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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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the lack of professors and laboratory facilities has caused the students to graduate alone and when they finish their studies, they don't even know how to pass many units. the scientific level of azad university is not comparable to that of public universities. well, we saw the report together, mr. until now, when we talked about doctors, you said monopoly , and non-medical people, you almost got it in the middle, monopoly , now quasi-competitive, and why until now? the competition council or other institution has not entered yet , or the university has opposition or what? see if our country is going according to the constitution first, as a rule of thumb, i told you that azad university is now an institution that is defined as non-private and non-governmental. what supervisory institution can we do for non-private and non-governmental institutions? well, the parliament has come up with a plan in the commission.
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under the title of islamic azad university's supervisory organization plan , it is mentioned in paragraph one of the article that the name of islamic azad university is added to the law on the list of non-governmental public institutions and institutions. a government like a municipality, now the government can supervise the municipality the municipality of all the cities and many other institutions , their names have been included in this list due to the law of the parliament, the free university has not been included . that it does not interfere with the promotion commission or the next year's budget and that it is approved. now in the article of the law
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on organizations and procedures of the court of administrative justice , it is stated in paragraph 1 that the court has the jurisdiction to file a complaint, and it has said that the decisions and actions government units from the ministry of home affairs and organizations and institutions and state and municipal companies and social security organization, here the parliament has come, the name of azado university has been added and azad university. islamic, if this is approved, from now on azad university, whether students, employees or faculty members, can go to the branches of the court of administrative justice to get their rights, and there, because it is a university, article 10 has been included in this article, it is within the court's jurisdiction, but now if a student from the court of administrative justice should come to azad university to file a complaint. the unqualified court
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knows why it is named in the law azad university, as an institution that the court can enter, did not come, mr. mousavi, what is your opinion, do you agree with mr. omrai, because basically , the supervisory authority could not come to monitor or not, azad university itself is not very willing, azad university itself is not willing, azad university is not willing. he considers himself a competitor of the state university and in some ways. it goes back to the initial constitution of the azad university, which was set up in such a way that it is not a subset of anyone, but because it is written in the constitution that if one day the azad university is dissolved, all its assets will be at the disposal of the government, and the government is now providing them with land at a price it's very expensive, i don't know, it gives a subsidy, that's why i'm talking about rice and i don't know the ingredients. the food
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that is being prepared in the kitchens is prepared there. the important point that we have to address is that we have to solve the problem from the root, that is, the statutes should be set in such a way that both the opinion of the azad university and the opinion of those who claim many violations are ensured. it is being done there, especially a series of mps, a series of professors , student employees, should be based on this. it should be adjusted , and its name should be adjusted beautifully, after all, it is non-private, non-governmental, what does it mean, what does it mean it really should be made clear, and the second point is that this statute should be set up in such a way that the right to supervise the supervisory bodies is clearly given , so that the way is opened very clearly so that if someone wants to do supervision by the ruler.
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the important thing that i am saying should be paid attention to is the basic and root problem of the statute . the statute must be amended in such a way that the problems. that all the issues will disappear and these problems come back to a few points. if you want, i will explain the problems in five points. look at one of the issues that have been raised . azad university is made up of several pillars, one pillar. a lot of professors have been recruited now, and they are protesting why our salaries are lower than the salaries of public university professors . how different is the management structure of azad university? it is almost possible to say that i can't raise this exactly . it's okay, but you can say, for example, i think you yourself are talking about transparency. now
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, because it's different from one unit to another, i'm only the one that's in my blood, because i'll go there for a few hours, so how much is the difference, you can almost say it's half, no. there are 25 million for their university professors government 50, public university, steps are like this now , no, 25 50. i'll say it again, it's better that i don't give an exact number because i have to, but what i have in mind now is like this. the point of a management structure discussion
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that i mentioned, this management structure should be modified based on the statutes are the next pillar of students' discussion. our students are really complaining about azad university . it's an impossible reality. we have to go in the direction of solving all these mistakes, these mistakes, and these problems. it means that the student's opinion is satisfied . the next discussion can be discussed. a very important discussion which should be corrected, of course, although many of the texts are common between the government. and azad, but again , there are a series of texts that are taught in azad university, which are, for example, in the form of pamphlets, and i don't know the format.
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i will introduce the book, the summaries of which i have in the form of questions and answers, both in english and persian arabic. and the spirits of the professors and students should be seen and provided. the conclusion that i have for you is that we are facing the most noble professors, students and employees in azad university, a great fact, for example, in the past years. we have seen that the least number of protests and the least amount of crowding, now, not the number of protests, protesting is a good thing, but the least amount of crowding was from the professors, students and employees of azad university. it was mostly about the governments who do not pay according to sharia. this
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is an important issue. azade is talking about the quality that azad university is offering now compared to that yes, the city that is receiving it should be improved a lot. due to its special and ambiguous nature , it has always been exempted from supervision laws. it is an autonomous state that we did not consider the supervision of the azad university to be a suitable supervision, which means that either it did not exist or it was not an efficient and proper supervision. prevention is always better than cure if we want problems now. the current students of the university should be resolved and we should not create protesting students from the new entries . in the university, we should bring the supervisory authority over the azad university under the umbrella of supervision. one of these cases is the jurisdiction of the court of justice. administrative to enter the complaint of azadeh university and
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secondly, we have to understand what is the nature of azadeh university, we are a non-private, non-governmental institution . and this should be corrected. thank you very much to both the guests of the program, all the good viewers, especially the higher program, who accompanied us until this moment, god bless you. from both or above, wherever we are today, we will be above tomorrow.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world today. my name is hosni sadat shabiri. i accompany tonight, the guest of the program came from the neighboring country of pakistan. he is supposed to talk about the most important issues of the palestinian islamic world. let's discuss in the second case of the world , today we will talk about the vote of the zionist parliament to not establish an independent state of palestine. will the recent resolution affect the relations between the zionist regime and the united states ? let's see the past day and night. praise be to god, lord of the worlds. peace be upon you. peace be upon you
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. peace be upon you. peace be upon you
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. may god have mercy on you. yarahma allah akbar allah la la kanbe
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kanbe kanbe amin qaedin fi fi habib habib taal enough love or zalma khalih loves al-siyar, the work of the representatives of different countries in their speech at the international court of justice with frankness of the truth. destiny supported the palestinian nation , according to ermiadin network, lebanon, iran, iraq, iran and china emphasized the legitimate right of the palestinian nation to use weapons in order to liberate the land and determine its destiny in the speech of their representatives. china made a frank speech about the right
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of the palestinian people to use weapons. the purpose of confronting the occupiers and liberating their land is present he took the international court of justice by surprise. on the fourth day of the speech of the countries in the international court of justice , we saw a significant change in the positions in support of palestine, which was frankly at the level of south africa's complaint. in determining the right of the fate of the palestinian nation , use force to resist foreign oppression and complete the independence of the country. to establish independent countries after world war ii. the important speech of the representative of iran focused on the right of palestinians to determine their own destiny and
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held the supporters of the zionist regime responsible for committing the crime of genocide in gaza. the world continuation of the work of the court. melli pursues justice at the same time as the disastrous situation in gaza. the occupying regime continues to kill women and children every day . this court should consider this case as an urgent case and declare its opinion about the violations of the zionist regime against the palestinians. no one can ask this court not to issue this advisory opinion. iraq also wants to prosecute the occupiers.
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he asked the world not to recognize the current conditions imposed by the occupiers. most of the lectures were accompanied by direct and explicit literature. iran has a large number of international laws and resolutions he cited and asked this court to issue just and fair judgments in favor of the palestinian nation. i am discussing the duties of islamic countries regarding the palestinian issue with the guest of the program, mr. hojat al-islam wal-muslimin. mohammad amin shahidi, secretary general of the united nation institute of pakistan and an activist in the issues of the islamic world, who is our guest from the neighboring country of pakistan. welcome, mr. shahidi . as a first question, i would like to ask you whether, in your opinion, the government and the muslim nations on the issue of palestine now
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, regarding the duty to act or not, in the name of god , the nations should be separated from the governments having looked at both, the governments of islamic countries are mostly, what can i say, almost 99 are dependent because they are dependent, for this reason they should first look at their own interests, then look at the interests of the capitalist system, and then look after that. they should ask whether they can help palestine in this situation or not, but in fact these interests are their primary interests, therefore one should not expect too much from islamic countries and the heads of islamic countries. yes, it is their duty, but they don't do their duty, but when you
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look at the people, you look at the islamic ummah. the situation is completely separate from the governments , from africa to asia and arab countries to foreign countries , people everywhere have hearts for the palestinians, wherever you go, you see, it gives us the feeling that people really do not have peace at night for the palestinians. well, not only muslims. rather, those who are not muslims at all, even in the night of the continent , hindus, sikhs in western countries, even christians, even jews , within 100 days, if you look at the statistics , 4,000, more than 4,000 demonstrations were held in the world, well, most of them were killed. doing things that
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have nothing to do with politics but having a heart to think they felt the pain of the palestinians inside themselves and therefore came out of their homes even in european and american countries. if you look, we saw millions of demonstrations in england and america itself. well, our relatives and friends sent reports from there. well, when you ask them, sir, what is your relationship with the palestinians, well, they say that humanity does not mean religion, religion and ideas, they say that they are human beings, we are also human beings, the palestinians are getting hit. those children are being killed by the israelis, we cannot see and bear it let's do it and be quiet. well, this means human beings, this means nations. now, when we return to
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islamic nations in islamic countries, there are various issues. when we look at those issues, we see that many countries are involved in internal issues, but despite this those who have intelligence, those who have reason. those who look at the issues of the islamic society, well, they are not silent. even in pakistan , millions of demonstrations were held. others are just not shiites. non-shiites are also in the streets, expressing sympathy and expressing their feelings. they put themselves under severe pressure that we position. so, now that i am coming from pakistan, the statesmen and those who are responsible for these issues told us that
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even in the united nations and in the places where it was necessary , we took the issue firmly to support palestine, although it is possible. they don't like it, but this public pressure made them do this. now what do you expect from the people and what do you expect from the governments ? support the palestinians they are announcing their solidarity on social media and public media, so now it is the governments who have to make a decision and fulfill their religious, human and now cultural duties regarding the palestinians, which unfortunately in this context , the governments are doing very little and
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not being able to fulfill their duties. in your opinion, it is possible that this is the pressure of public opinion in the world beyond the current classifications that may be religion, race, or any classification. another one you have described unprecedentedly and this is also a confirmation i mean, about the european countries that you said, their own media announced that historic and unprecedented demonstrations were held in the history of these countries. is it possible that we continue, because one of the issues that currently exists regarding the food issue is that the zionist regime should not do anything that the world let him get used to the crime that is going on in the gaza regime in palestine itself. in your opinion, this pressure of public opinion may increase so that now both islamic countries and non-islamic countries
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will be affected by their relations with the zionist regime. see the west is trying. it is based on thoughts divert the public from the main issue and make people aware of internal issues and involved. internal issues and let the people get used to it, let their attention be diverted from palestine to their own internal issues, no one has anything to do anymore, and every crime that the israelis commit, let the people get used to hearing about it. it was a weapon that was in their hands , an excuse that these things were, but this is related to scientists, scholars, those who are theoreticians, they should play their role and make people understand.
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make a ratio to the issue of palestine and to keep it alive in the issues of palestine, now the atrocities committed on palestinians, hamas, ordinary people, innocent children, helpless and helpless people , if only 1% of these atrocities were committed in europe, it would be all over . well, the world is their own word. they turn their backs and support, why not here, because they own the media, and they want to stop public opinion in any way possible. well, in such an environment , anyone who feels duty towards humanity , his duty is this. to raise this issue so that people don't get used to this issue, but countries and
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the media of western and arab countries are doing these betrayals so that the people will gradually get used to it. we should not let the people get used to the fact that yes , they are killed every day, there is no problem, no, they should express their voices and protest against the cruelty that is being done. so that the zionists cannot continue this work, mr. shahidi, about the performance of islamic countries in particular. we want to talk more about the meeting held by the organization of islamic cooperation , but one of the examples of popular support was the boycott of commercial hats that support the zionist regime . campaigns and the beginning of the zionist regime's attacks on gaza , the impact of these movements is more visible . let's see a report about this
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. we will return to the conversation with mr. shahidi. almost five months after the war in gaza, popular movements to boycott commercial signs supporting the zionist regime have taken effect. this can be understood from his special distortions and the headlines of some news agencies. britain wants to ban the boycott of israel. does this mean that the sanctions were effective? starbucks lost from these sanctions and in west asia thought of selling one-third of its franchises. iqbal people faced. but this freedom of speech is
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the same everywhere. no, in the us congress , it is a crime to boycott zionist companies, and 37 states accepted it. in my contract, i had to sign a letter of commitment first that i am not going to participate in the boycott of israel. if it is other than this, you are a criminal and may even go to jail. ghazal badiei, sed and sima news agency. a conversation with mr. hojatul islam and muslim min mohammad shahidi, secretary general of the united nation of pakistan. we will continue today , mr. shahidi, have you seen the report, popular uprisings to boycott economic goods was one of the tools that the public opinion of the world got its hands on it and did it, and as more time passes , we see that it has left its effects
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. let's say it will end without any particularity and i want to know in such a situation whether there is hope for meetings like the organization of islamic cooperation meeting or not, are there people's capacities now that might be able to help the palestinian people and the palestinian issue, this film that you showed this is maybe one percent of the public reaction could not let's say that we are in different countries these days, i went to different places and i myself saw even in pakistan, in india, in arab countries in oman, goods that belonged to israeli companies or sometimes belonged to western companies, well, people throw these out of superstores and not letting people buy people who, for example, like the same


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