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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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the rush to sell special air conditioners in iran's big house has started with exceptional conditions. at this year's price , payment will be made next year until 2 am in tehran. we will host you. in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and good morning to you, dear and respected countrymen , we are in egypt. we present the 12 o'clock news. criticism of the inaction of the united nations security council in preventing the crimes of the zionist regime against the palestinian people. the security council was complicit with the crimes of the zionists in
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this part of the harsh criticism of the head of the doctors without borders organization in the security council meeting. this council is to save the people of gaza because of repeated us vetoes.
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the united nations warned in a joint statement that while the international community only watches , the starving and traumatized displaced people of gaza are in extreme danger. these international organizations emphasized that a cease-fire should be established in gaza immediately and the possibility of providing assistance and relief to these organizations should be provided. ali rajabi, sada and sima news agency, united nations security council, new york. the minister of science, research and technology from the implementation of the plan to select supervisors in the master's degree and specialized doctorate based on the chosen field in the manual the entrance exam announced. this plan will be implemented from next year. in the teachers' entrance exam office. their specializations
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and plans and the subject of the work they want to do should be included in the entrance exam booklet and based on that, the students should choose directly from their advisors based on the booklet. one semester or two semesters , they choose the professor they want, this plan we have. this point is given to the professors of the city where the students chose the field based on their interest in the field and the topic of their research do the slogan of the 40th edition of the international qur'an competition of the islamic republic of iran was one book, one nation, the book of resistance. the book that taught resistance jihad to muslims, especially the people of gaza, and the leader of the revolution also mentioned that this hatred and tears
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are for the uninformed. by the way, one of my teachers lives in gaza and we had a relationship with him before.
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we should help the palestinian people as much as we can . the power that hamid ahmadi says in canada , we will not let it diminish by holding rallies in support of the people of gaza, and in canada, every weekend , all muslims gather and shout for
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freedom of palestine and gaza. this is not only related to muslims, but even non-muslims and native canadians also participate in these demonstrations. with an easy marriage, they went to the house of luck
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. thanks to the efforts of the operational base of shahid naseri in south khorasan province, an easy marriage ceremony was held for 42 soldiers in birjan. to be stable and eternal with patience. in fact, you should be a wing and a helper so that you can build a better life from the call minister of culture and islamic guidance to criticize fajr until chand festivals. another artistic news in reviewing the text and margins of art and cinema in the past week . greetings to fajr festivals, criticize and receive awards
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. this is what the minister of culture said after the most important artistic events of the year until march 10th, with open arms. again, we welcome all criticisms and tips from friends , we will give a special prize to the best reviews. of course, faj film festival judges also have criticism. i think that i specified their objections to the judges and the screenwriters were upset, but the reality was that we were in the writing department. we felt this weakness in script and screenwriting. a film from iran at the berlin film festival, which, according to the head of the film organization ,
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was made according to the script submitted to the ministry of culture of the islamic republic of iran. the director of the iranian film producers council made a film that caused several questions to be raised again, from the legal gap for the presence of iranian films in festivals to the policies of these events to support some works and films. the makers parvani made the film, and if parvani didn't make it, they couldn't easily make a film with such a big device. launching it in the streets of tehran and basically it was not made at all, and then when the film was supposed to go in front of the camera , its capital was controlled . once in a while, we see a film from foreign festivals, especially in western europe, which is funded.
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he wrote, i would like to see this movie with the audience in cinemas. film organization, of course, this point reminds that this film never applied for a screening license. considering that the film does not have a screening license and has not been submitted to the cinema organization at all and is made by a foreign company , i think that the german musketer company has secured international rights, so if they follow up , they will definitely get their rights. striving for cultural justice is the claim of the organizers of this year's fajr music festival. the ticket prices have also changed and become much more accessible. both. they are favored by the people and people like to see their works on stage
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. they went to farhang sarai bahman culture hall to make it more competitive. how much pop in fajr music is possible, we hope to be able to add this section to the festival next year, if approved by the policymaking council and honorable professors, god willing. take it easy, i'm far from you , take it easy, no one will take your place. thank you for your attention until the next parts!
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in the name of god, i would like to greet you again, dear compatriots, regarding the temperature , which we expect to witness in the northern half of the country during the days of saturday to monday. let's talk about the trend of temperature reduction, which is predicted to be between 6 and 10 degrees in the northern part of the country tonight, we are witnessing rains in the provinces of west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan, ardabil, gilan province, as well as the heights of alborz. in other parts of the country, the front is still stable from tomorrow due to the arrival of the barissa system, rains in the northwest, west, and southwest parts of the country. the central and southern slopes of the zagros, the southern shores of the gazer sea. the southern slopes of alborz, the northeastern parts of north khorasan and
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razavi khorasan provinces are witnessing heavy rains in gilan province tomorrow. we predict that the water level of the river and canals will rise on saturday in the southern parts of the provinces as well as in bushert province , the speed of the wind will increase and strong winds are the dominant phenomenon in these two provinces. yes, on sunday, the rainfall system has become more widespread , it can almost be said that it covers most parts of the country . in the provinces of gilan, mazandaran, qom, the northern parts of isfahan province, the northern parts of sistan balochistan, the highlands of kerman province, as well as the eastern parts of south khorasan province, let's see that paying attention to the intensity of rains in these areas, the flooding of public roads, the rise of the water level of rivers and
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canals is the dominant phenomenon. on sunday , strong winds blow in the semi-eastern parts of the country. the prevailing phenomenon of monday's rains continues in the southern areas of the southern slopes of the central areas of the eastern half of the country . to continue witnessing rains in the sectors we are in the northwest, western areas, the western shores of the caspian sea, the elbert heights and the zadars heights. during today, we expect that the caspian sea in the eastern parts of the persian gulf will be rough. on saturday and sunday, the caspian sea, the persian gulf, the strait of hormuz , and the oman sea are expected to be rough due to the wind. thank you for accompanying us until this moment , simane. thank you.
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various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is in the hands of the people. what is in front of competitors of command pricing? it is impossible to fix the land price by order. oil supply cut off. how are they paying for football? all your talk is more behind the scenes and it hurts the media. as you know, the press is hurting . you don't want to be a football manager . do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital. 4400 parallel to the business coming to the agricultural space, but to the closed door
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of the debate of trends on the eve of the elections. the day after the news of the 14th and 21st of the khabar network , wherever you are, we will be higher tomorrow. hello , dear viewers of the majlis film program. he said, "what are you doing? " he said, "i am making a slogan for the merchants of your majlis." the world means the lobby.
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god is the light, in the name of god is the light, in the name of god is the greatest, god is the greatest, god is the greatest, god is the greatest, i testify that there is no god but god. i bear witness that there is no god but allah . i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god . i bear witness that there is no god. hai ali al-salaah hai ali
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al-falah hai ali al-falah hai ali ali khair al-alam hai ali khair alam
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electronic elections, the electronic voting system is a system with the highest security and protection factor, which has a significant effect on increasing accuracy, speed and reducing costs, therefore, in both this system will be used in several areas in the elections of the sixth term of the islamic council. the voter must bring one of his national identity card documents, certificate, end of service card, passport or birth certificate that contains the national number, so that the officer, after checking the original document and verifying his identity, will issue a voting authorization card. which has the same validity as the ballot papers, to provide him. of course, vote. it is better to write and carry the names and codes of the selected candidates for both elections in advance. at this stage, the voter should refer to one of the funds
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electronic voter should place their voter authorization card on the designated place and do not move it until the end of vote registration for both elections. after a few seconds, the vote registration page will be seen on the screen and the voter can nominate all candidates. register your desired ones. the voter must enter the code of the desired candidates in both the elections of the assembly of leadership experts and the islamic council, which he has already written down on paper , consecutively without pressing any additional keys, and at the same time as registering the votes, the name and image of the selected candidate must also be displayed on the cash register screen. voting is observed. with completing the registration of the electors, the voter must press the green button to complete the voting. and if you are sure , press the green key again for final confirmation. the concluded vote is stored in the machine's memory and a copy of it
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is printed and shown to him under the glass case, then the paper is thrown into the plastic case under the cash register. now , what should be done if the voter makes a mistake while entering the candidate's code? here can be before the final registration by selecting the button multiply in front. each candidate corrected it or started from the last recorded code by pressing the red key to correct in addition, if the voter wants to register a white vote, he can enter his vote by pressing the white key and specifying the type of election. at the end, the voter took the voter's permission card that was used and was invalid and handed over his identity documents to the relevant officer in the same branch. does but some tips about the security and protection of this electoral method. the electronic cash register is not connected to any network. that's why
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no one knows the results of the votes until the end of the legal voting time and breaking the pulp of the device and emptying its memory. in addition, from since the voting license card does not contain the voter's information, it is not possible to identify who each person voted for, and your vote is complete. for now , the trust will remain confidential. information technology committee of the national election headquarters. you heard that some candidates for the parliamentary elections hold a ceremony and have dinner and lunch there. i have never heard anything like this before. no, i have not heard. i did not hear. no, you didn't hear it at all.
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no, i didn't go, but i heard , i saw, i heard, i participated, did you participate? yes, do you think it has an effect on the people's vote? have an effect on the vote. it doesn't affect the people. the person who votes for me votes according to his beliefs , no, no, this has no effect, no , what does it matter , what is the reason? one may influence some people, but the whole world doesn't think that it's not enough for lunch, that's enough, he just does his work. i saw that going to eat and not voting can't be counted as giving lunch and getting more votes. i don't think so. when you want to have a party , you prepare a reception, otherwise, they want to collect a certain amount and say, "i'll go
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, i'll do this for you, i'll do that, of course, but they just ask for votes , i don't think any sane iranian would go to a dinner or a lunch and cast a wrong vote. it is possible that now there is even a kind of hospitality at the level of tea, in fact , it is respect for that school that i am talking about. i sit and listen to him for 4 hours. there is no problem if i give him a simple reception . they tell their goals and then it goes on until noon. for example , they give them lunch and dinner. it is normal. a common thing that exists in our society is that we go to a party somewhere, a place where we are invited to have a dinner, but that is not the reason why we want to come and vote, give lunch , you don't vote, no, you don't vote, no, you don't vote at all. dinner ball
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i'm hungry, i'm not with the chicken, i'm going, i'm going, i'm going to sit down, i'm going to eat my dinner, what's my dinner, you give me the best food, what's the criterion, the performance criteria, the history and background that he has, is more important to me, and dinner and this, it's not good, it's not good, like his heart the condition of the people is burning. when is lunch and dinner important to him? first of all, what is the past of that person, what has he done for the country , what has he studied? in the parliament, he should announce our problems , being righteous, on the other hand, serving the people , what he has done before, was it right or not , how did he deal with corruption, his work resume. economic
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, social, our criterion is the honesty, correctness and originality of the candidate who wants to be my representative in the parliament, their activities in the positions and places i am trying to choose someone who cares about the people. there are less than two weeks left for the islamic council elections , and during this time, people have the opportunity to choose the people they want to vote for with their own criteria. kand farzad azaribagha of sed and sima news agency, hello, you probably heard about the transparency system of candidates' campaign expenses in the elections these days . we came to the election headquarters in the ministry of interior to clarify this issue.
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candidate profile, assets and financial assistance, resources and general facilities, election expenses and verification the final recorded information, now, are the election candidates required or free to do so? this period is required by both the islamic parliament elections law and the transparency law of 2018, and all financial processes
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, whether financial resources or expenses, must be registered in this system . . it is not possible for a candidate to exceed this limit and in fact violate it, and this helps the people of that constituency to have the peace of mind that there is a military anyway and it cannot be outside of this. nizam a spends huge and extravagant expenses to win the elections anyway. the provisions necessary to guarantee the implementation of supervision have also been taken into account. this system is also in such a way that if there is a violation of the system, the costs will be recorded, or in other words, it will be recorded in the next election or the next two elections, in any case, there will be a punishment. that there is a violation of the financial processes of the law.


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