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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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well, we are at your service with a higher program, with two of the dignitaries who took the trouble to join today's program, mr. ali khodayi, vice president of the national labor council center, and mr. seyed mojtaba shahraei, an economic researcher, but our time at ik sima has come to an end. we are saying goodbye to the dear viewers of this channel, and i invite you to follow this topic if you are interested , follow us on khabar channel , so hello again to the viewers who have already joined us. if you allow me, mr. shahraini
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, let's start with mr. khodayi, let's say in terms of age there is no problem, mr. khodai, please be at your service. mr. khodai , i would like to ask what is your opinion first. do you believe that the salary increase should be proportional to the inflation rate or equal to the inflation rate? in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, i offer my greetings and respect to you, dear viewers of the program about salary earners. that today i am going to speak on behalf of them, if we want to enter into the discussion in general, i believe that the implementation of our legal duty is first of all at the request of my servant , what do i want or what do i believe, maybe we can have a second step in the continuation of the discussion. let's tell the secret according to the law, we have article 41 of the labor law, we have article 125 of the state service management law, and article 96 of the social security law, which is clearly discussed in all of these.
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the livelihood of wage earners is specifically mentioned in article 41, which can be referred to as the mother law, and the rest of the laws follow article 41 of the labor law , which explicitly defines the criteria for determining wages in two components. the first component says to pay attention to the inflation rate, according to the interpretation of our friends , does not mean the requirement to be in line with the inflation rate, but article 41 clause d, which we believe is also the amerah law. if i discuss with adverbs, it should be mentioned that, in any case, the determined wage should be as much as it is, regardless of the physical and mental characteristics and the type of work assigned . may it provide the minimum of a life, which is the average amount of the household rate declared by the official authorities, this clause two of article 41, which we believe is a very progressive clause, has come. he predicted
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various issues, including the fact that the inflation rate may not meet the needs of the khan, because that is what we use to calculate the inflation rate. there are some things in it that maybe a worker or an employee is not directly influential in my life, that's why it should be said with adverbs in any case and adverbs that we must determine the mod enough to live at least one life, if beyond mr. khodayi regarding the inflation rate, even if today, i believe, with the decline that we have come up with and with the events that have happened, the inflation rate will definitely not be the answer to the needs of the householders, and we are forced to go beyond the inflation rate and above the inflation rate in order to improve the livelihood of the people. consider that it is correct to determine the wages of workers and wage earners your excellency, mr. khodayi brings the article of legal units and believes that if we want to comply with the law, we must not only comply with inflation.
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the salary increase should be even more than the inflation rate. very good, in the name of allah, the merciful. i am also at your service, dear listeners of the program and mr. khodayi, i greet you and wish you daily success. before starting the discussion, i would like to thank you for addressing these very important issues, because the issue of salary is one of the most colorful concerns of the society, even if the members of the society directly ask for salaries. definitely like that in those around them in fact, they have people, all of them are directly or indirectly related to this issue in one way or another. now , since mr. khodayi started discussing the rules , let me start the discussion right now , and god willing , we will also discuss other dimensions and angles of the issue. we have another law that they didn't mention, and that is article 28 of the sixth development plan law
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. it is mentioned in article 12 of the five civil service management law that the salary coefficient defined in that law must be at least as high as inflation. it is announced by the central bank. find it only in the law of the sixth plan specifies that this ruling, which i will present in the following paragraph, governs article 125, and the phrase used there is that within the scope of the expenditure credits and proportional to the inflation rate, compared to the actual increase in the salary coefficient of the eligible employees and others. should be included in the law on the management of state services, so in the legal system of our country , which has been rightly pointed out now, that it is a reference and is higher than the opinion of people and experts, in the implementation aspect , not in the amendment aspect. it is time to talk about the inflation rate in terms of credits
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there is a cost in the labor law. now, the issue of attention that was raised can actually be considered from this point of view , but why did the legislator add this clause in the sixth plan? we have a wide variety of items based on the salary increase of our employees and even workers, each of which is determined and paid based on a basis and logic . we have the right to a job, we have the right to be employed , we have the right to family allowances and children, we have extraordinary gratitude, no, this is not welfare either, welfare is added to these. we are paid for welfare , we have great jobs, let me tell you that we have less developed areas and a wide range of items that are paid
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differently . we have accepted the payment system and we want to at least increase this coefficient, which has an effect on all salary items, while in my opinion there are two serious reasons, which i will explain in detail below, that this is appropriate . it has priority, and at least one of them is the same issue, that is, industrial budget rules and increases we have salary, one of the most important and most accessible ways to reform the payment system. why am i saying this because when we want to make a reform in the payment system of our country , it is normal that we cannot reduce someone's salary
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. in the past years, we usually made an item under the title of adjustment difference to compensate for the decrease in the salary of some people if someone's salary was reduced. well , now that we can't reduce someone's rights , we have to gradually apply gradual policies to those who have more than their right. really, he has the right to pay more, but he also has the right to pay less , so that we can apply policies regarding the reform and fairness of the payment system. this is the first reason that i will explain. i will tell you in detail that for many years an economic pressure has been imposed on the government budget due to limited resources. this pressure affects different groups of salaried and non-salaried people in our society
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. be the axis, what determines this logic is that if there is pressure , it should be explained in a fair way, if there is prosperity, that too let it be explained fairly, well, i will divide this debate and, god willing, in this meeting, mr. khodayi, mr. shahrani, you have avoided the main part of my conversation . i talked about paragraph two of article 41 of the labor law , but you mentioned that the employee who said "with attention" said it myself. after that, more than 50% of our country's population, i.e. more than 50 million, i said wrongly, our social security organization's insurance processes in the field of work and social security organization's retirees are affected by article 41 and article 96 of the social security law, which
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have nothing to do with me under article 28 , have assigned that duty to our government employees in this area, who are the majority of our salary earners . we told you that you have no answer to this. according to the law , there are two articles 41 of the labor law, which stipulates that the minimum living standards must be provided. after that , more than 70% of the population in the labor sector should receive a salary. our country does not have the things you say. what do you mean by justice? be careful with these words. unfortunately, our labor society today, some faces are wounded, in the name of justice , injustice is done to them, in the name of being people , sometimes unpopular behavior is done to them, the right to increase in age and retirement history is approved with the same research that you are doing. let's come to a conclusion, let's discuss the common issues and the reference
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to the title of the meeting is also a general title, that is, it only refers to, in fact, i can say this , yes, we are discussing salaries and wages, mr. khodayi , basically, we want to address this issue a bit more theoretically. do not tie salary increases to inflation is it correct or not? first of all, we entered the law, and then we will discuss the theory, but mr. doctor rejected our discussion and brought an argument that had nothing to do with my discussion. therefore, you can accept the second paragraph and enter into other discussions. let's not be so detailed, but if we want to reject the method, please either confirm that you were rejected or reject it with a reason. clause two of article 41, does the servant cover one or not , why does the legislator say one in the servant according to the rate. inflation, but in paragraph two of article 41 , it says again with emphasis that the wage will be determined in any case
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yes, no, it should provide the minimum of a life , we should pay attention to one thing. in my view, the salary issue is a social issue. you are only looking at it as an economic issue. this will be a difference of opinion between you and me during the conversation , please. to be freed from the clause of my article and law , i would also like to be freed , but please explain this part, of course, with your permission
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, see in the parliament, in our parliament , they consider the wage increase to be 18%, they consider it to be 20% with the same interpretation. you are unaware of the fact that the 20% they are considering there will come to fruition he is doing it to our labor field, which has no difference in adaptation, no conditions, no climate, no in different conditions, he is receiving the same wages , as i said, the concept of justice sometimes leads to injustice , not with our non-expert work. a general decision , god forbid, consciously, we do an expert work, we look at details , we look at a corner, for example , we go and focus on government employees and
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especially their managers, that is, those high-ranking people , we do not have anyone among government employees who have received such receipts. ok, we will focus there by focusing on this and under the pretext of executing justice , we are hitting a huge segment of our society , our retirees, our workers . we are obliged to approve the salary with a minimum wage equal to the living minimum or not . i will keep quiet about the rest. please be safe. now i was explaining things. look at the first discussion. i believe that justice should be established in the payment system. and increasing industrial rights is one of the most important channels this is actually the case as such. i want to start the discussion by saying that our country's macro policy is to support, for example, the young families of the population, and
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in fact, the policies of the population are now corresponding to this macro policy , what is the translation in the legal system? and let's add the children of help from these children more than the rest of the items, it was mentioned, for example, 18 or 20 percent of us. we had an increase in salaries, while this was not the case, it really was not the case, that is, it shows that it is not an expert's view of our family and children this year, 100 and 50.
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this is that the full dimensions of the whole case cannot be seen . for example, i am the year 1401 in the middle of the year. we had an increase in salary restoration. it has nothing to do with the fact that a fixed million has been added to everyone's salary . it is proportionally increased every year. now it is one and 200 years from now it will be 500. well, this increase is not included in the coefficient. you are right when you say that i i want to increase the salary at least as much as inflation. what does this mean? it means that
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i want to continue the existing system . what are we talking about? inflation is higher than the inflation rate. what does it mean that the government and the country have an economic capacity? well , what is justice? what is justice? explain that in the name of justice, the opposite of justice is done . this is a very accurate and correct statement. if there is a difficulty, it should be distributed evenly. if there is an opening, it should be balanced. there are other meetings that you have to attend to. i don't want to be part of them because there is no exit from the discussion. an opening was created for a year, so if the salaries of the employees increase more than the inflation, the salaries of the workers will increase. or even i am willing to this stage that if we have a difficult situation in our country for a year, we will not come to the brain, for example , we will create more employees than the inflation rate and less workers. so,
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what should be the basis of the decision? one is justice in the system in our country , the other is the cost credits that i will pay. well , our duty in increasing the salaries of employees and workers should be to actually have targeted increases, that is, the increases should not be the same. which happens to be the increase in recent years what has been done now for the classification for the employee sector has caused the gini coefficient of employee salaries to decrease according to the statistics of the employment agency in the last few years. what does it mean? this means that the gap between salaries is decreasing, which means that the increase in salaries for the lower classes is more. why do we think this logic is the correct logic? because in the basket of expenses of different groups of salary earners, the lower classes, what do they spend the expenses on?
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they spend on the essential needs of their lives. the upper classes spend some expenses that are avoidable. so. this policy that i say we should it is appropriate to consider that an initiative should be given to the politician who can make the system just for someone who really has a special expertise, in our country, for example , the problem we have is that we cannot keep some special expertise in the public sector for any reason. now that these systems should be reformed , it is the education system that needs to be reformed, there is not enough gasoline, that is not our issue, but for any reason, we need an expert in the public sector . this is the money they give in the private sector. the public sector cannot give it. here are the things that happened in our budget this year. a special increase was considered for the faculty and judges. please, from my tax office. i suggest that you go to the budget laws of recent years
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and see that we have seen many cases that are applied to the salaries of government employees outside of the coefficient . why is this good? it means that there are good and bad things, but the principle is good because we have to go towards this dissatisfaction that exists in the employee department, which is unfair , is also right that now we have a meeting if we want for example, we can talk about the pathology of this indolence, this must be corrected. now , give an example in the labor field . let me give an example in the labor field, for example, we want to apply salary increases to the labor sector. a worker for the lower classes, it should be more, that is, the logic of descending ladder logic, which now i think is not much of a difference, that is, i think they agree, but the part where i say the increase of my goal, i mean, we can fix an increase for all actions. let's do one or not come let's analyze the household portfolio, for example employees, excuse me, workers, what are the cost items
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that are related to, for example, the second part of article 41 , one of the most important of them is the right to housing. let's determine housing regionally. what does this mean? it means that we should apply this increase, surplus and minimum increase . the budget is the same in my opinion this is one of the best opportunities. in the next section, i have presented the second part of my appeal regarding the limits of spending credits and the problems that failure to pay attention to this issue can cause in the country.
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during the year, any increase in any level for government employees and salary earners who receive salaries from the budget should be considered, the meeting of the supreme labor council
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should be reconvened and the workers' rights should be revised , but he has not accepted that he has given any increase to the employees' salaries. okay, now you are saying with different examples that this has been added , that has been added during the year we have also seen your documents, we are not interested in your statements, i have seen some of them. unfortunately, even in the world of implementation, no one accepts that these increases have taken place. see, dear mr. shahraei , the difference between my and your point of view is that you see a purely economic problem, i am looking at it from the society's point of view, when you talk about percentages. the number 57 may tempt you a lot . in the world of economics, 57 is a very big number, but in society, with the things that have happened, the amount of 1 million 500 thousand tomans is not a number at all, one million. we are talking about the realities of society today, the subsistence basket that
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was imposed on us last year by the influence of the government without an expert opinion is 13 million and 90 thousand tomans, the minimum wage of a worker is 5 million 700 thousand tomans with the additional receipts you have. 70 and since this year too, when we considered the wage increase in 1403, it was said that it is reaching 10 million tomans, while our living standards in 1402 were above 15 million tomans. you want to make a policy. it's okay to see different things, but if we don't see where we are, no way we can't see where we want to go. this is the reality of our society today. you say that the government can't keep some specialists in the government body. i say, unfortunately, with our policies , we can no longer keep the situation in the country. the specializations have been removed from the government body, this retention of specializations, let's see the facts and talk about them. you say the macro policy of the country, the policy of
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family support and population growth, the center of our efforts, what investigation, what research have been done up to now that increase welfare how effective is it in having children and one of the main reasons is that we have children today it is going to the negative side. is there anything other than this livelihood situation that we purposefully go to a field to study and come. we just want to take a corner from the perspective you look at the issue and say to ourselves, i am talking about the economy and justice , i have nothing to do with this. on the condition that you can come and define justice in the annual budget, that you first separate the justice that you are doing for government employees with the private sector salaries that provide those benefits. no, today our government employees have job security and can use different facilities in different places. this is the smallest difference between
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government employees and the private sector. a private sector worker with a monthly contract of one month is not even able to use the facilities that you are considering. with these differences, if you want to apply the same formula for all of these, we will be condemned to the same events that have happened to us today, our private sector today. it is no longer able to attract production workers. today , our technical workers are being brought to false jobs because we determine the minimum wage that we have. on the one hand, it has taken the power of competition from employers. it means that anyone who wants to follow the law cannot pay higher wages in competition with other members of his trade union . he should not come to work in the workplace. our production sector is being overthrown. sincerely , have you noticed this point so far that the same wage that we set becomes the purchasing power of the society and practically our economic driver for the prosperity of our production can be
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increased. okay the relationship between recession and inflation we know that with the increase in handouts that we have established in a country and the suppression of only bananas, you must know the components of production . there is a salary, the salary is in the finished price of our goods and services , it has an effect of less than 10% in all businesses. now, some of your friends may have told you because i know the connections, but not us in the manual industry. this manual, firstly, we consider the total average, secondly, in the industry , the manual brought by the employer is nothing and that value the added value produced is only the art of that person. he has the right to take the largest share of the added value created. see, with these events that we have achieved , we have actually come from recession to reducing consumption per capita of household essentials. reduction in production and increase in overhead costs
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. the lack of justice in the discussion of investment and infrastructure, the lack of provision of wage justice and all the problems of the country, we want to at least solve these problems in other areas . has and an impact. it is insignificant in the field of economy that we want to see only economics and we want to establish justice only with wages . i believe it is wrong . meanwhile, i would like to mention one point. i am also the representative of all salary earners , but considering that the majority of our audience is these people, please take the discussion to this area where we, the audience, mr. khoda
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, only i can say this, then we will go to mr. next year, the same thing happened again. i have an explanation for you let it be just this question. we have a report . my colleagues are preparing this report. if it is ready , we will see it. we will come back to continue the discussion . we are at your service. and
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he wants the essential needs of life, but still at the end of each year, the politician's hand trembles to increase the salaries of the next year's workers. dawood javani, a member of the board of directors of iran's higher employer center, based on the current method of determining workers' wages , there is no difference between a workshop with 10 or 1000 workers and an executive model for all employers have a policy. this way of increasing salaries makes some employers turn from employers to workers overnight with a non-operational decision. we should not make decisions in such a way that employers cannot implement the law . mohammad reza tajik, member of the supreme labor council. the effect of inflation is directly on the table and living expenses of workers. in order to increase salaries and wages , inflation should be increased as well.


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