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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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have a good time, dear viewers , you are watching the news segment at 5 o'clock. the naval exercise milan 20-24 is being held on the eastern coast of india with the participation of 50 countries, including iran. a delegation from the islamic republic of iran navy with the completely iranian destroyer dana
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has been conducting the milan 2024 naval exercise on the eastern coast of india for a few days, along with the naval forces of 50 countries. conducting air force and naval exercises jointly was a part of this exercise. exercises the international sea is a mechanism to strengthen friendship, understanding and increase military cooperation between friendly countries in the framework. nazd is universal democratic. milan 2024 is one of the efforts to create the needed fraternal ties across the oceans . the iranian delegation also met and discussed with the officials and officers of the naval forces of several countries, including russia, brazil and south africa, which resulted in making decisions and planning for joint cooperation. the meeting was attended by the deputy commander of the indian navy. it was decided that
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in this meeting, while exchanging opinions in the direction of expansion the very good relations between the navy of the islamic republic of iran and the indian navy were discussed in this regard. we had a very good meeting with the south african navy commander who was very, very enthusiastic about all further interactions. the port or coastal phase of the milan 20-24 exercise will end tomorrow. and after that the marine stage will continue for 4 days . abdul maliki, radio and television news agency, new delhi. the researchers of a knowledge-based company succeeded in designing a monitoring system for solar power plants. the system is equipped with artificial intelligence, which is one-fifteenth of the sample price it has been traded abroad. these gray rectangles are supposed to help solve the electricity imbalance in the country.
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the government's plan to produce 15,000 megawatts of electricity through the construction of the khurshid power plant, the advantages of the solar power plant have led to its prosperity, but sometimes these panels , which are supposed to produce energy, are cut off without warning. we used to have many power plants that were disrupted, the panels would stop working. there was a disruption in production and they did not realize that to solve this problem and any disruption in electricity production, a company of daneshbonian has designed a system that monitors the moment. management of solar power plants. this system is complete the production elements of the solar power plants are connected at the level of the power plant and we can have the online status of the power generation in the power plant. statistical information on the production status of the power plant, the health status of the panels, if there is a problem in a disruption or a problem in the production, the system that was previously provided from abroad, i am from two european countries, germany and greece. due to the high supply
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and the restrictions imposed by the country's sanctions , the power plants, in principle, to get services from these two countries, based on these two products, have a problem with the rule of limitation, which brings creativity about this the system happened. in addition to the advantages of the foreign model, an iranian system also has the possibility of using artificial intelligence. we can calculate how much electrical energy this power must produce and considering that the amount of electrical energy that is produced at any moment we are doing monitoring, we can use artificial intelligence algorithm to monitor the state of the power plant , that is, let's come to a conclusion whether the state of the power plant is in a healthy state, the result of the efforts of iranian researchers . it is a team work fortunately, it reduces the bandwidth by about one/fifteenth
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for each 10 megawatt power plant, according to the producers of this knowledge-based system, making it possible to comprehensively manage other types of power plants. also, improving artificial intelligence is one of the future goals for the development of this product. mohammad hossein haji, radio and television news agency. the deputy minister of health announced the doubling of the workforce of nutritionists in the family doctor plan. according to dr. farshidi, one nutritionist is employed in the arja system for every 20,000 people in order to improve the nutritional health of iranian households. the institute of health measurement and evaluation in 195 countries since 1990 and more than 130 researchers, that is, a discussion that shows the importance of the work, sees that the risk factor of 11
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million deaths is improper judicial regime and a fifth of deaths are also attributed to this factor. we can do we sincerely look at cigarettes from a special point of view, blood pressure is even more special, unfortunately , nutrition from these two factors has a negative effect on diseases . some emergency forces, other than saving people's lives they are also vulnerable. medical educational phone for four people , a device for simultaneous imaging of the respiratory tract and a multi-purpose radio communication device. just a few examples of these inventions. to train
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medical and paramedical students to hear body sounds. by making this device, i did it as a teacher and a student at the same time. together, they can listen to that voice. an incident will lead to a critical incident that will cut off all the telephone communication infrastructure . wireless network coverage will actually create a network for users. the emergency forces designed these devices according to the needs of the missions. image at the same time , it shows the respiratory tracts and for the technicians who are going to insert the respiratory tube into the airway. there is circulation, which can compete with the foreign sample , in terms of price
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, it is one tenth of the price of the foreign sample. we are a manufacturer of throw ventilators. it gives him the necessary breath to do his work now in the hospital or outside the hospital and become the boss of the rehabilitated person the country's emergency organization also promised all-round support to its victims. one of our biggest problems now is the supply of pads for the so-called automatic shock devices. our own colleagues in one of the provinces have prepared this and now they are in the process of getting approved by the food drug organization . we will definitely be one of the customers with their pills. also, next to this exhibition, the first scientific meeting was held with the aim of innovations in emergency. 400 articles reached the country's emergency department. in the field of trauma, in the field of internal emergencies, cardiac emergencies and strokes
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the latest international achievements will be discussed here. exhibition of pre-hospital emergency achievements and innovations from today to march 4 in the center. razi conferences is a circle. nafiseh sohroyan of radio and television news agency. thank you for your companion. hello, dear viewers of the full majlis program , where are you? god, i am making a slogan for the businessmen of the majlis in the world. you were not threatened in the seventh round because of whether you voted or not. onor, i
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was a party person and not a person of such issues. falmajlis ups and downs of the 11th session of the parliament in a conversation with former representatives every day. hello, you have probably heard about the transparency system of campaign expenses of candidates in the elections these days. in order to clarify this issue, we came to the election headquarters in the ministry of interior. the internet platform is available. anyway, the honorable candidates can enter this system here. identity is created, they enter the system, in this way, a one-time password
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is sent to them, and this one-time password is entered. this is actually the main page, so here you can see the main menu, bank account information , financial representative, candidate details, property and financial aid , resources and public facilities, election expenses and final verification of the registered information . this period is required by both the islamic parliament elections law and the transparency law of 2018, and all financial processes, including financial resources and expenses, must be registered in this system . it is not possible that a candidate comes to exceed this limit and in fact violate it and this. it helps the people of that constituency to have the peace of mind that
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there is a military system anyway and it is not possible to spend a staggering amount of money outside of this system for the necessary forecasts to guarantee the victory in the elections anyway. the monitoring implementation of this system is also considered in such a way that if there is a violation of the system, compared to the costs. it will be recorded or in some sense it will be recorded in the next election or the next two elections. the lawmaker pointed out that two periods of disqualification from volunteering in the general and national elections requires a law whose strict implementation is for the benefit of the society and the candidates as well as those who become trustees of the nation's house for 4 years. transparency is very good . we ourselves like transparency.
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to be transparent, first of all, our parliament, first of all, our representatives , first of all, our managers, it is very important in this doubt , because it attracts people's trust. according to the law on financial transparency of elections, candidates are required to submit their financial report along with the necessary documents within 20 days at most. from voting to the governorship of the constituency self deliver meisham delavari of sedav and sima news agency, hello dear viewers of the phil majlis program , he said, "what are you doing?" he said, "i am making a slogan for the businessmen of the majlis in the world, that is, the lobby , but the lobby has the rules of the game, in the middle of hashemi's work , you did not pull the brakes, and you were not threatened in the seventh round because of whether you vote or not , it's up to you . the session of the parliament in conversation with
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former representatives every day at 193 on khabar network. the victory of the islamic revolution of the iranian people is the beginning of a new chapter in the country's political administration. ir the final victory of the islamic republic. holding a referendum to determine the type of government. it is one of the most important fruits of the islamic revolution, during which the choice of the political structure that governs the country was left to the people. those who vote for the islamic republic, separate this part and fold the green part and throw it in the box. i vote for the islamic republic 100% because my leader imam khomeini told me everything and explained what the islamic republic is and i vote for the islamic republic. i also vote for the islamic republic. i
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vote for the islamic republic. i vote for the islamic republic. more than 98% of those eligible to vote participated in the survey and more than 97% of them gave a blank answer to the islamic republic. in the next step, people once again went to the polls and chose their experts to prepare and write the constitution.
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the selection of lawyers from among the people nominated by the head of the judiciary is also left to the parliament. from the point of view of safeguarding the rules of islam and the constitution in terms of non-contradiction of the resolutions of the islamic council with them, a council called the guardian council is formed with the following composition. six people of fair jurists who are aware of the requirements of the time and the issues of the day. the choice of these people with authority the leadership consists of six lawyers in different fields of law from among muslim lawyers who are introduced to the islamic council by the head of the judiciary and are elected by the vote of the council. after the constitution was approved by the people, imam khomeini
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issued a decree appointing the jurists of the guardian council based on article 91 of the text. this order was addressed to mr. ahmad jannati rabbani shirazi, gholamreza rizvani, lotfollah safi golpayegani, yusuf sanae and mohammad reza mahdavi keni. in the name of god . according to article 9 of the constitution of the islamic republic of iran, in order to observe the rulings islam and the constitution, in terms of the non-contradiction of the resolutions of the islamic council, a council called the guardian council is formed, which is elected. 6 jurisprudents who are just and aware of the requirements of the time and the issues of the day are responsible for this council, therefore , i assign your highness as one of the six jurists to be a member of the guardian council.
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al-mousavi al-khomeini, march 1, 1358, against seyyed. in this way, the jurists of the guardian council were determined on march 1, 1958, and a little later, with the selection of the jurists of this council, the pillar of election supervision in the islamic republic of iran is caught in the car.
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there is no god but allah . i testify that muhammad
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is the messenger of god. muhammad is the messenger of god. hai ali al-falah, hai ali
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khair al-alam, hi ali khair al-alam. allah is great, god is great, there is no god but god , there is no god but god.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, your presence , dear viewers of the panjere program , hello, as you know, the majlis or the parliament is an institution whose most important task is to pass laws for the administration of the society, therefore, only societies are on the path of economic, social and political development. they are doing well they have comprehensive, efficient and up-to-date rules. in order to get to know you better, we will go to different countries in the series of window programs and provide you with information about the parliament and their electoral mechanism . please stay with us.
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in today's program, we will have a trip to one of the countries of northern europe, which is considered the fourth largest country in europe. this country is located in the scandinavian region. among the coldest countries in the world, yes, we are going to sweden to be more familiar with the legislative assembly of this country and how parliamentary elections are conducted in this country. stay with us at window program. sweden's political system was an absolute monarchy from the beginning of its establishment until the beginning of the 18th century. since
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1718, this country has become a royal constitution with the approval of the first constitution of mossom, new government documents and the division of power between the king, ministers and the parliament. according to the subsequent amendments to the constitution in 1975 and 1980, the king's eldest son was deprived of his right to reign . it was decided that regardless of the gender of the eldest son , he would replace the previous king. according to the swedish constitution, the king is the first person in the country and this position is primarily the representative aspect of the country. and it is ceremonial in the sense that the authority of the king to head the government council the presidency of the council of foreign affairs received credentials of foreign ambassadors. signing the letter of authorization of the swedish parliament and attending the opening ceremony of the parliament is limited. the constitution determines the way of governance for sweden
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and includes the relationship between the decision makers of the swedish government, which includes four separate principles or laws. these laws specify the basic rules and governance tools for governments. first, the principle of government system. second, the principle of succession in the system. the third rule is the principle of freedom of press and the fourth principle of the basic law for freedom of speech. the highest legislative authority of sweden is 349 members of the parliament with a direct vote of the people for 4. the year is chosen. holding early elections does not prevent the holding of elections scheduled for four years . and amending the constitution is also one of the powers of the parliament. all 18-year-old swedish citizens can participate in the elections as voters or elected
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. representative candidates must be supported by a party. according to the constitution, during the war, the parliament ceases its activity and a delegation composed of 50 elected representatives takes over the duties of the parliament. the parliament has the right to impeach the prime minister and 35 representatives must make such a demand do parliament plays such a prominent role in sweden that even after every election. the speaker of the house , which obliges the largest winning coalition party to form the government, while in many other countries , the king is usually responsible for this task, well, we got to know a little about the political structure of sweden. simon
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do you think this model of election monitoring is not in conflict with civil liberties in elections? well, i believe that elections should be monitored because even though sweden says and introduces itself as a democracy, it does everything carefully and he does the right thing, but he is an election observer.
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from denmark, yademeh criticized the swedish elections in 2018 and described it as one of the worst elections he had ever seen , to the extent that these various manipulations made the main ruling parties have an advantage over other parties such as the swedish democrats. the danish observer compared it and compared it to some elections that
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are qualified? it is necessary that they have the support of a certain number of people to be nominated . i mean, if we look at the nomination conditions, there is no requirement for educational qualifications no, we do not have to study in sweden because sweden has the lowest educational requirements for the parliament in europe. they tend to be more. it is true that citizenship is officially required, but there are also unwritten rules in the sense that a person must be politically or ideologically trusted by the political party, because if a person does not have the right background, then he will not get a chance to become a member of parliament. in the list.


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