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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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now, of course, they sometimes get caught up in minor regional affairs, because gradually it has become the case that if someone wants to vote, he must follow up on the people's affairs in a minor way . shandiz yes, i had an office in golbahar, i had an office in chanaran , i had a central office in tehran, i had an office in golmkan , i had 5 offices in the region, four of which were definite and stable, one of them was sometimes closed, the other one was sometimes closed. how much time do you spend on this task of dealing with voters? this area would become your constituency . i used to spend my time relatively well. of course, the further we went, because i was in four terms, some national work involved me more and more, because i was doing a lot of national work.
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when i was young, i was doing my best, i mean, i had nothing to do but representation . for a while , i said that i would go and teach . i saw that it was impossible. having people who can do the national work and regional work and gather the people in fact can don't cut off their communication with the people. in my opinion, there are not many people here in the parliament, but the more i came, the more i understood the needs of the country and i had to spend time because it was on my shoulders, sir, you were a member of the parliament, you know that the work of the judicial and legal commission is much more. your period , i was there for all four periods .
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the islamic punishment law of 1992 was passed in 1992. in the end , it took two and three years until this law was approved, or the criminal code law was approved in the parliament during our period. the law related to the judicial organization of the armed forces in our period was approved, that is , it started from the time of ayatollah, may god have mercy on mr. shahroudi, then came during the period of mr. ameli larijani, for example, the law related to the dispute resolution council, this was a new thing, but of course they were not new. how different is the islamic penal code from the previous laws ? that is, before the revolution , because they were also based on the city, that is, all the issues of sharia were taken into account. it changed a lot. in what cases did it change ? that's enough. we didn't have these before the revolution. in general, the only law came that can be said exactly up to the evil of the islamic penal code, i.e. the previous law, has come one after the other there was a conflict, yes, there was a conflict in many places , nothing to do with this at all. regarding the whole
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legislative system and the fact that it is necessary for the parliament to have a document, i sat for a year and talked about this with the friends of the majlis research center and do you think that there is no need to change the constitution, no, we gave 3 drafts, one draft, in fact, one the plan was about the provincialization of the assembly elections, one was about improving the efficiency of the provincial councils, the council of each province, not the province, the supreme council of the provinces, that is , every province has a council, but now nobody knows what this council is, what it does. in fact, we made some changes and we set an implementation time for their decisions. we also gave a report to the friends of the medical center of the parliament to write, and i have that report that we will go with a change of the assembly, for example
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, that this is possible, if we either go that way or in this way, we should create a local parliament in each province , a strong parliament should be created, with its own characteristics and powers, so that the islamic council should withdraw from regional and partial work and come to do national work. and that representative of the city in the provincial council should come and do the local work, a division of work. this way
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we have to do it or if it doesn't happen, we have to keep the council of the islamic parliament in the same form as it is , and we must remove the work of the expediency system establishment assembly. in the direction where it can be a meeting place for the elites, especially the elites who have been in the parliament for several terms , because you were the parliament, your excellency. do it because apart from the fact that they are measuring their region and in all areas, that is, if a member of parliament is smart and has the will and wants to work, it is the most minor issue. the country is in the process of national issues , provincial issues, national issues, international issues , he can get a lot of information when
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he is a representative, those who are from this field themselves, that is, they should not get caught up in the vote of their next term. i'm just going to see the people to get votes , i'm not saying that you shouldn't see the people, after all, you shouldn't be absent from the people, you should be in front of the people, but we have to sacrifice the lack of national work for that, that is, a successful representative who also has a national perspective and can manage the national work . let him become an expert in his field of work at least the commission should be an expert and as soon as people don't lose it, if someone does this, they will be a successful representative. well, some are not, some are just doing national work . it's a pity that he is a very valuable person. being an example of a city , they don't get to do local work anymore and
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they don't vote. professor, if we send the parliament, it has nothing to do with our work. what's the use for us? it is not necessary to finally find time for work because the main work is national work. so we had these two solutions , but unfortunately none of them came to fruition. in my opinion , if the speaker of the parliament and the president receive these solutions well , the matter will come to the system. great simply from the hands of representatives. it doesn't come out. it was the will of the representative to come behind him to make this happen . for example, you mentioned about the council elections. we have some problems in the council elections. now , finally, i said that we have handled 400 cases in this period. the provinces vote. to
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we must finally either confirm the province or reject the province. well, there is a problem, this problem should be fixed. i suggested that when i was in the parliament and after the security guard came, i said that we should finally make some reforms in this field . it is not possible that, for example, we now assume that during the council elections, the supervision of the council elections is the responsibility of the council. there is no mechanism at all, that is, no. they have the mechanism to do it, it is not good for this to happen because it is possible during the shura elections. that it is the time to recruit representatives for the parliamentary elections, and this is not good, or the time to settle accounts yes, and this is not good, after all, it is human and there is temptation and it is impossible to ignore it , so i thought that a collection beyond
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this is necessary, a collection that is finally free from these discussions, that is, there is no conflict of interest for it, because you as a lawyer. it is very appropriate to ask you this question, the first amendment to the constitution, that is, the one that happened in 1369 68, many say that we made a mistake there, we should have removed the president , we should have kept the prime minister, and a parliamentary system was actually established, now that maybe it was not a good time at all the context did not exist, but now it is in the amendment, which is now after. how many years will it probably take for this to happen in the constitution? do you believe that the president should be preserved, or that the prime minister , as someone whose term is not fixed , is the head of the government as long as he receives a vote of confidence from the parliament, and when
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he lost our raiyat? the prime minister is going to be like the british system, like a system that is finally a leader or a so-called first person of his country. is it above ? does it seem that the president is in conflict with him? this discussion is very complicated . we worked on this for a while and held meetings with friends. let's say that at one time and a certain amount of expertise has been done inside the country , each of these paths has a series of strengths. it is more efficient . my opinion has fluctuated a lot so far. i didn't announce much, but it fluctuated because i was working. at one time, i thought that
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considering that our country actually has a special system of clerical authority, naturally, there should not be a president anymore. some from the countries that have a parliamentary system. we examined their strengths and weaknesses. parliamentary systems are less stable, and because they are parliaments , they change people frequently, and when governments change rapidly, they change rapidly, and many of the parliamentary systems that you you see, sometimes you see that the prime minister is not elected at all, he is not elected, he does not come out of the parliament. this means that these delegations should sit down and discuss things with each other and form a coalition so that a prime
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minister comes out of the parliament session, so they have other problems and it creates instability. but finally, it was possible that there would be a middle solution that would solve those defects , now there is no room for discussion because now that you are in the government as the legal deputy of the president now. with the experiences you gained during this time in the government, do you think that you still have doubts or are you inclined to one side? no, i was more inclined towards the same presidential system . and we also observed the negative aspects of the countries, but we came to the general conclusion that the same presidential system exists for the country some of the problems it has are better, while
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our system is a semi-presidential and semi- parliamentary system, our system does not have a presidential system like the united states, where the president is absolute, after all, the parliament can question the ministers, question the president , even complain about the inadequacy. yes, the parliament also has a wide range of powers, so our system can be said to be a semi-presidential and semi-parliamentary system. it is not a parliamentary system, despite the fact that the parliament has so many powers. it is not a presidential system, even though it has so many powers . it is a military system. the motive was to make it work as much as possible, and the presidential system is semi-presidential and semi- parliamentary, at the same time , it is both a people's system and chaos at the level of the manager. this is that this
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apparent conflict that is in the constitution shows that it has the ability to show and highlight the real conflicts in this country . attention to article 112 of the constitution. only the difference between the guardian council and this is not with sharia. there is no other authority for the problems of my country . bringing it up as a problem becomes s112 and article 10 of the constitution can actually solve the problem, now in any way it is necessary , it is possible that there is no need to amend the constitution here again, because the text that we we gave and it took a lot of effort. the friends at the center of the backs of the parliament are preparing to
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move the assembly towards a quasi-senate assembly. they also do not have such a proposal to change the constitution with this constitution. so we either have to go that way or this way this is the way we should go, of course, although it may need to be corrected. it doesn't have access, but each shower needs a will beyond the parliament, that is, at the level of the heads of state, they should understand the matter well, and the system should be reformed like this . follow up means if you are supposed to tell the parliament what to do in the next parliament, what to do in terms of legal law, what to help you as the legal deputy
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of the president, what should be prioritized, we have a list of problems. a list of problems we are in spite of these wonderful advances that we really had, i sometimes calculate , for example, i had gone a month ago, my asaliyeh, for me, it had come to beshk. billion dollars have been invested there, more than 90 billion dollars. and now, for example, a large part of the country's gas, which is burned in people's homes, is supplied from there. we must actually take a new step to make a leap in the country's progress in various fields. now we have reached a maturity, we know our problems and under its rubble
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sanctions are almost out of the way, yes, that means that if you, for example, four years ago , had a bad relationship with the president of the united states , something would have happened in the country . now, it's not about getting married. at the time, the american president was talking about the dollar, for example, this time, the sanctions finally came back. when the trump era came back, the dollar was finally reduced from three tomans to 30,000 tomans in 2017. i mean, i want to say that it had such an effect. now these effects are also good. no it has an effect, but it is very faint we are now on the verge of leapfrogging and we need knowledgeable people to provide the basis for this leap
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. we need a review, we have a job. we don't have this mineral that i mentioned . after all, we have one mineral, oil, which created that greatness for the country, and after all , an important part of our national wealth comes from oil, but like oil, we have many materials in the country, from egypt, egypt now. it is very valuable and other mines we need a mine for investors to come and invest. we don't have a small amount of investment. there are many investors . they came to me today before i came to serve you . they came to me before the prayer. now, the investors have some ability to go to other countries where these are high and attract
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them. our most important task now is that the investors inside the country and also the iranian investors outside the country, we have prepared a layer and sent the parliament in this government. in cooperation with the ministry of foreign affairs for in fact, this space that was created in the past for iranians abroad, this space should be disturbed , and we have several million iranians abroad , many of them like, unfortunately, a hostile iran abroad to make enemies of iranians abroad, we have to disturb this. and investors expressed in. all areas are ready for investment, for example, i said, now kish, for example, i went to qeshm, or for example, the rest of the free areas , there is a strong investment platform, and we give every advantage in this field, there is still room for investment in the field of oil downstream we will provide any amount of package that
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investment will come, so there is a list of work in the field of mining , where we have 1.200 billion and we can work a lot in these fields if the investor comes to the field and the investor in the field of mining. if he comes to invest , his capital will be returned within a short period of time . it is a competition in attracting investors .
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we have software and hardware to work with, and the most important thing that the parliamentarian thought was to do was to become an expert in a good field and become an expert in that field. the district should come and solve a problem of the country, say that i am in this area, when my major was law, i tried to come and say, sir, i will solve a problem of the country, and let's implement a principle of the constitution, for example, now how much i could or could not discuss. for example, i wrote the draft of article 142, which i said , i wrote the draft of article 49 of the illegitimate constitution
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, and we sat down with our expert friends and wrote it. with caution , he is looking for the execution of every person who comes apart from the fact that the parliament is the representative of the people and should not lose the people. tell me, sir, i have expertise in this matter and i will find expertise if i don't have it and i will be active in my area , so in this way, you must be a supporter of the senate or the expediency recognition group where you are more expert . well, in every period, as you mentioned, there are 20-30 people who have good expertise, and the government should pay attention to these parliament experts, who are the capital for the country.
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they are not competitors of the government, but the government should protect them with all its might and then help them and serve them so that they can perform their duties well in the parliament, and there is good capacity in every parliament, and this is one of our prides. finally, we are part of the administration of the country in the year. we pulled out this parliament, the representatives come to the parliament and then they show off and their personalities are exposed, and then they bring them out and in the country of origin, they become part of the country's management by those who previously came from a city , came from a village, and then became a representative. what a character to see it is outstanding. this work is one of the things that can be done. yes, i believe that it is necessary at the same time. there is a need for a specialized authority in specialized matters in the country , which can be the expediency council. well, there is a question that we ask all representatives. your discussion
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was very specialized. it was very interesting for me, but this question is a general question. how many children do you have? i have four children, a boy, a girl, three girls, one is a boy , an older boy, or a girl, the youngest is my son , and my daughter is going to study medicine. my daughter has just become a psychology student my son is still a high school student , i don't have any grandchildren. how old is your eldest daughter? my eldest daughter will be almost 30 years old now, but she is married. god willing, you are expecting a child. well , god willing, you will become my grandson. there has been no discussion in this field. they study medicine . they believe in the system and the revolution. they are religious people
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. they are also interested in politics . together contesting the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key. it is in the hands of the people . what will stop your competitors? mandatory pricing is not good. fixing the exchange rate by mandating is impossible . naft abadan is paying them to watch football. yes, minister, your words are more behind the window and it hurts the media and the press , you don't want to be the manager of a football player. do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? can you say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital? 4,400 business applicants came to the agricultural sector, but were closed.
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higher. trends on the eve of elections every day after the news of 14:00 and 21:00 from khabar network, you will be better tomorrow.
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making the ranks more transparent. the election contests of parliament candidates by airing tv commercials, debates, and publishing more election lists, the efforts of more than 15,000 candidates to attract people's opinion, when i have the right to choose in the company, the representative who comes is responsible for me, but when i participate i can't do it the representative expected why i did not choose at all if the city.


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