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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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it is also very compatible with the work of the parliament, really the work of the parliament or heavy work in general, both heavy work and the work of the parliament, because it is still my responsibility. i am the media, that i am in the media, and i have not distanced myself from the media, as they say, they still feel that i am a representative . we are tired of keeping up with financial issues and statistics . yes, yes, then why don't you really become a representative? did
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this is for the people to monitor the behavior of the representatives and choose the person who is worthy of the presidency in the parliament. of course, you still have a chance now, that is, i think that you can run for the presidency, not for this election. it's boring at all. what is the reason for the fatigue that we don't feel tired, alhamdulillah , we are working as much as 10 years ago . usually, on shaban day , i can't do it for four more hours. i want four hours . the republic wants to be a candidate for the next term or not. will you run again or do you think that mr. raisi should definitely be in the next term? now we have to see if he can really continue the work , which god willing he can. two.
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second, how many children do you have? i have four sons and a daughter. two sons and two daughters . how old is the eldest born in 1956? that is about 456 years old. how many grandchildren do you have? almost a total of 9 things you said have great results now gets married
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they have cultural, studies, quranic and these things . the one who helps you in the press work , we work together, no, no , he writes articles himself, he also has a media, he is busy with this work, and the boys who do most of the executive work. they know, and one of them works as a freelancer , and one of them is actually an employee
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, and whether we need the senate in the future terms or not, if you can answer briefly , because many representatives say that the shura majlis is basically because it is actually the guardian council. and many times the qualifications are pure they reject caution, naturally, the parliament cannot be very effective because people are not yet involved in the problems of legislation at all.
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political issues sometimes, for example, you see that they do something to attract attention, later they themselves regret it, but the senate as a parliament in which there are, for example, how many representatives participate. it is necessary for them to have voted and worked in the shura majlis for three terms and then go to the supreme majlis, the so-called higher parliament. in your opinion, this is something for our political structure, for example, assuming that the constitution now needs to be amended. is it necessary to find a new one or not? of course, some people make these suggestions, but i think that in any case, if we evaluate the damages that our parliament is having in terms of legislation, we may consider them together. let's get to other clauses . first of all, the fact that we don't train people for
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the parliament to legislate is a problem in the country , that is, we don't have a party . in fact, like the house of commons, the council is rehearsing because it is a faction in its political orientation it is true that they will finally participate in something similar to the hizbah and then when they are fully matured, they will go to the supreme assembly or
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the senate. yes, this is another formula. let them improve in the country . it's enough that in the city councils , for example, they practice legislation at the level of local governance . one of my methods is to finally build a force for this work because in your opinion, the constitution needs to be amended after thirty years. from the previous amendment, yes, the constitution , we will go forward with whatever we have, in any case, we are facing a series of issues that we can actually need to make some amendments in the constitution , but not because the constitution is all right now. it has been fully implemented and we cannot
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fill the gaps now. fortunately, our constitution has a very high capacity in the role of self-leadership . the country is a role that can solve many of these gaps and deficiencies in the constitution but in the 12th parliament, it seems that it is time for him to design. yes, in the 12th parliament , he can do these things. in my opinion, the atmosphere of the society should be prepared for this, because in any case, the enemy of any election, any referendum, will attack. he wants to use our system. we have to provide the conditions in the country in such a way that an expert work is done first . they should consult with the leadership of wazem, who is allowed to make this change according to the constitution. let that expert group sit with pathology, in fact, the law
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should deal with these issues, then we will deal with its cultural context let's provide the society completely so that people know what positive points there are if this change takes place. the country will have and what problems of the people will be solved. hamid reza targhee is actually a member of the relief committee, that is, someone who has spent his life in the relief committee . i think we cannot expect him to volunteer for representation again. vote for them and expect to find the most generous and courageous and of course the smartest of them for the next periods by observing their behavior. in the parliament for the presidential election, one of the places where you can
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find the right president for the country is the parliament, and the next parliament, of course, can find someone who is known to be the president . various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key. it is the hands of the people. what will stop your competitors? mandatory pricing is impossible to fix the exchange rate by mandating . naftabadan, qatar , what are they doing to pay him to watch football? the known media is the press do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that with the transfer of the capital, this problem is the debate
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of tendencies on the eve of the elections. . the advertisements of the candidates for the 12th parliamentary term have taken on a new form. they can use these 3 minutes completely. number 6: for the first time, the candidates for the parliamentary elections entered the competition pit from the frame of the national media. by the way, i searched my damghan channel and found this. the person. they can finally , there should be a good communication bridge between the people and the candidates and their programs, which can
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help in better and more powerful choices. this work of radio and television is great because people who cannot speak from the headquarters and the places where the representatives advertise can see the performance and work of the representatives. people in 31 professors can see the candidates audiovisually through television. in addition to 20 television channels, they can see and listen to the opinions and programs of election candidates . for the 15,000 candidates who qualified , a special page has been created for each of them , they can go there and upload their views, of course , they can also upload debates and 20-minute videos because
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it is available to them and anything that they want. they have been given this space for a period of 10 hours, people can make a more accurate choice, candidates can introduce themselves for their own benefit, and people who want to choose can make the right choice on 20 tv channels broadcasting debate programs between the election candidates. another enthusiasm to elections have given a competitive atmosphere. one of the good things that is being done is the broadcasting of debates so that people get to know the programs, ideas of representatives and the level of their insight, knowledge and awareness. it is very good in terms of raising awareness and enlightening, and the awareness of the families themselves is very effective. if we see a representative
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whose views and programs are better than the views of the representative i am considering, i will definitely choose him. and these debates will allow me to choose my real person, to avoid big election expenses and transparency of advertising expenses, the most important step of the national media in this type of advertising has been the work that has been done by the media in view of the closure. many of the candidates who could not do their programs due to financial reasons , this was a beautiful thing. this program was a very good program , which was a new initiative from the radio station, and in my opinion , it provided a very fair opportunity to the candidates, and with very low costs no. 9 initiated by fateme alikhani of sada news agency and sima the victory of the islamic revolution of the people of iran
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, a new chapter in the country's political administration. the referendum to determine the type of government is one of the most important fruits of the islamic revolution, during which the choice of the political structure governing the country was left to the people. those who vote for the islamic republic. they usually cut this part and fold the green part and put it in the box. i vote 100 for the islamic republic . because my leader, imam khomeini , told me everything and explained what the islamic republic is, and i vote for the islamic republic. i vote for the islamic republic. i vote for the islamic republic. i will vote for the islamic republic of iran. more than 98 of those eligible to vote have participated in the poll. more than 97 of them
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gave an empty answer to the islamic republic. in the next step, people. they went to the polls once again and chose their experts to prepare and write the constitution. after reviewing various drafts. if you feel that it is enough to negotiate the text of the constitution , it was put to a vote and accepted by the majority of people . in the hope of god almighty. then see that the company of the constitution is responsible for guarding the rules of islam and the constitution as a council put a guard a council consisting of jurists and jurists, whose selection of jurists is entrusted to the leadership, and the selection of its jurists from among the people nominated by the head of the judiciary
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is entrusted to the parliament. in order to observe the rules of islam and the law. basically, in terms of non-contradiction of the resolutions of the islamic council with them, a council called the guardian council is formed with the following composition. six of the righteous jurists who are aware of the requirements of the time and the issues of the day. the selection of these people is with the leadership position. 2. 6 lawyers in different fields of law from among muslim lawyers appointed by the head of the judiciary. they are introduced to the islamic council and are elected by the vote of the council. after the constitution was approved by the people, imam khomeini issued a decree appointing the jurists of the guardian council based on article 91 of the text. this order
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was addressed to ayat ahmed jannati, rabbani shirazi, gholam reza rizvani, lotfollah safi golpayegani, yusuf sanai and mohammad reza mahdavi keni. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, according to article 9 of the constitution of the islamic republic , in order to protect the rules of islam and the constitution in terms of non-contradiction with the resolutions of the islamic council , a council called the guardian council is formed. it is the responsibility of this council to select 6 jurisprudents who are just and aware of the requirements of the time and the issues of the day. therefore , i appoint your highness as one of the six jurists to be a member of the guardian council . i hope ruhollah al-mosavi al-khomeini on march 1, 1358, equal to 3 rabi' al-thani, 1400. in this way, the jurists of the guardian council
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were determined on march 1, 1958, and a little later with the dream of the lawyer of this council became the pillar of election supervision in the islamic republic. you must have heard that radio and television have launched special election channels to introduce parliamentarians. but where are these networks and how can we access them? to access these networks . first , find the home or menu button on the tv remote control, then select the channel editing option. now you have two options : automatic search and manual search . select the automatic search option. select the save option. now you can easily
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see the list of election channels. in these advertising channels, the promotional video of the candidates and their debates will be broadcasted, so that you will have the right information about each representative. to participate in the elections , the officials who want to enter the parliament have a great responsibility, they must enter the parliament with a high commitment, someone will come. to be able to do work for people. don't waste four years of time, neither your time nor people's time. follow up on people's problems and stay away from ethnic, tribal, party and factional issues.
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it should be fully involved in the economic issues, choose someone who will not be the debtor of the capitalists, not the debtor of the powerful , defend the rights of the weak people, be honest. one hand should pay attention to the promises made to the people and the representative should make a promise that he can fulfill to the livelihood of the people he should act on it and be within the scope and framework of his work to be able to fulfill the promise he makes . people should go to read the resume of that person. he is from another list . i know him, i know he is efficient, so i will definitely write a replacement. we are going to send someone from your list to the parliament, who i don't know, to express our thoughts and problems. well, of course , let's participate and choose a good option
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. we will come a little closer to these goals. the manifestation of people's presence is in their own destiny. their society sees the 11th of esfand sitting a lot. is it not? why should we not participate in the elections? i am ready to give my life for the sake of my country because of the foreigners who hate my country . i will do everything in my power. i will participate in the elections . whenever the elections start, i will kill myself and my children. we give. electronic elections, the electronic voting
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system is a system with the highest security and protection factor, which has a significant effect on increasing accuracy, speed and reducing costs, therefore, in both the elections of the 6th term of the assembly of leadership experts and the 12th term of the islamic council in several areas of this system will be used. voter. when visiting, one must bring one of the documents of the national card, the certificate of the end of the service card, the passport or the birth certificate that contains the national number , so that the operator, after checking the original document and verifying the identity , will obtain a voting authorization card, which has the same validity as the ballot papers. of course, it is better for the voter to write down the names and codes of his chosen candidates for both elections and carry them with him. at this stage, the voter must go to one of the electronic boxes to get his special voting authorization card. put on the designated place and complete the vote registration for both
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elections do not move it. after a few seconds , the vote registration page will appear on the screen and the voter can register all the candidates they want. the voter must enter the code of the desired candidates in both the elections of the assembly of leadership experts and the islamic council, which he has already written down on paper, consecutively without pressing any additional keys, and at the same time as registering the votes, the name and image of the selected candidate must also be displayed on the cash register screen. voting is observed. after completing the registration of the electors, the voter should press the green button to complete the voting and, if sure, for the final confirmation press the green key again. the vote is stored in the memory of the device and a copy of the printout is shown to him under the glass case, then the ballot is thrown into the plastic case under the cash register. now
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, what should be done if the voter makes a mistake while entering the candidate's code. here, before the final registration , it can be corrected by selecting the multiplication button in front of each candidate, or by pressing the red key , it can be corrected from the last registered code. also. if the donor wants to register a white vote, he can do so by pressing the white key and specifying the type of election enter your vote. at the end, the voter takes the photo permit card that has been used and has been invalidated and hands over his identity documents to the relevant officer at the same branch. but some tips about the security and protection of this electoral method. the cash register will be electronic to any network. it is not connected, that's why until the end of the legal time for voting and breaking the seal of the device and emptying its memory, no one knows about the results of the
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votes . hello, dear viewers of phil majlis program. what are you doing he said that i am making slogans for merchants. assembly in the world means lobby. however, the lobby has rules. in the middle of hashemi's work, pulling the brakes badly. you were not threatened in the 7th round for voting or not voting.
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for the car refrigerator. have a nice trip. buying from pak is a journey. by purchasing any of pak shuma's products , there is a possibility of winning an exciting trip for you. buying from pak shuma is a journey. pak shuma is always with you. guys , let's go to the home appliance city right now. why? because the
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price floor in the city. an unrepeatable discount in the beheshti carpet super sale festival from 5th of february to 5th of march for every purchase from iran's grand palace. gift
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get. a gift for every iranian in baran sarai iran gift. until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers. at 20:30, i am at your service with some news from the atwa section. more than 80 mokas under the title of servants of the promised mahdi , may god bless him and grant him peace, will be set up on the boulevard of the great prophet in qom. these processions are from 11 foreign nationalities. the activity of these processions will start tomorrow morning on the occasion of
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the birth of imam zaman ajjal


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