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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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this has not really been done, the quality has not increased in some cases , it has been done , that is, we cannot give an example. they should provide a series of facilities , such as damavand azad university, which is a fledgling university, and after all, the medical science field is also a fledgling university, but in a very short period of time, it has been able to provide a series of good facilities that are suitable , but there is still room, that is, the issue of increasing quality there is still a very important critical discussion that we are trying to do right now .
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in your opinion, is the azad university activity market a competitive market or an exclusive market ? do you know that the azad university market is a competitive market? because now, with the increase in branches and activities of payam noor university, as well as other universities that are considered public universities in iran, we are witnessing that at all, many of our students are attracted by payam noor and other universities, which means that now one of the biggest problems of azad university is that it does not have any students. the various units of azad university are really serious about the merger of damavand and firuzkoh university campuses , which are very far from each other , but because they do not have students, it is not profitable. very well, mr. amrai, do you agree with mr. mousavi , do you think this market is a competitive market? no?
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you see, i feel that due to the expansion of universities in higher education and medical education , our universities are now moving towards a competitive market, that is, now, for example, payam noor university has its medical unit, where does it not exist? in fact, we do not have payam noor in the university. we have in azad university applied science, what does it not have? medical education , not according to the state university. in fact, i say the state university, the state university that has both higher education and medical education. actually, i want to explain the question in this way. they are providing services and enrolling students in medical education, which again i say is one of our troubles in medical education. because
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medical education is actually the only tuition-paying university, of course , we have a tuition-paying public university. we have a surplus of self-governing universities, which are under the supervision of the ministry of health, but in fact , they charge tuition fees from students, but in my opinion, in the discussion , there is actually competition here , and they actually give this right to the university. i believe that the level of universities has actually increased compared to previous periods, so you say that the market is a monopolistic market. you see, we have this problem in medical education, and i will say again that the largest tuition that azad university receives now is from medical students. because of the same exclusive market, how much is the units? the units are different, but the most units he has now receive tuition fees there are international units in kish and qeshm because
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they are international and the figure is above 30 tomans. now, in fact, the figure is high there. in these units, the figure is high. now, you have to ask the exact number here. in fact, this is why i say if it was a monitoring system or a there was a site we used to see how much the international unit of qeshm or kish is currently receiving from the medical students of azad university, but the students there have a lot of objections
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. the light is too much, but in the discussion of medical sciences, what he said is correct about medical sciences especially in kish, even the public universities are in a state of uncertainty. well, now you think that even though you say that it is exclusive, who should come and set the price? you still say that azad university itself, i am not saying only azad university, i am saying that azad university should be one of the pillars. to have a role in decision-making, but higher education, as the guardian of this matter, should have the first and last say. it is true that we believe that, finally, in a climate. two kings are not enough. azad university is a sub-category of higher education , so we cannot claim that azad university can have the first and last word in everything. the context, especially in the discussion of tuition fees , do you think which device should enter into this exclusive procedure, for example, we have the competition council
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, we have places like this, which enter between competitive and anti-competitive procedures and set prices. do you think this should happen to azad university or not ? do you think it should? yes, i think the competition council is one of the councils that can actually get involved in this matter , and of course, azad university has 60,000 people due to its size. employees and faculty and non-faculty members are working in azad university kenan, and due to the expansion that exists in the university now , in my opinion, it is like the university's board of trustees, which has a heavy and special weight and usually has members from different institutions. there are in the boards of trustees, in my opinion , there should be such a board, now consisting of one person from the azad university and the rest from the regulatory body, and now maybe this will actually lead to a new council, but i want to say that it must be made up of different bodies. for example
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, the general inspection organization of the country should enter into this issue regarding pricing. well, look, there are no violations that can actually be summed up in this pricing. the statement that the competition council is actually the best option. for this matter, which can be included in addition to the ministry of science and the ministry of health, which of course are mentioned in article 1 of the law on the continuation of the country's development programs, if this article is implemented correctly, the approval of the ministry is also requested here for pricing and for mr. mousavi's tuition fee determination, do you agree that the competition council should come in to set prices or not? the competition council can also be one of the pillars to determine, not only him, yes, the competition council, or not, the other 3 azad universities, the azad university, the university. great competition and hello, reduce it to three crowded ones. no , the competition is not more private, no more
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. if there is, i mentioned the anti- competitive procedures. monopolistic markets are the only competition in the country. i told you, i told you that there should be a council, a board should be made up of different institutions . it should not be allowed for you to monopolize one institution. it means that right now we are having a debate, in those meetings there should be a debate.
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there should be a council to decide that there are too many violations in azad university. i will give you an example. azad university when it takes a student he is defending his phd and is waiting for his second article to be published. this is the second article. you know that now there are many free markets that charge up to 30 million and 40 million. they print until 30 million to 40 million. no one has entered. this is one of the criticisms that i myself gave to the gentlemen. he defended himself, he doesn't go to class
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, he doesn't come here, for example , he doesn't attend the university at all. what services do you have for him? gentlemen, you could not answer and there are still these violations, sir, that should be monitored. i completely agree with their statement, wherever there is no supervision , there is corruption. wherever there is no supervision, there is theft. wherever there is no supervision, there is embezzlement. azad university is not supervised as much as it should be, no, what kind of supervision do you think is needed? look at the supervision of azad university. i am at your service from a legal point of view . we do not have non-private non-governmental institutions. we have a non-governmental public institution called azad university
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if it is a non-governmental public institution, it automatically includes supervision . there are four conditions for calling an institution a non-governmental public institution . one is to perform public duties and services . the second is the independence of a legal entity. non-government sources. and fourth, according to the law and approved by the islamic council, the first three cases apply to azad university, which means that it is performing public service duties , it has an independent legal personality, and more than 50% of its annual budget comes from sources. the non-governmental organization is being provided, one of them it remains that a plan was approved in the parliament in january 2019, a plan to organize the supervision of islamic azad university. it was decided to
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add azad university to the list of non-governmental public institutions and institutions. if azad university is added to this list , due to the power it has from the government and also takes tuition fees or opens centers , the same amount of government can be in the university of this government , which i say is the government in the general sense. the azad university should be amended according to its constitution, and this law is now in the hands of this project and it is now on the agenda of the islamic council. i hope that before the parliament the end indeed. they still haven't come up with this plan because there are 3 clauses in it. if you want, i will give
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you an explanation about this. i agree with your opinion . there are too many violations in azad university. unfortunately, i will show you some examples. some of these violations go back to the management of the lower managers , some of them go back to the top managers , it starts from the top managers, for example, according to an unwritten law. social security insurance is not included in azad university violations. why? this criticism of professors, employees and workers in private companies they are working there, he raised his voice. their protest has reached the sky. why? another point. a series of violations goes back to middle managers, heads of units. as. the example of the cooperative company of azad university, rodhand
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, bought a piece of land 20 years ago with the money of the employees and professors, until this moment, this land has not been paid, why are they stuck in the administrative offices, for example, for 2 years in the rodhand municipality, this is stuck, the municipality is asking too much , let the municipality give them away. he is asking too much, then now he wants to tell me that the manager means the president of the azad university of rodhan, instead of coming behind him. his own employees and professors are defending the extravagance of the municipality. it may be that the gentlemen who are in tehran do not have individual souls , i don't know, but these very important problems that exist now have caused azad university to face many, many challenges and this it has caused the voice
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of the professors to be heard in the expression of the voice of the employees, the voice of the workers who work in private companies, that is , a series of violations, we must have supervision , the azad university itself must supervise , it must be supervised. you are right to enter this you don't have a university in these cases. it is a university, and our topic today is mostly the issue of the authority of urban pricing, urban payment and where to spend the tuition, but one point, mr. rais danesh. azad said that the plan is to reduce the university's dependence on tuition fees. i want to read it clearly. it was said that it went from 85% to 52% in mehr 1402. naturally, the question that may arise here is why we are sometimes either in the middle or in the middle. every year, we increase the tuition fees. if it is so unnecessary, for example, the university
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can think about the tuition fees of the students. what will these tuition fees be? what percentage is being paid to the professors? what percentage is being paid to the employees? what is the tuition fee? why are the salaries of azad university employees delayed by one year, that is, from a year ago to a year and a half ago, we did not receive salaries. they should pay immediately, right, mr. omrai, what do you think , why do you think that until now, as mr. mousavi himself has pointed out, the statement of the president of azad university seems to be inconsistent with what happened in reality. anyway it is important to say that as a professor who is actually teaching at azad university for one and a half years
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, he has not received a salary. . when a student doesn't pay the tuition, sometimes he is asked to issue an admission card. well, recently we heard news that maybe we will actually release this statement. they cannot do their administrative work well, but now you, as a university professor , have not been paid for a year and a half , they are actually asking you for your salary to come and continue. now maybe you go to the classroom and teach with love , but you don't stay there. in fact, you have a demand from them . azad university should pay when a student enrolls in this university. in my opinion, you should do a tuition assessment first . say that you are a half-year
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student entering the 402 mehr month . year if medicine. we will add a fixed tuition fee to this amount. i have a reason i am doing this conversation. our medical science student who wants to actually study for 14 semesters, when he reaches the middle of the way, i.e. the third or fourth year , you will see that his condition will increase by 20-30%. will stay. if you cancel yes, year after year , i also say that the increase of the city will come in the middle of the third year, for example, and not at the beginning of the next year. 100. what i mean is that compared to our previous year, for example, there is a greater increase compared to that routine. yes, in the middle of the study, for example , he realizes that a fixed and variable city has increased so much, so there are two ways, or cancel, for a person who has studied hard, and passed the entrance exam. accepted data if he has to pay, it means that the student
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will be stuck here, and this should be fixed from the beginning . the university should know that the student will enter the university this year, and in 7 years, with an increase , he will be studying in a fixed city. in fact, i feel that azad university should do this. where is the money being spent? we will return to the supervision. now we do not have a clear answer to the question of where the money is being spent. if the faculty members are being paid , we need to get the consent of the faculty members. let's see , not if, if, if at all, if spent on improving education if it is for the purchase of equipment, we must see them, that is, in a way, we must see where it is being spent . as i said, the unit managers
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have a role in these problems and problems. they mean the managers of the universities, the managers of the units of the azad university , instead of being the voice of the professors, the voice of the employees, they don't do this . agree on this beautiful cooperative. two the governor of tehran's letter written by the mayor is not carried out and the president. the azadeh university is behind the municipality of oz, if it is behind its employees, the violations here show themselves, and the azadeh university itself has no control over this discussion. the supervision should be both from inside and from outside on azad university. unfortunately , it is not from inside or from outside
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. how can these problems be solved in azad university, just as there should be a council, which i say again, should not be crowded , three or so people, yes, the council is quiet. there should be no more than 3 people , let them make a decision regarding all the violations , all the problems let me ask you a question, mr. amrai. their opinion was that medicine is a monopoly, and non-medicine is a monopoly . do you agree? how much is the use of scientific students in the market, and for example , the discussion of competition in non-medical fields has increased so much that i will tell you. many students are attracted to government centers such as payam noor and other universities . well, this is because of the competition or because of the low tuition there compared to the university.
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there is, because they see that the first thing is that their tuition is low, payamor is very low, and then the quality is high. the books of payam noor are mentioned. they are really written in such a way that the student understands when he goes home . he doesn't really need to attend the class. well, this is a very good discussion. there are many people who they go to work , they can't work , they can't have academic activities, they can't speak in class at payam noor university, they can easily do their work and study . i am very literate i read english in payam noor, and now i am teaching in english for non-iranian students in tehran university, of course, i myself. i worked on the language, but in the discussion of noor message , i didn't go to class at all because my language was good, i just wanted to go and get a tutor. when you left
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, your language was not good , what were you doing? i said to one of my professors , sir, we were in master's degree, i said that my language is good, i like you very much , i like your class very much, but i can't come to your class. at the same time, i said no, i left it to attend the class, i said , sir, i am very interested in your class , i am very interested in your character, but i don't need your class, he said 5 nora for attending the whole class, sir, we scored 20 in the exam, he rejected 15 for us, ok again considering the data given to you, mr. omrai, do you have statistics for these non-medical people , how many percent of the market is in the hands of azadeh university? the hands of other universities, well, you see, in terms of city, if we want to pay attention to the city of azad university
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, it is still higher than the universities in fact, the message of noro, these are non-medical ones, and again, it is actually a city. there are more azad universities, but you can see the differences of being exclusive . those centers and branches are more extensive than other universities, and for this reason, students may be able to easily register in azadi universities, which are located in their city, in the center of their province, and even pay a higher amount of tuition, but for now there is a discussion about the transfer and the distance , there is more favor towards the azad university, even in non-medical fields, and here i want to give you an example of medicine. the students of the ministry of health, that is, those
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who are in the university of medical sciences, after the doctors graduate and study , they receive salaries at the time of their appointment. for medical students, which actually means this, there are expectations that go from azad university, so the student says that i pay tuition to the university but i do not receive a salary . well, students, these are medical doctors you said that they have a monopoly, but now you are referring to the non-medical fields, the market is different, the branches are more, the wind is more , because other universities are now competing with each other in non-medical fields, the applied society feels light and free. i will do that the non-
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medical situation. it is much better, and now we can say neither monopoly nor competition, but something between these two, in fact, it can be said that now we have called medicine a non-medical monopoly, we are slowly moving towards a complete monopoly, in five minutes we will talk about a complete monopoly of non-medicine as well. in the well i have prepared a report, my colleague , about the opinions of those in favor and those against, i request your presence to determine the urban authority of azad university . islamic azad university is a non-governmental higher education institution with trustees whose first educational unit was opened 41 years ago. the educational complex that was supposed to take science to the most remote areas of iran. the constitution of islamic azad university was written in azar 1361 and was approved by the supreme council of cultural revolution and it started its activities in tehran with an initial capital of one million tomans. currently, islamic azad university
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has opened about 47 academic units and educational centers across the country , it is responsible for more than 1 million 250 thousand students in 31 provinces of the country . education of islamic azad university, including amir rajaei , an opposing researcher, in a situation where public universities do not comply with some important matters, if islamic azad university can comply with these important matters, it can have. become a competitive position , such as creating a model-based quality assurance system validation of guidance and guidance of theses and theses of graduate education courses in a way that oversees solving the country's problems and needs, increasing and improving payments to visiting and part-time professors in order to raise the quality of education, avoiding lowering the standards related to students' evaluation and assessment criteria pay more attention to.
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islamic culture and values ​​and its implementation in the form of written programs. tehranchi, president of islamic azad university, the tuition fee of azad university is not that much. although we also feel the inflation in the society, but if the phd students if they compare their tuition rate with the tuition fee of a kindergarten or a high-altitude school, they realize that the tuition they pay is equivalent to one year's tuition of a kindergarten or a high-altitude school. the average tuition fee of azad university from associate degree to doctorate is 690 thousand tomans. mehsa rashidi, the opposite researcher. one of the main reasons for the low quality in azad university is the inappropriate ratio of professors to students, especially in graduate studies. due to the lack of faculty members, a significant number of students
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face the fundamental problem of choosing a supervisor during the thesis or dissertation phase. face action taken in this regard, such as the recruitment of affiliated faculty , can lead to a decrease in the quality of education. safi , a member of the faculty and the president of the islamic azad university , dastful-e-nazov branch. islamic azad university has units that are the best universities in the country in some special fields, such as ghazvin unit, which is the robotic pole of the country and the world. azad university has created a suitable opportunity for people who cannot choose their favorite field in public universities in the university. free to continue their education in their city or the city closest to their place of residence. by registering in this university, the costs of travel and accommodation other concerns are avoided. many researchers disagree. the quality of azad university has improved only in the units of big cities like tehran, isfahan, shiraz and some other big cities. but if you visit the small units of this university, which are located in smaller cities, you will see that the lack of professors, laboratory facilities has caused
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the students to leave alone, and when they finish their studies, they don't even know that many units how to pass the academic level of azad university is not comparable to public universities, well, we have seen the report together, mr. omrai, so far, when we talked, you said that the doctors are exclusive. the non-medical ones are almost in the middle of it , they are now quasi-competitive, and why have they not entered the competition council or any other institution so far, or they have the opposition of the free university or something. look, if our country is moving forward according to the constitution , as a mother law, i told you that azad university is now an institution that is defined as non-private and non-governmental . what kind of monitoring institution can we do for a non-private and non-governmental institution? he has approved a plan in the education commission under the title of saman plan.


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