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tv   [untitled]    February 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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the internet is a war and you shouldn't enter into a discussion with anti-israeli people. we shouldn't just throw mud at them and tell them that they are anti -semitic. i made a documentary about how israel manipulates the internet and if you look at my biography on wikipedia well, here i have ten things about your biography
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, which has been said for decades, so it should be this, and the facts will be proven in those debates. mr. kalan , you mentioned my biography. you came later because you wanted to enter the world of writing, struggle with a series of issues, such as you separated from the body of this family and entered a space where you work as a worker in a work environment, and then you went to writing and then to analysis as an analyst in many from the network and now you are in the media cycle. one thing i want to talk about iran is the first time you are coming to iran.
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i talked about the war in ukraine until university, which is very important, the media war about the gaza war, the media war, and the zionist lobby and the media in america and europe. the role of multinational companies what is very interesting in iran is that the young audiences are very interested in understanding these concepts. especially this interest that i have in order to understand the truth between male and female students that i have seen in many universities , they must say irani, don't think that it is only a media war against iran, not that this media war is an international war, every information should be checked. you should not believe anyone, not even my words , you should go and check, information and news need work, it needs to be checked and verified . and also social networks, but very interesting
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i saw that young iranians are interested in understanding the debates of europe, america, and well , lies are being told about my country in my country, iran, in the western media, and we are also talking about the techniques of the media . i have high hopes for the future. you see, maybe i won't be alive when israel is completely defeated, maybe my children will see this.
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speaking of the islamic republic, considering that it is your first trip, you spoke at different universities , you discussed different topics , you mentioned the iranian youth, we are very far away. we don't get out of space. in the fall of last year, iran , we witnessed that a lot of fake news about the issue that the country was struggling with was published by the western media . he will see which is true and which is false what you heard on your first trip to the islamic republic of iran . iranian youths , you even entered our work space or topics other? i actually came to iran for two or three days and
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we definitely cannot understand the whole country , i only saw tehran and it is definitely a professional and rich society, but i always have doubts. maybe i got the idea to write a book about the facts of iranian society after this trip, and i will definitely tell my friends that in the field of writing a book and dealing with the facts of iran , the image that is from the west and the image that is from iran
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should be let's check this, let's check them in their own context. when we talk about iran, we realize that many things are lies in the western media, for example the rest. the countries. that i traveled to a latin american country , is it true, for example, that this person or this country has done such a thing or not, when we don't know, well, we have to doubt, the first principle is skepticism , and it is very important to doubt. i really like to go to iran again. i would like to be invited and come again and get to know the young iranians that i contacted in the universities and that i am very dynamic and active.
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we have to take this responsibility ourselves , in front of us , there is a one percent elite in europe and america that takes all the wealth and it crushes the rest in poverty. they have the power to buy and sell weapons for their privileges, and in fact they have a lot of money in the field of fake news and fake news. we don't have that. what do we have against them? what should people do ? information of a war. you think the news is just like this, sir, it's a war. if in iran, in other countries, there are soldiers who should work in the field of media, in gaza, you can see that the same journalists and citizen
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journalists are using mobile phones against israel , that is why the world has the same facts. he is informed about the events in gaza, that is what has damaged the reputation of israel. we would like to have a few programs at your service . we talked about your books, about your thoughts, about the years you worked in media techniques and fake news . we don't have time, just because you mentioned the war in ukraine. tell us 5 facts about our ukraine debate and fake lies.
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make the news look one-dimensional and suffocate the other centuries. the same debate was created in ukraine, sir , it was said that putin attacked on february 24. this is not true at all. put nuclear missiles in 3 minutes of moscow
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, all this is hidden when it is hidden from the western audience, then they manipulate it with other images and another image of the field facts of ukraine. you see an image, is this image correct or not, was this image not in a rebel in another country, in another place at the same time ? we are saying goodbye to you at sada vasima of the islamic republic of iran, khabar network. we wish you a pleasant trip and happy days i would rather say goodbye to you on this trip. continued news in the world today, in the last week , some refugees from rafah
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are returning to the central areas of the gaza strip, the areas where the zionist regime has intensified airstrikes against them in the past two days. the population of the gaza strip is here, the last refuge that was supposed to be safe . we were told that
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if our prisoners are not released by ramadan , we will attack everywhere in gaza, including rifa. we
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are negotiating with egypt to reduce the number of civilian casualties. the idea of ​​forced labor of the people of gaza to the sinai desert is still in the minds of the zionists. but egypt is building 5 meters high walls in the border area so that no one can cross the border. ghazal badiei, sed and sima news agency. hamid khoshaind, an expert on west asian issues , is with us online at this moment, mr. khoshaind , i greet you. good time. the zionist regime claimed to provide a safe way for people to leave rafah, according to the news and what we announced. in the last 24 hours, and even more, in the last 48 hours, we have witnessed the escalation of airstrikes in this area, in the name of god, the most merciful. hello and i have the courtesy and respect to serve you and the esteemed viewers of the khabar channel regarding the latest developments in gaza and
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especially the news related to the zionist attack on gaza and rafah . mr. netanyahu personally, especially in recent days, in the last couple of weeks, one of the important issues that he has talked about and emphasized a lot is the attack on rafah , of course, as you know, including rafah. there are important areas that the zionists themselves have already announced that they are a safe area and it is not going to be be subjected to ground attack or zionist airstrikes , but contrary to what has been discussed so far, and of course because of the developments we are witnessing in gaza and the more than four months of zionist war
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-making in gaza because it could not achieve its strategic goals and mr. netanyahu is also looking for the achievements in this region , but those achievements have not been achieved, he should pay attention to the rafah region to attack this region, of course, regarding the objectives of the military attack, two types of objectives can be identified: the declared objectives and the real objectives as well. which is characteristic in the words of the prime minister of israel and so far several times. it is supposed to be done in rafah in netanyahu's
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first step in order to compensate for the failure of the goals. the self-declaration in gaza, including the destruction of hamas and the release of prisoners, and putting pressure on the palestinian resistance to retreat from their positions through a ground attack , and to rafah as the last point of the last area of ​​political, military and security achievements in the war gaza and kastan look at the huge amount of internal public opinion pressure, especially from zionist modern families, in the cover of declared goals and objectives, other goals are also under the title of strategic goals, and in fact financial and real goals can be achieved. it is recognized that among these goals, it is possible
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to create terror among the residents of gaza and rafah in order to transfer it to the sinai desert and the surrounding countries, to ensure the security of the zionist settlers, to smooth the policy of horizontal expansionism in the occupied territories by taking control of the narrow gaza strip and also, the creation of new security and political arrangements in gaza, similar to the one in the west bank. yes , i am at your service. i want to talk about one of the axes that you mentioned. now, the scenarios that are brought up from time to time by the zionist regime and some officials of this regime are the same point you mentioned that it means the idea of ​​moving people to the sirane desert and the west bank. now some media say that the zionist regime is trying to keep the people at bay in order to send them to the sinai desert. you mentioned how
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close this analysis is to reality. driving the people of gaza to the peripheral areas, especially the sinai desert, we have seen this issue since the beginning of the gaza war, which means that one of the goals, although it is much less announced , is the practical, strategic and real goals of israel in the war, which is a major part of the regime's bombings. the zionist and the ground attacks that are carried out in gaza are with the aim of controlling gaza. they want to depopulate gaza, so mr. khashain , we can say the same about the solution, that one of the scenarios that the zionist regime or netanyahu himself is pursuing from the escalation of attacks in these areas is that they will be evacuated from these areas, they will go to go to egypt. yes, you see, the scenarios are different, but the scenarios are one of the main scenarios
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, and in fact, the strategic scenarios for the transfer of the population of gaza , which i almost think now. thousand of people the refugees are present there , it is towards the sinai desert, which, of course , has faced a strong reaction from the egyptian authorities, and even recently, the egyptians have come to the crossing they have in the border wall, where they are trying to erect very strong barbed wire and deploy tanks and military equipment. even the egyptian government has threatened to suspend the camp dewitt agreement in the event of an israeli attack on rafah. very well, mr. khoshvain, if you agree , let's take a look at field issues and talk about them accordingly the latest news today, a heavy battle
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took place in the north of the gaza strip between the resistance fighters and the zionist occupation forces. the zionists had previously claimed that they defeated the resistance battalions in the north of the gaza strip . let's see a report on this issue. i explained to get more analysis from you. we have not made any special achievements in the war in gaza, and it has become difficult to achieve the goals of the war. this is a part of the letter of eisenkot, a senior member of the zionist regime's war cabinet , which was published in the media two days ago. a letter to other members of the war cabinet with the aim of changing strategies in the gaza strip has come to the conclusion that after more than four months of the war, the goals announced by netanyahu have been fulfilled. has been and is currently jeopardizing israel's strategic situation . one of the points that eisenkot mentioned in this letter
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is the unrealistic claim of the prime minister of the zionist regime about destroying most of the hamas battalions. we have removed 18 out of 24 hamas battalions from the field. netanyahu said that the remaining battalions are in southern gaza and will be completed with the attack on rafah. but now it has been two days that netanyahu's claim is false and once again heavy battles are reported from the north of the gaza strip. field sources report the grounding of zionist military units and their heavy losses in gaza city, north of this barrack . what is happening in northern gaza, if not a victory for the resistance, is definitely a defeat for the israeli army. the ability of hamas began.
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after about five months, hamas is still winning the battle. mr. khoshaind, at the end of this conversation , we have about one minute and 30 seconds, considering the severity of the attacks of the zionist regime. regarding the gaza strip , tell me what is the most important strategy facing the palestinian resistance groups. see about the strategy in addition to the intelligent and powerful media operation that the resistance groups and the entire resistance front in the region and the international environment, regarding the rise of public opinion through a victorious narrative and regarding the developments in the field of qadha and palestine, there are two strategies that are worth attention, one is the strategy of uniting the fields, this strategy
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has been activated not only inside palestine, but also in yemen, lebanon, iraq, and syria, and the second strategy is a strategy under the title of asymmetric warfare. now, contrary to the opinion of some in the region and even in political and media circles. western and an american who believes that with the escalation of zionist crimes in the gaza strip, the slogan of the unity of the fields of resistance is leading to a major conflict . fully complying with the principles of asymmetric warfare, which means focusing on the weak points of the enemy and confronting it at the right time and place, which has so far been able to inflict important blows on israel
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. thank you for your analysis. today, reviewing some news we were with you for the interview and the analysis and the two-part conversation. thank you for your cooperation. good night and god bless you. the anonymous sermon of imam al-zaman , peace be upon him, in two places, in the course of mahdi hashemi, in the context of mahdi hashemi. yes, to the ministry of information, they are referring to the case of seyed mehdi hashemi, his brother seyed hadi, who is the son-in-law of ayatollah montazer, because of committing several
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crimes. the arrested imam salah sees that he will be released. the minister of information sets conditions for the release of seyyed hadi hashemi. the imam addressed the members of the ministry of information in this way in response to this letter to ayatollah roimhari on july 16, 136. thanks thanks to the efforts of the honorable members of the ministry of information, these unknown soldiers of imam zaman , may allah bless him and grant him peace, who have suffered a lot of injuries in the war with many people inside the country , and are not offended by the taunts and curses of the anti-revolutionary and lucky ones, and are doing their patriotic islamic duty. i agree with the conditions of the honorable minister of information, mr. rohimari. may god bless you all with more success. the sixth letter of april 1368, a letter that changes the fate of the revolution
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. ayatollah montazeri gradually finds more problems with the system and the revolution due to his annoyance with the case of seyyed mehdi hashemi. in these two years recently, he has made several attacks on the ministry of information. in this letter, the imam wrote to mr. montazeri: the letters and speeches of the hypocrites, which you sent to the people through mass media, dealt a heavy blow to islam and the revolution and caused treason. we salute the unknown soldiers of imam zaman, the spirit of mercy and the pure blood of the martyrs of islam and the revolution , the authority, security, peace, the birth of hazrat saheb al-zaman, may god hasten his death, and the week of his unknown soldiers. congratulations to the ministry of information of the islamic republic of iran.
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guys , let's go to the city of shopping for household appliances now is the time to buy installments because everything is already sold.
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, the colorful world of your children in the house of everything irani complete the private sale without any payment without guarantor in a large iranian mansion until 2:00 am in tehran.


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