changes in the country
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. they should all be in conflict with their interests and put the interests of the national interests first, because now what is their own interest, even what is their constituency? i mean, the country's issues are important . i want to say that they should have a broad view. don't have, not to say definitely, for example, or that that gentleman said that they should read only for themselves, because now anyone who speaks negatively will do a bloody opposite.


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