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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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the future of mani and jabadan of the islamic republic of iran. good morning, dear viewers , you are watching the 6 o'clock news segment of khabar network. the motto of the 40th edition of the international qur'an competition of the islamic republic of iran was one book, one nation, the book of resistance. a book that taught resistance jihad to muslims, especially the people of gaza, and was mentioned by the leader of the revolution. these anger and tears are for the ignorant.
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by the way, one of my teachers lives in gaza and we were in contact with him before, but after these events we lost all contact . the students of the islamic world who are concerned for the people of ghazah say that this grief and sorrow is too heavy and big for us . images were published on social media that the people of western countries, seeing the images of the people of gaza reciting the koran, were eager to know what this koran is that has given them the strength to resist, and they read the koran and said, "zoha about these people." the painful scenes of these scenes are proof against those who mention the name of the qur'an but learn from it
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they don't take, they finish. palestinians , young and old, children all read the quran in the worst conditions, while some muslim countries do not help them, but they still seek refuge in the quran. this is a sign of their strong belief. a belief that will not be abandoned even by the waves of life. by reading the quran, these palestinians introduced this holy book to the whole world.
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native canadians also participate in these demonstrations . we must bring the voice of the people of gaza to the world. it is mentioned in the quran that we are one nation , so if a problem happens to one of us, we should try to help that country. i have a conversation with the west i believe that this issue arose from your nature that you are attracted to the quran. so wake up and end the crime in gaza. vale nematian of sada and seim news agency. the atmosphere of the country's universities these days has taken on an election atmosphere. students who talked about everything and raised their concerns. students, some of whom will vote for the first time due to their age. neither voting for nor against voting. i really don't know what the right thing is. words, although familiar and sometimes vague. every time you vote now, it's either parliamentary voting or ragiri.
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other country's problems. unlike the capital intensive march discussions were heated in the spring season of politics. there are always people who are confirmed to have super-nonsense performance later. yes, i have a lot of criticism for these things. but the problem is not that we will cancel this story completely. king suleiman bad is in front of the experts. no, it is wind, suleiman the king is free. if you want to vote, vote for someone who does not care about material concerns. the basis of debates and
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controversies were generally information and economic shortcomings. when he comes, he gets his power , he has a series of tasks, so don't worry, it's really hard work , but that's okay. they are making laws for their own benefit, for example increasing the salaries of the representatives , we had come to this gathering with one question. politicians are having a debate . they say that elections are an opportunity for reform. basically, how much do you believe that the ballot box is an opportunity for islam
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? in order to determine the destiny, we must vote. it's different every time , if they say that so-and-so didn't do something, so-and-so was a bad representative, and we are fine. we have not gone to the fund, we have no right to protest. if you want this thing to be better , the only way is the election. efforts to put the words of the students on the chair and stabilize the desired discourse, when i choose an official who does not believe at all. according to the general framework of that system, he cannot work in those frameworks at all, he cannot have any achievements for that system of mine, so there must be some degree of strictness. with all these words , what should we do, let's see if our voting is more effective, or if we don't vote, if i go to the ballot box, it will make the country progress , or if i go vote , and see what change i can bring to that party
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i vote for the person who speaks for me. i don't want , for example, this governance to change. i want to reform it, even though it is a 10, 20, 30-year process. ok well i have to send my people to the body of this government to make this change. iran asked the international court of justice to provide the means to save the lives of thousands of palestinian women and children. in the healing statement of iran in the consultative meeting on the consequences of the actions of the zionist regime in the occupied territories, it is stated that the only legal and fair way to realize the rights of the palestinian people is a national and comprehensive referendum, but the zionists have denied this right by changing the population composition with the long occupation. and changing the location of quds, in a statement of iran , also stopped any kind of cooperation between the government and the organization nations with the zionist regime with the aim of ending the occupation and the crimes of this regime were emphasized. the spokesman
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of the yemeni armed forces said that several targets in the area of ​​umm rashrash in the occupied territories. we targeted missile and drone attacks. yahya seri pointed out that we targeted the english ship island in the gulf of aden with a number of missiles and said that we also targeted an american destroyer in the red sea. the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces emphasized that yemen continues to fulfill its duty to defend the palestinian people against the aggression of the united states and england, and that our operation will not stop until our operation unless stop the aggression of the invaders. egyptian officials say that the palestinian groups managed to transfer the zionist prisoners to areas that cannot be reached by the zionist regime. the egyptian officials warned that
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there will be no more opportunities for the zionist prisoners in the gaza strip through military measures, and the zionists should carefully examine this issue before taking any military action. and accept its consequences, the united states, in support of the zionist regime, on tuesday, for the third time since the beginning of the war against gaza, submitted a draft resolution requesting a cease-fire and exchange of prisoners in the un security council. the united nations vetoed. thank you for your company. good morning. god bless you.
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and the advertisements of the ministry of guidance about licensing authorities and cultural trade marks, this is actually given by the registration of the companies, the guild itself actually does this work here. this variety has caused that in some cases. it is possible that manufacturers abuse or
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make use of these distances between these parts. how many years of progress in the province? honestly, the attorney general of the country could have said sarajeh instead of suite. as the head of the program and budget organization said, the suite in the provinces is in the bureaucratic system of the government instead of the bureaucracy. the tram of the head of the tehran city council was also moving on the farengi route. the rubber-wheeled trams have no rails or their test results are negative . the test of the tehran police commander , hamferangi, is like a camp and we have shifts in the camps . we have two shifts, one night shift and the other day shift, for example, massage, and they are ours too. director general of registration of companies of the register of deeds organization or brand yes , vision, if we say brand, everyone will object , mr. jolodani, for example, if the foreign ones are going to remain, there will be nothing left in persian language
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, ok, thank you, mall, center, and but it has been left, mr. nasiri, for example, arranged it well, yes, but this does not mean that my poem will fit. in the end, the secretary of the fajr poetry festival and the announcements that are unveiled in the form of a poster, we went and opened the poster , omid jolodarian of sed and sima news agency. did you hear that some of the candidates for the parliamentary elections hold a ceremony and have dinner and lunch there? i
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have never heard of such a thing. no, i have not heard. no, you have not heard. no, i did not go. yes, this is not at all based on the people's vote. can it be the criterion for voting for dinner? no, i don't think so have an effect on the vote. people don't have any influence. the person who votes for mira votes according to his own beliefs . no, it doesn't have an effect at all, no, this has no effect, no , what does it have to do with it? what is the reason? one may influence some people, but overall , i don't think that he is doing the right thing, i see. going to eat and not giving my opinion can't be counted as giving lunch, taking lunch, i don't think so . when you want to have
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a party, you prepare a reception, otherwise, they want to gather some people and say, "i'll go for you . do i do this? i do that, naturally." they want to entertain him with a dinner party , but if they leave it, they will only vote . i don't think any sane iranian would go to a dinner or a lunch and cast a wrong vote. ok let them talk, say their words, and this will be an excuse that now, even at the level of tea, there is a reception mode , in fact, for that school, respect me as i am sitting next to his speech . i sat and listened to him for 4 hours. there is no problem, they say their goals and then go anywhere it is possible, for example, until noon , they are given a lunch, a dinner is normal , it is a common thing in our society. we are going to a party somewhere. we are invited to a place where they will have dinner . yes, but that is not the reason why we want to come and vote. let me have
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lunch . you will not vote for me. you will not vote for me. i'll eat my blood, what's my dinner, that's what you give me the best food, that's what is the criterion, so the criterion of performance is the history and background that is more important to me, spring and dinner, and that's not sure, it's not worth it, it's not worth it people care about the state of their country, care about your status, this is my criterion, lunch, dinner, and this sir, who cares about their lunch, it should be cut first. for example, what is that person and his past, what did he do for the country, what did he study , if, for example, the first time he was a candidate, he should submit his resume , and if he has been a candidate for different terms now , he was a religious person in the previous years , he was known as our representative in the parliament, and he should announce our problems. being righteous on the other side, serving the people, what he did before, whether it was right or
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not, how he dealt with corruption, his work resume is one. economic, social, our criteria is honesty and integrity the originality of that person is the candidate who should want to be my representative in the parliament . during this period, people have the opportunity to choose those they want to vote for with their own criteria
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. electronic system is the highest security and protection factor that has a significant impact on it increases accuracy, speed and reduces costs. for this reason , this system will be used in several areas in both elections of the sixth term of the assembly of leadership experts and the twelfth term of the islamic council. when applying, the voter must present one of the documents of his national card , certificate of end of service card, passport or birth certificate that contains the national number. after checking the original document and verifying the identity, the attendant will provide him with a voting authorization card that has the same validity as the ballot papers. of course, it is better for voters to have the names and codes of their chosen candidates for both elections written and accompanied. at this stage , the voter must
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place his special voting permit card on the designated place by referring to one of the electronic voting boxes. and don't move it until the end of vote registration for both elections. after a few seconds, the vote registration page will appear on the screen and the voter can register all the candidates they want. the voter must enter the code of the desired candidates in both the elections of the assembly of leadership experts and the islamic council, which he has already written down on paper, consecutively without pressing any additional keys, and at the same time quiet registration. the selected name and image can be seen on the screen of the ballot box. after completing the registration of the electors, the voter should press the green key to complete the registration and press the green key again for final confirmation if he is sure . the special vote is stored in the device's memory and a copy of it is printed and
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shown to him under the glass case, then the paper is thrown into the plastic case under the cash register. now , what should be done if the voter makes a mistake while entering the candidate's code? here can be before the final registration by selecting the multiply button correct it against each candidate or press the red key to start correcting from the last registered code. in addition, if the voter wants to register a white vote, he can enter his vote by pressing the white key and specifying the type of election. at the end, the voter takes the voter's authorization card that has been used and has been invalidated and hands over his identity documents to the relevant officer at the same branch. but some tips about the security and protection of this electoral slope. the special electronic ballot box is not connected to any network, so until the end of the legal voting time
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breaking the seal of the device and emptying its memory, no one knows the results of the votes. the world means the lobby, but the lobby has the rules of the game, in the middle of mr. hashemi's work , you were not threatened in the seventh round because you voted or not, onor.
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holding a referendum to determine the type of government is one of the most important fruits of the islamic revolution, during which the choice of the political structure governing the country was left to the people. those who vote in favor of the islamic republic of iran, take out this part and fold the green part and throw it in the box. i vote 100 for the islamic republic because it is my leader. imam khomeini told me everything he explained what the islamic republic is and i vote for the islamic republic . i vote for the islamic republic. i vote for
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the islamic republic . i vote for the islamic republic. the islamic republic gave a blank answer. in the next step, the people once again went to the polls and chose their experts to prepare and write the constitution. after reviewing various drafts. if you feel that it is enough to negotiate the text of the constitution , it was put to a vote and accepted by the majority of people it placed. in the hope of god almighty. then you see that the company of the constitution entrusted the guardianship of the rules of islam and the constitution to a council called the guardian council. a council consisting of jurists and
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jurists, whose selection of jurists is entrusted to the leadership, and the selection of jurists from among the people nominated by the head of the judiciary is also entrusted to the parliament. in order to protect the rules of islam and the constitution: in terms of not contradicting the resolutions of the islamic council, a council called the guardian council is formed with the following composition. six people of fair jurists who are aware of the requirements of the times and issues day. the selection of these people is with the leadership position. 2: 6 jurists in various fields of law from among the muslim jurists who, through the head of the judiciary , after the constitution was approved by the people , imam khomeini, based on article 91 of the text
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, issued the decree appointing the jurists of the guardian council. this decree is addressed to the honorable the verses of ahmad jannati rabbani shirazi gholamreza rizvani, lotfollah safi golpayegani, yusuf sanae and mohammad darreza mahdavi keni were issued in the name of allah the most high. rahim, according to article 9 of the constitution of the islamic republic, which in order to protect the rules of islam and the constitution in terms of non-contradiction with the resolutions of the majlis with them, the islamic council will form a council called the guardian council, which is responsible for choosing 6 righteous jurists who are knowledgeable about the requirements of the time and the issues of the day. i attribute to almighty god, i hope you will be successful. ruhollah
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al-musawi al-khomeini, 1 march 1358, equal to 3 rabi al-thani 1400. in this way, the jurists of the guardian council were determined on march 1, 1958, and a little later, with the election of the jurists of this council, the pillar of election supervision it was formed in the islamic republic. attitudes various political and economic contests in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament. the key is in the hands of the people. prescriptive pricing. it is not possible to fix the width rate by command. uncertain oil supply. why are they paying him to watch football? yes, minister, your talks are mostly behind the window and for the sake of these known media and the press
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, you don't want to be a football manager with focus. all the activities in tehran agree. you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital. 4400 business applicants came to the agricultural sector, but the food is higher. the debate of trends on the eve of the elections every day after the 14th and 21st news from khabar dostar ke besham is one of the important themes during this period that has given this country its honor, that theme of confronting foreigners, confronting foreigners, especially
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america at the head of them. . the imam and the zionist regime, which the imam believed that all the sufferings of the islamic world are caused by america is a very important point, if someone does not know the enemy well and sometimes takes the enemy instead of a friend and takes a friend instead of an enemy, this is a strategic error that is on the path of this nation. will cause deviation.
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