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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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he has farsi, so he helped me a lot when i started to learn farsi. i came here in 2016 as a deputy ambassador, and in 2019 i was promoted to the rank of ambassador and became the ambassador of hungary to iran. for the first time , i am the ambassador of hungary in a. they are a foreign country . it is an honor for me that i was able to become an ambassador for the first time, especially in iran. yes, mr. ambassador , we talked with them about the parliamentary elections in all the countries of the world and about their parliaments. we have three important powers in hungary. power a singer in the parliament, which is the main role. it
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is legislative, but the parliament also has the role of controlling and monitoring the actions of the government , so all the parties present in the parliament have the opportunity to directly question the ministers or the prime minister. the law passed by the parliament provides the power framework for the functioning of the government, which is specifically about
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we have two. voters vote for representatives individually. it means those who are nominated individually. but these representatives are mostly representatives of different parties. but maybe independent be together so, in practice, we have two types of votes in the hungarian electoral system. another vote in the form of a list of parties at the national level. we have some ethnic minorities. if i am a member of an ethnic group, an ethnic group has privileges, so it will be easier for them, but they can also prepare a list and send their representatives to the hungarian parliament.
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collect 500 recommendation letters from people, which must be approved. but when a person receives these 500 letters of recommendation , which can be verified through the signatures of citizens , then that person can be a candidate for election. for their party list, the parties prepare a list and publish the names according to their priority. the number
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of names corresponds to the number of seats that each party can send to the parliament. they prepare their own list and from number one to number 13 or 14, for example. i say once again that based on the number of votes obtained in the elections for a party, that party can send a certain number of representatives to the parliament. who is their authority? it confirms what institution or organization there is no organization to check the qualification in that sense, so every hungarian citizen who is over 18 years old and the court based on yes, but my question is that, for example, a person who has a criminal case in the court can participate in the election and does the relevant institution confirm his qualification? if the court decides that
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the person is not eligible to run in the election or even as a citizen does not have the right to vote, then
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the president may have the power to return the law to the parliament to be revised
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, but only once. so if the president refers a new law to the parliament to be revised. or be corrected then the parliament will make a decision once again, either the representatives will vote in support of amending the approved law, or if they say no, this will be done according to the normal procedure and with a simple majority in the parliament , but the parliament may decide not to amend the law in this case. the president's face is obligatory for the second time. sign the law and there is no option for the president not to sign the law a second time, in this case the approved law will be announced in the official newspaper of the country and the hungarians will implement this law. you
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mentioned the constitution in hungary. our constitution certain laws are passed and approved by the third majority of the parliament. there are some that are not part of the constitution, but they are still considered among the major laws of the country, which can only be amended by a two-thirds majority of the parliament. you are the president of the executive map. the new representatives in the parliament are sworn in and then the new parliament starts working. the first thing these representatives will do is to
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introduce someone as a candidate for the prime minister. prime minister should present the plan of the future government to the parliament. if his plan is approved by the parliament, then the prime minister himself will introduce the government ministers . i know that in your system, ministers are impeached by the parliament. at least one attempt has been made or even the minister may resign. in our country, the authority to form a government is with the prime minister or the prime minister himself with all the members of the government , or if the prime minister. if he feels that there is political pressure to change one or two government ministers , he can do it. normally, the minister takes an oath in front of the parliament this action reaffirmed the choice
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made by the prime minister. we saw the first part of the conversation with the hungarian ambassador in tehran. if you allow us to see and hear a little more about hungary here. the land we know today as hungary is a country in central europe. in the past, the carpathian region was home to many different races. at the end of the 9th century , the foundations of hungary were laid. at this time, a person named prince arpat, who was the leader of qom, crossed the carpathian mountains and captured the vast plains of the danube and forced other tribes to submit to his rule. to accept during this period, the hungarians
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made various conquests in europe and conquered cities from germany, italy and france . but finally, after the defeats they suffered, they stopped their campaigns. slowly , they moderated their desert temperament and turned to urbanism and christianity. in the year thousand. milady, duke of hungary named etienne i, introduced himself as king. the mongols attacked this region in the 13th century and caused a lot of damage to this land. in 1301, the rule of the arpats ended. after at the end of the arpat dynasty, hungary, like germany , became an elected monarchy. after the rule of a number of milanese people of anjou dynasty and... kings of german descent , the hungarian people finally
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elected a person named matthias kron from among their countrymen as the king of their country in the middle of the 15th century. he defeated the czechs, austrians and turks. . in the numerous attacks that the turks had on this region, in 1683, the turks besieged vienna, but finally in 1697 with support. the austrians were established so that the austrians had to fight numerous wars between the hungarians in these years they began to rely on the help of days, the tsar sent an army, and days the hungarians. a dual monarchy
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was formed. austria-hungary became separate states linked by a common monarchy. they also shared foreign policy. in 1914, hungary, as part of the austro-hungarian empire , participated in the first world war alongside the germans. by the fall of 1918, it was clear that they had lost the war. on july 4, 1920, hungary was forced to sign an agreement with the victorious powers of world war i. hungary lost a third of its territory and about 60% of its population. hungary in the 1930s it came under the influence of nazi germany and after the start of world war ii, hungary. he entered the war on the side of the germans. in the last years of the war, hungary declared
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a ceasefire. after the end of the war, the communists in hungary were determined to gradually take power in the country. they eliminated their opponents one by one. finally, in 1948, the communists completely occupied hungary and many hungarians were executed or imprisoned. stalinist executions in hungary. it continued until the early 1950s. soon public discontent began to boil over in hungary. they demand independence from moscow and the holding of elections were released. in 1956, the war between soviet banks and ordinary people happened. in the late 1980s, a wave of discontent and demand for reform rose in hungary. finally after many years of struggle. in 1990, the first free elections were held and
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joseph antal became the prime minister. here we see the second part of the conversation with the honorable ambassador of hungary in tehran, who talked to us about the election process and election rules. in parliamentary elections, there are usually political fights in the country. if you are a candidate if he wants to have a complaint about the way the election was held or his rights , where should he take this protest and what institution in your country will investigate it , there are different steps, this matter also depends, i don't know how
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to tell you. only if no one. a representative, but during the parliamentary elections, if anyone has any kind of complaint about the elections, even if his candidate loses in the elections, he can refer to the national electoral institution. at the beginning, they can refer to this institution, but in the future, it is the court that makes the decision. that is, if the person who filed the complaint if he is not satisfied, then go to court. refers to a normal court. it should probably be said that during the election process, if you are a hungarian citizen and want to vote, then you will see that there is an institution that will give you a ballot, and they will stamp it. they authenticate you. any party that is nominated in the election can
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send a representative to this institution. therefore, in any constituency you want to vote , there are controls and checks on the election process, when the votes are counted , the parties can still choose a person as nominating a representative in this institution means where the votes are counted, so even when the elections are held, there is still inspection control and you have the opportunity to control the entire process . is there any supervisory control over the members of the parliament or not? for example, if a representative abuses the power he has in the parliament, who should investigate his crime outside the parliament? is there a law on this in your country? do you mean that
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someone is now a member of parliament, first of all , representatives. so probably the relevant committee has a recommendation the whole assembly is sitting on the floor to represent his responsibilities and facilitate his privileges. if this is done and there is sufficient legal justification for the issue, then the representative's case will be submitted to a normal court because that representative
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has become a normal citizen.
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is it possible for
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you to send a message in farsi to the people of iran for the parliamentary elections? can't i run away from this question? send a message about how important parliamentary elections are not only for iran, but also for the people of the world and even for the people of hungary. if you want in general about. talk about parliamentary elections, i think that it is always important because this parliamentary election is a decisive moment for the political future of any country . democracy must work and continue . i think it was churchill who said that democracy is terrible , but there is nothing that anyone can think of that is better than this democracy. democracy is with all castes. and the controversies are still the best way for the people of any country to decide about their future. thank you very much. how many years
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have you been living in iran? i have been living in iran for 7 and a half years. if you want to explain the culture and behavior of iranian people to your family how would you explain? very brief and short. you have a history that is centuries old and very rich. you should be proud of this date. usually, when i meet with most iranians , they are very warm and kind and have a playful mind. i hope that you can maintain these qualities in the future, that is, be warm and hospitable and be proud of your history. my son was here recently. we bypassed iran , which included yazd, pasargad, press police, shiraz, isfahan, kashan. unfortunately
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, i did not travel to kerman. but on the way back from kashan in qom we also discussed that the religious center is very important in history, especially in your recent political history. because i think other people live here , you still have tribes, you
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also have an urban culture, because tehran itself is a big multi-cultural city , so anyone can fake many experiences . it is very difficult to choose which one is better , even if you ask me. which is my favorite city in iran? for me, it is isfahan. i love isfahan very much. for my wife , it is yest. even within the family , we have different opinions about this. iran is apparently one of the cities of iran. they are sister cities with the city of buddest. can you give an explanation in this regard? first of all, i would like to thank you for this year. we have historical relations between the two countries, that's why we
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have sisterhood relations between the cities of tehran, budapest, shiraz and patch. we also have a special relationship that is not between yazd and yasbar. they live he gave a gift to the city of yasberni, which is still standing in this city.
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there is also a symbol in front of the city office, which is a legendary story. it shows our history related to this people. i can also say that shiraz and patch have good relations. in the city of patch, we have a number of iranian students studying at the medical university. we have a statue of hafez in pej city and now we have a memorial table in hafez. as a hungarian poet at the beginning of the hijra century. dham wrote poems and mentioned hafez's poems in them. these poems were translated directly from hungarian to persian by a hungarian lady who was a professor of persian language . if you go to hafez, the hungarian poet will talk about the greatness of your poet hafez. this
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shows that this relationship is always between two the country exists and is alive and visible. mr. safir , thank you very much for participating in this conversation with us about the parliamentary elections in iran . well, here we have reached the end of this program from the collection of window programs, in the next programs
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we will go to other countries. go and we will give you more information about their electoral system. until the next window , i leave you to god. goodbye. it's opening now, i'm tired, i said it's okay , i said it's home appliances, i said it's open, it's open, no , it's night, let's go this way, we'll arrive in 10 minutes.
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evil lips let's go home, let's go, let's go. well, i said let's go. shahreh household appliances are available in all branches in tehran, isfahan and sari in the best places. looking for a good opportunity to buy carpets, all beheshti carpets at the factory price. now is the time for an unrepeatable discount in the festival. super sales of beheshti rugs from 5 bahman to 5. in the great iranian palace, it started with exceptional conditions , at this year's price, payment will be made in the next year until 2
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am. on friday evening, for your good deeds, dear compatriots , we present the news at 5:00 p.m. khatib juma. the next friday is the friday of the people of iran and the future he considered the nation and lovers of iran, islam and the revolution to be enemies. mr. haj ali akbari, in his friday prayer sermons in tehran today, stated that good preparations have been made, from the presence of candidates to the confirmation of qualifications, and said: elections are one of the best proofs of social responsibility. on friday or


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